var recordLastSourceRange = function () {
     if (lastRange && lastRangeStartNode && lastRangeEndNode) {
         if (lastRangeStartNode == lastRangeEndNode) {
             ts.setSourceMapRange(lastRangeEndNode, lastRange);
         else {
             ts.setSourceMapRange(lastRangeStartNode, lastRange);
             // Only emit the pos for the first node emitted in the range.
             ts.setEmitFlags(lastRangeStartNode, ts.EmitFlags.NoTrailingSourceMap);
             ts.setSourceMapRange(lastRangeEndNode, lastRange);
             // Only emit emit end for the last node emitted in the range.
             ts.setEmitFlags(lastRangeEndNode, ts.EmitFlags.NoLeadingSourceMap);
 function resetTextRange(node) {
     if (!(node.flags & ts.NodeFlags.Synthesized)) {
         // need to clone as we don't want to modify source nodes,
         // as the parsed SourceFiles could be cached!
         node = ts.getMutableClone(node);
     var textRange = { pos: node.pos, end: node.end };
     ts.setSourceMapRange(node, textRange);
     ts.setTextRange(node, { pos: -1, end: -1 });
     return node;
 function visitor(node) {
     if (ts.isIdentifier(node) && node.text === 'a') {
         var newNode = ts.createIdentifier('b');
         ts.setSourceMapRange(newNode, {
             pos: 16,
             end: 16,
             source: ts.createSourceMapSource('test.html', 'abc\ndef\nghi\njkl\nmno\npqr')
         return newNode;
     return ts.visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
 function visitNode(node) {
     if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier) {
         var parent1 = fileContext.syntheticNodeParents.get(node);
         var parent2 = parent1 && fileContext.syntheticNodeParents.get(parent1);
         var parent3 = parent2 && fileContext.syntheticNodeParents.get(parent2);
         if (parent1 && parent1.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration) {
             // TypeScript ignores synthetic comments on (static) property declarations
             // with initializers.
             // find the parent ExpressionStatement like = ...
             var expressionStmt = lastNodeWith(nodePath, function (node) { return node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement; });
             if (expressionStmt) {
                 ts.setSyntheticLeadingComments(expressionStmt, ts.getSyntheticLeadingComments(parent1) || []);
         else if (parent3 && parent3.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.VariableStatement &&
             tsickle.hasModifierFlag(parent3, ts.ModifierFlags.Export)) {
             // TypeScript ignores synthetic comments on exported variables.
             // find the parent ExpressionStatement like = ...
             var expressionStmt = lastNodeWith(nodePath, function (node) { return node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement; });
             if (expressionStmt) {
                 ts.setSyntheticLeadingComments(expressionStmt, ts.getSyntheticLeadingComments(parent3) || []);
     // TypeScript ignores synthetic comments on reexport / import statements.
     var moduleName = extractModuleNameFromRequireVariableStatement(node);
     if (moduleName && fileContext.importOrReexportDeclarations) {
         // Locate the original import/export declaration via the
         // text range.
         var importOrReexportDeclaration = fileContext.importOrReexportDeclarations.find(function (ied) { return ied.pos === node.pos; });
         if (importOrReexportDeclaration) {
             ts.setSyntheticLeadingComments(node, ts.getSyntheticLeadingComments(importOrReexportDeclaration) || []);
         // Need to clear the textRange for ImportDeclaration / ExportDeclaration as
         // otherwise TypeScript would emit the original comments even if we set the
         // ts.EmitFlag.NoComments. (see also resetNodeTextRangeToPreventDuplicateComments below)
         ts.setSourceMapRange(node, { pos: node.pos, end: node.end });
         ts.setTextRange(node, { pos: -1, end: -1 });