Example #1
File: rand.js Project: moos/wordpos
    function collector(key, nextKey, index, startsWith, num, callback, buffer) {
      var lines = buffer.toString().split('\n'),
        matches = lines.map(function (line) {
          return line.substring(0, line.indexOf(' '));
      //console.log(' got lines for key ', key, lines.length);

      // we got bunch of matches for key - now search within for startsWith
      if (startsWith !== key) {
        // binary search for startsWith within set of matches
        var ind = _.sortedIndex(matches, startsWith);
        if (ind >= lines.length || matches[ind].indexOf(startsWith) === -1) {
          callback && callback([], startsWith);

        var trie = new Trie();
        //console.log('Trie > ', trie.matchesWithPrefix( startsWith ));
        matches = trie.keysWithPrefix(startsWith);

      var words = _.sample(matches, num);
      callback && callback(words, startsWith);
Example #2
	_.each(gro, function(value, key, list){ 

		value = _.filter(value, function(num){ return num['input']['CORENLP']['sentences'].length >= minsize })
		value = _.map(value, function(num){ num["input"]["CORENLP"]["sentences"].splice(10) 
											return num });

		if (value.length < sizetrain)
			delete gro[key]
			gro[key] = _.sample(value, sizetrain)
	}, this)
Example #3
            }, function(err, res, body) {
                if (typeof body.results.dongers !== "undefined") {
                    var dongers = body.results.dongers;

                    var donger = _.sample(dongers).donger;
                } else {
                    var donger = null;

                callback(err, donger);
Example #4
File: rand.js Project: moos/wordpos
    function partCallback(result) {
      if (result) {
        results = _.uniq(results.concat(result));  // make sure it's unique!

      if (results.length < count && doParts.length) {
        return tryPart();

      // final random and trim excess
      results = _.sample(results, count);
Example #5
function marktrans()
	var dataset = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./dataset.json"))
	var dataset_limited = _.sample(dataset, 1000)

	_.each(dataset_limited, function(value, key, list){
		if (!("trans" in value["input"]) && value["output"][0]!="System" && value["input"]["text"].split(" ").length > 2)
			value["input"]["trans"] = {}
	}, this)

	console.log(JSON.stringify(dataset, null, 4))
Example #6
File: rand.js Project: moos/wordpos
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    // select at random a POS to look at
    var doParts = _.sample(parts, parts.length);

    function tryPart() {
      var part = doParts.pop(),
        rand = 'rand' + part,
        factor = POS_factor[part],
        weight = factor / POS_factor.Total;

      // pick count according to relative weight
      opts.count = Math.ceil(count * weight * 1.1); // guard against dupes
      self[rand](opts, partCallback);

    function partCallback(result) {
      if (result) {
        results = _.uniq(results.concat(result));  // make sure it's unique!

      if (results.length < count && doParts.length) {
        return tryPart();

      // final random and trim excess
      results = _.sample(results, count);

    function done() {
      profile && (args.push(new Date() - start));
      args[0] = results;
      callback && callback.apply(null, args);

  }); // Promise
Example #7
File: rand.js Project: moos/wordpos
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

    //console.log('-- ', startsWith, num, self.fastIndex.indexKeys.length);
    if (startsWith) {
      key = startsWith.slice(0, KEY_LENGTH);

       * if key is 'a' or 'ab' (<3 chars), search for ALL keys starting with that.
      if (key.length < KEY_LENGTH) {

        // calc trie if haven't done so yet
        if (!trie) {
          trie = new Trie();
          self.fastIndex.trie = trie;
          //console.log(' +++ Trie calc ');

        try {
          // trie throws if not found!!!!!
          keys = trie.keysWithPrefix(startsWith);
        } catch (e) {
          keys = [];

        // read all keys then select random word.
        // May be large disk read!
        key = keys[0];
        nextKey = _.last(keys);

      if (!key || !(key in self.fastIndex.offsets))  {
        callback && callback([], startsWith);

    } else {
      // no startWith given - random select among keys
      keys = _.sample(self.fastIndex.indexKeys, num);

      // if num > 1, run each key independently and collect results
      if (num > 1) {
        var results = [], ii = 0;
        _(keys).each(function (startsWith) {
          self.rand(startsWith, 1, function (result) {
            if (++ii == num) {
              callback && callback(results, '');
      key = keys;

    // prepare the piper
    var args = [key, nextKey, self],
      task = 'rand:' + key + nextKey,
      context = [startsWith, num, callback]; // last arg MUST be callback

