					validator: function (platforms) {
						var p = ti.scrubPlatforms(platforms);
						if (p.bad.length) {
							throw new appc.exception(__('Invalid platforms: %s', p.bad.join(', ')));
						return true;
exports.validate = function (logger, config, cli) {
	var platforms = cli.argv.platforms || cli.argv.platform;
	if (platforms) {
		platforms = ti.scrubPlatforms(platforms);

		if (platforms.bad.length) {
			logger.error(__n('Invalid platform: %%s', 'Invalid platforms: %%s', platforms.bad.length, platforms.bad.join(', ')) + '\n');
			logger.log(__('Available platforms for SDK version %s:', ti.manifest.sdkVersion) + '\n');
			ti.targetPlatforms.forEach(function (p) {
				logger.log('    ' + p.cyan);

		cli.argv.platforms = platforms.scrubbed;
	} else {
		cli.argv.platforms = null;

	ti.validateProjectDir(logger, cli, cli.argv, 'project-dir');

	return function (finished) {
		ti.loadPlugins(logger, config, cli, cli.argv['project-dir'], function () {
					validator: function (id) {
						if (!id) {
							throw new appc.exception(__('Invalid app id'));
						// general app id validation
						if (!/^([a-zA-Z_]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)*)$/.test(id)) {
							throw new appc.exception(__('Invalid app id "%s"', id), [
								__('The app id must consist of letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.'),
								__('Note: Android does not allow dashes and iOS does not allow underscores.'),
								__('The first character must be a letter or underscore.'),
								__("Usually the app id is your company's reversed Internet domain name. (i.e. com.example.myapp)")
						if (cli.argv.platforms) {
							var scrubbed = ti.scrubPlatforms(cli.argv.platforms).scrubbed;
							if (scrubbed.indexOf('android') != -1) {
								if (id.indexOf('-') != -1) {
									throw new appc.exception(__('Invalid app id "%s"', id), [
										__('For apps targeting %s, the app id must not contain dashes.', 'Android'.cyan)
								if (!/^([a-zA-Z_]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_]*(\.[a-zA-Z_]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)*)$/.test(id)) {
									throw new appc.exception(__('Invalid app id "%s"', id), [
										__('For apps targeting %s, numbers are not allowed directly after periods.', 'Android'.cyan)
								if (!ti.validAppId(id)) {
									throw new appc.exception(__('Invalid app id "%s"', id), [
										__('For apps targeting %s, the app id must not contain Java reserved words.', 'Android'.cyan)
							if (scrubbed.indexOf('ios') != -1 || scrubbed.indexOf('iphone') != -1) {
								if (id.indexOf('_') != -1) {
									throw new appc.exception(__('Invalid app id "%s"', id), [
										__('For apps targeting %s, the app id must not contain underscores.', 'iOS'.cyan)
						return true;
 * Constructs the creator state. This needs to be explicitly called from the
 * derived creator's constructor.
 * @class
 * @classdesc Base class for all project creators.
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} logger - The logger instance
 * @param {Object} config - The CLI config
 * @param {Object} cli - The CLI instance
function Creator(logger, config, cli) {
	this.logger = logger;
	this.config = config;
	this.cli = cli;

	this.platforms = ti.scrubPlatforms(cli.argv.platforms);
	this.projectType = cli.argv.type;
	this.projectName = cli.argv.name;
	this.id = cli.argv.id;
	this.url = cli.argv.url || '';
	this.sdk = cli.env.getSDK(cli.argv.sdk);
	this.projectDir = appc.fs.resolvePath(cli.argv['workspace-dir'], this.projectName);
	this.projectConfig = null;

	this.template = cli.argv.template;
	// the templateDir is populated by the create command after determining where it actual is
	this.templateDir = null;
exports.validate = function (logger, config, cli) {
	var platforms = ti.scrubPlatforms(cli.argv.platforms);
	cli.argv.platforms = platforms.scrubbed;
	if (platforms.bad.length) {
		logger.error(__n('Invalid platform: %%s', 'Invalid platforms: %%s', platforms.bad.length, platforms.bad.join(', ')) + '\n');
		logger.log(__('Available platforms for SDK version %s:', ti.manifest.sdkVersion) + '\n');
		ti.availablePlatforms.forEach(function (p) {
			logger.log('    ' + p.cyan);
	var projectDir = appc.fs.resolvePath(cli.argv.dir, cli.argv.name);
	if (!cli.argv.force && appc.fs.exists(projectDir)) {
		logger.error(__('Project directory alread exists: %s', projectDir) + '\n');
		logger.log(__("Run '%s' to overwrite existing project.", (cli.argv.$ + ' ' + process.argv.slice(2).join(' ') + ' --force').cyan) + '\n');
AppCreator.prototype.run = function run(callback) {
	Creator.prototype.run.apply(this, arguments);

	var argv = this.cli.argv,
		platforms = ti.scrubPlatforms(argv.platforms),
		projectDir = appc.fs.resolvePath(argv['workspace-dir'], argv.name);

	fs.existsSync(projectDir) || wrench.mkdirSyncRecursive(projectDir);

