コード例 #1
ファイル: command.js プロジェクト: ProbablePrime/node-uarm
	validate() {
		if (this.schema !== null) {
			return Joi.validate(this.args, this.schema);
コード例 #2
ファイル: test-types.js プロジェクト: tlivings/enjoi
 invalidDateTimeValues.forEach((time) => {
     Joi.validate(time, schema, function (error, value) {
         t.ok(error, time + ' should be invalid');
コード例 #3
ファイル: schema.js プロジェクト: Noderiety/node200
exports.assert = function (type, options, message) {

    var error = Joi.validate(options, internals[type]).error;
    Hoek.assert(!error, 'Invalid', type, 'options', message ? '(' + message + ')' : '', error && error.annotate());
コード例 #4
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: dbernazal/hapi-dash
            handler: function(request, next) {

                var uDeets = request.payload;
                // Validate payload
                // Validate payload
                var validSchema = Joi.object().keys({
                    email: Joi.string().required()

                // We got everything we need to create a new user
                Joi.validate(uDeets, validSchema, function (err, value) {
                    if(err !== null) {
                        next({error: true, details: 'Incorrect email'}).type('application/json');
                    else {
                        var collection = db.collection('users');
                        collection.findOne({"email": uDeets.email}, function(err, user) {
                            if(err) throw err;

                            // Check we have a user
                            if(user) {

                                delete user.password;
                                // Generate a forgot access token and email it to them
                                var token = Jwt.sign(user, forgotSecret, { expiresInMinutes: 60 });

                                var opts = {
                                    payload: JSON.stringify({forgotToken: token}),
                                    headers:   { 'content-type':'application/json'}

                                    method: 'PUT',
                                    url: '/api/user/'+user._id,
                                    payload: {
                                        forgotToken: token
                                    credentials: options.coreCreds,
                                    callback: function (err, res, payload) {

                                        // Update user to be
                                        var link = options.app.url+"/reset/"+token;

                                        // setup e-mail data with unicode symbols
                                        var mailOptions = {
                                            from: from, // sender address
                                            to: user.email, // list of receivers
                                            subject: "Reset Password", // Subject line
                                            text: "Hi "+user.fname+",\nHere is your password reset link:\n\n"+link+"\n\nThis token will expire in 1 hour.\n\nThe Team", // plaintext body
                                            html: "<p>Hi "+user.fname+",</br>Click the link below to reset your password:</p><a href='"+link+"'><h3>Reset Password</h3></a><p>This token will expire in 1 hour.</p><p>The Team</p>" // html body

                                        // send mail with defined transport object
                                        transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, response){
                                            if(error) {
                                            } else {
                                                console.log("Password reset message sent: " + response.message);

                                            // if you don't want to use this transport object anymore, uncomment following line
                                            //smtpTransport.close(); // shut down the connection pool, no more messages

                                        next({error: false, token: token});


                            } else {
                                // Throw error if we didn't find an email
                                next({error: true, details: 'Incorrect email'}).type('application/json');

コード例 #5
exports.response = function (request, next) {

    if (request.route.settings.response.sample) {
        const currentSample = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 100));
        if (currentSample > request.route.settings.response.sample) {
            return next();

    const response = request.response;
    const statusCode = response.isBoom ? response.output.statusCode : response.statusCode;

    const statusSchema = request.route.settings.response.status[statusCode];
    if (statusCode >= 400 &&
        !statusSchema) {

        return next();          // Do not validate errors by default

    const schema = statusSchema || request.route.settings.response.schema;
    if (schema === null) {
        return next();          // No rules

    if (!response.isBoom &&
        request.response.variety !== 'plain') {

        return next(Boom.badImplementation('Cannot validate non-object response'));

    const postValidate = (err, value) => {

        if (!err) {
            if (value !== undefined &&
                request.route.settings.response.modify) {

                if (response.isBoom) {
                    response.output.payload = value;
                else {
                    response.source = value;

            return next();

        // failAction: 'error', 'log'

        if (request.route.settings.response.failAction === 'log') {
            request._log(['validation', 'response', 'error'], err.message);
            return next();

        return next(Boom.badImplementation(err.message));

    const localOptions = {
        context: {
            headers: request.headers,
            params: request.params,
            query: request.query,
            payload: request.payload,
            auth: {
                isAuthenticated: request.auth.isAuthenticated,
                credentials: request.auth.credentials

    const source = response.isBoom ? response.output.payload : response.source;
    Hoek.merge(localOptions, request.route.settings.response.options);

    if (typeof schema !== 'function') {
        return Joi.validate(source, schema, localOptions, postValidate);

    request._protect.run(postValidate, (exit) => {

        return schema(source, localOptions, exit);
コード例 #6
ファイル: events.js プロジェクト: MWGitHub/sometimes-survey
    CLOSE: 'reader-survey-close',

