コード例 #1
ファイル: ansi.js プロジェクト: drooos/droos
function colorize() {
  if (hasFlag('no-color')) {
    return false;

  if (hasFlag('color')) {
    return true;

  return supportsColor();
コード例 #2
function addColor(str) {
  if (hasFlag('no-color')) {
    return str;

  if (hasFlag('color')) {
    return gray(str);

  if (supportsColor(colorDetectionOptions)) {
    return gray(str);

  return str;
コード例 #3
ファイル: logs.js プロジェクト: 0mkara/remix
function addColor (str) {
  if (hasFlag('no-color')) {
    return str

  if (hasFlag('color')) {
    return gray(str)

  if (supportsColor()) {
    return gray(str)

  return str
コード例 #4
function track (instance, opts) {
  if (!instance) {
    throw new Error('instance required for tracking')

  opts = xtend(defaults, opts)

  const chalk = new Chalk.constructor({ enabled: testColorSupport({ stream: opts.outputStream }) })
  // this default needs to be set after chalk is setup, because chalk is now local to this func
  opts.progressBarString = opts.progressBarString || `${chalk.green('running')} [:bar] :percent`

  const iOpts = instance.opts
  let durationProgressBar
  let amountProgressBar

  instance.on('start', () => {
    if (opts.renderProgressBar) {
      let msg = `${iOpts.connections} connections`

      if (iOpts.pipelining > 1) {
        msg += ` with ${iOpts.pipelining} pipelining factor`

      if (!iOpts.amount) {
        logToStream(`Running ${iOpts.duration}s test @ ${iOpts.url}\n${msg}\n`)

        durationProgressBar = trackDuration(instance, opts, iOpts)
      } else {
        logToStream(`Running ${iOpts.amount} requests test @ ${iOpts.url}\n${msg}\n`)

        amountProgressBar = trackAmount(instance, opts, iOpts)

  // add listeners for progress bar to instance here so they aren't
  // added on restarting, causing listener leaks
  // note: Attempted to curry the functions below, but that breaks the functionality
  // as they use the scope/closure of the progress bar variables to allow them to be reset
  if (opts.renderProgressBar && opts.outputStream.isTTY) {
    if (!iOpts.amount) { // duration progress bar
      instance.on('tick', () => { durationProgressBar.tick() })
      instance.on('done', () => { durationProgressBar.tick(iOpts.duration - 1) })
      process.once('SIGINT', () => { durationProgressBar.tick(iOpts.duration - 1) })
    } else { // amount progress bar
      instance.on('response', () => { amountProgressBar.tick() })
      instance.on('reqError', () => { amountProgressBar.tick() })
      instance.on('done', () => { amountProgressBar.tick(iOpts.amount - 1) })
      process.once('SIGINT', () => { amountProgressBar.tick(iOpts.amount - 1) })

  instance.on('done', (result) => {
    // the code below this `if` just renders the results table...
    // if the user doesn't want to render the table, we can just return early
    if (!opts.renderResultsTable) return

    const out = table([
      asColor(chalk.cyan, ['Stat', 'Avg', 'Stdev', 'Max']),
      asRow(chalk.bold('Latency (ms)'), result.latency),
      asRow(chalk.bold('Req/Sec'), result.requests),
      asRow(chalk.bold('Bytes/Sec'), asBytes(result.throughput))
    ], {
      border: getBorderCharacters('void'),
      columnDefault: {
        paddingLeft: 0,
        paddingRight: 1
      drawHorizontalLine: () => false


    if (opts.renderLatencyTable) {
      const latency = table([
        asColor(chalk.cyan, ['Percentile', 'Latency (ms)'])
      ].concat(percentiles.map((perc) => {
        const key = ('p' + perc).replace('.', '')
        return [
          chalk.bold('' + perc),
      })), {
        border: getBorderCharacters('void'),
        columnDefault: {
          paddingLeft: 0,
          paddingRight: 6
        drawHorizontalLine: () => false


    if (result.non2xx) {
      logToStream(`${result['2xx']} 2xx responses, ${result.non2xx} non 2xx responses`)
    logToStream(`${format(result.requests.total)} requests in ${result.duration}s, ${prettyBytes(result.throughput.total)} read`)
    if (result.errors) {
      logToStream(`${format(result.errors)} errors (${format(result.timeouts)} timeouts)`)

  function logToStream (msg) {
    opts.outputStream.write(msg + '\n')
コード例 #5
function track (instance, opts) {
  if (!instance) {
    throw new Error('instance required for tracking')

  opts = Object.assign({}, defaults, opts)

