Example #1
		 	}, function(err){

		 		synonyms = _.map(_.unique(synonyms), function(num){ return [num, wordCount.indexOf(num)] });
		 		antonyms = _.map(_.unique(antonyms), function(num){ return [num, wordCount.indexOf(num)] });

		 		synonyms = _.sortBy(synonyms, function(num){ return num[1] }).reverse()
		 		antonyms = _.sortBy(antonyms, function(num){ return num[1] }).reverse()


				synonyms = _.filter(synonyms, function(num){ return (num[0].indexOf("_")==-1) })
		 		antonyms = _.filter(antonyms, function(num){ return (num[0].indexOf("_")==-1) })
				// eliminate the numbers

				synonyms = _.unique(_.flatten(_.map(synonyms, function(num){ return num[0] })))
		 		antonyms = _.unique(_.flatten(_.map(antonyms, function(num){ return num[0] })))

		 		console.vlog("DEBUGWORDNET: synonyms: "+JSON.stringify(synonyms, null, 4))
		 		console.vlog("DEBUGWORDNET: antonyms: "+JSON.stringify(antonyms, null, 4))

		 		callbackg(null, {
		 			'synonyms':_.filter(synonyms, function(num){ return (num[0].indexOf("_")==-1) }),
		 			'antonyms':_.filter(antonyms, function(num){ return (num[0].indexOf("_")==-1) })
Example #2
    run: function (root, path, settings, doc, callback) {
        var module_cache = {};

        for (var k in doc._duality_core_load) {
            if (doc._duality_core_load[k] && doc._duality_core_load[k].load) {

                // check that this package wants its exports wrapped by duality
                if ('duality' in doc._duality_core_load[k].dependencies || {}) {
                    try {
                        load(module_cache, doc, doc._duality_core_load[k]);
                    catch (e) {
                        return callback(e);


        // prepend required duality rewrites and flatten
        doc.rewrites = _.flatten([
            {from: '/modules.js', to: 'modules.js'},
            {from: '/duality.js', to: 'duality.js'},
            {from: '/_db/*', to: '../../*'},
            {from: '/_db', to: '../..'}
        ].concat(doc.rewrites || []));

        delete doc._duality_core_load;
        callback(null, doc);
module.exports = function (config, callback) {
    if (!intf) {
        return callback(false);

    function addIp(ip, callback) {
        con.info('Adding local IP ' + ip + ' for forwards; if asked for password, give your local (sudo) password.');
        var ifconfig = pspawn('sudo', ['ifconfig', intf, 'add', ip]);
        ifconfig.on('exit', callback);

    function addMissingIps(exitCode) {
        if (exitCode === 0 && missing.length > 0) {
            addIp(missing.shift(), addMissingIps);
        } else {
            callback(exitCode === 0);

    var allForwards = _.flatten(_.values(config.forwards).concat(_.values(config.localForwards)));
    var ips = [];
    allForwards.forEach(function (f) {
        var m = f.from.match(/^([0-9.]+):/);
    ips = _.uniq(ips);

    var currentIps = _.pluck(os.networkInterfaces()[intf], 'address');
    var missing = _.difference(ips, currentIps);

    // Add any missing IP:s and finally call the callback.

Example #4
		async.mapSeries(fetched, cleanredis, function(err, bestli) 
				bestli = cleanposfromredis(_.flatten(bestli), withscores)
				fetched = fetched.concat(bestli)
				// fetched = _.unique(_.flatten(fetched))
Example #5
  //Returns an array of interpretations. Each interpretation is a corresponding array of components.
 function processComponents(components, colIdx) {
     var component, langNodeInterps;
     if(components.length === 0 || colIdx <= 0){//colIdx?
         return [[]];
     component = components.slice(-1)[0];
     if('terminal' in component) {
         return _.map(processComponents(components.slice(0, -1), colIdx - component.terminal.length), function(interpretation){
             return interpretation.concat(component);
     } else if('regex' in component) {
             return _.map(processComponents(components.slice(0, -1), colIdx - component.match.length), function(interpretation){
                 return interpretation.concat(component);
     } else if('category' in component) {
         langNodeInterps = _.filter(chart[colIdx], function(langNode) {
             return (langNode.category === component.category) && (langNode.parseData.atComponent >= langNode.components.length);
         if(langNodeInterps.length === 0 ) return [[]];
         return _.flatten(_.map(langNodeInterps, function(langNodeInterp) {
             //Might be causing stack overflow.
             var returnInterp = langNodeInterp;//_.extend({}, langNodeInterp);//TODO: Probably not necessairy.
             returnInterp.interpretations = processComponents(returnInterp.components, colIdx);
             return _.map(processComponents(components.slice(0, -1), langNodeInterp.parseData.origin), function(interpretation){
                 //TODO: remove parseData here?
                 return interpretation.concat(returnInterp);
         }), true);
     } else {
         throw "Unknown component type:\n" + JSON.stringify(component);
Example #6
        _.each(me.knows, function(person) {
            // Chercher dans la base de donnée les messages de "person"
            var messages = _.flatten(listMessages[person]);
            _.each(messages, function(mess) {