      box: Joi.number().integer()
    CAPTURE: {
      name: Joi.string().valid('readerSurvey').required(),
      'after.survey': Joi.boolean().valid(true),
    CLOSE: {},

  isValidEvent(event, data) {
    const key = events.EVENTS_INVERSE[event];
    if (!key) return false;

    const shape = events.EVENT_SHAPES[key];
    const result = Joi.validate(data, shape);
    return result.error === null;
events.EVENTS_INVERSE = _.invert(events.EVENTS);

module.exports = events;
コード例 #7
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: dbernazal/hapi-dash
            handler: function(request, next) {

                var newUser = request.payload;

                var validSchema = Joi.object().keys({
                    fname: Joi.string().required(),
                    lname: Joi.string().required(),
                    email: Joi.string().email().required(),
                    password: Joi.string().alphanum().required().min(5).max(15),
                    password2: Joi.any().valid(newUser.password)

                // We got everything we need to create a new user
                Joi.validate(newUser, validSchema, {abortEarly: false}, function (err, value) {

                    if(err !== null) {

                        var message = '';
                        for(i=0; i < err.details.length; i++)
                            var _message = err.details[i].message;
                            if(err.details[i].path == 'password2') {
                                message += 'Passwords must match. '
                            } else {
                                message += _message.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + _message.substr(1) +'. ';

                        return next({error: true, details: message}).type('application/json');
                    } else {
                        delete newUser.password2;

                            method: 'POST',
                            url: '/api/user',
                            payload: newUser,
                            credentials: options.coreCreds,
                            callback: function(err, res, payload) {

                                if (err) throw err;
                                console.log('err: ' + err);
                                // console.log('res: ', res);
                                console.log('payload: ', payload);
                                var response = JSON.parse(payload);

                                if(response.error) {
                                    return next({error: true, details: 'Error registering.'}).type('application/json');
                                } else {
                                    var token = Jwt.sign({id:response._id}, forgotSecret);
                                    var link = options.app.url+"/activate/"+token;
                                    // setup e-mail data with unicode symbols
                                    var mailOptions = {
                                        from: from, // sender address
                                        to: response.email, // list of receivers
                                        subject: "Activate your Account", // Subject line
                                        text: "Hi "+response.fname+",\nThank you for registering. Use the following link to activate your account:\n\n"+link+"\n\nThanks for your cooperation.\n\nThe Team", // plaintext body
                                        html: "<p>Hi "+response.fname+",</p><p>Thank you for registering. Please click the following link to activate your account:</p><a href='"+link+"'><h3>Activate account</h3></a><p>Thanks for your cooperation.</p><p>The Team</p>" // html body

                                    // send mail with defined transport object
                                    // send mail with defined transport object
                                    transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info){
                                            console.log('Message sent: ' + info.response);
                                    return next({error: false, details: 'Success! An activation email has been sent to you.'}).type('application/json');

コード例 #8
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: ViktorNova/ryocdr
 var validate = function (callback) {
   Joi.validate(config, ConfigSchema, callback);
コード例 #9
internals.implementation = function (server, options) {

    const results = Joi.validate(options, internals.schema);
    Hoek.assert(!results.error, results.error);

    const settings = results.value;

    const cookieOptions = {
        encoding: 'iron',
        password: settings.password,
        isSecure: settings.isSecure,                  // Defaults to true
        path: settings.path,
        isHttpOnly: settings.isHttpOnly,              // Defaults to true
        clearInvalid: settings.clearInvalid,
        ignoreErrors: true

    if (settings.ttl) {
        cookieOptions.ttl = settings.ttl;

    if (settings.domain) {
        cookieOptions.domain = settings.domain;

    if (typeof settings.appendNext === 'boolean') {
        settings.appendNext = (settings.appendNext ? 'next' : '');

    server.state(settings.cookie, cookieOptions);

    const decoration = function (request) {

        const CookieAuth = function () {

            const self = this;

            this.set = function (session, value) {

                const reply = self.reply;

                if (arguments.length > 1) {
                    const key = session;
                    Hoek.assert(key && typeof key === 'string', 'Invalid session key');
                    session = request.auth.artifacts;
                    Hoek.assert(session, 'No active session to apply key to');

                    session[key] = value;
                    return reply.state(settings.cookie, session);

