文件: piece.js 项目: nmalick/Cerveau
    init: function(data) {
        GameObject.init.apply(this, arguments);

         * When the Piece has been captured (removed from the board) this is true. Otherwise false.
         * @type {boolean}
        this._addProperty("captured", serializer.defaultBoolean(data.captured));

         * The file (column) coordinate of the Piece represented as a letter [a-h], with 'a' starting at the left of the board.
         * @type {string}
        this._addProperty("file", serializer.defaultString(data.file));

         * If the Piece has moved from its starting position.
         * @type {boolean}
        this._addProperty("hasMoved", serializer.defaultBoolean(data.hasMoved));

         * The player that controls this chess Piece.
         * @type {Player}
        this._addProperty("owner", serializer.defaultGameObject(data.owner));

         * The rank (row) coordinate of the Piece represented as a number [1-8], with 1 starting at the bottom of the board.
         * @type {number}
        this._addProperty("rank", serializer.defaultInteger(data.rank));

         * The type of chess Piece this is, either: 'King', 'Queen', 'Knight', 'Rook', 'Bishop', or 'Pawn'.
         * @type {string}
        this._addProperty("type", serializer.defaultString(data.type));

        //<<-- Creer-Merge: init -->> - Code you add between this comment and the end comment will be preserved between Creer re-runs.

        // put any initialization logic here. the base variables should be set from 'data' above
        // NOTE: no players are connected (nor created) at this point. For that logic use 'begin()'

        //<<-- /Creer-Merge: init -->>
文件: player.js 项目: nmalick/Cerveau
    init: function(data) {
        GameObject.init.apply(this, arguments);

         * All the checkers currently in the game owned by this player
         * @type {list.<Checker>}
        this._addProperty("checkers", serializer.defaultArray(data.checkers));

         * What type of client this is, e.g. 'Python', 'JavaScript', or some other language. For potential data mining purposes.
         * @type {string}
        this._addProperty("clientType", serializer.defaultString(data.clientType));

         * if the player lost the game or not
         * @type {boolean}
        this._addProperty("lost", serializer.defaultBoolean(data.lost));

         * The name of the player
         * @type {string}
        this._addProperty("name", serializer.defaultString(data.name));

         * this player's opponent in the game.
         * @type {Player}
        this._addProperty("otherPlayer", serializer.defaultGameObject(data.otherPlayer));

         * the reason why the player lost the game
         * @type {string}
        this._addProperty("reasonLost", serializer.defaultString(data.reasonLost));

         * the reason why the player won the game
         * @type {string}
        this._addProperty("reasonWon", serializer.defaultString(data.reasonWon));

         * The amount of time (in ns) remaining for this AI to send commands.
         * @type {number}
        this._addProperty("timeRemaining", serializer.defaultNumber(data.timeRemaining));

         * if the player won the game or not
         * @type {boolean}
        this._addProperty("won", serializer.defaultBoolean(data.won));

         * The direction your checkers must go along the y-axis until kinged
         * @type {number}
        this._addProperty("yDirection", serializer.defaultInteger(data.yDirection));

        //<<-- Creer-Merge: init -->> - Code you add between this comment and the end comment will be preserved between Creer re-runs.
        // put any initialization logic here. the base variables should be set from 'data' in Generated${obj_key}'s init function
        // NOTE: no players are connected at this point.
        //<<-- /Creer-Merge: init -->>
文件: player.js 项目: nmalick/Cerveau
    init: function(data) {
        GameObject.init.apply(this, arguments);

         * How many bribes this player has remaining to use during their turn. Each action a Building does costs 1 bribe. Any unused bribes are lost at the end of the player's turn.
         * @type {number}
        this._addProperty("bribesRemaining", serializer.defaultInteger(data.bribesRemaining));

         * All the buildings owned by this player.
         * @type {list.<Building>}
        this._addProperty("buildings", serializer.defaultArray(data.buildings));

         * What type of client this is, e.g. 'Python', 'JavaScript', or some other language. For potential data mining purposes.
         * @type {string}
        this._addProperty("clientType", serializer.defaultString(data.clientType));

         * All the FireDepartments owned by this player.
         * @type {list.<FireDepartment>}
        this._addProperty("fireDepartments", serializer.defaultArray(data.fireDepartments));

