文件: utils.js 项目: rashidkpc/kibana
export function getPdfUrl({ id, name: title, width, height }, { pageCount }) {
  const reportingEntry = chrome.addBasePath('/api/reporting/generate');
  const canvasEntry = '/app/canvas#';

  // The viewport in Reporting by specifying the dimensions. In order for things to work,
  // we need a viewport that will include all of the pages in the workpad. The viewport
  // also needs to include any offset values from the 0,0 position, otherwise the cropped
  // screenshot that Reporting takes will be off the mark. Reporting will take a screenshot
  // of the entire viewport and then crop it down to the element that was asked for.

  // NOTE: while the above is true, the scaling seems to be broken. The export screen draws
  // pages at the 0,0 point, so the offset isn't currently required to get the correct
  // viewport size.

  // build a list of all page urls for exporting, they are captured one at a time
  const workpadUrls = [];
  for (let i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++)

  const jobParams = {
    browserTimezone: 'America/Phoenix', // TODO: get browser timezone, or Kibana setting?
    layout: {
      dimensions: { width, height },
      id: PDF_LAYOUT_TYPE,
    objectType: 'canvas workpad',
    relativeUrls: workpadUrls,

  return `${reportingEntry}/printablePdf?${QueryString.param(
  openSingleMetricView = (annotation = {}) => {
    // Creates the link to the Single Metric Viewer.
    // Set the total time range from the start to the end of the annotation.
    const job = this.getJob(annotation.job_id);
    const dataCounts = job.data_counts;
    const from = new Date(dataCounts.earliest_record_timestamp).toISOString();
    const to = new Date(dataCounts.latest_record_timestamp).toISOString();

    const globalSettings = {
      ml: {
        jobIds: [job.job_id]
      refreshInterval: {
        display: 'Off',
        pause: false,
        value: 0
      time: {
        mode: 'absolute'

    const appState = {
      filters: [],
      query: {
        query_string: {
          analyze_wildcard: true,
          query: '*'

    if (annotation.timestamp !== undefined && annotation.end_timestamp !== undefined) {
      appState.mlTimeSeriesExplorer = {
        zoom: {
          from: new Date(annotation.timestamp).toISOString(),
          to: new Date(annotation.end_timestamp).toISOString()

      if (annotation.timestamp < dataCounts.earliest_record_timestamp) {
        globalSettings.time.from = new Date(annotation.timestamp).toISOString();

      if (annotation.end_timestamp > dataCounts.latest_record_timestamp) {
        globalSettings.time.to = new Date(annotation.end_timestamp).toISOString();

    const _g = rison.encode(globalSettings);
    const _a = rison.encode(appState);

    const url = `?_g=${_g}&_a=${_a}`;
    addItemToRecentlyAccessed('timeseriesexplorer', job.job_id, url);
    window.open(`${chrome.getBasePath()}/app/ml#/timeseriesexplorer${url}`, '_self');
export function getExploreSeriesLink(series) {
  // Open the Single Metric dashboard over the same overall bounds and
  // zoomed in to the same time as the current chart.
  const bounds = timefilter.getActiveBounds();
  const from = bounds.min.toISOString(); // e.g. 2016-02-08T16:00:00.000Z
  const to = bounds.max.toISOString();

  const zoomFrom = moment(series.plotEarliest).toISOString();
  const zoomTo = moment(series.plotLatest).toISOString();

  // Pass the detector index and entity fields (i.e. by, over, partition fields)
  // to identify the particular series to view.
  // Initially pass them in the mlTimeSeriesExplorer part of the AppState.
  // TODO - do we want to pass the entities via the filter?
  const entityCondition = {};
  series.entityFields.forEach((entity) => {
    entityCondition[entity.fieldName] = entity.fieldValue;

  // Use rison to build the URL .
  const _g = rison.encode({
    ml: {
      jobIds: [series.jobId]
    refreshInterval: {
      display: 'Off',
      pause: false,
      value: 0
    time: {
      from: from,
      to: to,
      mode: 'absolute'

  const _a = rison.encode({
    mlTimeSeriesExplorer: {
      zoom: {
        from: zoomFrom,
        to: zoomTo
      detectorIndex: series.detectorIndex,
      entities: entityCondition,
    filters: [],
    query: {
      query_string: {
        analyze_wildcard: true,
        query: '*'