                Hoek.assert(session && typeof session === 'object', 'Invalid session');
                request.auth.artifacts = session;
                reply.state(settings.cookie, session);

            this.clear = function (key) {

                const reply = self.reply;

                if (arguments.length) {
                    Hoek.assert(key && typeof key === 'string', 'Invalid session key');
                    const session = request.auth.artifacts;
                    Hoek.assert(session, 'No active session to clear key from');
                    delete session[key];
                    return reply.state(settings.cookie, session);

                request.auth.artifacts = null;

            this.ttl = function (msecs) {

                const reply = self.reply;
                const session = request.auth.artifacts;
                Hoek.assert(session, 'No active session to modify ttl on');
                reply.state(settings.cookie, session, { ttl: msecs });

        return new CookieAuth();

    server.decorate('request', settings.requestDecoratorName, decoration, { apply: true });

    server.ext('onPreAuth', (request, reply) => {

        // Used for setting and unsetting state, not for replying to request
        request[settings.requestDecoratorName].reply = reply;

        return reply.continue();

    const scheme = {
        authenticate: function (request, reply) {

            const validate = function () {

                // Check cookie

                const session = request.state[settings.cookie];
                if (!session) {
                    return unauthenticated(Boom.unauthorized(null, 'cookie'));

                if (!settings.validateFunc) {
                    if (settings.keepAlive) {
                        reply.state(settings.cookie, session);

                    return reply.continue({ credentials: session, artifacts: session });

                settings.validateFunc(request, session, (err, isValid, credentials) => {

                    if (err ||
                        !isValid) {

                        if (settings.clearInvalid) {

                        return unauthenticated(Boom.unauthorized('Invalid cookie'), { credentials: credentials || session, artifacts: session });

                    if (settings.keepAlive) {
                        reply.state(settings.cookie, session);

                    return reply.continue({ credentials: credentials || session, artifacts: session });

            const unauthenticated = function (err, result) {

                if (settings.redirectOnTry === false &&             // Defaults to true
                    request.auth.mode === 'try') {

                    return reply(err, null, result);

                let redirectTo = settings.redirectTo;
                if (request.route.settings.plugins['hapi-auth-cookie'] &&
                    request.route.settings.plugins['hapi-auth-cookie'].redirectTo !== undefined) {

                    redirectTo = request.route.settings.plugins['hapi-auth-cookie'].redirectTo;

                if (!redirectTo) {
                    return reply(err, null, result);

                let uri = redirectTo;
                if (settings.appendNext) {
                    if (uri.indexOf('?') !== -1) {
                        uri += '&';
                    else {
                        uri += '?';

                    uri += settings.appendNext + '=' + encodeURIComponent(request.url.path);

                return reply('You are being redirected...', null, result).redirect(uri);


    return scheme;
コード例 #10
ファイル: validation.js プロジェクト: ekkapob/the-web
exports.validate = (data, schema) => {
  const result = Joi.validate(data, schema, { abortEarly: false });
  return errorDetails(result.error);
コード例 #11
ファイル: server.js プロジェクト: mozilla/fxa-auth-server
 .filter(address => ! joi.validate(address, IP_ADDRESS.required()).error);
コード例 #12
ファイル: relationships.js プロジェクト: elastic/kibana
 .then(resp => {
   const validationResult = Joi.validate(resp.body, GENERIC_RESPONSE_SCHEMA);
コード例 #13
ファイル: monitor.js プロジェクト: vicanso/albi
exports.update = async function update(ctx) {
  const id = Joi.attempt(ctx.params.id, Joi.objectId());
  const data = Joi.validate(ctx.request.body, validateSchema);
  await monitorService.findByIdAndUpdate(id, data);
  ctx.body = null;
コード例 #14
ファイル: schema.js プロジェクト: Cain1127/IoTMobileDemo
exports.apply = function (type, options, message) {

    var result = Joi.validate(options, internals[type]);
    Hoek.assert(!result.error, 'Invalid', type, 'options', message ? '(' + message + ')' : '', result.error && result.error.annotate());
    return result.value;
コード例 #15
            value: function(t, k, o)
                // set defaults values
                var _token = t || '',
                    _key = k || '',
                    _opt = o || {};

                // validate inputs
                var tokenValidate = joi.validate(_token, schema.token, {language: {label: 'token'}});

                if (tokenValidate.error)
                    throw tokenValidate.error;

                _token = tokenValidate.value;

                var keyValidate = joi.validate(_key, schema.key, {language: {label: 'key'}});

                if (keyValidate.error)
                    throw keyValidate.error;

                _key = keyValidate.value;

                var optValidate = joi.validate(_opt, schema.optVerify, {language: {label: 'opt'}});

                if (optValidate.error)
                    throw optValidate.error;

                _opt = optValidate.value;

                // get window
                var window = bigInt(_opt.window);

                // get counter
                var counter, isCounterHexa = false;
                if (!_.isNull(_opt.counter.int) && !_.isUndefined(_opt.counter.int))
                    counter = bigInt(_opt.counter.int);
                    counter = bigInt(_opt.counter.hex, 16);
                    isCounterHexa = true;

                // get key
                var key;
                if (!_.isNull(_key.string) && !_.isUndefined(_key.string))
                    key = {
                        string: _key.string
                    key = {
                        hex: _key.hex.toUpperCase()

                // get flag to know if previous OTP values are allowed
                var previousOTPAllowed = _opt.previousOTPAllowed;