Example #7
	    function (callbackwhilst) {

			// var len = 5
	       	index += (index < 20 ? 2 : 5)

	       	var mytrain = train.slice(0, index)

	       	var mytrainex = (bars.isDialogue(mytrain) ? _.flatten(mytrain) : mytrain)
			var mytestex  = (bars.isDialogue(test) ? _.flatten(test) : test)

			console.log(msg("DEBUGWORKER "+process["pid"]+": index=" + index +
				" train_dialogue="+mytrain.length+" train_turns="+mytrainex.length+
				" test_dialogue="+test.length +" test_turns="+mytestex.length+
				" classifier="+classifier+ " fold="+fold))

		    	stats = trainAndTest_hash(classifiers[classifier], mytrainex, mytestex, false)

		    	var uniqueid = new Date().getTime()

		    	console.log(msg("DEBUGWORKER "+process["pid"]+": traintime="+
		    		stats['traintime']/1000 + " testtime="+ 
		    		stats['testtime']/1000 + " classifier="+classifier + 
		    		" Accuracy="+stats['stats']['Accuracy']+ " fold="+fold))

		    	var stats1 = {}
		    	_.each(stats['stats'], function(value, key, list){ 
		    		if ((key.indexOf("macro") != -1) || (key.indexOf("Accuracy") != -1 ) || (key.indexOf("micro") != -1))
		    			stats1[key] = value
		    	}, this)

				var results = {
					'classifier': classifier,
					'fold': fold,
					'trainsize': mytrain.length,
					'stats': stats1,
					'uniqueid': stats['id']

				console.log(msg("DEBUG:"+JSON.stringify(results, null, 4)))

Example #8
	async.mapSeries([seed], quickfetch, function(err, bestlist1) {
		// async.mapSeries(_.flatten(bestlist1), quickfetch, function(err, bestlist2) {
			// async.mapSeries(_.flatten(bestlist2), quickfetch, function(err, bestlist3) {
				// fetched = fetched.concat(bestlist1).concat(bestlist2).concat(bestlist3)
				// fetched = fetched.concat(bestlist1).concat(bestlist2)
				fetched = fetched.concat(bestlist1)

				callback(null, _.unique(_.flatten(fetched)))
			// })
		// })
Example #9
function output(results) {
  var str;
  if (program.count && cmd != 'lookup') {
    var label = program.brief ? '' : _.flatten(['#', _.values(POS), 'Parsed\n']).join(' ');
    str = (cmd == 'get' && (label + _.reduce(POS, function(memo, v){
      return memo + ((results[v] && results[v].length) || 0) +" ";
    },''))) + nWords;
  } else {
    str = sprint(results);
Example #10
RequestHandler.prototype.getTranslations = function(req, res) {
    var params = {
            select: req.param('select'),
            query: req.param('q'),
            onlyEmpty: req.param('onlyEmpty'),
            namespace: req.param('namespace')
        query = TranslationModel.find();

    if(params.select) {
        query.select(_.flatten([params.select]).join(' '));
    if(params.query) {
            {'key': new RegExp(params.query, 'i')},
            {'translations.value': new RegExp(params.query, 'i')}
    if(params.onlyEmpty == 'true') {
    if(params.namespace) {
        query.in('namespace', _.flatten([params.namespace]));

    query.exec(function(err, masterTranslations) {
        var result;
        if(!err && masterTranslations) {
            result = [];
            _.each(masterTranslations, function(masterTranslation) {
        } else {
            res.send(500, "Sorry. Couldn't retrieve masters. Here's the error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
Example #11
	async.mapSeries(seed, quickfetch, function(err, bestlist1) {
		// async.mapSeries(_.flatten(bestlist1), quickfetch, function(err, bestlist2) {
			// async.mapSeries(_.flatten(bestlist2), quickfetch, function(err, bestlist3) {
				// fetched = fetched.concat(bestlist1).concat(bestlist2).concat(bestlist3)
				// fetched = fetched.concat(bestlist1).concat(bestlist2)
				// fetched = fetched.concat(bestlist1)

				// console.log(fetched)
				// process.exit(0)
				callback(null, _.unique(_.flatten(fetched)))
			// })
		// })
function generateGraphData(dependencies) {

  // Read data
  var components = _.uniq(_.flatten(_.map(dependencies, function(values, item) {
    var data = [];
    data = data.concat(values);

    return data;

  // Mapped nodes
  var nodes = _.map(components, function(component) {
    return {
      id: component

  // Figure out links
  var links = [];

  _.each(dependencies, function(outerDependency, component, index) {

    _.each(outerDependency, function(dependency) {

      var sourceIndex = _.indexOf(components, dependency);
      var targetIndex = _.indexOf(components, component);

      var link = {
        source: _.indexOf(components, component),
        target: _.indexOf(components, dependency),

      if(sourceIndex > -1 && targetIndex > -1) {



  return {
    "directed" : true,
    "multigraph" : false,
    "graph" : [],
    "nodes" : nodes,
    "links" : links

    		function (callback_while) {

			console.log("INDEX "+index)

    		var mytrain = data['train'].slice(0, index)
    		if (index<10)
           		index += 1
    		else if (index<20)
               	index += 2
       		else index += 10

           	var mytrainset = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify((bars.isDialogue(mytrain) ? _.flatten(mytrain) : mytrain)))