  return `${chrome.getBasePath()}/app/ml#/timeseriesexplorer?_g=${_g}&_a=${encodeURIComponent(_a)}`;
  openSingleMetricView(forecast) {
    // Creates the link to the Single Metric Viewer.
    // Set the total time range from the start of the job data to the end of the forecast,
    const dataCounts = this.props.job.data_counts;
    const jobEarliest = dataCounts.earliest_record_timestamp;
    const from = new Date(dataCounts.earliest_record_timestamp).toISOString();
    const to = forecast !== undefined ? new Date(forecast.forecast_end_timestamp).toISOString() :
      new Date(dataCounts.latest_record_timestamp).toISOString();

    const _g = rison.encode({
      ml: {
        jobIds: [this.props.job.job_id]
      refreshInterval: {
        display: 'Off',
        pause: false,
        value: 0
      time: {
        mode: 'absolute'

    const appState = {
      filters: [],
      query: {
        query_string: {
          analyze_wildcard: true,
          query: '*'

    if (forecast !== undefined) {
      // Set the zoom to show duration before the forecast equal to the length of the forecast.
      const forecastDurationMs = forecast.forecast_end_timestamp - forecast.forecast_start_timestamp;
      const zoomFrom = Math.max(forecast.forecast_start_timestamp - forecastDurationMs, jobEarliest);

      appState.mlTimeSeriesExplorer = {
        forecastId: forecast.forecast_id,
        zoom: {
          from: new Date(zoomFrom).toISOString(),
          to: new Date(forecast.forecast_end_timestamp).toISOString()

    const _a = rison.encode(appState);

    const url = `?_g=${_g}&_a=${_a}`;
    addItemToRecentlyAccessed('timeseriesexplorer', this.props.job.job_id, url);
    window.open(`${chrome.getBasePath()}/app/ml#/timeseriesexplorer${url}`, '_self');
        .then((resp) => {
          let query = null;
          // Build query using categorization regex (if keyword type) or terms (if text type).
          // Check for terms or regex in case categoryId represents an anomaly from the absence of the
          // categorization field in documents (usually indicated by a categoryId of -1).
          if (categorizationFieldType === ES_FIELD_TYPES.KEYWORD) {
            if (resp.regex) {
              query = `${categorizationFieldName}:/${resp.regex}/`;
          } else {
            if (resp.terms) {
              query = `${categorizationFieldName}:` + resp.terms.split(' ').join(` AND ${categorizationFieldName}:`);

          const recordTime = moment(record.timestamp);
          const from = recordTime.toISOString();
          const to = recordTime.add(record.bucket_span, 's').toISOString();

          // Use rison to build the URL .
          const _g = rison.encode({
            refreshInterval: {
              display: 'Off',
              pause: false,
              value: 0
            time: {
              from: from,
              to: to,
              mode: 'absolute'

          const appStateProps = {
            index: indexPatternId,
            filters: []
          if (query !== null) {
            appStateProps.query = {
              query_string: {
                analyze_wildcard: true,
                query: query
          const _a = rison.encode(appStateProps);

          // Need to encode the _a parameter as it will contain characters such as '+' if using the regex.
          let path = chrome.getBasePath();
          path += '/app/kibana#/discover';
          path += '?_g=' + _g;
          path += '&_a=' + encodeURIComponent(_a);
          window.open(path, '_blank');

        }).catch((resp) => {
文件: url.js 项目: 3ygun/kibana
  self._changeLocation = function (type, url, paramObj, replace, appState) {
    let prev = {
      path: $location.path(),
      search: $location.search()

    url = self.eval(url, paramObj);
    if (replace) $location.replace();

    if (appState) {
      $location.search('_a', rison.encode(appState));

    let next = {
      path: $location.path(),
      search: $location.search()

    if (self._shouldAutoReload(next, prev)) {
      let appState = getAppState();
      if (appState) appState.destroy();

      reloading = $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function () {
        // call the "unlisten" function returned by $on
        reloading = false;

  State.prototype.translateHashToRison = function (stateHashOrRison) {
    if (isStateHash(stateHashOrRison)) {
      return rison.encode(this._parseStateHash(stateHashOrRison));

    return stateHashOrRison;
  State.prototype.toQueryParam = function (state = this.toObject()) {
    if (!this.isHashingEnabled()) {
      return rison.encode(state);

    // We need to strip out Angular-specific properties.
    const json = angular.toJson(state);
    const hash = createStateHash(json, hash => {
      return this._hashedItemStore.getItem(hash);
    const isItemSet = this._hashedItemStore.setItem(hash, json);

    if (isItemSet) {
      return hash;

