columns.forEach(function(column) {
                            var key = column.metadata.colName.toLowerCase();
                            var value = column.value;

                            if(value && underscore._.isDate(value)) {
                                obj[key] = util.utilDate.format(value, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss');
                            } else {
                                obj[key]  = value ? value : '';
exports.coerce = function(expectedType, value) {
	var types = {
		'string': '',
		'number': 0,
		'array': [],
		'boolean': false
	if (_.isDate(value)) {
		return value;
	if (expectedType === 'date' && !_.isDate(value)) {
		return (value && new Date(value)) || new Date('1970/1/1');
	if (expectedType && typeof value === 'undefined') {
		return types[expectedType];
	if (expectedType && typeof value !== 'undefined') {
		if (expectedType === 'string') {
			return (value && value.toString()) || '';						
		if (expectedType === 'number') {
			return _.isNumber(_.toInt(value)) ? _.toInt(value) : types.number;
		if (expectedType === 'array') {
			return _.isArray(value) ? value : [ value || '' ];
		if (expectedType === 'boolean') {
			if (value === 'true') {
				return true;
			if (value === 'false') {
				return false;
			return _.isBoolean(value) ? value : types.boolean;
	return value || '';
Example #3
			work: function() {'manager:composeResponse');

				// Update the expiration date on the bundle
				var tout = {
					expires: _.min( thisResponse, function( val ) { return val.expires } ).expires,
					lastModified: now

				if (_.has( thisResponse, 'redirect')) {
					tout.redirect = thisResponse.redirect,
					tout.guid = thisResponse.guid,
					tout.authBundle = thisResponse.authBundle,
					tout.authPart = thisResponse.authPart

				// Insert api responses into bundle
				_.each( thisResponse, function( val, idx ) {
					tout[val.cname] = val;

				// Perform cleanup function on bundle
			  	if (_.has(bundle, 'cleanup')) {
				  	tout = bundle.cleanup(tout);

				// Determine the seconds left before expiry
				if ( 'expires' in tout && _.isDate(tout.expires) ) {
					tout.secleft = tout.expires.getSecondsBetween( now ) * -1;
				} else {
					tout.secleft = 3600;

        // Save cached bundle in Redis
        client.set('bid'+bid, JSON.stringify(tout));

				manager.enqueue('sendResponse', tout);
				this.finished = true;

Example #4
			  		client.get(bid+key, function (err, doc) {
			  			if (err || doc === null){
			  				self.finished = true;
			  				manager.enqueue('fulfillPart', api, bid, key, true );
			  			} else {

				  			doc = JSON.parse( doc );
				  			doc.expires = new Date(doc.expires);
				  			if ( ('expires' in doc) && _.isDate(doc.expires) ) {
				  				var secleft = doc.expires.getSecondsBetween( now ) * -1;
				  			if (secleft < 0) {
				  				self.finished = true;
				  				manager.enqueue('fulfillPart', api, bid, key, true, doc );
				  			} else {
				  				doc.fromcache = true;
				  				manager.enqueue('finishRequest', doc );
				  				self.finished = true;
Example #5
 date:    function() { return _.isDate(this); },
exports.docPredicate = function (result, condition, value, conditions) {
  //if we have an array of objects, this is a deep traversal
  //we'll need to use a contains query to be sure we flex the index
  if(_.isArray(value) && _.isObject(value[0])) {
    //stringify the passed-in params
    result.predicates.push(util.format("body @> $%s", result.params.length + result.offset));

  //if we have equality here, just use a JSON contains
  else if (condition.operator === '=' && !_.isArray(value)) {
    //parse the value into stringy JSON
    var param = {};
    result.predicates.push(util.format("body @> $%s", result.params.length + result.offset));
    return result;

  //comparison stuff - same as method above but this time
  //we'll be coercing the document key values using pg's ::
  //not ideal, but it works nicely
  else if (_.isBoolean(value)) {
      util.format("(body ->> '%s')::boolean %s %s", condition.field, condition.operator, value)
  } else if(_.isDate(value)) {
      util.format("(body ->> '%s')::timestamp %s $%d",
        result.params.length + result.offset)
  } else if(_.isNumber(value)) {
      util.format("(body ->> '%s')::decimal %s %d", condition.field, condition.operator, value)

  //anything non-array handling
  else if (!_.isArray(value)) {
      util.format("(body ->> '%s') %s $%s",
        result.params.length + result.offset)
  } else {
    var arrayConditions = [];