           	// filter train to contain only single label utterances
           	// var mytrainset = _.filter(mytrainset, function(num){ return num.output.length == 1 })

	    	trainAndTest.trainAndTest_async(classifiers[_.values(classifierList)[0]], bars.copyobj(mytrainset), bars.copyobj(testset), function(err, stats1){

			    extractGlobal(_.values(classifierList)[0], mytrain, fold, stats1['stats'], glob_stats, classifierList)
			    console.log(JSON.stringify(stats1['stats'], null, 4))

			    bars.generateoppositeversion2(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mytrainset)), function(err, sim_train1){

			    	console.log("DEBUGGEN: size of the strandard train" + mytrainset.length + " and generated "+ sim_train1.length)

			    	trainAndTest.trainAndTest_async(classifiers[_.values(classifierList)[1]], bars.copyobj(sim_train1), bars.copyobj(testset), function(err, stats2){

					    extractGlobal(_.values(classifierList)[1], mytrain, fold, stats2['stats'], glob_stats, classifierList)
					    console.log(JSON.stringify(stats2['stats'], null, 4))

			    		_.each(glob_stats, function(data, param, list){
							master.plotlc(fold, param, glob_stats)
							console.log("DEBUGLC: param "+param+" fold "+fold+" build")
							master.plotlc('average', param, glob_stats)

Example #14
// var gnuplot = __dirname + '/gnuplot'

/* @params classifiers - classifier for learning curves
   @params dataset - dataset for evaluation, 20% is takes for evaluation
   @params parameters - parameters we are interested in 
   @params step - step to increase a train set 

   The example of module.exports = {
	learning_curves: learning_curves, 
	extractGlobal: extractGlobal,
	getAverage: getAverage
}the input is following.

    "F1": {
        "2": {module.exports = {
	learning_curves: learning_curves, 
	extractGlobal: extractGlobal,
	getAverage: getAverage
            "PPDB": [ 0.6666666666666666 ],
            "Original": [ 0.16666666666666666 ]
    "Precision": {
        "2": {
            "PPDB": [ 0.7777777777777778 ],
            "Original": [ 1 ]
    "Recall": {
        "2": {
            "PPDB": [ 0.5833333333333334 ],
            "Original": [ 0.09090909090909091 ]
    "FN": {
        "2": {
            "PPDB": [ 5 ],
            "Original": [ 10 ]
[ 0.6666666666666666, 0.16666666666666666 ]
[ [ 'PPDB', [] ], [ 'Original', [] ] ]

// function extractGlobal(parameters, classifiers, trainset, report, stat)
function extractGlobal(classifier, mytrain, fold, stats, glob_stats, classifierList)
		var stats_prep = {}

		_.each(stats, function(value, key, list){
			if ((key.indexOf("Precision") != -1) || (key.indexOf("Recall") != -1 ) || (key.indexOf("F1") != -1) || (key.indexOf("Accuracy") != -1))
				stats_prep[key] = value
		}, this)

		var results = {
			'classifiers': classifierList,
			'classifier': classifier,
			'fold': fold,
			'trainsize': mytrain.length,
			'trainsizeuttr': _.flatten(mytrain).length,
			'stats': stats_prep

		master.extractGlobal(results, glob_stats)

Example #15
 * @param a bag of all possible labels for a given sample after classification and observation is a tree of label hierarchy
 * @return a set of consistent labels from the observation that could be built by greedy constructing for the bag of labels.
function greedyLabelJoin(values, observation)
 	values = _.flatten(values)
	possib = []
		for (intent in observation)
		for (attr in observation[intent])
			if (Object.keys(observation[intent][attr]).length==0)
				if ((values.indexOf(intent)!=-1) && (values.indexOf(attr)!=-1))
			for (value in observation[intent][attr])
				if ((values.indexOf(intent)!=-1) && (values.indexOf(attr)!=-1) && (values.indexOf(value)!=-1))
	return [possib]
Example #16
piper.wrapper = function(self, task /*, result...*/){
  var readCallbacks = self.callbackQueue,
    result = _.rest(arguments, 2),
    callback, args;

  // live access callbacks cache in case nested cb's
  // add to the array.
  while (args = readCallbacks[task].shift()) {
    callback = args.pop(); // last arg MUST be callback

//    console.log('>>>> pper wrapper', self.fastIndex.name, task, result.toString())
    callback.apply(null, [].concat(_.flatten(args, /*shallow*/true), result));

  // now done - delete cb cache
  delete readCallbacks[task];

  if (--self.refcount === 0) {
    //console.log(' ... closing', self.filePath);
    self.fd = null;
Example #17
    }, function (err, termResults) {
        terms = _.flatten(termResults);
        var outKey = self._fmt('search', terms.join('_'));
        var args = [outKey, terms.length]; 
        for (var i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) {
            args.push(self._fmt(WEIGHT, terms[i]));
        var selectResults = function (primaryClient) {
            primaryClient.zcard(outKey, function (err, cardResult) {
                if (err) {
                } else {
                    primaryClient.zrevrange(outKey, 0, options.searchLimit, 'WITHSCORES', function (err, results) {
                        if (err) {

