executeRecipe: Task.async(function* (recipe, extraContext) {
    const sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(null, {
      wantComponents: false,
      wantGlobalProperties: ['URL', 'URLSearchParams'],

    sandbox.setTimeout = Cu.cloneInto(setTimeout, sandbox, {cloneFunctions: true});

    let action = yield NormandyApi.fetchAction(recipe.action);
    let response = yield Http.get({url: action.implementation_url});

    const actionScript = response.text;
    const registerActionScript = `
      function registerAction(name, Action) {
        let a = new Action(sandboxedDriver, sandboxedRecipe);
        .catch(err => sandboxedDriver.log(err, 'error'));

      window.registerAction = registerAction;

    const driver = new NormandyDriver(this, sandbox, extraContext);
    sandbox.sandboxedDriver = Cu.cloneInto(driver, sandbox, {cloneFunctions: true});
    sandbox.sandboxedRecipe = Cu.cloneInto(recipe, sandbox);
    sandbox.window = Cu.cloneInto({}, sandbox);

    Cu.evalInSandbox(registerActionScript, sandbox);
    Cu.evalInSandbox(actionScript, sandbox);
Example #2
exports.get = function(gaiaDir) {
  var rjs = utils.getFile(gaiaDir);
  var options = {};
  var ruri = Services.io.newFileURI(rjs).spec;

  try {
    options = JSON.parse(utils.getEnv('BUILD_CONFIG'));
  } catch (e) {
    // parsing BUILD_CONFIG error or this env variable is not available.
    // we simply skip this exception here

  var global = Cu.Sandbox(Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal());
  global.print = function() {
    if(options.VERBOSE === '1') {
      dump(Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ' ') + '\n');
  global.arguments = [];
  global.requirejsAsLib = true;
  // XXX: Dark matter. Reflect.jsm introduces slowness by instanciating Reflect
  // API in Reflect.jsm scope (call JS_InitReflect on jsm global). For some
  // reasons, most likely wrappers, Reflect API usages from another
  // compartments/global ends up being slower...
  Cu.evalInSandbox('new ' + function sandboxScope() {
    var init = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/jsreflect;1'].createInstance();
  }, global);

  Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(ruri, global);
  return global.requirejs;
Example #3
exports.registerActor = function(sourceText, fileName, options) {
  const principal = CC("@mozilla.org/systemprincipal;1", "nsIPrincipal")();
  const sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(principal);
  const exports = sandbox.exports = {};
  sandbox.require = require;

  Cu.evalInSandbox(sourceText, sandbox, "1.8", fileName, 1);

  let { prefix, constructor, type } = options;

  if (type.global && !DebuggerServer.globalActorFactories.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
      constructorName: constructor,
      constructorFun: sandbox[constructor]
    }, prefix);

  if (type.tab && !DebuggerServer.tabActorFactories.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
      constructorName: constructor,
      constructorFun: sandbox[constructor]
    }, prefix);

  // Also register in all child processes in case the current scope
  // is chrome parent process.
  if (!DebuggerServer.isInChildProcess) {
      module: "devtools/server/actors/utils/actor-registry-utils",
      setupChild: "registerActor",
      args: [sourceText, fileName, options]
  _inject: function _inject() {
    var self = this;
    var unsafeWindow = self._window.wrappedJSObject;
    var sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(unsafeWindow);

    function whenMessaged(cb) {
      self._sendToContent = XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper(cb);

    function sendToChrome(data) {
      if (self._receivedFromContent) {
        data = XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper(data);
        var result = self._receivedFromContent.call(undefined,
        if (typeof(result) == "object")
          return JSON.stringify(result);
        return result;
      return undefined;

    sandbox.name = self._manager.name;
    sandbox.window = unsafeWindow;
    self._sandbox = sandbox;
    Cu.evalInSandbox("(" + buildChannelInContent + ")(this);", sandbox);
Example #5
  registerActor: method(function (sourceText, fileName, options) {
    const principal = CC("@mozilla.org/systemprincipal;1", "nsIPrincipal")();
    const sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(principal);
    const exports = sandbox.exports = {};
    sandbox.require = require;