    // pay the piper
    self.piper(task, IndexFile.readIndexBetweenKeys, args, context, collector);

    function collector(key, nextKey, index, startsWith, num, callback, buffer) {
      var lines = buffer.toString().split('\n'),
        matches = lines.map(function (line) {
          return line.substring(0, line.indexOf(' '));
      //console.log(' got lines for key ', key, lines.length);

      // we got bunch of matches for key - now search within for startsWith
      if (startsWith !== key) {
        // binary search for startsWith within set of matches
        var ind = _.sortedIndex(matches, startsWith);
        if (ind >= lines.length || matches[ind].indexOf(startsWith) === -1) {
          callback && callback([], startsWith);

        var trie = new Trie();
        //console.log('Trie > ', trie.matchesWithPrefix( startsWith ));
        matches = trie.keysWithPrefix(startsWith);

      var words = _.sample(matches, num);
      callback && callback(words, startsWith);

  }); // Promise
Example #8
function purge(s, action) {
	The action will determine how we deal with the room/user removal.
	These are the following scenarios:
	if the user is the owner and (s)he:
		1) disconnects (i.e. leaves the whole server)
			- advise users
		 	- delete user from people object
			- delete room from rooms object
			- delete chat history
			- remove all users from room that is owned by disconnecting user
		2) removes the room
			- same as above except except not removing user from the people object
		3) leaves the room
			- same as above
	if the user is not an owner and (s)he's in a room:
		1) disconnects
			- delete user from people object
			- remove user from room.people object
		2) removes the room
			- produce error message (only owners can remove rooms)
		3) leaves the room
			- same as point 1 except not removing user from the people object
	if the user is not an owner and not in a room:
		1) disconnects
			- same as above except not removing user from room.people object
		2) removes the room
			- produce error message (only owners can remove rooms)
		3) leaves the room
			- n/a
	if (people[s.id].inroom) { //user is in a room
		var room = rooms[people[s.id].inroom]; //check which room user is in.
		if (s.id === room.owner) { //user in room and owns room
			if (action === "disconnect") {
				io.sockets.in(s.room).emit("update", "The owner (" +people[s.id].name + ") has left the server. The room is removed and you have been disconnected from it as well.");
				var socketids = [];
				for (var i=0; i<sockets.length; i++) {
					if(_.contains((socketids)), room.people) {

				if(_.contains((room.people)), s.id) {
					for (var i=0; i<room.people.length; i++) {
						people[room.people[i]].inroom = null;
				room.people = _.without(room.people, s.id); //remove people from the room:people{}collection
				delete rooms[people[s.id].owns]; //delete the room
				delete people[s.id]; //delete user from people collection
				delete chatHistory[room.name]; //delete the chat history
				var roomId = people[s.id].owns;
				io.sockets.in(s.room).emit("update", "The owner (" +people[s.id].name + ") has left the server. Searching new owner.");
				room.people = _.without(room.people, s.id);
				//находим тех кто в комнате
				var socketids = [];
				for (var i=0; i<sockets.length; i++) {
					if(_.contains((sockets[i].id)), room.people) {
				if(room.people.length == 0){
					room.people = _.without(room.people, s.id); //remove people from the room:people{}collection
					delete rooms[people[s.id].owns]; //delete the room
					delete people[s.id]; //delete user from people collection
					delete chatHistory[room.name]; //delete the chat history
				if(socketids.length > 1){
					//console.log('search new');
					//выбираем рандомного
					var newOwner = _.sample(room.people);
					//назначаем главным
					for (var i=0; i<sockets.length; i++) {
						if(sockets[i].id == newOwner){
							//назначаем нового главного румы
							rooms[people[s.id].owns].owner = sockets[i].id;
							people[sockets[i].id].owns = people[s.id].owns;
							io.sockets.in(s.room).emit("update", "The new owner room is "+people[sockets[i].id].name+" ");
							//console.log('cant find owner?');
					delete people[s.id]; //удаляем из народа
					//console.log('delete room');
					 //delete the room
					delete rooms[roomId];
					room.people = _.without(room.people, s.id); //remove people from the room:people{}collection
					delete people[s.id]; //delete user from people collection
					delete chatHistory[room.name]; //delete the chat history
				sizePeople = _.size(people);
				sizeRooms = _.size(rooms);
				io.sockets.emit("update-people", {people: people, count: sizePeople});
				io.sockets.emit("roomList", {rooms: rooms, count: sizeRooms});
				var o = _.findWhere(sockets, {'id': s.id});
				sockets = _.without(sockets, o);
			} else if (action === "removeRoom") { //room owner removes room
				io.sockets.in(s.room).emit("update", "The owner (" +people[s.id].name + ") has removed the room. The room is removed and you have been disconnected from it as well.");
				var socketids = [];
				for (var i=0; i<sockets.length; i++) {
					if(_.contains((socketids)), room.people) {