                // build opt object for gen method
                var opt = {
                    codeDigits: _token.length,
                    addChecksum: _opt.addChecksum,
                    algorithm: _opt.algorithm

                if (!_.isNull(_opt.truncationOffset) && !_.isUndefined(_opt.truncationOffset))
                    opt.truncationOffset = _opt.truncationOffset;

                // Now loop through from C to C + W to determine if there is a correct code
                var min = counter,
                    max = counter.add(window);

                // check if previousOTPAllowed
                if (previousOTPAllowed)
                    // Now loop through from C - W to C + W to determine if there is a correct code
                    min = min.subtract(window);

                    // check if min < 0
                    if (min.sign)
                        // Now loop through from 0 to C + W to determine if there is a correct code
                        min = bigInt(0);

                for(var i = min; i.lesserOrEquals(max); i = i.next())
                    // set counter in hexadecimal
                    if (isCounterHexa)
                        opt.counter = {hex: pad.left(i.toString(16).toUpperCase(), 16, '0')};
                    // set counter in integer
                        opt.counter = {int: parseInt(i.toString())};

                    // We have found a matching code, trigger callback and pass offset
                    if (self.gen(key, opt) === _token)
                        // get delta
                        var delta = i.subtract(counter);

                        // delta in hexadecimal
                        if (isCounterHexa)
                            var hex;

                            // check if value < 0 to add good pad left
                            if (delta.sign)
                                hex = '-' + pad.left(delta.toString(16).toUpperCase().substr(1), 16, '0');
                                hex = pad.left(delta.toString(16).toUpperCase(), 16, '0');

                            return {
                                delta: {
                                    hex: hex
                        // delta in integer
                            return {
                                delta: {
                                    int: parseInt(delta.toString())

                // If we get to here then no codes have matched, return null
                return null;
コード例 #16
 it('Should return true', (done) => {
   Joi.validate(project, schema, (err, value) => {
コード例 #17
ファイル: mongodb.js プロジェクト: RSCodingClub/STUCO-Backend
'use strict'
const joi = require('joi')

const {error, value: envVars} = joi.validate(process.env, joi.object({
  // User to connect to mongodb
  MONGODB_USER: joi.string().default('mongoose'),
  // Password for the user specified
  MONGODB_PASS: joi.string(),
  // URL to connect to for mongodb
  MONGODB_HOST: joi.string().default(''),
  // Port for the host to connect to
  MONGODB_PORT: joi.number().integer().min(1).default(27017),
  // Which database to use
  MONGODB_DATABASE: joi.string().default('stucoapp')
if (error) {
  throw new Error(`Config validation error: ${error.message}`)

const config = {
  mongodb: {
    user: envVars.MONGODB_USER,
    password: envVars.MONGODB_PASS,
    host: envVars.MONGODB_HOST,
    port: envVars.MONGODB_PORT,
    database: envVars.MONGODB_DATABASE

module.exports = config
コード例 #18
ファイル: model.js プロジェクト: ccverak/moonmail-models
 static _validateSchema(schema, model, options = {}) {
   if (!this.schema) return true;
   const result = Joi.validate(model, schema, options);
   return !result.error;
コード例 #19
exports.validateChallenge = function validateChallenge(challenge) {
  return Joi.validate(challenge, schema);
コード例 #20
ファイル: buy-license.js プロジェクト: imshivs/newww
module.exports = function(request, reply) {

  var createLicense = request.server.methods.npme.createLicense;
  var getCustomer = request.server.methods.npme.getCustomer;
  var updateCustomer = request.server.methods.npme.updateCustomer;

  var schema = Joi.object().keys({
    id: Joi.string().token(),
    livemode: Joi.string(),
    client_ip: Joi.string(),
    created: Joi.string(),
    used: Joi.string(),
    object: Joi.string(),
    type: Joi.string(),
    card: Joi.object(),
    email: Joi.string().regex(/^.+@.+\..+$/), // email default accepts "boom@boom", which is kinda no bueno atm
    verification_allowed: Joi.string(),
    amount: Joi.number(),
    subType: Joi.number().valid([1, 2, 3]),
    quantity: Joi.number(),
    customerId: Joi.number()

  Joi.validate(request.payload, schema, function(err, token) {

    if (err) {
      request.logger.error('validation error');
      reply('validation error').code(403);

    // load the customer by email and make sure the ID matches the one passed in
    getCustomer(token.email, function(err, customer) {

      if (err) {
        request.logger.error('error finding customer; email=' + token.email);
        reply('error loading customer').code(500);

      if (!customer) {
        request.logger.error('no customer found; email=' + token.email);
        reply('customer not found').code(500);

      if (customer.id !== token.customerId) {
        request.logger.error('customer does not match ID; ID in db=' + customer.id + ';id passed=' + token.customerId + '; email=' + token.email);
        reply('error validating customer ID').code(500);