  const chalk = new Chalk.constructor({ enabled: testColorSupport({ stream: opts.outputStream }) })
  // this default needs to be set after chalk is setup, because chalk is now local to this func
  opts.progressBarString = opts.progressBarString || `${chalk.green('running')} [:bar] :percent`

  const iOpts = instance.opts
  let durationProgressBar
  let amountProgressBar
  let addedListeners = false

  instance.on('start', () => {
    if (opts.renderProgressBar) {
      const socketPath = iOpts.socketPath ? ` (${iOpts.socketPath})` : ''
      let msg = `${iOpts.connections} connections`

      if (iOpts.pipelining > 1) {
        msg += ` with ${iOpts.pipelining} pipelining factor`

      if (!iOpts.amount) {
        logToStream(`Running ${iOpts.duration}s test @ ${iOpts.url}${socketPath}\n${msg}\n`)

        durationProgressBar = trackDuration(instance, opts, iOpts)
      } else {
        logToStream(`Running ${iOpts.amount} requests test @ ${iOpts.url}${socketPath}\n${msg}\n`)

        amountProgressBar = trackAmount(instance, opts, iOpts)


  function addListener () {
    // add listeners for progress bar to instance here so they aren't
    // added on restarting, causing listener leaks
    if (addedListeners) {

    addedListeners = true

    // note: Attempted to curry the functions below, but that breaks the functionality
    // as they use the scope/closure of the progress bar variables to allow them to be reset
    if (opts.outputStream.isTTY) {
      if (!iOpts.amount) { // duration progress bar
        instance.on('tick', () => { durationProgressBar.tick() })
        instance.on('done', () => { durationProgressBar.tick(iOpts.duration - 1) })
        process.once('SIGINT', () => { durationProgressBar.tick(iOpts.duration - 1) })
      } else { // amount progress bar
        instance.on('response', () => { amountProgressBar.tick() })
        instance.on('reqError', () => { amountProgressBar.tick() })
        instance.on('done', () => { amountProgressBar.tick(iOpts.amount - 1) })
        process.once('SIGINT', () => { amountProgressBar.tick(iOpts.amount - 1) })

  instance.on('done', (result) => {
    // the code below this `if` just renders the results table...
    // if the user doesn't want to render the table, we can just return early
    if (!opts.renderResultsTable) return

    const shortLatency = new Table({
      head: asColor(chalk.cyan, ['Stat', '2.5%', '50%', '97.5%', '99%', 'Avg', 'Stdev', 'Max'])
    shortLatency.push(asLowRow(chalk.bold('Latency'), asMs(result.latency)))

    const requests = new Table({
      head: asColor(chalk.cyan, ['Stat', '1%', '2.5%', '50%', '97.5%', 'Avg', 'Stdev', 'Min'])

    requests.push(asHighRow(chalk.bold('Req/Sec'), result.requests))
    requests.push(asHighRow(chalk.bold('Bytes/Sec'), asBytes(result.throughput)))
    logToStream('Req/Bytes counts sampled once per second.\n')

    if (opts.renderLatencyTable) {
      const latencies = new Table({
        head: asColor(chalk.cyan, ['Percentile', 'Latency (ms)'])
      percentiles.map((perc) => {
        const key = `p${perc}`.replace('.', '_')
        return [
          chalk.bold('' + perc),
      }).forEach(row => {

    if (result.non2xx) {
      logToStream(`${result['2xx']} 2xx responses, ${result.non2xx} non 2xx responses`)
    logToStream(`${format(result.requests.total)} requests in ${result.duration}s, ${prettyBytes(result.throughput.total)} read`)
    if (result.errors) {
      logToStream(`${format(result.errors)} errors (${format(result.timeouts)} timeouts)`)

  function logToStream (msg) {
    opts.outputStream.write(msg + '\n')
コード例 #6
'use strict';

var fs = require('fs');
var Vinyl = require('vinyl');
var path = require('path');
var through = require('through2');
var PluginError = require('plugin-error');
var supportsColor = require('color-support');

// ______________________________________________ LOGS ______________________________________________

var hasColors = supportsColor();

var red = hasColors ? '\x1b[31m' : '';
var yellow = hasColors ? '\x1b[33m' : '';
var green = hasColors ? '\x1b[32m' : '';
var gray = hasColors ? '\x1b[90m' : '';
var white = hasColors ? '\x1b[97m' : '';
var clear = hasColors ? '\x1b[0m' : '';

var currentColor = undefined;

function getTimestamp() {
    var time = new Date();
    var timeInString = ("0" + time.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" +
        ("0" + time.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + ":" +
        ("0" + time.getSeconds()).slice(-2);

    if (currentColor) {
        return white + '[' + currentColor + timeInString + clear + white + ']';