module.exports = function (src) {
	src = typeof src === 'string' ? rocambole.parse(src) : src;
	return rocambole.moonwalk(src, function (node) {
    return through.obj(function transform (file, enc, cb) {
        if (file.isNull()) {
            return cb(null, file);

        if (file.isStream()) {
            return cb(new PluginError('gulp-debug-finder', 'Streaming not supported.'));

        try {
            const contents = file.contents.toString();

            rocambole.moonwalk(contents, (node) => {
                const expression = node.callee || {};

                if (node.type !== 'CallExpression' || expression.type !== 'MemberExpression') {

                const maybeIdent = expression.object || {};

                if (maybeIdent.type === 'Identifier' && maybeIdent.name === 'console' && expression.property) {
                    out = 'There are JavaScript debug statements present.';
        } catch (e) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-invalid-this
            this.emit('error', new PluginError('gulp-debug-finder', e, {
                fileName: file.path,

        return cb();
    }, function flush (cb) {
function transform(ast, opts) {
  if (opts !== BYPASS_OPTIONS) {
  _shouldRemoveTrailingWs = Boolean(_options.get('whiteSpace.removeTrailing'));


  _tk.eachInBetween(ast.startToken, ast.endToken, preprocessToken);
  rocambole.moonwalk(ast, transformNode);
  _tk.eachInBetween(ast.startToken, ast.endToken, postprocessToken);

  // indent should come after all other transformations since it depends on
  // line breaks caused by "parent" nodes, otherwise it will cause conflicts.
  // it should also happen after the postprocessToken since it adds line breaks
  // before/after comments and that changes the indent logic

  // plugin transformation comes after the indentation since we assume user
  // knows what he is doing (will increase flexibility and allow plugin to
  // override the indentation logic)
  // we have an alias "transform" to match v0.3 API, but favor `transformAfter`
  // moving forward. (we might deprecate "transform" in the future)

  return ast;
function format(str, opts){

    // we remove indent and trailing whitespace before since it's simpler, code
    // is responsible for re-indenting
    str = _indent.removeAll(str);
    str = _ws.removeTrailing(str);
    str = _br.removeEmptyLines(str);

    var ast = walker.parse(str);
    _ws.sanitizeWhiteSpaces( ast.startToken );
    walker.moonwalk(ast, transformNode);

    str = ast.toString();

    return str;
exports.format = function(str, opts){
    // everything is sync so we use a local var for brevity
    _curOpts = merge(DEFAULT_OPTS, opts);
    _br = _curOpts.lineBreak.value;

    // we remove indent and trailing whitespace before since it's simpler, code
    // is responsible for re-indenting
    str = removeIndent(str);
    str = removeTrailingWhiteSpace(str);
    str = removeEmptyLines(str);

    var ast = walker.parse(str);
    sanitizeWhiteSpaces( ast.startToken );
    walker.moonwalk(ast, transformNode);

    str = ast.toString();

    return str;
文件: stripify.js 项目: STRML/primus
  function flush(done) {
    const ast = rocambole.parse(code);

    code = rocambole.moonwalk(ast, function strip(node) {
      if (( // var debug = ...;
          'VariableDeclaration' === node.type
        && 'debug' === node.declarations[0].id.name
      ) || ( // debug( ... );
          'ExpressionStatement' === node.type
        && 'CallExpression' === node.expression.type
        && 'debug' === node.expression.callee.name
      )) {
        return remove(node);

function transform(ast, opts) {
  _shouldRemoveTrailingWs = Boolean(_options.get('whiteSpace.removeTrailing'));

  _tk.eachInBetween(ast.startToken, ast.endToken, preprocessToken);
  rocambole.moonwalk(ast, transformNode);
  _tk.eachInBetween(ast.startToken, ast.endToken, postprocessToken);

  // indent should come after all other transformations since it depends on
  // line breaks caused by "parent" nodes, otherwise it will cause conflicts.
  // it should also happen after the postprocessToken since it adds line breaks
  // before/after comments and that changes the indent logic

  if (process.env.LOG_TOKENS) {

  return ast;
exports.transform = function (ast) {
  rocambole.moonwalk(ast, exports._transformNode);
		.pipe(vinylMap(function (code, filename) {
			var stripped = rocambole.moonwalk(code.toString(), stripAsserts);
			console.log('asserts removed: ' + removedAsserts);

			return stripped.toString();
function transform(ast) {
  rocambole.moonwalk(ast, commafirst)

  return ast
function strip(string) {
	return rocambole.moonwalk(string, node => {
exports.transform = function (ast) {
  // Mark up the AST with scope information
  ast = ecmaVariableScope(ast);