				if(_.contains((room.people)), s.id) {
					for (var i=0; i<room.people.length; i++) {
						people[room.people[i]].inroom = null;
				delete rooms[people[s.id].owns];
				people[s.id].owns = null;
				room.people = _.without(room.people, s.id); //remove people from the room:people{}collection
				delete chatHistory[room.name]; //delete the chat history
				sizeRooms = _.size(rooms);
				io.sockets.emit("roomList", {rooms: rooms, count: sizeRooms});
			} else if (action === "leaveRoom") { //room owner leaves room
				io.sockets.in(s.room).emit("update", "The owner (" +people[s.id].name + ") has left the room. The room is removed and you have been disconnected from it as well.");
				var socketids = [];
				for (var i=0; i<sockets.length; i++) {
					if(_.contains((socketids)), room.people) {

				if(_.contains((room.people)), s.id) {
					for (var i=0; i<room.people.length; i++) {
						people[room.people[i]].inroom = null;
				delete rooms[people[s.id].owns];
				people[s.id].owns = null;
				room.people = _.without(room.people, s.id); //remove people from the room:people{}collection
				delete chatHistory[room.name]; //delete the chat history
				sizeRooms = _.size(rooms);
				io.sockets.emit("roomList", {rooms: rooms, count: sizeRooms});
		} else {//user in room but does not own room
			//console.log('i not owner');
			if (action === "disconnect") {
				io.sockets.emit("update", people[s.id].name + " has disconnected from the server.");
				if (_.contains((room.people), s.id)) {
					var personIndex = room.people.indexOf(s.id);
					room.people.splice(personIndex, 1);
				delete people[s.id];
				sizePeople = _.size(people);
				io.sockets.emit("update-people", {people: people, count: sizePeople});
				var o = _.findWhere(sockets, {'id': s.id});
				sockets = _.without(sockets, o);
			} else if (action === "removeRoom") {
				s.emit("update", "Only the owner can remove a room.");
			} else if (action === "leaveRoom") {
				if (_.contains((room.people), s.id)) {
					var personIndex = room.people.indexOf(s.id);
					room.people.splice(personIndex, 1);
					people[s.id].inroom = null;
					io.sockets.emit("update", people[s.id].name + " has left the room.");
	} else {
		//The user isn't in a room, but maybe he just disconnected, handle the scenario:
		if (action === "disconnect") {
			io.sockets.emit("update", people[s.id].name + " has disconnected from the server.");
			delete people[s.id];
			sizePeople = _.size(people);
			io.sockets.emit("update-people", {people: people, count: sizePeople});
			var o = _.findWhere(sockets, {'id': s.id});
			sockets = _.without(sockets, o);
Example #9

var datasets = [

var data = []
_.each(datasets, function(value, key, list){
        data = data.concat(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("../../datasets/Employer/Dialogue/"+value)))
}, this)

var keyphrases = []
keyphrases = utils.extractkeyphrases(data)
keyphrases = _.compact(_.unique(keyphrases))
keyphrases = _.sample(keyphrases, 40)

console.log("Keyphrases for Intent Offer")
console.log("size "+keyphrases.length)

var output = []

var f = Fiber(function() {
  var fiber = Fiber.current;

    // outer loop for VALUE as keyphrase
    _.each(keyphrases, function(value, key, list){ 
        utils.recursionredis([value], 2, function(err, resp){
	getRandomKey: function(length) {
		srcArr = _.shuffle(srcArr);
		var srcSample = _.sample(srcArr, length);
		return srcSample.join('');
Example #11

		if ((str!="") && (act in labels))
		// if (!(act in labels))
			// console.log(elem)

}, this)

///console.log(JSON.stringify(dataset, null, 4))
///console.log(JSON.stringify(dataset.length, null, 4))

var sam = _.sample(dataset,1500)

var dist = _.countBy(sam, function(num) { return num.dsc })
dist = _.pairs(dist)
dist = _.sortBy(dist, function(num){ return num[1] });
console.log(JSON.stringify(dist, null, 4))

var omit = []
_.each(dist, function(value, key, list){ if (value[1]<10) omit.push(value[0]) }, this)

var sam = _.filter(sam, function(num){ return omit.indexOf(num.dsc) == -1 });

console.log(JSON.stringify(sam.length, null, 4))