                        var scores = {};
                        var ids = [];
                        while (results.length) {
                            var docId = results.shift();
                            var docTermWeight = parseFloat(results.shift(), 10);
                            if (!scores.hasOwnProperty(docId)) {
                                scores[docId] = 0;
                            scores[docId] += docTermWeight;
                        ids = ids.sort(function (a, b) { return scores[b] - scores[a] });
                        callback(null, [ids,scores,cardResult]);

        var primaryClient = self._client(args[2]);
        primaryClient.exists(outKey, function (err, existsResult) {
            if (err) {
            } else if (existsResult == 1) {
            } else {
                // handle clustered zunions through the use of copy and migration
                if (self._redisCluster) {
                    var clients = [];
                    for (var i = 2; i < args.length - 2; i++) {
                        var c = self._client(args[i]);
                        clients.push([c, args[i], i]);

                    // determine the best migration path
                    async.map(clients, function (item, cb) {
                        item[0].zcard(item[1], function (err, reply) { 
                            if (reply == 0 || err) {
                                cb(err, null);
                            } else {
                                cb(err, [item[1], reply]); 
                    }, function (err, results) {
                        if (err) {
                        } else {
                            results = results.filter(function (a) { 
                                if (a == null) {
                                    return false;
                                } else {
                                    return true;

                            if (results.length == 0) {

                            var delKeys = [];
                            async.every(results, function (item, cb) {
                                var arg = item[0];
                                var c = self._client(arg);
                                if (c != primaryClient) {
                                    // perform the dump and restore
                                    c.dump(arg, function (err, reply) {
                                        if (err) {
                                        else if (reply) {
                                            primaryClient.restore(arg, 0, reply, function (err, result) {
                                                if (err) {
                                                } else {
                                        } else {
                                } else {
                            }, function (success) {
                                if (success) {
                                    primaryClient.zunionstore(args, function (err, results) {
                                        if (err) {
                                        } else {
                                            for (var i = 0; i < delKeys.length; i++) {
                                } else {
                else {
                    var client = self._client(args[0]);
                    client.zunionstore(args, function (err, result) {
                        if (err) {
                        } else {
Example #18
 get: function (req, res, next) {
     var city = req.params.city;
     var cityObj = _.findWhere(_.flatten(_.pluck(Province.data, "cityList"), true), {name: city}) || {areaList: null};
Example #19
function trainlen(train, index)
	return _.flatten(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(train)).slice(0, index))
Example #20
	    			trainAndTest.trainAndTest_async(classifiers[_.values(classifierList)[1]], bars.copyobj(sim_train2), bars.copyobj(testset), function(err, stats2){

		    			console.log("DEBUGSIM:"+results2["simulated"].length+" size of the simulated train")
						console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist for the second run:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train2)))
						console.log("DEBUGSIM: Results for the second run "+ JSON.stringify(stats2['stats'], null, 4))

			    		extractGlobal(_.values(classifierList)[1], mytrain, fold, stats2['stats'], glob_stats, classifierList)	

						console.log("DEBUGSIM: before results3")
			    		var results3 = bars.simulateds(buffer_train3, mytrainset.length - sim_train3.length, gold, 0.03125)
						console.log("DEBUGSIM: after results3")
						buffer_train3 = results3["dataset"]
				    	sim_train3 = sim_train3.concat(results3["simulated"])

				    	console.log("DEBUGSIM: size of aggregated simulated after plus "+ sim_train3.length + " in utterances "+_.flatten(sim_train3).length)
				    	trainAndTest.trainAndTest_async(classifiers[_.values(classifierList)[2]], bars.copyobj(sim_train3), bars.copyobj(testset), function(err, stats3){
                        console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist for the third run:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train3)))
				    	extractGlobal(_.values(classifierList)[2], mytrain, fold, stats3['stats'], glob_stats, classifierList)

				    	var results4 = bars.simulateds(buffer_train4, mytrainset.length - sim_train4.length, gold, 0)
						buffer_train4 = results4["dataset"]
				    	sim_train4 = sim_train4.concat(results4["simulated"])
				    	trainAndTest.trainAndTest_async(classifiers[_.values(classifierList)[3]], bars.copyobj(sim_train4), bars.copyobj(testset), function(err, stats4){
                        	console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist 1st:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train1)))
							console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist 2st:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train2)))
							console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist 3st:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train3)))
							console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist 4st:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train4)))

				    		extractGlobal(_.values(classifierList)[3], mytrain, fold, stats4['stats'], glob_stats, classifierList)

							_.each(glob_stats, function(data, param, list){
								master.plotlc(fold, param, glob_stats)
								console.log("DEBUGLC: param "+param+" fold "+fold+" build")
								master.plotlc('average', param, glob_stats)

Example #21

// load root app
var tmp = {};
tmp[settings.name] = null;

// load dependencies of root app

exports._rewrites = _.flatten(exports._rewrites);

exports.handleUrl = function(ev, href, rel) {
    exports._in_page = /#[A-Za-z_\-:\.]+/.test(href);
    if (exports._in_page) { // in-page anchor
    if (href && exports.isAppURL(href) && rel !== 'external') {
        var url = exports.appPath(href);
        var match = exports.matchURL('GET', url);
        if (/^_show\//.test(match.to) ||
            /^_list\//.test(match.to) ||
            /^_update\//.test(match.to)) {
            exports.setURL('GET', url, {});
Example #22
	async.timesSeries(numOfFolds, function(fold, callback_fold){

		console.log("DEBUGSIM: FOLD "+fold)
		var index = 2

		var data = partitions.partitions_consistent_by_fold(dataset, numOfFolds, fold)

		var testset = (bars.isDialogue(data['test']) ? _.flatten(data['test']) : data['test'])
		console.log("DEBUGSIM: size of the train before resizing "+data['train'].length)