      // pick a plan based on their selection
      var stripePlan, stripeQuantity, stripeDescription, licenseSeats;
      switch (token.subType) {
        case SUB_TYPE_MONTHLY:
          stripePlan = "enterprise-starter-pack";
          stripeDescription = "npm Enterprise Starter Pack";
          licenseSeats = 5;
          stripeQuantity = 1;
        case SUB_TYPE_ANNUAL:
          stripePlan = "enterprise-starter-pack-annual";
          stripeDescription = "npm Enterprise Starter Pack (annual)";
          licenseSeats = 5;
          stripeQuantity = 1;
        case SUB_TYPE_MULTI_SEAT:
          stripePlan = "enterprise-multi-seat";
          stripeDescription = "npm Enterprise multi-seat license";
          licenseSeats = token.quantity;
          stripeQuantity = licenseSeats;
          request.logger.error('invalid subscription type: ' + token.subType + '; email=' + token.email);
          reply('invalid subscription type').code(403);

      // actually call stripe, record metrics, tell the client how things went
      var stripeStart = Date.now();

        card: token.id, // obtained with Stripe.js
        plan: stripePlan,
        quantity: stripeQuantity,
        email: token.email,
        description: token.email + " " + stripeDescription
      }, function(err, stripeCustomer) {

        if (err) {
          request.logger.error('internal stripe error; plan=' + stripePlan + ';quantity=' + stripeQuantity + '; email=' + token.email);
          reply('internal stripe error').code(500);

          name: 'latency.stripe',
          value: Date.now() - stripeStart,

        request.logger.info('Stripe customer created: ', stripeCustomer);
        request.timing.page = 'enterprise-license-paymentProcessed';

        // license purchased! We need to update the customer record with their stripe customer ID
        updateCustomer(customer.id, {
          stripe_customer_id: stripeCustomer.id
        }, function(er) {

          if (er) {
            request.logger.error('customer update error; id=' + customer.id);
            reply('customer update error').code(500);

          // now, create a new license for this customer and email it to them.
          var subscriptionId = stripeCustomer.subscriptions.data[0].id;
          var licenseStart = Date.now();

          var licenseDetails = {
            billingEmail: token.email,
            seats: licenseSeats,
            stripeId: subscriptionId, // Danger! But we just created this customer, so only 1 subscription
            begins: moment(Date.now()).format(), // starts now
            ends: moment(Date.now()).add(1, 'years').format(), // ends a year from now (webhooks will refresh)

          createLicense(licenseDetails, function(err, license) {

            if (err) {
              request.logger.error('license creation error; email=' + token.email + ';seats=' + licenseSeats);
              reply('license creation error').code(500);

              name: 'latency.licenseCreation',
              value: Date.now() - licenseStart,

            request.logger.info('Successful license creation: ', license);
            request.timing.page = 'enterprise-license-created';

            // now email them the generated license
            var sendEmail = request.server.methods.email.send;

            var data = {
              requirementsUrl: "https://docs.npmjs.com/enterprise/installation#requirements",
              instructionsUrl: "https://docs.npmjs.com/enterprise/installation",
              name: customer.name,
              email: customer.email,
              license_key: license.license_key

            sendEmail('enterprise-send-license', data, request.redis)
              .catch(function(er) {
                request.logger.error('Unable to send license to email', customer.email);
                return reply('unable to send license email').code(500);
              .then(function() {
                return reply('License purchase successful').code(200);

コード例 #21
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: dbernazal/hapi-dash
            handler: function(request, next) {
                var changePass = request.payload;

                var validSchema = Joi.object().keys({
                    email: Joi.string().email().required(),
                    password: Joi.string().alphanum().required().min(5).max(15),
                    password2: Joi.any().valid(changePass.password),
                    token: Joi.string().required()

                Joi.validate(changePass, validSchema,{abortEarly: false}, function (err, value) {
                    if(err !== null) {
                        var message = '';
                        for(i=0; i < err.details.length; i++)
                            var _message = err.details[i].message;
                            if(err.details[i].path == 'password2') {
                                message += 'Passwords must match. '
                            } else {
                                message += _message.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + _message.substr(1) +'. ';

                        return next({error: true, details: message}).type('application/json');
                    } else {

                        var collection = db.collection('users');
                        collection.findOne({"email": changePass.email}, function(err, user) {
                            if(err) throw err;
                            // We are only going to change if we
                            // 1. have a user
                            // 2. we have the same token in DB
                            // 3. Token is valid and not expired
                            if(user && (user.forgotToken === changePass.token)) {
                                Jwt.verify(user.forgotToken, forgotSecret, function(err, decoded) {
                                    if (err) {
                                        throw err;
                                        next({error: true, details: 'Incorrect Token'});
                                    } else {
                                        var payload = {password: changePass.password, forgotToken: false}
                                            method: 'PUT',
                                            url: '/api/user/'+user._id,
                                            payload: payload,
                                            credentials: options.coreCreds,
                                            callback: function(err, res, payload) {
                                                if (err) throw err;
                                                next({error: false, details: 'Changed Password'});

