Example #1
promisedTest("Dexie.waitFor() outside transaction", async ()=> {
    // Test that waitFor can be called when not in a transaction as well.
    // The meaning of this is that sometimes a function does db operations without
    // a transaction, but should be able to call also within the caller's transaction.
    // A function should therefore be able to call Dexie.waitFor() no matter if is executing
    // within a transaction or not.
    let result = await Dexie.waitFor(sleep(10).then(()=>true));
    ok(result, "Could call waitFor outside a transaction as well");
    let codeExecuted = false;
    await Dexie.waitFor(async ()=>{
        await sleep(10);
        codeExecuted = true;
    ok(codeExecuted, "Could call waitFor(function) outside a transation as well");
Example #2
 await db.transaction('r', db.users, async ()=>{
     await sleep(100); // Force transaction to become inactive
     try {
         await Dexie.waitFor(sleep(10));
         ok(false, 'After sleeping, transaction just cannot be alive.');
     } catch (err) {
         ok(err.name == 'TransactionInactiveError' || err.name == 'InvalidStateError',
         `Got TransactionInactiveError or InvalidStateError as expected`);
 }).then (()=>{
Example #3
     return Dexie.waitFor(sleep(50)); // In IE, it sometimes happens that outer transaction is slow to commit (even though it doesnt to anything)
Example #4
    await db.transaction('rw', db.users, async trans =>{
        // Wait for a promise:
        await trans.waitFor(sleep(100));
        // Do an operation on transaction
        await trans.users.put({username: "******"});
        await trans.waitFor(sleep(100));
        let result = await trans.users.get("testingtesting");
        ok(result && result.username === "testingtesting", "Should be able to continue transaction after waiting for non-indexedDB promise");
        ok(true, `Waiting spin count:${trans._spinCount}`);

        // With timeout
        await Dexie.waitFor(sleep(2000), 10) // Timeout of 10 ms.
            .then (()=>ok(false, "Should have timed out!"))
            .catch('TimeoutError', ex => ok(true, "Timed out as expected"));
        // Wait for function
        await Dexie.waitFor(async ()=>{ 
            ok(Dexie.currentTransaction === null,
                "We should not be in the transaction zone here because transaction can be in a temporary inactive state here");
            await sleep(10);
            ok (true, "Slept 10 ms")
            // Let's test if we can access the transaction from here.
            // The transaction should be alive indeed but not in an active state.
            await trans.users.count().then(()=>{
                // This happens on IE11
                ok(true, "Could access transaction within the wait callback. Nice for you, but you were just lucky!");
            }).catch(ex => {
                // This happens on Firefox and Chrome
                ok(true, "Could NOT access transaction within the wait callback. As expected. Error: " + ex);
            ok(Dexie.currentTransaction === null,
                "We should not be in the transaction zone here because transaction can be in inactive state here");
        result = await trans.users.get("testingtesting");
        ok(result && result.username === "testingtesting", "Should still be able to operate on the transaction");
        ok(true, `Waiting spin count:${trans._spinCount}`);
        ok(Dexie.currentTransaction === trans, "Zone info should still be correct");

        // Subtransaction
        await db.transaction('r', db.users, function* (subTrans) {
            ok(subTrans !== trans, "Should be in a sub transaction");
            ok(Dexie.currentTransaction === subTrans, "Should be in a sub transaction");
            let count = yield trans.users.count();
            ok(true, "Should be able to operate on sub transaction. User count = " + count);
            yield subTrans.waitFor(sleep(10));
            ok(true, "Should be able to call waitFor() on sub transaction");
            count = yield trans.users.count();
            ok(true, "Should be able to operate on sub transaction. User count = " + count);

        // Calling waitFor multiple times in parallell
        await Promise.all([
        ok (true, "Could wait for several tasks in parallell");
        result = await trans.users.get("testingtesting");
        ok(result && result.username === "testingtesting", "Should still be able to operate on the transaction");
        //await sleep(100);
        //ok(true, `Waiting spin count:${trans._spinCount}`);
    }).then(()=>ok(true, "Transaction committed"));