  // Skip over the custom node properties
  rocambole.BYPASS_RECURSION._insideWith = true;
  rocambole.BYPASS_RECURSION._nearestScope = true;
  rocambole.BYPASS_RECURSION._scopeType = true;
  rocambole.BYPASS_RECURSION._usedInAWith = true;
  rocambole.BYPASS_RECURSION.scopeInfo = true;
  rocambole.BYPASS_RECURSION.scope = true;

  // Walk over the identifiers
  rocambole.moonwalk(ast, function updateIdentifiers (node) {
    // If the node is an identifier
    var name, newName;
    if (node.type === 'Identifier') {
      // If it's a variable
      if (node.scopeInfo) {
        // Grab the node and its name
        name = node.name;
        newName = variableMap[name];

        // If there is no rename, ignore the node
        if (newName === undefined || newName === name) {

        // DEV: Logic taken from `uglifyjs2` (linked from `beautify-with-words`)
        // https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/blob/v2.4.11/lib/scope.js#L59-L63
        // If the identifier has not been declared
        if (node.scopeInfo.type === ecmaVariableScope.SCOPE_INFO_TYPES.UNDECLARED) {
          // If we are not cool with renaming undeclared variables, warn and ignore this node
          if (renameOptions.renameUndeclared !== true) {
            logger.warn('Saw matching undeclared variable "' + name + '" but did not rename due ' +
                'to potential issues. To force a rename on undeclared variables, set the ' +
                'option `rename.renameUndeclared` to `true`');
        // Otherwise, if the identifier is top level and we aren't touching top level items
        // DEV: All undeclareds are top level so they should be skipping this step
        } else if (node.scopeInfo.topLevel === ecmaVariableScope.SCOPE_INFO_TOP_LEVEL.YES) {
          // If we are not cool with renaming top levels, warn and ignore this node
          if (renameOptions.renameTopLevel !== true) {
            logger.warn('Saw matching top level variable "' + name + '" but did not rename due ' +
                'to potential issues. To force a rename on top level variables, set the ' +
                'option `rename.renameTopLevel` to `true`');

        // If the identifier has ever been used in a with, do nothing
        var usedInAWith = node.scopeInfo.usedInAWith !== ecmaVariableScope.SCOPE_INFO_USED_IN_A_WITH.NO;
        if (usedInAWith) {
          // If we are not cool with ignoring `with` related variables, warn and ignore this node
          if (renameOptions.ignoreWith !== true) {
            logger.warn('Saw matching variable "' + name + '" that was used in a `with` but did not rename due ' +
                'to potential issues. To force a rename on variables used in a `with`, set the ' +
                'option `rename.ignoreWith` to `true`');

        // Rename our identifier (update in both node and token tree)
        node.name = node.startToken.value = newName;
      // Otherwise, if it is in a label, break, or continue
      // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/Parser_API#Statements
      // https://github.com/twolfson/ecma-variable-scope/blob/2.1.0/lib/ecma-variable-scope.js#L101-L103
      } else if (isLabelIdentifier(node)) {
        // Grab the new name and update to it
        newName = labelMap[node.name];
        if (newName !== undefined) {
          node.name = node.startToken.value = newName;

  // Clean up custom iteration skips
  delete rocambole.BYPASS_RECURSION._insideWith;
  delete rocambole.BYPASS_RECURSION._nearestScope;
  delete rocambole.BYPASS_RECURSION._scopeType;
  delete rocambole.BYPASS_RECURSION._usedInAWith;
  delete rocambole.BYPASS_RECURSION.scopeInfo;
  delete rocambole.BYPASS_RECURSION.scope;

  // Walk over all nodes and clean up our properties
  // DEV: Without this, we would have infinite recursion on other traversals
  // DEV: We use `estraverse` over `rocambole` to prevent possible misses due to missing references
  estraverse.traverse(ast, {
    enter: function cleanupProperties (node) {
      delete node._insideWith;
      delete node._nearestScope;
      delete node._scopeType;
      delete node._usedInAWith;
      delete node.scopeInfo;
      delete node.scope;

  // Return the modified AST
  return ast;
function transform(ast) {
  rocambole.moonwalk(ast, transformNode);
  return ast;
module.exports = source => rocambole.moonwalk(source, node => {