                            } else {
                                next({error: true, details: 'Incorrect Token'});
コード例 #22
ファイル: utils.js プロジェクト: ppoo24/manet
function validate(object, schema) {
    return joi.validate(object, schema, {
        allowUnknown: true
コード例 #23
exports.register = function(plugin, options, next){
  config = options;
  var validation = joi.validate(options, schema)

    var err = new Error("config validation error")
    err.inner = validation.error
    return next(err);

  plugin.log(["discovery"], "registering discovery routes");
      method: "GET",
      path: "/discovery/announce",
      config: {
        handler: function(request, reply){
                return reply(err);

      method: "GET",
      path: "/discovery/unannounce",
      config: {
        handler: function(request, reply){
              return reply(err);
      method: "GET",
      path: "/discovery/lease",
      config: {
        handler: function(request, reply){
          var lease = service.lease();
            return reply().code(404);

      method: "GET",
      path: "/discovery/lastUpdate",
      config: {
        handler: function(request, reply){
          reply({ lastUpdate: service.lastUpdate().toISOString() });

    announce: service.announce,
    unannounce: service.unannounce,
    find: service.find,
    findAll: service.findAll

  service.init(plugin, config, function(){
コード例 #24
ファイル: user-handlers.js プロジェクト: omaralqady/mean-blog
	register: function( req, res, next ) {

		//saves object to db
		function saveUser( userData ) {

			var newUser = new User( userData );

			newUser.save( function( err, user ) {
				if ( err ) {

					logger.debug( 'Error inserting data into DB: ', err );
					logger.trace( 'Erroneous data: ', userData );

					if ( err.code === 11000 ) {

						res.status( 409 ).json( { message: 'Duplicate username and/or email address.' } );
					} else {

						res.status( 500 ).json( { message: 'Error inserting user data into DB.' } );
				} else {
					res.redirect( '/login' );
			} );

		//creates user data object, and hashes password using bcrypt
		function registerUser( userData ) {

			var plainPassword = userData.password;

			bcrypt.hash( plainPassword, 8, function( err, hash ) {
				if ( err ) {
					res.status( 500 ).json( { message: 'Error storing user data in DB.' } );
				} else {
					userData.password = hash;
					saveUser( userData );
			} );

		var userData = Object.assign( {}, req.body );

		var userSchemaJoi = Joi.object().keys( {
			name: Joi.string().trim().regex( /^([a-z\s]){4,64}$/gi ).required(),
			username: Joi.string().trim().alphanum().min( 4 ).max( 32 ).required(),
			password: Joi.string().min( 4 ).max( 32 ).required(),
			confirmPassword: Joi.string().equal( Joi.ref( 'password' ) ).required(),
			email: Joi.string().trim().email().required(),
			confirmEmail: Joi.string().trim().equal( Joi.ref( 'email' ) ).email().required(),
			dob: Joi.date().required(),
		} );

		Joi.validate( userData, userSchemaJoi, function( err, value ) {
			if ( err ) {
				var errMessage;
				logger.debug( 'Error validating user data. User data: ', value,
					'\nError: ', err );
				//res.status(409).json({message: 'Invalid user data sent.'});
				if ( err.details[ 0 ].path === 'name' ) {
					errMessage =
						'The \'Name\' field has to contain letters only, and has to be between 4 and 64 characters long.';
				} else if ( err.details[ 0 ].path === 'username' ) {
					errMessage =
						'The \'Username\' field can only contain letters and numbers, and has to be 4-32 characters long.';
				} else if ( err.details[ 0 ].path === 'password' ) {
					errMessage = 'The \'Password\' field has to be 4-32 characters long.';
				} else if ( err.details[ 0 ].path === 'confirmPassword' ) {
					errMessage =
						'The \'Confirm Password\' field has to match the \'password\'!';
				} else if ( err.details[ 0 ].path === 'email' ) {
					errMessage = 'The \'Email\' field has to be a proper email address.';
				} else if ( err.details[ 0 ].path === 'confirmEmail' ) {
					errMessage =
						'The \'Confirm Email\' field has to match the \'email\' field!';
				} else if ( err.details[ 0 ].path === 'dob' ) {
					errMessage =
						'The \'Date of birth\' field is required and has to be in the format \'mm/dd/YYY\'.';
				} else {
					errMessage = 'Form data is invalid!';

				res.status( 409 ).json( { message: errMessage } );
			} else {

				//remove unnecessary fields
				delete value[ 'confirmEmail' ];
				delete value[ 'confirmPassword' ];

				registerUser( value );
		} );
コード例 #25
internals.input = function (source, request, next) {

    if (typeof request[source] !== 'object') {
        return next(Boom.unsupportedMediaType(source + ' must represent an object'));

    const postValidate = (err, value) => {

        request.orig[source] = request[source];
        if (value !== undefined) {
            request[source] = value;

        if (!err) {
            return next();

        if (err.isDeveloperError) {
            return next(err);