    Cu.evalInSandbox(sourceText, sandbox, "1.8", fileName, 1);

    let { prefix, constructor, type } = options;

    if (type.global) {
        constructorName: constructor,
        constructorFun: sandbox[constructor]
      }, prefix);

    if (type.tab) {
        constructorName: constructor,
        constructorFun: sandbox[constructor]
      }, prefix);

    return ActorActor(this.conn, {
      name: constructor,
      tab: type.tab,
      global: type.global
  }, {
Example #6
defineLazyGetter(exports.modules, "Debugger", () => {
  // addDebuggerToGlobal only allows adding the Debugger object to a global. The
  // this object is not guaranteed to be a global (in particular on B2G, due to
  // compartment sharing), so add the Debugger object to a sandbox instead.
  const sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(CC("@mozilla.org/systemprincipal;1", "nsIPrincipal")());
    "Components.utils.import('resource://gre/modules/jsdebugger.jsm');" +
  return sandbox.Debugger;
Example #7
  eval: function(js) {
    // We have to use a sandbox, as CSP prevent us from using eval on apps...
    const sb = Cu.Sandbox(this.content, { sandboxPrototype: this.content });
    const result = Cu.evalInSandbox(js, sb);

    // Ensure passing only serializable data to RDP
    if (typeof result == "function") {
      return null;
    } else if (typeof result == "object") {
      return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result));
    return result;
 close: function close() {
   if (this._manager) {
     try {
       Cu.evalInSandbox("demolish();", this._sandbox);
     } catch (e) {
     this._sandbox = null;
     this._window.removeEventListener("unload", this, true);
     this._receivedFromContent = null;
     this._sendToContent = null;
     this._window = null;
     this._manager = null;
Example #9
exports.testExceptionsWithEmptyStacksAreLogged = function(assert) {
  // Ensures that our fix to bug 550368 works.
  var sandbox = Cu.Sandbox("http://www.foo.com");
  var excRaised = false;
  try {
    Cu.evalInSandbox("returns 1 + 2;", sandbox, "1.8",
                     "blah.js", 25);
  } catch (e) {
    excRaised = true;
    var stack = traceback.fromException(e);
    assert.equal(stack.length, 1, "stack should have one frame");

    assert.ok(stack[0].fileName, "blah.js", "frame should have filename");
    assert.ok(stack[0].lineNumber, 25, "frame should have line no");
    assert.equal(stack[0].name, null, "frame should have null function name");
  if (!excRaised)
    assert.fail("Exception should have been raised.");
Example #10
 decode: function (params) {
   var rc = Cu.evalInSandbox(
     "var params = " + params.toSource() + ";\n" + 
   // No fancy return values - we expect a primitive string value.
   // We don't silently return something that could pass for a signature.
   // Instead, we throw - to inform the user that their decode_signature_func
   // function is broken (anyone can make a typo) or malicious.
   // It's OK to pass uncaught exceptions as-is because even if they have
   // getters for properties like "message", those will be executed in the
   // context of the sandbox (i.e. the global |this| will point to the sandbox),
   // which is useless for malicious code anyway.
   // Here's what am I talking about - somewhere in the sandboxed code:
   //   var x = new Error();
   //   x.__defineGetter__("message", function(){alert("pwned");});
   //   throw x;
   //   or:
   //   var x = { message: { valueOf: function(){alert("pwned");}, toString: function(){alert("pwned");} } };
   //   throw x;
   // We could catch the exceptions here, manually sanitize them and rethrow
   // if they're safe to use in our chrome code, but I just don't see the point
   // in doing so because if there's a bug in the security manager, then our
   // manual sanitization will just conceal it.
   if (typeof (rc) === "string") { return rc; }
   // Nulls are kinda OK.
   if (rc === null) { return ""; }
   // A forgotten return or outdated code that returns nonexistent stream
   // properties? Worth a warning in either case.
   if (rc === undefined) {
     fg.log("WARNING: YouTube.decode_signature_func returned undefined.");
     return "";
   throw new Error("Invalid return value type: expected string, got " + typeof (rc));
 }, // decode()
Example #11
exports.get = function(gaiaDir) {
  var rjs = utils.getFile(gaiaDir);
  var ruri = Services.io.newFileURI(rjs).spec;

  var global = Cu.Sandbox(Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal());
  global.print = function() {
    dump(Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ' ') + '\n');
  global.arguments = [];
  global.requirejsAsLib = true;
  // XXX: Dark matter. Reflect.jsm introduces slowness by instanciating Reflect
  // API in Reflect.jsm scope (call JS_InitReflect on jsm global). For some
  // reasons, most likely wrappers, Reflect API usages from another
  // compartments/global ends up being slower...
  Cu.evalInSandbox('new ' + function sandboxScope() {
    var init = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/jsreflect;1'].createInstance();
  }, global);

  Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(ruri, global);
  return global.requirejs;
exports.registerActorInCurrentProcess = function (sourceText, fileName, options) {
  const principal = CC("@mozilla.org/systemprincipal;1", "nsIPrincipal")();
  const sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(principal);
  sandbox.exports = {};
  sandbox.require = require;

  Cu.evalInSandbox(sourceText, sandbox, "1.8", fileName, 1);

  let { prefix, constructor, type } = options;

  if (type.global && !DebuggerServer.globalActorFactories.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
      constructorName: constructor,
      constructorFun: sandbox[constructor]
    }, prefix);

  if (type.tab && !DebuggerServer.tabActorFactories.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
      constructorName: constructor,
      constructorFun: sandbox[constructor]
    }, prefix);
Example #13
 function evalInSandbox (src) {
     if (!webPageSandbox)
         webPageSandbox = createSandBox();
     return Cu.evalInSandbox(src, webPageSandbox);
Example #14

const FakeCu = function() {
  const sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(systemPrincipal, {wantXrays: false});
  sandbox.toString = function() {
    return "[object BackstagePass]";
  this.sandbox = sandbox;
FakeCu.prototype = {
  ["import"](url, scope) {
    const {sandbox} = this;
    sandbox.__URI__ = url;
    const target = Cu.createObjectIn(sandbox);
    target.toString = sandbox.toString;
    Cu.evalInSandbox(`(function(){` + readURISync(url) + `\n})`,
                     sandbox, "1.8", url).call(target);
    // Borrowed from mozJSComponentLoader.cpp to match errors closer.
    // https://github.com/mozilla/gecko-dev/blob/f6ca65e8672433b2ce1a0e7c31f72717930b5e27/js/xpconnect/loader/mozJSComponentLoader.cpp#L1205-L1208
    if (!Array.isArray(target.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS)) {
      throw Error("EXPORTED_SYMBOLS is not an array.");

    for (let key of target.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS) {
      scope[key] = target[key];

    return target;
exports.FakeCu = FakeCu;
Example #15
    exec: function(args, context) {
      let globalObj;
      let contentWindow = context.environment.window;

      if (args.sourceType == "jsm") {
        try {
          globalObj = Cu.import(args.source);
        catch (e) {
          return l10n.lookup("callLogChromeInvalidJSM");
      } else if (args.sourceType == "content-variable") {
        if (args.source in contentWindow) {
          globalObj = Cu.getGlobalForObject(contentWindow[args.source]);
        } else {
          throw new Error(l10n.lookup("callLogChromeVarNotFoundContent"));
      } else if (args.sourceType == "chrome-variable") {
        let chromeWin = context.environment.chromeDocument.defaultView;
        if (args.source in chromeWin) {
          globalObj = Cu.getGlobalForObject(chromeWin[args.source]);
        } else {
          return l10n.lookup("callLogChromeVarNotFoundChrome");
      } else {
        let chromeWin = context.environment.chromeDocument.defaultView;
        let sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(chromeWin,
                                      sandboxPrototype: chromeWin,
                                      wantXrays: false,
                                      sandboxName: "gcli-cmd-calllog-chrome"
        let returnVal;
        try {
          returnVal = Cu.evalInSandbox(args.source, sandbox, "ECMAv5");
        } catch(e) {
          // We need to save the message before cleaning up else e contains a dead
          // object.
          let msg = l10n.lookup("callLogChromeEvalException") + ": " + e;
          return msg;

        if (typeof returnVal == "undefined") {
          return l10n.lookup("callLogChromeEvalNeedsObject");

        globalObj = Cu.getGlobalForObject(returnVal);

      let dbg = new Debugger(globalObj);

      dbg.onEnterFrame = function(frame) {
        // BUG 773652 -  Make the output from the GCLI calllog command nicer
        contentWindow.console.log(l10n.lookup("callLogChromeMethodCall") +
                                  ": " + this.callDescription(frame));

      let gBrowser = context.environment.chromeDocument.defaultView.gBrowser;
      let target = TargetFactory.forTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
      gDevTools.showToolbox(target, "webconsole");

      return l10n.lookup("calllogChromeStartReply");
Example #16
 * Evaluates given `source` in a given `sandbox` and returns result.
function evaluate(sandbox, code, uri, line, version) {
  return Cu.evalInSandbox(code, sandbox, version || '1.8', uri || '', line || 1);
Example #17
 eval: protocol.method(function (js) {
   // We have to use a sandbox, as CSP prevent us from using eval on apps...
   let sb = Cu.Sandbox(this.content, { sandboxPrototype: this.content });
   return Cu.evalInSandbox(js, sb);
 }, {