		// base the dst on the first 5 dialogues
		var gold = data['train'].splice(0,5)
		console.log("DEBUGSIM: size of the gold "+gold.length)
		console.log("DEBUGSIM: size of the train after resizing "+data['train'].length)

		var sim_train1 = []
		var sim_train2 = []
		var sim_train3 = []
		var sim_train4 = []
		// I think it's not important to do so
		var buffer_train1 = _.flatten(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data['train'])))
		var buffer_train2 = _.flatten(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data['train'])))
		var buffer_train3 = _.flatten(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data['train'])))
		var buffer_train4 = _.flatten(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data['train'])))

			function () { return (index <= data['train'].length && index <= 15 ) },
	    	function (callback_while) {

				console.log("DEBUGSIM: INDEX "+index)
		    	var mytrain = data['train'].slice(0, index)
		    	if (index<10)
		           		index += 2
 		   		else if (index<20)
			           	index += 2
		       		else index += 10

           		var mytrainset = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify((bars.isDialogue(mytrain) ? _.flatten(mytrain) : mytrain)))

           		console.log("DEBUGSIM: size of the strandard train" + mytrain.length + " in utterances "+ mytrainset.length)

				console.log("DEBUGSIM: before results1")
				var results1 = bars.simulateds(buffer_train1, mytrainset.length - sim_train1.length, gold, 1)
				console.log("DEBUGSIM: after results1")
				buffer_train1 = results1["dataset"]
				sim_train1 = sim_train1.concat(results1["simulated"])

	    		trainAndTest.trainAndTest_async(classifiers[_.values(classifierList)[0]], bars.copyobj(sim_train1), bars.copyobj(testset), function(err, stats1){
			    	console.log("DEBUGSIM:"+results1["simulated"].length+" size of the simulated train")
					console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist for the first run:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train1)))
					console.log("DEBUGSIM: Results for the first run "+ JSON.stringify(stats1['stats'], null, 4))
					extractGlobal(_.values(classifierList)[0], mytrain, fold, stats1['stats'], glob_stats, classifierList)
					console.log("DEBUGSIM: before results2")
					var results2 = bars.simulateds(buffer_train2, mytrainset.length - sim_train2.length, gold, 0.5)
					console.log("DEBUGSIM: after results2")
					buffer_train2 = results2["dataset"]
			    	sim_train2 = sim_train2.concat(results2["simulated"])
			    	console.log("DEBUGSIM: size of aggregated simulated after plus "+ sim_train2.length + " in utterances "+_.flatten(sim_train2).length)

	    			trainAndTest.trainAndTest_async(classifiers[_.values(classifierList)[1]], bars.copyobj(sim_train2), bars.copyobj(testset), function(err, stats2){

		    			console.log("DEBUGSIM:"+results2["simulated"].length+" size of the simulated train")
						console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist for the second run:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train2)))
						console.log("DEBUGSIM: Results for the second run "+ JSON.stringify(stats2['stats'], null, 4))

			    		extractGlobal(_.values(classifierList)[1], mytrain, fold, stats2['stats'], glob_stats, classifierList)	

						console.log("DEBUGSIM: before results3")
			    		var results3 = bars.simulateds(buffer_train3, mytrainset.length - sim_train3.length, gold, 0.03125)
						console.log("DEBUGSIM: after results3")
						buffer_train3 = results3["dataset"]
				    	sim_train3 = sim_train3.concat(results3["simulated"])

				    	console.log("DEBUGSIM: size of aggregated simulated after plus "+ sim_train3.length + " in utterances "+_.flatten(sim_train3).length)
				    	trainAndTest.trainAndTest_async(classifiers[_.values(classifierList)[2]], bars.copyobj(sim_train3), bars.copyobj(testset), function(err, stats3){
                        console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist for the third run:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train3)))
				    	extractGlobal(_.values(classifierList)[2], mytrain, fold, stats3['stats'], glob_stats, classifierList)

				    	var results4 = bars.simulateds(buffer_train4, mytrainset.length - sim_train4.length, gold, 0)
						buffer_train4 = results4["dataset"]
				    	sim_train4 = sim_train4.concat(results4["simulated"])
				    	trainAndTest.trainAndTest_async(classifiers[_.values(classifierList)[3]], bars.copyobj(sim_train4), bars.copyobj(testset), function(err, stats4){
                        	console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist 1st:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train1)))
							console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist 2st:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train2)))
							console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist 3st:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train3)))
							console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist 4st:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train4)))

				    		extractGlobal(_.values(classifierList)[3], mytrain, fold, stats4['stats'], glob_stats, classifierList)

