文件: app.js 项目: paperlee/Qute
	function checkAndSync(e) {
		if (e.networkType == Ti.Network.NETWORK_WIFI) {
			// If network changed to WIFI, do sync and remove network listener
			if (Ti.App.Properties.getString('latestSync') != 'none') {
				var latest_sync_date = new Date(Ti.App.Properties.getString('latestSync'));
				// Check if latest sync is outdated (ie. 2 days ago)
				// TODO: bad rule to sync?
				var now = new Date();
				Ti.API.info('now: '+now.toISOString()+'::latest sync: '+latest_sync_date.toISOString());
				Ti.API.info('Have been ' + (now.getTime() - latest_sync_date.getTime()) + ' ms to latest sync');
				if (now.getTime() - latest_sync_date.getTime() > SYNC_INTERVAL) {
					//checked_sync = true;

			try {
				Ti.Network.removeEventListener('change', checkAndSync);
			} catch(err) {
				Ti.API.info('Error to detach sync listener...');
文件: app.js 项目: paperlee/Qute
(function() {
	var sync = new Sync();
	//determine platform and form factor and render approproate components
	var osname = Ti.Platform.osname, version = Ti.Platform.version, height = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight, width = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth;

	//considering tablet to have one dimension over 900px - this is imperfect, so you should feel free to decide
	//yourself what you consider a tablet form factor for android
	var isTablet = osname === 'ipad' || (osname === 'android' && (width > 899 || height > 899));

	//init properties
	//didCopy(Bool): determine whether the user did copy action. Did: don't show tap twice hint
	if (!Ti.App.Properties.hasProperty('didCopy')) {
		//Not exist(init.) create one
		Ti.App.Properties.setBool('didCopy', false);

	if (!Ti.App.Properties.hasProperty('loggedin')) {
		Ti.App.Properties.setBool('loggedin', false);

	if (!Ti.App.Properties.hasProperty('syncing')) {
		Ti.App.Properties.setBool('syncing', false);

	if (!Ti.App.Properties.hasProperty('latestSync')) {
		Ti.App.Properties.setString('latestSync', 'none');

	//TODO:Set uo language! Below code not work!
	//store current local
	if (!Ti.App.Properties.hasProperty('locale')) {
		var lang = Ti.Platform.locale;
		Ti.App.Properties.setString('locale', lang);
		Ti.App.Properties.setBool('customLocal', false);
	} else {
		//set up app language
		if (Ti.App.Properties.getBool('customLocal')) {
			var currentLocale = Ti.App.Properties.getString('locale');
			if (currentLocale == 'zh-Hans') {
			} else if (currentLocale.indexOf('zh') > -1) {
				//Broad chinese env
			} else {
				//other lang

	//init db
	var db = Ti.Database.open('qute');
	db.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS history (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, title, date, qrtype INTEGER, content, raw, img, loved INTEGER, post_id, qute_link, last_update, last_sync, from_me INTEGER DEFAULT 0, sync_address TEXT DEFAULT no)');
	//db.execute('ALTER TABLE history ADD COLUMN from_me INTEGER DEFAULT 0');
	db.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS _system (version)');

	db.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS _deleted (deleted_key)');

	var versionSet = db.execute('SELECT * FROM _system');
	if (versionSet.rowCount == 0) {
		db.execute('INSERT INTO _system VALUES(?)', DB_VERSION);

	if (versionSet.isValidRow() && versionSet.fieldByName('version') < DB_VERSION) {
		var current_db_version = versionSet.fieldByName('version');
		db = null;
		Ti.API.info('version changed!');

		//need to update db
		db = Ti.Database.open('qute');
		db.execute('BEGIN TRANSACTION');
		db.execute('ALTER TABLE history RENAME TO temp_history');
		db.execute('CREATE TABLE history(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, title, date, qrtype INTEGER, content, raw, img, loved INTEGER, post_id, qute_link, last_update, last_sync, from_me INTEGER DEFAULT 0, sync_address TEXT DEFAULT no)');

		if (current_db_version == 0.2) {
			//have to migrate id as well to prevent bad image naming in future release
			db.execute('INSERT INTO history (id, title, date, qrtype, content, raw, img, loved, post_id, last_update, last_sync, from_me) SELECT id, title, date, qrtype, content, raw, img, loved, post_id, last_update, last_sync, from_me FROM temp_history');
		} else if (current_db_version == 0.3) {
			db.execute('INSERT INTO history (id, title, date, qrtype, content, raw, img, loved, post_id, qute_link, last_update, last_sync, from_me) SELECT id, title, date, qrtype, content, raw, img, loved, post_id, qute_link, last_update, last_sync, from_me FROM temp_history');

		db.execute('DROP TABLE temp_history');
		//Update db version
		db.execute('UPDATE _system SET version=? WHERE rowid=1', DB_VERSION);


	var Window = require('ui/handheld/MainWindow');

	var self = new Window();

	var checked_sync = false;
	if (Ti.Network.online && Ti.Network.networkType == Ti.Network.NETWORK_WIFI && Ti.App.Properties.getBool('syncing')) {
		if (Ti.App.Properties.getString('latestSync') != 'none') {
			var latest_sync_date = new Date(Ti.App.Properties.getString('latestSync'));
			// Check if latest sync is outdated (ie. 2 days ago)
			// TODO: bad rule to sync?
			var now = new Date();
			Ti.API.info('now: '+now.toISOString()+'::latest sync: '+latest_sync_date.toISOString());
			Ti.API.info('Have been ' + (now.getTime() - latest_sync_date.getTime()) + ' ms to latest sync');
			if (now.getTime() - latest_sync_date.getTime() > SYNC_INTERVAL) {
				//checked_sync = true;


	function checkAndSync(e) {
		if (e.networkType == Ti.Network.NETWORK_WIFI) {
			// If network changed to WIFI, do sync and remove network listener
			if (Ti.App.Properties.getString('latestSync') != 'none') {
				var latest_sync_date = new Date(Ti.App.Properties.getString('latestSync'));
				// Check if latest sync is outdated (ie. 2 days ago)
				// TODO: bad rule to sync?
				var now = new Date();
				Ti.API.info('now: '+now.toISOString()+'::latest sync: '+latest_sync_date.toISOString());
				Ti.API.info('Have been ' + (now.getTime() - latest_sync_date.getTime()) + ' ms to latest sync');
				if (now.getTime() - latest_sync_date.getTime() > SYNC_INTERVAL) {
					//checked_sync = true;

			try {
				Ti.Network.removeEventListener('change', checkAndSync);
			} catch(err) {
				Ti.API.info('Error to detach sync listener...');

	if (Ti.Network.networkType != Ti.Network.NETWORK_WIFI && Ti.App.Properties.getBool('syncing')) {
		Ti.Network.addEventListener('change', checkAndSync);
		// Will only checked once until next launch


	// Tab structure
	/*var Window;
	 if (isTablet) {
	 Window = require('ui/tablet/ApplicationWindow');
	 else {
	 Window = require('ui/handheld/ApplicationWindow');

	 var ApplicationTabGroup = require('ui/common/ApplicationTabGroup');
	 new ApplicationTabGroup(Window).open();*/