    // If we ran out of space trying to persist the state, notify the user.
    const message = i18n('common.ui.stateManagement.unableToStoreHistoryInSessionErrorMessage', {
      defaultMessage: 'Kibana is unable to store history items in your session ' +
        `because it is full and there don't seem to be items any items safe ` +
        'to delete.\n\n' +
        'This can usually be fixed by moving to a fresh tab, but could ' +
        'be caused by a larger issue. If you are seeing this message regularly, ' +
        'please file an issue at {gitHubIssuesUrl}.',
      values: { gitHubIssuesUrl: 'https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues' }
    fatalError(new Error(message));
文件: state.js 项目: dpose/kibiter
  State.prototype.toQueryParam = function (state = this.toObject()) {
    if (!this.isHashingEnabled()) {
      return rison.encode(state);

    // We need to strip out Angular-specific properties.
    const json = angular.toJson(state);
    const hash = createStateHash(json, hash => {
      return this._hashedItemStore.getItem(hash);
    const isItemSet = this._hashedItemStore.setItem(hash, json);

    if (isItemSet) {
      return hash;

    // If we ran out of space trying to persist the state, notify the user.
      new Error(
        'Kibana is unable to store history items in your session ' +
        'because it is full and there don\'t seem to be items any items safe ' +
        'to delete.\n' +
        '\n' +
        'This can usually be fixed by moving to a fresh tab, but could ' +
        'be caused by a larger issue. If you are seeing this message regularly, ' +
        'please file an issue at https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues.'
文件: app.js 项目: spalger/kibana
  function initWorkspaceIfRequired() {
    if ($scope.workspace) {
    const options = {
      indexName: $scope.selectedIndex.attributes.title,
      vertex_fields: $scope.selectedFields,
      // Here we have the opportunity to look up labels for nodes...
      nodeLabeller: function () {
        //   console.log(newNodes);
      changeHandler: function () {
        //Allows DOM to update with graph layout changes.
      graphExploreProxy: callNodeProxy,
      searchProxy: callSearchNodeProxy,
      exploreControls: $scope.exploreControls
    $scope.workspace = gws.createWorkspace(options);
    $scope.detail = null;

    // filter out default url templates because they will get re-added
    $scope.urlTemplates = $scope.urlTemplates.filter(template => !template.isDefault);

    if ($scope.urlTemplates.length === 0) {
      // url templates specified by users can include the `{{gquery}}` tag and
      // will have the elasticsearch query for the graph nodes injected there
      const tag = '{{gquery}}';

      const kUrl = new KibanaParsedUrl({
        appId: 'kibana',
        basePath: chrome.getBasePath(),
        appPath: '/discover'

      kUrl.addQueryParameter('_a', rison.encode({
        columns: ['_source'],
        index: $scope.selectedIndex.id,
        interval: 'auto',
        query: tag,
        sort: ['_score', 'desc']

      const discoverUrl = kUrl.getRootRelativePath()
        // replace the URI encoded version of the tag with the unescaped version
        // so it can be found with String.replace, regexp, etc.
        .replace(encodeURIComponent(tag), tag);

        url: discoverUrl,
        description: i18n('xpack.graph.settings.drillDowns.defaultUrlTemplateTitle', {
          defaultMessage: 'Raw documents',
        encoder: $scope.outlinkEncoders[0],
        isDefault: true
        function redirectHandler(action) {
            _a: rison.encode({
              tab: serviceObj.title

          toastNotifications.addSuccess(`${_.capitalize(action)} '${$scope.obj.attributes.title}' ${$scope.title.toLowerCase()} object`);
文件: _view.js 项目: dpose/kibiter
        .then(function () {
          const msg = 'You successfully ' + action + ' the "' + $scope.obj._source.title + '" ' + $scope.title.toLowerCase() + ' object';

            _a: rison.encode({
              tab: serviceObj.title
      $scope.vizLocation = function (field) {
        if (!$scope.state) {return '';}

        let agg = {};
        const isGeoPoint = field.type === 'geo_point';
        const type = isGeoPoint ? 'tile_map' : 'histogram';
        // If we're visualizing a date field, and our index is time based (and thus has a time filter),
        // then run a date histogram
        if (field.type === 'date' && $scope.indexPattern.timeFieldName === field.name) {
          agg = {
            type: 'date_histogram',
            schema: 'segment',
            params: {
              field: field.name,
              interval: 'auto'