         * The Warehouse that serves as this player's headquarters and has extra health. If this gets destroyed they lose.
         * @type {Warehouse}
        this._addProperty("headquarters", serializer.defaultGameObject(data.headquarters));

         * if the player lost the game or not
         * @type {boolean}
        this._addProperty("lost", serializer.defaultBoolean(data.lost));

         * The name of the player
         * @type {string}
        this._addProperty("name", serializer.defaultString(data.name));

         * this player's opponent in the game.
         * @type {Player}
        this._addProperty("otherPlayer", serializer.defaultGameObject(data.otherPlayer));

         * All the PoliceDepartments owned by this player.
         * @type {list.<PoliceDepartment>}
        this._addProperty("policeDepartments", serializer.defaultArray(data.policeDepartments));

         * the reason why the player lost the game
         * @type {string}
        this._addProperty("reasonLost", serializer.defaultString(data.reasonLost));

         * the reason why the player won the game
         * @type {string}
        this._addProperty("reasonWon", serializer.defaultString(data.reasonWon));

         * The amount of time (in ns) remaining for this AI to send commands.
         * @type {number}
        this._addProperty("timeRemaining", serializer.defaultNumber(data.timeRemaining));

         * All the warehouses owned by this player. Includes the Headquarters.
         * @type {list.<Warehouse>}
        this._addProperty("warehouses", serializer.defaultArray(data.warehouses));

         * All the WeatherStations owned by this player.
         * @type {list.<WeatherStation>}
        this._addProperty("weatherStations", serializer.defaultArray(data.weatherStations));

         * if the player won the game or not
         * @type {boolean}
        this._addProperty("won", serializer.defaultBoolean(data.won));

        //<<-- Creer-Merge: init -->> - Code you add between this comment and the end comment will be preserved between Creer re-runs.

        // put any initialization logic here. the base variables should be set from 'data' above
        // NOTE: no players are connected (nor created) at this point. For that logic use 'begin()'

        //<<-- /Creer-Merge: init -->>
    init: function(data) {
        GameObject.init.apply(this, arguments);

         * when true this building has already been bribed this turn and cannot be bribed again this turn.
         * @type {boolean}
        this._addProperty("bribed", serializer.defaultBoolean(data.bribed));

         * The Building directly to the east of this building, or null if not present.
         * @type {Building}
        this._addProperty("buildingEast", serializer.defaultGameObject(data.buildingEast));

         * The Building directly to the north of this building, or null if not present.
         * @type {Building}
        this._addProperty("buildingNorth", serializer.defaultGameObject(data.buildingNorth));

         * The Building directly to the south of this building, or null if not present.
         * @type {Building}
        this._addProperty("buildingSouth", serializer.defaultGameObject(data.buildingSouth));

         * The Building directly to the west of this building, or null if not present.
         * @type {Building}
        this._addProperty("buildingWest", serializer.defaultGameObject(data.buildingWest));

         * How much fire is currently burning the building, and thus how much damage it will take at the end of its owner's turn. 0 means no fire.
         * @type {number}
        this._addProperty("fire", serializer.defaultInteger(data.fire));

         * How much health this building currently has. When this reaches 0 the Building has been burned down
         * @type {number}
        this._addProperty("health", serializer.defaultInteger(data.health));

         * true if this is the Headquarters of the owning player, false otherwise. Burning this down wins the game for the other Player.
         * @type {boolean}
        this._addProperty("isHeadquarters", serializer.defaultBoolean(data.isHeadquarters));

         * The player that owns this building. If it burns down (health reaches 0) that player gets an additional bribe(s).
         * @type {Player}
        this._addProperty("owner", serializer.defaultGameObject(data.owner));

         * The location of the Building along the x-axis
         * @type {number}
        this._addProperty("x", serializer.defaultInteger(data.x));

         * The location of the Building along the y-axis
         * @type {number}
        this._addProperty("y", serializer.defaultInteger(data.y));

        //<<-- Creer-Merge: init -->> - Code you add between this comment and the end comment will be preserved between Creer re-runs.

        this.health = this.maxHealth;

        if(this.isHeadquarters) {

        //<<-- /Creer-Merge: init -->>