        // failAction: 'error', 'log', 'ignore', function (source, err, next)

        if (request.route.settings.validate.failAction === 'ignore') {
            return next();

        // Prepare error

        const error = Boom.badRequest(err.message, err);
        error.output.payload.validation = { source: source, keys: [] };
        if (err.details) {
            for (let i = 0; i < err.details.length; ++i) {

        if (request.route.settings.validate.errorFields) {
            const fields = Object.keys(request.route.settings.validate.errorFields);
            for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
                const field = fields[i];
                error.output.payload[field] = request.route.settings.validate.errorFields[field];

        request._log(['validation', 'error', source], error);

        // Log only

        if (request.route.settings.validate.failAction === 'log') {
            return next();

        // Return error

        if (typeof request.route.settings.validate.failAction !== 'function') {
            return next(error);

        // Custom handler

        request._protect.run(next, (exit) => {

            const reply = request.server._replier.interface(request, request.route.realm, exit);
            request.route.settings.validate.failAction(request, reply, source, error);

    const localOptions = {
        context: {
            headers: request.headers,
            params: request.params,
            query: request.query,
            payload: request.payload,
            auth: {
                isAuthenticated: request.auth.isAuthenticated,
                credentials: request.auth.credentials

    delete localOptions.context[source];
    Hoek.merge(localOptions, request.route.settings.validate.options);

    const schema = request.route.settings.validate[source];
    if (typeof schema !== 'function') {
        return Joi.validate(request[source], schema, localOptions, postValidate);

    request._protect.run(postValidate, (exit) => {

        return schema(request[source], localOptions, exit);
	EntityDatabase.prototype.newSearchRequest = function(searchParams, schema, filter) {
		var err = joi.validate(searchParams, schema);
		if (err) {
			throw err;

		var request = this.request();
		if (!lodash.isUndefined(searchParams.sort)) {
			request.sort(searchParams.sort.field, getSortOrder(searchParams.sort.descending));

		if (!lodash.isUndefined(searchParams.multiFieldSort)) {
				request.sort(sort.field, getSortOrder(sort.descending));

		if (!lodash.isUndefined(searchParams.timeout)) {
		if (!lodash.isUndefined(searchParams.returnFields)) {
		if (!lodash.isUndefined(searchParams.version)) {
		if (!lodash.isUndefined(searchParams.from)) {
		if (!lodash.isUndefined(searchParams.pageSize)) {

			var termsFacet = this.ejs.TermsFacet(searchParams.facet.name);

			if (!lodash.isUndefined(searchParams.facet.size)) {

			if (!lodash.isUndefined(searchParams.facet.excludes)) {

			if (!lodash.isUndefined(searchParams.facet.order)) {

			if (!lodash.isUndefined(searchParams.facet.regex)) {

				if (!lodash.isUndefined(searchParams.facet.regexFlags)) {

		if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
			log.debug('newSearchRequest() : ' + request);

		return request;
コード例 #27
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: Hippoom/es-importer-ldap
    bindDn: Joi.string().required(),
    bindCredentials: Joi.string().required(),
    searchBase: Joi.string().required(),
    searchFilter: Joi.string().default(
    usernameField: Joi.string().default('userPrincipalName'),
    adminGroup: Joi.string().default('Domain Admins')
  elasticsearch: {
    hosts: Joi.array().items(Joi.string()).default(['localhost:9200'])

let argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));

let configValidationResult = Joi.validate(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(argv.c,
  'utf8')), schema);

if (configValidationResult.err) {

let config = configValidationResult.value;

let ldapClient = ldap.createClient({
  url: config.ldap.url

let elasticsearchClient = elasticsearch.Client({
  hosts: config.elasticsearch.hosts
コード例 #28
            value: function(k, o)
                // set defaults values
                var _key = k || '',
                    _opt = o || {};

                // validate inputs
                var keyValidate = joi.validate(_key, schema.key, {language: {label: 'key'}});

                if (keyValidate.error)
                    throw keyValidate.error;

                _key = keyValidate.value;

                var optValidate = joi.validate(_opt, schema.opt, {language: {label: 'opt'}});

                if (optValidate.error)
                    throw optValidate.error;

                _opt = optValidate.value;

                // get key and change it in bytes array
                var key;
                if (_key.string)
                    key = conv(_key.string, {in: 'binary', out:'bytes'});
                    key = conv(_key.hex, {in: 'hex', out:'bytes'});

