Example #1
	var compile = function(flag, thresh, output_filename) {

		var headings = "Sample,Raw Reads,On-Target Reads,%On-Target,%GT,IFI,,Ots_SEXY3-1,";
		gene_info.forEach(function(g) {
			switch(flag) {
			case "C":
				headings += ","+g.name;
				headings += ","+g.name+"_1";
				headings += ","+g.name+"_2";
		headings += "\n";

		var aa = []
		aa.push(headings.trim().split(","));	// XXX avoid this split

		// iterate through all the the little fishies
		for(var name in fishies) {
			var fish = fishies[name];						// Wanda

			// XXX this is only being used for "N" - why not others?
			var enough_typed = fish.pct_typed >= thresh;

			var a = [
				mk_pct(gene_info.length, fish.num_typed),

			if(sex_fp) {
				// XXX this special case is annoying.
				switch(flag) {
				case "C":
					a.push( fish.sex_hits );
				case "N":
					var nt = "-";
					if(enough_typed) {		// XXX
						nt = "00";
						switch(fish.sex_genoclass) {
						case "A1HOM": nt = "11"; break;
						case "A2HOM": nt = "22"; break;
						case "HET":   nt = "12"; break;
				case "S":
					a.push( fish.sex_genotype );


			// iterate through the genes and output a column for each
			gene_info.forEach(function(g) {
				var fg = fish.genes[g.name];

				switch(flag) {
				case "C":
					a.push( fg.hits );
				case "N":
					var nt = "-";
					if(enough_typed) {		// XXX
						nt = "00";
						switch(fg.genoclass) {
						case "A1HOM": nt = "11"; break;
						case "A2HOM": nt = "22"; break;
						case "HET":   nt = "12"; break;
				case "S":
					if(fg.genotype[0] == '-') {
						a.push( fg.genotype );
						a.push( fg.genotype );
					else {
						a.push( fg.genotype[0] );
						a.push( fg.genotype[1] );


		xlsx.save(aa, output_filename+".xlsx", flag);
Example #2
	gunzip(inpath, function(data) {

		// data is the uncompressed contents of the entire fastq file

		if(!data) {
			log("Skipping empty input file: "+file);

		// -----------------------------
		// Hash the sequence data
		// -----------------------------

		var lines = data.trim().split("\n");			// break the data into lines

		// create temp array, "a", containing all the nucleotide sequences from the fastq data, discarding the rest of the data
		var a = [];									// create the array (empty)
		for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 4) {	// traverse the lines in groups of 4
			throwIf( lines[i+2].trim() != "+" );	// sanity check - expect this line to contain just a "+" sign
			a.push( lines[i+1].trim() );			// add the line with the sequence to the array
		// 'a' should now look like [ "ACTG...", "GTCA...", ... ]
		log("Fish: \""+fish.name+"\" ("+a.length+" sequences)");

		fish.raw_reads = a.length;					// note # of raw reads found in fastq file (sex line not included)

		// Create a temp hash with one entry per unique sequence, where key is the actual sequence
		// and the value is the number of times that sequence appears in the fastq data.
		var hash = {};									// create empty object
		a.forEach(function(seq) {
			if(!hash[seq]) {
				hash[seq] = 1;
			else {
				hash[seq] += 1;
		// 'hash' now looks like { "ACTG...": 123, "GTCA...": 456, ... }

		// Convert the hash into an array.
		// Each array entry is an object containing the sequence and count.
		var sequences = [];
		for(var seq in hash) { 
			sequences.push( { sequence: seq, count: hash[seq] } );

		// Sort the array, largest count to smallest count.
		sequences.sort(function(a, b) {
			if(a.count < b.count) return 1;
			if(a.count > b.count) return -1;
			return 0;

		// 'sequences' now looks like [ { sequence: "GTCA", count: 456 }, ... ]
		fs.writeFileSync(outpath+"-hash.json", util.inspect(sequences), "utf8");

		// -----------------------------
		// Scan for and count genes and alleles
		// -----------------------------

		fish.genes = {};			// this holds info for this fish related to the genes we're looking for
		fish.hits = 0;				// hits is my name for "on-target reads"

		// traverse the list of genes in the assay/locus data
		gene_info.forEach(function(g) {

			var fwd_prm = g.fwd_prm;					// the fwd primer sequence for this gene
			var p1 = g.probe1;							// probe1 sequence for this gene
			var p1rc = g.probe1rc;						// probe1's RC
			var p2 = g.probe2;							// probe2 sequence for this gene
			var p2rc = g.probe2rc;						// probe2's RC

			var rx_p1 = new RegExp( g.probe1 );
			var rx_p1rc = new RegExp( g.probe1rc );
			var rx_p2 = new RegExp( g.probe2 );
			var rx_p2rc = new RegExp( g.probe2rc );