	// download/install the project template
	this.processTemplate(function (err, templateDir) {
		if (err) {
			return callback(err);

		var projectConfig = null,
			tasks = [
				function (next) {
					// copy the template files, if exists
					var dir = path.join(templateDir, 'template');
					if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
					} else {
						this.logger.info(__('Template directory: %s', templateDir.cyan));
						this.copyDir(dir, projectDir, next);

				function (next) {
					// create the tiapp.xml
					var params = {
							id: argv.id,
							name: argv.name,
							url: argv.url || '',
							version: '1.0',
							guid: uuid.v4(),
							'deployment-targets': {},
							'sdk-version': this.sdk.name
						tiappFile = path.join(projectDir, 'tiapp.xml');

					if (platforms.original.indexOf('ios') != -1) {
						platforms.original.indexOf('ipad') != -1 || platforms.original.push('ipad');
						platforms.original.indexOf('iphone') != -1 || platforms.original.push('iphone');

					ti.availablePlatformsNames.forEach(function (p) {
						if (p != 'ios') {
							params['deployment-targets'][p] = platforms.original.indexOf(p) !== -1;

					this.cli.createHook('create.populateTiappXml', this, function (tiapp, params, done) {
						// read and populate the tiapp.xml
						this.logger.info(__('Writing tiapp.xml'));
						projectConfig = appc.util.mix(tiapp, params);
					}.bind(this))(fs.existsSync(tiappFile) ? new ti.tiappxml(tiappFile) : new ti.tiappxml(), params, next);

				function (next) {
					// make sure the Resources dir exists
					var dir = path.join(projectDir, 'Resources');
					fs.existsSync(dir) || wrench.mkdirSyncRecursive(dir);

		platforms.scrubbed.forEach(function (platform) {
			// if we're using the built-in template, load the platform specific template hooks
			var usingBuiltinTemplate = templateDir.indexOf(this.sdk.path) === 0,
				platformTemplateDir = path.join(this.sdk.path, platform, 'templates', this.projectType, this.cli.argv.template);

			if (usingBuiltinTemplate) {
				this.cli.scanHooks(path.join(platformTemplateDir, 'hooks'));

			tasks.push(function (next) {
					'create.pre.platform.' + platform,
					'create.pre.' + this.projectType + '.platform.' + platform
				], this, function (err) {
					if (err) {
						return next(err);

					var finalize = function () {
							'create.post.' + this.projectType + '.platform.' + platform,
							'create.post.platform.' + platform
						], this, next);

					// legacy... only copy platform specific files if we're copying from a built-in template
					if (!usingBuiltinTemplate) {
						return finalize();

					var p = path.join(this.sdk.path, platform, 'cli', 'commands', '_create.js');
					if (fs.existsSync(p)) {
						this.logger.info(__('Copying %s platform resources', platform.cyan));
						require(p).run(this.logger, this.config, this.cli, projectConfig);
						return finalize();

					// does this platform have new or old style implementations?
					var templatePath = path.join(platformTemplateDir, 'template');
					if (!fs.existsSync(templatePath)) return finalize();
					this.copyDir(templatePath, projectDir, finalize);
		}, this);

		tasks.push(function (next) {
			// send the analytics
			this.cli.addAnalyticsEvent('project.create.mobile', {
				dir:         projectDir,
				name:        argv.name,
				publisher:   projectConfig.publisher,
				url:         projectConfig.url,
				image:       projectConfig.image,
				appid:       argv.id,
				description: '',
				type:        'mobile',
				guid:        projectConfig.guid,
				version:     projectConfig.version,
				copyright:   projectConfig.copyright,
				runtime:     '1.0.0',
				date:        (new Date).toDateString()