    _.each(value, function(v) {
      arrayConditions.push("$" + (result.params.length + result.offset));

    condition.operator = condition.operator === '=' ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN';

      util.format("(body ->> '%s') %s (%s)",
        arrayConditions.join(', '))

  return result;
Example #7
// isEqual: 判断两个对象是值相等
var moe = {name:'moe', b:[1,2,3]};
var clone = {name:'moe', b:[1,2,3]};
console.log(_.isEqual(moe, clone));//true
console.log(_.isEmpty({})); //如果object里没包含任何东西,将返回true
console.log((function(){ return _.isArguments(arguments); })(1, 2, 3));
console.log(_.isNumber(8.4 * 5));
console.log(_.isDate(new Date()));

// invert _.invert(object)
// 返回一个object的副本,并且里面的键和值是对调的,要使之有效,必须确保object里所有的值都是唯一的且可以序列号成字符串
console.log(_.invert({a:'b', c:'d', e:'f'})); // { b: 'a', d: 'c', f: 'e' }

// pairs _.pairs(object)
// 把一个对象转换成一个[key, value]形式的数组
console.log(_.pairs({one:1, two:2, three: 3})); // [ [ 'one', 1 ], [ 'two', 2 ], [ 'three', 3 ] ]

// values _.values(object)
// 获取object对象的所有属性值
console.log(_.values({one:1, two:2, three:3})); // [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Example #8
var sendResponse = function(jDoc, myRes, ip, bid, callback, gzip) {

	// Convert the string representation of date to a Date object
	jDoc.expires = new Date(jDoc.expires);
	jDoc.lastModified = new Date(jDoc.lastModified);

	// If there is a valid expiration date for the bundle
	if ( 'expires' in jDoc && _.isDate(jDoc.expires) ) {
		jDoc.secleft = jDoc.expires.getSecondsBetween( new Date() ) * -1;
	} else {
		// This should never happen
		jDoc.secleft = -1;

	if (Number(jDoc.secleft) < 0 && !GLOBAL.bundles[bid].locked) {
		// Prevent other requests for this bundle from refreshing cache for time being
		GLOBAL.bundles[bid].locked = true;
		// The bundle has expired. Force a refresh
		exports.fulfill( myRes, ip, bid, callback, gzip, true );

	} else {

		//Respond with the cached data

		var responseType = callback ? 'application/javascript' : 'application/json';

		var responseHeaders = {'Content-Type': responseType, 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'max-age': jDoc.secleft, 'cache-control': 'public, max-age='+jDoc.secleft+', no-transform', "Expires": jDoc.expires, "Last-Modified": jDoc.lastModified};

		var ext = bid.match(/\.[\w]+$/);
                if (ext && (ext = ext[0])) {
                  // When the bid has an extension, we only return the first api.
                  var first = _.find(jDoc, function(api, key) {
                    return api && api.cname;
                  doc = first.result;

                  switch (ext) {
                    case ".kml":
                    case ".xml":
                      // When expecting response is KML or XML, we set the correct Content-Type
                      // and wrap it with quotes if it's a JSONP request.
                      responseHeaders['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml';
                      callback && (doc = "'"+ doc+"'");
                    case ".json":
                      // Content-Type for JSON is already set above.
                      doc = JSON.stringify(doc);
                } else {
                  doc = JSON.stringify(jDoc);

		if (callback) {
			doc = callback + '(' + doc + ');';

		if (gzip) {
			responseHeaders['content-encoding'] = 'gzip';
			zlib.gzip(doc, function(err, zbuf) {
			  if (!err) {
			    winston.event('Send gzipped response for ' + bid +', ' + zbuf.toString().length + ', ' + ip);
			    myRes.writeHead(200, responseHeaders);
		} else {
			// If a callback name was passed, use it. Otherwise, just output the object
			var tbuf = new Buffer(doc);
			myRes.writeHead(200, responseHeaders);
			winston.event('Send response for ' + bid +', ' + doc.length + ', ' + ip);


Example #9
var typecast = function(value, originalValue, properties) {
  // Allow transform to manipulate raw properties.
  if(properties.transform) {
    value =, value, originalValue, properties);

  switch(properties.type) {
    case 'string':
      // Reject if object or array.
      if(_.isObject(value) || _.isArray(value)) {
        throw new SetterError('String type cannot typecast Object or Array types.', value, originalValue, properties);

      // If index is being set with null or undefined, set value and end.
      if(_.isUndefined(value) || value === null) {
        return value;

      // Typecast to String.
      value = value + '';

      // If stringTransform function is defined, use.
      // This is used before we do validation checks (except to be sure we have a string at all).
      if(properties.stringTransform) {
        value =, value, originalValue, properties);