			// init counters
			var fp_hits = 0;							// # of times fwd prm seen
			var p1_hits = 0;							// # of times fwd prm AND probe1 seen together
			var p2_hits = 0;							// # of times fwd prm AND probe2 seen together

			sequences.forEach(function(sc) {
				var seq = sc.sequence; 					// the nucleotide sequence
				var count = sc.count;					// # time seq seen in fastq data
				if(seq.indexOf(fwd_prm) == 0) {
					// sequence "starts" with fwd prm
					fp_hits += count;
					if( rx_p1.test(seq) || rx_p1rc.test(seq) ) {
						// sequence contains either probe1 or its RC
						p1_hits += count;
					if( rx_p2.test(seq) || rx_p2rc.test(seq) ) {
						// sequence contains either probe2 or its RC
						p2_hits += count;

			// create gene tracking object for this gene (for this fish)
			var fg = {};
			fish.genes[g.name] = fg;		// attach tracking object to fish using gene name as tag (same as gene_info)

			fg.p1_hits = p1_hits;			// probe1 hits for this gene, this fish
			fg.p2_hits = p2_hits;			// probe2 hits for this gene, this fish
			fg.hits = p1_hits + p2_hits;	// sum of probe1 and probe2 hits (on-target reads for this gene, this fish)
			fg.hit_pct = mk_pct(fp_hits, fg.hits);	// ratio of probe-hits:fwd-prm-hits

			fish.hits += fg.hits;			// add all the hits for this gene to the # of hits for the whole fish

		// compute hit_pct_fish after all genes scanned so fish.hits is valid when I do so
		gene_info.forEach(function(g) {
			var fg = fish.genes[g.name];	// gene tracking object
			fg.hit_pct_fish = mk_pct(fish.hits, fg.hits);

		// -----------------------------
		// Derive genotype info
		// -----------------------------

		// XXX ifi?
		/**/ fish.hom_ct = 0;
		/**/ fish.bkgrd_ct = 0;
		/**/ fish.ifi = 0;

		fish.num_typed = 0;
		fish.num_typed_hom = 0;
		fish.num_typed_hom_a1 = 0;
		fish.num_typed_hom_a2 = 0;
		fish.num_typed_het = 0;

		gene_info.forEach(function(g) {
			var fg = fish.genes[g.name];	// gene tracking object

			// uncorrected a1:a2 ratio
			fg.a1a2_ratio_uncorr = toInt(((fg.p1_hits || 0.1) / (fg.p2_hits || 0.1)) * 1000) / 1000;

			// apply correction factors (XXX wtf is this anyway?)
			fg.corr_p1_hits = fg.p1_hits - ((fg.hits / 4) * g.a1_corr);
			fg.corr_p2_hits = fg.p2_hits - ((fg.hits / 4) * g.a2_corr);
			if(fg.corr_p1_hits < 0) fg.corr_p1_hits = 0;
			if(fg.corr_p2_hits < 0) fg.corr_p2_hits = 0;
			fg.corr_p1_hits = toInt(fg.corr_p1_hits);
			fg.corr_p2_hits = toInt(fg.corr_p2_hits);
			// a1:a2 ratio with correction
			fg.a1a2_ratio = toInt(((fg.corr_p1_hits || 0.1) / (fg.corr_p2_hits || 0.1)) * 1000) / 1000;

			if((fg.corr_p1_hits + fg.corr_p2_hits) < 10) {
				// low allele count	
				fg.genotype = "-lac-";
				fg.genoclass = "NA";
			else {
				if(fg.a1a2_ratio >= 10) {
					// allele1 homozygotes
					fg.genotype = g.allele1 + g.allele1;
					fg.genoclass = "A1HOM";
					fish.num_typed += 1;
					fish.num_typed_hom += 1;
					fish.num_typed_hom_a1 += 1;
					/**/ fish.hom_ct += fg.corr_p1_hits;
					/**/ fish.bkgrd_ct += fg.corr_p2_hits;
				if(fg.a1a2_ratio >= 5) {
					// in-betweeners
					fg.genotype = "-ib1-";
					fg.genoclass = "NA";
					/**/ fish.hom_ct += fg.corr_p1_hits;
					/**/ fish.bkgrd_ct += fg.corr_p2_hits;
				if(fg.a1a2_ratio >= 0.2) {
					// heterozygotes
					fg.genotype = g.allele1 + g.allele2;
					fg.genoclass = "HET";
					fish.num_typed += 1;
					fish.num_typed_het += 1;
				if(fg.a1a2_ratio >= 0.1) {
					// in-betweeners
					fg.genotype = "-ib2-";
					fg.genoclass = "NA";
					/**/ fish.hom_ct += fg.corr_p2_hits;
					/**/ fish.bkgrd_ct += fg.corr_p1_hits;
				else {
					// allele2 homozygotes
					fg.genotype = g.allele2 + g.allele2;
					fg.genoclass = "A2HOM";
					fish.num_typed += 1;
					fish.num_typed_hom += 1;
					fish.num_typed_hom_a2 += 1;
					/**/ fish.hom_ct += fg.corr_p2_hits;
					/**/ fish.bkgrd_ct += fg.corr_p1_hits;