							_.each(glob_stats, function(data, param, list){
								master.plotlc(fold, param, glob_stats)
								console.log("DEBUGLC: param "+param+" fold "+fold+" build")
								master.plotlc('average', param, glob_stats)

    		function (err, n) {
      	}, function() {
Example #23
        template: function(err, m, stylesheets, callback) {
            // frames is a container for variables and other less.js
            // constructs.
            // effects is a container for side-effects, which currently
            // are limited to FontSets.
            // deferred_externals is a list of externals, like
            // pattern images, etc (by string URL)
            // referred to by url() constructs in styles
            var that = this,
                env = _.extend({
                    effects: [],
                    deferred_externals: []
                }, that.env),
                output = [];

            if (err) {

            var rulesets = _.flatten(stylesheets.map(function(rulesets) {
                return rulesets[1].toList(env);

            // Iterate through layers and create styles custom-built
            // for each of them, and apply those styles to the layers.
            m.Layer.forEach(function(l) {
                l.styles = [];
                // Classes are given as space-separated alphanumeric
                // strings.
                var classes = (l['class'] || '').split(/\s+/g);

                var matching = rulesets.filter(function(definition) {
                    return definition.appliesTo(l.name, classes);

                var definitions = that.inheritRules(matching);

                for (var i = 0; i < definitions.length; i++) {
                    var style = new tree.Style(l.name, definitions[i].attachment, definitions[i]);
                    if (style) {

                        // env.effects can be modified by this call

                var nl = new carto.tree.Layer(l);
            output.unshift(env.effects.map(function(e) {
                return e.toXML(env);

                function() {
                    var group = this.group();
                    try {
                        var map_properties = that.getMapProperties(rulesets, env);
                    } catch(err) {

                    if (!map_properties.srs) {
                        map_properties.srs = 'srs="+proj=merc +a=6378137 ' +
                            '+b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 ' +
                            '+k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs"';

                    // The only_validate flag can be set to prevent
                    // any externals from being downloaded - for instance,
                    // when only validation is needed.
                    if (env.only_validate !== true &&
                        env.deferred_externals.length) {
                        env.deferred_externals.forEach(function(def) {
                            var next = group();
                            new External(that.env, def)
                                .on('complete', function(external) {
                                    next(null, map_properties);
                    } else {
                        var next = group();
                        next(null, map_properties);
                function(err, map_properties) {
                    var properties = [];
                    for (var key in map_properties[0]) {
                        properties.push(' ' + map_properties[0][key]);

                        '<?xml version="1.0" '
                        + 'encoding="utf-8"?>\n'
                        + '<!DOCTYPE Map[]>\n'
                        + '<Map' + properties.join('') + '>\n');


                    if (env.errors.length) {
                    } else {
                        callback(null, output.join('\n'))
Example #24
	   	async.mapSeries(toretrieve, quickfetch, function(err, resultArr) {
Example #25
 var smushed = _.map(articles, function(article){
   return _.flatten(article.tags);
Example #26
 ).then(function(expandedFields) {
   self._config.fields = _.flatten(expandedFields);
Example #27
	    	function (callback_while) {

				console.log("DEBUGSIM: INDEX "+index)
		    	var mytrain = data['train'].slice(0, index)
		    	if (index<10)
		           		index += 2
 		   		else if (index<20)
			           	index += 2
		       		else index += 10

           		var mytrainset = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify((bars.isDialogue(mytrain) ? _.flatten(mytrain) : mytrain)))

           		console.log("DEBUGSIM: size of the strandard train" + mytrain.length + " in utterances "+ mytrainset.length)

				console.log("DEBUGSIM: before results1")
				var results1 = bars.simulateds(buffer_train1, mytrainset.length - sim_train1.length, gold, 1)
				console.log("DEBUGSIM: after results1")
				buffer_train1 = results1["dataset"]
				sim_train1 = sim_train1.concat(results1["simulated"])

	    		trainAndTest.trainAndTest_async(classifiers[_.values(classifierList)[0]], bars.copyobj(sim_train1), bars.copyobj(testset), function(err, stats1){
			    	console.log("DEBUGSIM:"+results1["simulated"].length+" size of the simulated train")
					console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist for the first run:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train1)))
					console.log("DEBUGSIM: Results for the first run "+ JSON.stringify(stats1['stats'], null, 4))
					extractGlobal(_.values(classifierList)[0], mytrain, fold, stats1['stats'], glob_stats, classifierList)
					console.log("DEBUGSIM: before results2")
					var results2 = bars.simulateds(buffer_train2, mytrainset.length - sim_train2.length, gold, 0.5)
					console.log("DEBUGSIM: after results2")
					buffer_train2 = results2["dataset"]
			    	sim_train2 = sim_train2.concat(results2["simulated"])
			    	console.log("DEBUGSIM: size of aggregated simulated after plus "+ sim_train2.length + " in utterances "+_.flatten(sim_train2).length)

	    			trainAndTest.trainAndTest_async(classifiers[_.values(classifierList)[1]], bars.copyobj(sim_train2), bars.copyobj(testset), function(err, stats2){

		    			console.log("DEBUGSIM:"+results2["simulated"].length+" size of the simulated train")
						console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist for the second run:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train2)))
						console.log("DEBUGSIM: Results for the second run "+ JSON.stringify(stats2['stats'], null, 4))

			    		extractGlobal(_.values(classifierList)[1], mytrain, fold, stats2['stats'], glob_stats, classifierList)	