                // get counter and change it in bytes array
                var counter;
                if (!_.isNull(_opt.counter.int) && !_.isUndefined(_opt.counter.int))
                    counter = conv(pad.left(Converter.convert(_opt.counter.int, 10, 16), 16, '0'), {in: 'hex', out:'bytes'});
                    counter = conv(pad.left(_opt.counter.hex, 16, '0'), {in: 'hex', out:'bytes'});

                // get other options
                var codeDigits = _opt.codeDigits;
                var addChecksum = _opt.addChecksum;
                var algorithm = _opt.algorithm;
                var truncationOffset;
                if (!_.isNull(_opt.truncationOffset) && !_.isUndefined(_opt.truncationOffset))
                    truncationOffset = _opt.truncationOffset;
                    truncationOffset = -1;

                // return OTP
                return generateOTP(key, counter, codeDigits, addChecksum, truncationOffset, algorithm);
コード例 #29
ファイル: config.js プロジェクト: gitter-badger/spike
   * Validates spike options, provides defaults where necessary
   * @param  {Object} opts - spike options object
   * @return {Object} validated and fully filled out objects
  validateOpts (opts) {
    // override argpare's annoying use of null values
    if (opts.env === null) { opts.env = undefined }
    const schema = Joi.object().keys({
      root: Joi.string().required(),
      env: Joi.string(),
      matchers: Joi.object().default().keys({
        jade: Joi.string().default('**/*.jade'),
        css: Joi.string().default('**/*.sss'),
        js: Joi.string().default('**/*.js'),
        static: Joi.string().default('!**/*.+(js|sss|jade)')
      postcss: Joi.object().default().keys({
        plugins: Joi.array().single().default([]),
        parser: Joi.object(),
        stringifier: Joi.object(),
        syntax: Joi.object()
      babelConfig: Joi.object().default({}),
      cleanUrls: Joi.bool().default(true),
      jade: Joi.object().default({}),
      dumpDirs: Joi.array().default(['views', 'assets']),
      locals: Joi.object().default({}),
      ignore: Joi.array().default([]),
      entry: Joi.object().default({ 'js/main': ['./assets/js/index.js'] }),
      modulesDirectories: Joi.array().default(['node_modules', 'bower_components']),
      outputDir: Joi.string().default('public'),
      plugins: Joi.array().default([]),
      module: Joi.object().default().keys({
        loaders: Joi.array().default([])
      resolve: Joi.object().default().keys({
        alias: Joi.object().default({})
      server: Joi.object().default().keys({
        watchOptions: Joi.object().default().keys({
          ignored: Joi.array().default('node_modules')
        server: Joi.object().default({}),
        port: Joi.number().default(1111),
        middleware: Joi.array().default([]),
        logLevel: Joi.string().default('silent'),
        logPrefix: Joi.string().default('spike'),
        notify: Joi.bool().default(false),
        host: Joi.string().default('localhost')

    const validation = Joi.validate(opts, schema, { allowUnknown: true })
    if (validation.error) { throw new Error(validation.error) }
    let res = validation.value

    // Joi can't handle defaulting this, so we do it manually
    res.server.server.baseDir = res.outputDir.replace(res.root, '')

    // add cleanUrls middleware to browserSync if cleanUrls === true
    if (res.cleanUrls) {

    // ensure server.watchOptions.ignored is an array (browsersync accepts
    // string or array), then push ['node_modules', '.git', outputDir] to make
    // sure they're not watched
    res.server.watchOptions.ignored = Array.prototype.concat(res.server.watchOptions.ignored)
    res.server.watchOptions.ignored = union(res.server.watchOptions.ignored, ['node_modules', '.git', res.outputDir])

    // Here we set up the matchers that will watch for newly added files to the
    // project.
    // The browsersync matcher doesn't like absolute paths, so we calculate the
    // relative path from cwd to your project root. Usually this will be an
    // empty string as spike commands are typically run from the project root.
    // We then add all the watcher ignores so that they do not trigger the "new
    // file added to the project" code path. They are added twice, the first
    // time for the directory contents, and the second for the directory itself.
    const p = path.relative(process.cwd(), res.root)
    let allWatchedFiles = [path.join(p, '**/*')]
      .concat(res.server.watchOptions.ignored.map((i) => {
        return `!${path.join(p, i, '**/*')}`
      .concat(res.server.watchOptions.ignored.map((i) => {
        return `!${path.join(p, i)}`

    // catch newly added files, put through the pipeline
    res.server.files = [{
      match: allWatchedFiles,
      fn: (event, file) => {
        const f = path.join(this.context, file.replace(p, ''))
        const files = this.spike.files.all
        if (files.indexOf(f) < 0 && !this.spike.ignored(f) && event !== 'addDir') {
          this.project.watcher.watch([], [], [f])

    return res
コード例 #30
ファイル: schema.js プロジェクト: Zeetah/hapi
exports.view = function (options) {

    var error = Joi.validate(options, internals.viewSchema);
    return (error ? error.annotated() : null);