		/**/ fish.ifi = mk_pct(fish.hom_ct, fish.bkgrd_ct);
		fish.hit_pct = mk_pct(fish.raw_reads, fish.hits);
		fish.pct_typed = mk_pct(gene_info.length, fish.num_typed);

		// -----------------------------
		// Write out the genos file
		// -----------------------------

		var aa = []

		aa.push(["Raw-Reads", fish.raw_reads,]);
		aa.push(["On-Target reads", fish.hits,]);
		aa.push(["% On-Target", fish.hit_pct,]);
		aa.push(["IFI score", fish.ifi,]);

			"# A1",
			"# A2",
			"A1:A2 ratio",
			"# A1 corr.",
			"# A2 corr.",
			"A1:A2 ratio corr.",
			"Geno type",
			"Geno class",
			"A1 corr.",
			"A2 corr.",
			"# Gene reads",
			"% On-target gene",
			"% On-target fish ",

		// determine sex and write out line for it
		var fp_hits = 0;
		var prb_hits = 0;
		fish.sex_hits = 0;
		if(sex_fp) {
			sequences.forEach(function(sc) {
				var seq = sc.sequence;
				var count = sc.count;
				if(seq.indexOf(sex_fp) == 0) {
					fp_hits += count;
					if( seq.indexOf(sex_prb) != -1) {
						prb_hits += count;
						fish.sex_hits += count;

			if(fp_hits == 0)
				fp_hits = 1;

			var hit_pct = mk_pct(fp_hits, prb_hits);
			var adj_hits = toInt(fish.hits * 0.004);		// XXX ??
			if(adj_hits == 0)
				adj_hits = 1;
			if(prb_hits == 0)
				prb_hits = 1;
			var ratio = Math.round((adj_hits / prb_hits) * 1000) / 1000;
			//var sex_genotype, sex_genoclass;
			if(adj_hits + prb_hits < 10) {
				fish.sex_genotype = "-lac-";
				fish.sex_genoclass = "NA";
			else {
				if(ratio >= 10) {
					fish.sex_genotype = "XX";
					fish.sex_genoclass = "A1HOM";
				if(ratio >= 5) {
					fish.sex_genotype = "-ib1-";
					fish.sex_genoclass = "NA";
				if(ratio >= 0.2) {
					fish.sex_genotype = "XY";
					fish.sex_genoclass = "HET";
				if(ratio >= 0.1) {
					fish.sex_genotype = "-ib2-";
					fish.sex_genoclass = "NA";
				else {
					fish.sex_genotype = "XY";
					fish.sex_genoclass = "A2HOM";

			aa.push( ["Ots_SEXY3-1","X="+adj_hits,"Y="+prb_hits,ratio,"","","",fish.sex_genotype,fish.sex_genoclass,"","",fish.sex_hits,hit_pct]);

		// Write out a line for each gene
		gene_info.forEach(function(g) {
			var fg = fish.genes[g.name];
				g.name,								// fish file name
				g.allele1 + "="+ fg.p1_hits,		// # of reads for allele 1
				g.allele2 + "="+fg.p2_hits,			// # of reads for allele 2
				fg.a1a2_ratio_uncorr,				// ratio A1:A2 
				g.allele1 + "="+ fg.corr_p1_hits,	// # of reads for allele 1 corrected
				g.allele2 + "="+fg.corr_p2_hits,	// # of reads for allele 2 corrected
				fg.a1a2_ratio,						// ratio A1:A2 corrected
				fg.genotype,						// genotype
				fg.genoclass,						// genotype class (HOM vs HET)
				g.a1_corr,							// A1 correction factor
				g.a2_corr,							// A2 correction factor
				fg.hits,							// # of reads for gene
				fg.hit_pct,							// % on target for gene only
				fg.hit_pct_fish,					// % on target for gene in total on target reads (total on-target for fish)

		xlsx.save(aa, outpath + "-genos.xlsx", file);

		// write out a JSON file containing the whole fish object
		//fs.writeFile(data_out+"/"+fish.name+"-fish.json", util.inspect(fish), "utf8");

		// All done with this fish; add it to the growing school of processed fish.
		fishies[fish.name] = fish;