						console.log("DEBUGSIM: before results3")
			    		var results3 = bars.simulateds(buffer_train3, mytrainset.length - sim_train3.length, gold, 0.03125)
						console.log("DEBUGSIM: after results3")
						buffer_train3 = results3["dataset"]
				    	sim_train3 = sim_train3.concat(results3["simulated"])

				    	console.log("DEBUGSIM: size of aggregated simulated after plus "+ sim_train3.length + " in utterances "+_.flatten(sim_train3).length)
				    	trainAndTest.trainAndTest_async(classifiers[_.values(classifierList)[2]], bars.copyobj(sim_train3), bars.copyobj(testset), function(err, stats3){
                        console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist for the third run:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train3)))
				    	extractGlobal(_.values(classifierList)[2], mytrain, fold, stats3['stats'], glob_stats, classifierList)

				    	var results4 = bars.simulateds(buffer_train4, mytrainset.length - sim_train4.length, gold, 0)
						buffer_train4 = results4["dataset"]
				    	sim_train4 = sim_train4.concat(results4["simulated"])
				    	trainAndTest.trainAndTest_async(classifiers[_.values(classifierList)[3]], bars.copyobj(sim_train4), bars.copyobj(testset), function(err, stats4){
                        	console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist 1st:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train1)))
							console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist 2st:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train2)))
							console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist 3st:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train3)))
							console.log("DEBUGSIMDIST: Simualte dist 4st:"+JSON.stringify(bars.getDist(sim_train4)))

				    		extractGlobal(_.values(classifierList)[3], mytrain, fold, stats4['stats'], glob_stats, classifierList)

							_.each(glob_stats, function(data, param, list){
								master.plotlc(fold, param, glob_stats)
								console.log("DEBUGLC: param "+param+" fold "+fold+" build")
								master.plotlc('average', param, glob_stats)

Example #28
    .exec( function( e, results ){
      console.log('Waitinglist: ' + String(results[0].length))

      fn( _.flatten( results ) );
Example #29
	async.mapSeries(seeds, wordnetquickfetch, function(err, result) {
		callback(null, _.unique(_.flatten(result)))
Example #30
module.exports = function(files) {
  let opts = {}, callback = function(){}
  if (arguments.length === 2) {
    callback = arguments[1]
  } else if (arguments.length >= 3) {
    opts = arguments[1]
    callback = arguments[2]
  if (!files || !files.length) {
    return callback(new Error('No input files specified.'))
  } else {
    files = _.flatten(files.map(file => glob.sync(file)));
  opts = _.extend({}, defaults, opts)
  // make sure output directory exists
  const outputDir = path.dirname(opts.output)
  if (!fs.existsSync(outputDir)) {
  let offsetCursor = 0
  const wavArgs = ['-ar', opts.samplerate, '-ac', opts.channels, '-f', 's16le']
  const tempFile = mktemp('audiosprite')
  opts.logger.debug('Created temporary file', { file: tempFile })
  const json = {
    resources: []
    , spritemap: {}
  spawn('ffmpeg', ['-version']).on('exit', code => {
    if (code) {
      callback(new Error('ffmpeg was not found on your path'))

    if (opts.silence) {
      json.spritemap.silence = {
        start: 0
        , end: opts.silence
        , loop: true

      if (!opts.autoplay) {
        json.autoplay = 'silence'

      appendSilence(opts.silence + opts.gap, tempFile, processFiles)
    } else {
  function mktemp(prefix) {
    var tmpdir = require('os').tmpdir() || '.';
    return path.join(tmpdir, prefix + '.' + Math.random().toString().substr(2));
  function spawn(name, opt) {
    opts.logger.debug('Spawn', { cmd: [name].concat(opt).join(' ') });
    return require('child_process').spawn(name, opt);
  function pad(num, size) {
    var str = num.toString();

    while (str.length < size) {
      str = '0' + str;

    return str;
  function makeRawAudioFile(src, cb) {
    var dest = mktemp('audiosprite')
    opts.logger.debug('Start processing', { file: src })
    fs.exists(src, function(exists) {
      if (exists) {
        let ffmpeg = spawn('ffmpeg', ['-i', path.resolve(src)]
        ffmpeg.stdout.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(dest, {flags: 'w'}))
        ffmpeg.on('close', function(code, signal) {
          if (code) {
            return cb({
              msg: 'File could not be added',
              file: src,
              retcode: code,
              signal: signal
          cb(null, dest)
      else {
        cb({ msg: 'File does not exist', file: src })
  function appendFile(name, src, dest, cb) {
    var size = 0
    var reader = fs.createReadStream(src)
    var writer = fs.createWriteStream(dest, {
      flags: 'a'
    reader.on('data', function(data) {
      size += data.length
    reader.on('close', function() {
      var originalDuration = size / opts.samplerate / opts.channels / 2
      opts.logger.info('File added OK', { file: src, duration: originalDuration })
      var extraDuration = Math.max(0, opts.minlength - originalDuration)
      var duration = originalDuration + extraDuration
      json.spritemap[name] = {
        start: offsetCursor
        , end: offsetCursor + duration
        , loop: name === opts.autoplay || opts.loop.indexOf(name) !== -1
      offsetCursor += originalDuration

      var delta = Math.ceil(duration) - duration;

      if (opts.ignorerounding)
        opts.logger.info('Ignoring nearest second silence gap rounding');
        extraDuration = 0;
        delta = 0;