		appc.async.series(this, tasks, callback);
exports.run = function (logger, config, cli) {
	var projectName = cli.argv.name,
		platforms = ti.scrubPlatforms(cli.argv.platforms),
		id = cli.argv.id,
		type = cli.argv.type,
		url = cli.argv.url || '',
		sdk = cli.env.getSDK(cli.argv.sdk),
		projectDir = afs.resolvePath(cli.argv['workspace-dir'], projectName),
		templateDir = afs.resolvePath(sdk.path, 'templates', type, cli.argv.template),
		uuid = require('node-uuid'),
	afs.exists(projectDir) || wrench.mkdirSyncRecursive(projectDir);
	if (type == 'app') {
		logger.info(__('Creating Titanium Mobile application project'));
		afs.copyDirSyncRecursive(templateDir, projectDir, { logger: logger.debug });
		// read and populate the tiapp.xml
		projectConfig = new ti.tiappxml(projectDir + '/tiapp.xml');
		projectConfig.id = id;
		projectConfig.name = projectName;
		projectConfig.url = url;
		projectConfig.version = '1.0';
		projectConfig.guid = uuid.v4();
		projectConfig['deployment-targets'] = {};
		if (platforms.original.indexOf('ios') != -1) {
			platforms.original.indexOf('ipad') != -1 || platforms.original.push('ipad');
			platforms.original.indexOf('iphone') != -1 || platforms.original.push('iphone');
		ti.availablePlatformsNames.forEach(function (p) {
			if (p != 'ios') {
				projectConfig['deployment-targets'][p] = platforms.original.indexOf(p) != -1;
		projectConfig['sdk-version'] = sdk.name;
		projectConfig.save(projectDir + '/tiapp.xml');
		// create the manifest file
		fs.writeFileSync(projectDir + '/manifest', [
			'#appname: ' + projectName,
			'#appid: ' + id,
			'#type: mobile',
			'#guid: ' + projectConfig.guid,
			'#version: ' + projectConfig.version,
			'#publisher: not specified',
			'#url: not specified',
			'#image: appicon.png',
			'#desc: not specified'

		analyticsPayload = {
			dir: projectDir,
			name: projectName,
			publisher: projectConfig.publisher,
			url: projectConfig.url,
			image: projectConfig.image,
			appid: id,
			description: projectConfig.description,
			type: 'mobile',
			guid: projectConfig.guid,
			version: projectConfig.version,
			copyright: projectConfig.copyright,
			runtime: '1.0',
			date: (new Date()).toDateString()
		cli.addAnalyticsEvent('project.create.mobile', analyticsPayload);
	} else if (type == 'module') {
		logger.info(__('Creating Titanium Mobile module project'));
		afs.copyDirSyncRecursive(templateDir, projectDir, { logger: logger.debug });
		projectConfig = {
			'___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___': projectName.toLowerCase().split(/\./).map(function (s) { return appc.string.capitalize(s); }).join(''),
			'___MODULE_NAME_CAMEL___': projectName.toLowerCase().split(/[\W_]/).map(function (s) { return appc.string.capitalize(s); }).join(''),
			'___MODULE_ID_AS_FOLDER___': id.replace(/\./g, path.sep),
			'___PROJECTNAME___': projectName.toLowerCase(),
			'__MODULE_ID__': id,
			'__PROJECT_SHORT_NAME__': projectName,
			'__VERSION__': sdk.name,
			'__SDK__': sdk.path,
			'__SDK_ROOT__': sdk.path,
			'__GUID__': uuid.v4(),
			'__YEAR__': (new Date).getFullYear()
		// create the manifest file
		fs.writeFileSync(projectDir + '/manifest', [
			'# this is your module manifest and used by Titanium',
			'# during compilation, packaging, distribution, etc.',
			'version: 1.0',
			'apiversion: 2',
			'description: ' + projectName,
			'author: ' + ((config.user && config.user.name) || 'Your Name'),
			'license: Specify your license',
			'copyright: Copyright (c) 2012 by ' + ((config.user && config.user.name) || 'Your Company'),
			'# these should not be edited',
			'name: ' + projectName,
			'moduleid: ' + id,
			'guid: ' + projectConfig.__GUID__,
			'platforms: ' + platforms.original.join(', ')