      // If clip property & maxLength properties are set, the string should be clipped.
      // This is basically a shortcut property that could be done with stringTransform.
      if(properties.clip && !_.isUndefined(properties.maxLength)) {
        value = value.substr(0, properties.maxLength);

      // If enum is being used, be sure the value is within definition.
      if(_.isArray(properties.enum) && properties.enum.indexOf(value) === -1) {
        throw new SetterError('String does not exist in enum list.', value, originalValue, properties);

      // If minLength is defined, check to be sure the string is > minLength.
      if(!_.isUndefined(properties.minLength) && value.length < properties.minLength) {
        throw new SetterError('String length too short to meet minLength requirement.', value, originalValue, properties);

      // If maxLength is defined, check to be sure the string is < maxLength.
      if(!_.isUndefined(properties.maxLength) && value.length > properties.maxLength) {
        throw new SetterError('String length too long to meet maxLength requirement.', value, originalValue, properties);

      // If regex is defined, check to be sure the string matches the regex pattern.
      if(properties.regex && !properties.regex.test(value)) {
        throw new SetterError('String does not match regular expression pattern.', value, originalValue, properties);

      return value;

    case 'number':
      // Set values for boolean.
      if(_.isBoolean(value)) {
        value = value ? 1 : 0;

      // Reject if array, object, or not numeric.
      if( _.isArray(value) || _.isObject(value) || !isNumeric(value)) {
        throw new SetterError('Number type cannot typecast Array or Object types.', value, originalValue, properties);

      // Typecast to number.
      value = value * 1;

      // Transformation after typecasting but before validation and filters.
      if(properties.numberTransform) {
        value =, value, originalValue, properties);

      if(!_.isUndefined(properties.min) && value < properties.min) {
        throw new SetterError('Number is too small to meet min requirement.', value, originalValue, properties);

      if(!_.isUndefined(properties.max) && value > properties.max) {
        throw new SetterError('Number is too big to meet max requirement.', value, originalValue, properties);

      return value;

    case 'boolean':
      // If is String and is 'false', return false.
      if(value === 'false') {
        return false;

      // If is Number, <0 is true and >0 is false.
      if(isNumeric(value)) {
        return (value * 1) > 0 ? true : false;

      // Use Javascript to eval and return boolean.
      value = value ? true : false;

      // Transformation after typecasting but before validation and filters.
      if(properties.booleanTransform) {
        value =, value, originalValue, properties);

      return value;

    case 'array':
      // If it's an object, typecast to an array and return array.
      if(_.isObject(value)) {
        value = _.toArray(value);

      // Reject if not array.
      if(!_.isArray(value)) {
        throw new SetterError('Array type cannot typecast non-Array types.', value, originalValue, properties);

      // Arrays are never set directly.
      // Instead, the values are copied over to the existing SchemaArray instance.
      // The SchemaArray is initialized immediately and will always exist.
      originalValue.length = 0;
      _.each(value, function(arrayValue) {

      return originalValue;

    case 'object':
      // If it's not an Object, reject.
      if(!_.isObject(value)) {
        throw new SetterError('Object type cannot typecast non-Object types.', value, originalValue, properties);

      // If object is schema object and an entirely new object was passed, clear values and set.
      // This preserves the object instance.
      if(properties.objectType) {
        // The object will usually exist because it's initialized immediately for deep access within SchemaObjects.
        // However, in the case of Array elements, it will not exist.
        var schemaObject;
        if(!_.isUndefined(originalValue)) {
          // Clear existing values.
          schemaObject = originalValue;
        } else {
          // The SchemaObject doesn't exist yet. Let's initialize a new one.
          // This is used for Array types.
          schemaObject = new properties.objectType;

        // Copy value to SchemaObject and set value to SchemaObject.
        _.each(value, function(v, k) {
          schemaObject[k] = v;
        value = schemaObject;

      // Otherwise, it's OK.
      return value;

    case 'date':
      // Reject if object, array or boolean.
      if(!_.isDate(value) && !_.isString(value) && !_.isNumber(value)) {
        throw new SetterError('Date type cannot typecast Array or Object types.', value, originalValue, properties);

      // Attempt to parse string value with Date.parse (which returns number of milliseconds).
      if(_.isString(value)) {
        value = Date.parse(value);

      // If is timestamp, convert to Date.
      if(_.isNumber(value)) {
        value = new Date((value + '').length > 10 ? value : value * 1000);

      // If the date couldn't be parsed, do not modify index.
      if(value == 'Invalid Date' || !_.isDate(value)) {
        throw new SetterError('Could not parse date.', value, originalValue, properties);

      // Transformation after typecasting but before validation and filters.
      if(properties.dateTransform) {
        value =, value, originalValue, properties);

      return value;

      return value;