      appendSilence(extraDuration + delta + opts.gap, dest, cb)
  function appendSilence(duration, dest, cb) {
    var buffer = new Buffer(Math.round(opts.samplerate * 2 * opts.channels * duration))
    var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(dest, { flags: 'a' })
    writeStream.on('close', function() {
      opts.logger.info('Silence gap added', { duration: duration })
      offsetCursor += duration
  function exportFile(src, dest, ext, opt, store, cb) {
    var outfile = dest + '.' + ext;
    spawn('ffmpeg',['-y', '-ar', opts.samplerate, '-ac', opts.channels, '-f', 's16le', '-i', src]
      .on('exit', function(code, signal) {
        if (code) {
          return cb({
            msg: 'Error exporting file',
            format: ext,
            retcode: code,
            signal: signal
        if (ext === 'aiff') {
          exportFileCaf(outfile, dest + '.caf', function(err) {
            if (!err && store) {
              json.resources.push(dest + '.caf')
        } else {
          opts.logger.info('Exported ' + ext + ' OK', { file: outfile })
          if (store) {
  function exportFileCaf(src, dest, cb) {
    if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
      return cb(true)
    spawn('afconvert', ['-f', 'caff', '-d', 'ima4', src, dest])
      .on('exit', function(code, signal) {
        if (code) {
          return cb({
            msg: 'Error exporting file',
            format: 'caf',
            retcode: code,
            signal: signal
        opts.logger.info('Exported caf OK', { file: dest })
        return cb()
  function processFiles() {
    var formats = {
      aiff: []
    , wav: []
    , ac3: ['-acodec', 'ac3', '-ab', opts.bitrate + 'k']
    , mp3: ['-ar', opts.samplerate, '-f', 'mp3']
    , mp4: ['-ab', opts.bitrate + 'k']
    , m4a: ['-ab', opts.bitrate + 'k', '-strict', '-2']
    , ogg: ['-acodec', 'libvorbis', '-f', 'ogg', '-ab', opts.bitrate + 'k']
    , opus: ['-acodec', 'libopus', '-ab', opts.bitrate + 'k']
    , webm: ['-acodec',  'libvorbis', '-f', 'webm', '-dash', '1']
    if (opts.vbr >= 0 && opts.vbr <= 9) {
      formats.mp3 = formats.mp3.concat(['-aq', opts.vbr])
    else {
      formats.mp3 = formats.mp3.concat(['-ab', opts.bitrate + 'k'])
    // change quality of webm output - https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/TheoraVorbisEncodingGuide
    if (opts['vbr:vorbis'] >= 0 && opts['vbr:vorbis'] <= 10) {
      formats.webm = formats.webm.concat(['-qscale:a', opts['vbr:vorbis']])
    else {
      formats.webm = formats.webm.concat(['-ab', opts.bitrate + 'k'])
    if (opts.export.length) {
      formats = opts.export.split(',').reduce(function(memo, val) {
        if (formats[val]) {
          memo[val] = formats[val]
        return memo
      }, {})
    var rawparts = opts.rawparts.length ? opts.rawparts.split(',') : null
    var i = 0
    async.forEachSeries(files, function(file, cb) {

      makeRawAudioFile(file, function(err, tmp) {
        if (err) {
          return cb(err)
        function tempProcessed() {
        var name = path.basename(file).replace(/\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/, '')
        appendFile(name, tmp, tempFile, function(err) {
          if (rawparts != null ? rawparts.length : void 0) {
            async.forEachSeries(rawparts, function(ext, cb) {
              opts.logger.debug('Start export slice', { name: name, format: ext, i: i })
              exportFile(tmp, opts.output + '_' + pad(i, 3), ext, formats[ext]
              , false, cb)
            }, tempProcessed)
          } else {
    }, function(err) {
      if (err) {
        return callback(new Error('Error adding file ' + err.message))
      async.forEachSeries(Object.keys(formats), function(ext, cb) {
        opts.logger.debug('Start export', { format: ext })
        exportFile(tempFile, opts.output, ext, formats[ext], true, cb)
      }, function(err) {
        if (err) {
          return callback(new Error('Error exporting file'))
        if (opts.autoplay) {
          json.autoplay = opts.autoplay
        json.resources = json.resources.map(function(e) {
          return opts.path ? path.join(opts.path, path.basename(e)) : e
        var finalJson = {}
        switch (opts.format) {
          case 'howler':
          case 'howler2':
            finalJson[opts.format === 'howler' ? 'urls' : 'src'] = [].concat(json.resources)
            finalJson.sprite = {}
            for (var sn in json.spritemap) {
              var spriteInfo = json.spritemap[sn]
              finalJson.sprite[sn] = [spriteInfo.start * 1000, (spriteInfo.end - spriteInfo.start) * 1000]
              if (spriteInfo.loop) {
          case 'createjs':
            finalJson.src = json.resources[0]
            finalJson.data = {audioSprite: []}
            for (var sn in json.spritemap) {
              var spriteInfo = json.spritemap[sn]
                id: sn,
                startTime: spriteInfo.start * 1000,
                duration: (spriteInfo.end - spriteInfo.start) * 1000
          case 'default':
            finalJson = json
        callback(null, finalJson)