		analyticsPayload = {
			dir: projectDir,
			name: projectName,
			author: ((config.user && config.user.name) || 'Your Name'),
			moduleid: id,
			description: projectName,
			guid: projectConfig.__GUID__,
			version: '1.0',
			copyright: 'copyright: Copyright (c) 2012 by ' + ((config.user && config.user.name) || 'Your Company'),
			minsdk: sdk.name,
			platforms: platforms.original.join(', '),
			date: (new Date()).toDateString()
		cli.addAnalyticsEvent('project.create.module', analyticsPayload);
	platforms.scrubbed.forEach(function (platform) {
		var p = afs.resolvePath(path.dirname(module.filename), '..', '..', platform, 'cli', 'commands', '_create.js');
		if (afs.exists(p)) {
			logger.info(__('Copying "%s" platform resources', platform));
			require(p).run(logger, config, cli, projectConfig);
	logger.info(__("Project '%s' created successfully in %s", projectName.cyan, appc.time.prettyDiff(cli.startTime, Date.now())) + '\n');
exports.validate = function (logger, config, cli) {
	var platforms = ti.scrubPlatforms(cli.argv.platforms);
	if (platforms.bad.length) {
		logger.error(__n('Invalid platform: %%s', 'Invalid platforms: %%s', platforms.bad.length, platforms.bad.join(', ')) + '\n');
		logger.log(__('Available platforms for SDK version %s:', ti.manifest.sdkVersion) + '\n');
		ti.availablePlatformsNames.forEach(function (p) {
			logger.log('    ' + p.cyan);
	cli.argv.id = (cli.argv.id || '').trim();
	// general app id validation (we'll make sure there are no dashes for Android and no underscores for iOS later)
	if (!/^([a-zA-Z_]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)*)$/.test(cli.argv.id)) {
		logger.error(__('Invalid app id "%s"', cli.argv.id) + '\n');
		logger.log(__('The app id must consist of letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.'));
		logger.log(__('Note: Android does not allow dashes and iOS does not allow underscores.'));
		logger.log(__('The first character must be a letter or underscore.'));
		logger.log(__("Usually the app id is your company's reversed Internet domain name. (i.e. com.example.myapp)") + '\n');
	if (platforms.scrubbed.indexOf('android') != -1) {
		// if android is in the list of platforms, we go down the lowest common denominator road
		if (cli.argv.id.indexOf('-') != -1) {
			logger.error(__('Invalid app id "%s"', cli.argv.id) + '\n');
			logger.log(__('For apps targeting %s, the app id must not contain dashes.', 'Android'.cyan) + '\n');
		if (!/^([a-zA-Z_]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_]*(\.[a-zA-Z_]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)*)$/.test(cli.argv.id)) {
			logger.error(__('Invalid app id "%s"', cli.argv.id) + '\n');
			logger.log(__('For apps targeting %s, numbers are not allowed directly after periods.', 'Android'.cyan) + '\n');
		if (!ti.validAppId(cli.argv.id)) {
			logger.error(__('Invalid app id "%s"', cli.argv.id) + '\n');
			logger.log(__('For apps targeting %s, the app id must not contain Java reserved words.', 'Android'.cyan) + '\n');
	} else {
		// android is not in the list of platforms
		var counter = 0;
		if (cli.argv.id.indexOf('-') != -1) {
			logger.warn(__('The specified app id is not compatible with the Android platform.'));
			logger.warn(__('Android does not allow dashes in the app id.'));
		if (!/^([a-zA-Z_]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_]*(\.[a-zA-Z_]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)*)$/.test(cli.argv.id)) {
			counter || logger.warn(__('The specified app id is not compatible with the Android platform.'));
			logger.warn(__('Android does not allow numbers directly following periods in the app id.'));
		if (!ti.validAppId(cli.argv.id)) {
			counter || logger.warn(__('The specified app id is not compatible with the Android platform.'));
			logger.warn(__('Android does not allow Java reserved words in the app id.'));
		if (counter) {
			logger.warn(__('If you wish to add Android support, you will need to fix the <id> in the tiapp.xml.'));
	// next we check if iOS contains any underscores
	if (cli.argv.id.indexOf('_') != -1) {
		if (platforms.scrubbed.indexOf('ios') != -1 || platforms.scrubbed.indexOf('iphone') != -1) {
			logger.error(__('Invalid app id "%s"', cli.argv.id) + '\n');
			logger.log(__('For apps targeting %s, the app id must not contain underscores.', 'iOS'.cyan) + '\n');
		} else {
			logger.warn(__('The specified app id is not compatible with the iOS platform.'));
			logger.warn(__('iOS does not allow underscores in the app id.'));
			logger.warn(__('If you wish to add iOS support, you will need to fix the <id> in the tiapp.xml.'));
	cli.argv.name = (cli.argv.name || '').trim();
	if (!cli.argv.name) {
		logger.error(__('Invalid project name "%s"', cli.argv.name) + '\n');
		logger.log(__('The project name must consist of letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.'));
		logger.log(__('The first character must be a letter.') + '\n');
	cli.argv['workspace-dir'] = afs.resolvePath(cli.argv['workspace-dir'] || '.');
	var projectDir = path.join(cli.argv['workspace-dir'], cli.argv.name);
	if (!cli.argv.force && afs.exists(projectDir)) {
		logger.error(__('Project directory already exists: %s', projectDir) + '\n');
		logger.log(__("Run '%s' to overwrite existing project.", (cli.argv.$ + ' ' + process.argv.slice(2).join(' ') + ' --force').cyan) + '\n');