Example #1
  observe: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function(subject, topic, data) {
    // Create JSON objects suitable for transportation across the RDP,
    // by breaking cycles and making a copy of the `subject` and `data` via
    // JSON.stringifying those values with a replacer that omits properties
    // known to introduce cycles, and then JSON.parsing the result.
    // This spends some CPU cycles, but it's simple.
    subject = (subject && !Cu.isXrayWrapper(subject) && subject.wrappedJSObject) || subject;
    subject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(subject, cycleBreaker));
    data = (data && !Cu.isXrayWrapper(data) && data.wrappedJSObject) || data;
    data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data, cycleBreaker));

    // Sends actor, type and other additional information over the remote
    // debugging protocol to any profiler clients.
    let reply = details => {
        from: this.actorID,
        type: "eventNotification",
        subject: subject,
        topic: topic,
        data: data,
        details: details

    switch (topic) {
      case "console-api-profiler":
        return void reply(this._handleConsoleEvent(subject, data));
      case "profiler-started":
      case "profiler-stopped":
        return void reply();
  }, "ProfilerActor.prototype.observe"),
Example #2
  return DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function(subject, topic, data) {
    subject = (subject && !Cu.isXrayWrapper(subject) && subject.wrappedJSObject)
              || subject;
    subject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(subject, cycleBreaker));
    data = (data && !Cu.isXrayWrapper(data) && data.wrappedJSObject) || data;
    data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data, cycleBreaker));

    // Pass in clean data to the underlying handler
    return handler.call(this, subject, topic, data);
  }, identifier);
Example #3
 * Creates a TraceActor. TraceActor provides a stream of function
 * call/return packets to a remote client gathering a full trace.
function TraceActor(aConn, aParentActor)
  this._attached = false;
  this._activeTraces = new MapStack();
  this._totalTraces = 0;
  this._startTime = 0;

  // Keep track of how many different trace requests have requested what kind of
  // tracing info. This way we can minimize the amount of data we are collecting
  // at any given time.
  this._requestsForTraceType = Object.create(null);
  for (let type of TRACE_TYPES) {
    this._requestsForTraceType[type] = 0;

  this._sequence = 0;
  this._bufferSendTimer = null;
  this._buffer = [];
  this.onExitFrame = this.onExitFrame.bind(this);

  // aParentActor.window might be an Xray for a window, but it might also be a
  // double-wrapper for a Sandbox.  We want to unwrap the latter but not the
  // former.
  this.global = aParentActor.window;
  if (!Cu.isXrayWrapper(this.global)) {
      this.global = this.global.wrappedJSObject;
Example #4
exports.isSafeJSObject = function isSafeJSObject(aObj) {
  if (Cu.getGlobalForObject(aObj) ==
      Cu.getGlobalForObject(exports.isSafeJSObject)) {
    return true; // aObj is not a cross-compartment wrapper.

  let principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.getObjectPrincipal(aObj);
  if (Services.scriptSecurityManager.isSystemPrincipal(principal)) {
    return true; // allow chrome objects

  return Cu.isXrayWrapper(aObj);
Example #5
exports.isSafeJSObject = function isSafeJSObject(aObj) {
  // If we are running on a worker thread, Cu is not available. In this case,
  // we always return false, just to be on the safe side.
  if (isWorker) {
    return false;

  if (Cu.getGlobalForObject(aObj) ==
      Cu.getGlobalForObject(exports.isSafeJSObject)) {
    return true; // aObj is not a cross-compartment wrapper.

  let principal = Cu.getObjectPrincipal(aObj);
  if (Services.scriptSecurityManager.isSystemPrincipal(principal)) {
    return true; // allow chrome objects

  return Cu.isXrayWrapper(aObj);
Example #6
exports.isSafeJSObject = function(obj) {
  // If we are running on a worker thread, Cu is not available. In this case,
  // we always return false, just to be on the safe side.
  if (isWorker) {
    return false;

  if (Cu.getGlobalForObject(obj) ==
      Cu.getGlobalForObject(exports.isSafeJSObject)) {
    // obj is not a cross-compartment wrapper.
    return true;

  // Xray wrappers protect against unintended code execution.
  if (Cu.isXrayWrapper(obj)) {
    return true;

  // If there aren't Xrays, only allow chrome objects.
  const principal = Cu.getObjectPrincipal(obj);
  if (!Services.scriptSecurityManager.isSystemPrincipal(principal)) {
    return false;

  // Scripted proxy objects without Xrays can run their proxy traps.
  if (Cu.isProxy(obj)) {
    return false;

  // Even if `obj` looks safe, an unsafe object in its prototype chain may still
  // run unintended code, e.g. when using the `instanceof` operator.
  const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
  if (proto && !exports.isSafeJSObject(proto)) {
    return false;

  // Allow non-problematic chrome objects.
  return true;
Example #7
 unwrap(obj) {
   return Cu.isXrayWrapper(obj) ? obj.wrappedJSObject : obj;