        } else if (isGeoPoint) {
          agg = {
            type: 'geohash_grid',
            schema: 'segment',
            params: {
              field: field.name,
              precision: 3
        } else {
          agg = {
            type: 'terms',
            schema: 'segment',
            params: {
              field: field.name,
              size: config.get('discover:aggs:terms:size', 20),
              orderBy: '2'

        return '#/visualize/create?' + $.param(_.assign($location.search(), {
          indexPattern: $scope.state.index,
          type: type,
          _a: rison.encode({
            filters: $scope.state.filters || [],
            query: $scope.state.query || undefined,
            vis: {
              type: type,
              aggs: [
                {schema: 'metric', type: 'count', 'id': '2'}
文件: state.js 项目: peak-dev/kibana
 State.prototype._readFromURL = function () {
   let search = $location.search();
   try {
     return search[this._urlParam] ? rison.decode(search[this._urlParam]) : null;
   } catch (e) {
     notify.error('Unable to parse URL');
     search[this._urlParam] = rison.encode(this._defaults);
     return null;
文件: url.js 项目: JinlongHe/kibana
export function KibanaLinkComponent({
}) {
  const currentQuery = toQuery(location.search);
  const nextQuery = {
    _g: query._g ? rison.encode(query._g) : currentQuery._g,
    _a: query._a ? rison.encode(query._a) : ''
  const search = stringifyWithoutEncoding(nextQuery);
  const href = url.format({
    pathname: chrome.addBasePath(pathname),
    hash: `${hash}?${search}`

  return <EuiLink {...props} href={href} />;
文件: state.js 项目: Jaaess/kibana
      it('should replace rison in the URL with a hash', () => {
        const { state, hashedItemStore } = setup({ storeInHash: true });
        const obj = { foo: { bar: 'baz' } };
        const rison = encodeRison(obj);

        $location.search({ _s: rison });

        const urlVal = $location.search()._s;
 $scope.getContextAppHref = () => {
   const path = kbnUrl.eval('#/context/{{ indexPattern }}/{{ anchorType }}/{{ anchorId }}', {
     anchorId: $scope.row._id,
     anchorType: $scope.row._type,
     indexPattern: $scope.indexPattern.id,
   const hash = $httpParamSerializer({
     _a: rison.encode({
       columns: $scope.columns,
   return `${path}?${hash}`;
    async navigateTo(indexPattern, anchorType, anchorId, overrideInitialState = {}) {
      const initialState = rison.encode({
      const appUrl = getUrl.noAuth(config.get('servers.kibana'), {
        hash: `${config.get('apps.context.hash')}/${indexPattern}/${anchorType}/${anchorId}?_a=${initialState}`,

      await remote.get(appUrl);
      await remote.refresh();
      await this.waitUntilContextLoadingHasFinished();
    async navigateTo(indexPattern, anchorType, anchorId, overrideInitialState = {}) {
      const initialState = rison.encode({
      const appUrl = getUrl.noAuth(config.get('servers.kibana'), {
        hash: `${config.get('apps.context.hash')}/${indexPattern}/${anchorType}/${anchorId}?_a=${initialState}`,

      await remote.get(appUrl);
      await this.waitUntilContextLoadingHasFinished();
      // For lack of a better way, using a sleep to ensure page is loaded before proceeding
      await PageObjects.common.sleep(1000);
      .then((response) => {
        // Use the filters from the saved dashboard if there are any.
        let filters = [];

        // Use the query from the dashboard only if no job entities are selected.
        let query = undefined;

        const searchSourceJSON = response.get('kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON');
        if (searchSourceJSON !== undefined) {
          const searchSourceData = JSON.parse(searchSourceJSON);
          if (searchSourceData.filter !== undefined) {
            filters = searchSourceData.filter;
          query = searchSourceData.query;

        // Add time settings to the global state URL parameter with $earliest$ and
        // $latest$ tokens which get substituted for times around the time of the
        // anomaly on which the URL will be run against.
        const _g = rison.encode({
          time: {
            from: '$earliest$',
            to: '$latest$',
            mode: 'absolute'

        const appState = {

        // To put entities in filters section would involve creating parameters of the form
        // filters:!(('$state':(store:appState),meta:(alias:!n,disabled:!f,index:b30fd340-efb4-11e7-a600-0f58b1422b87,
        // key:airline,negate:!f,params:(query:AAL,type:phrase),type:phrase,value:AAL),query:(match:(airline:(query:AAL,type:phrase)))))
        // which includes the ID of the index holding the field used in the filter.

        // So for simplicity, put entities in the query, replacing any query which is there already.
        // e.g. query:(language:lucene,query:'region:us-east-1%20AND%20instance:i-20d061fa')
        if (queryFieldNames !== undefined && queryFieldNames.length > 0) {
          let queryString = '';
          queryFieldNames.forEach((fieldName, index) => {
            if (index > 0) {
              queryString += ' AND ';
            queryString += `${escapeForElasticsearchQuery(fieldName)}:"$${fieldName}$"`;

          query = {
            language: 'lucene',
            query: queryString

        if (query !== undefined) {
          appState.query = query;

        const _a = rison.encode(appState);

        const urlValue = `kibana#/dashboard/${dashboardId}?_g=${_g}&_a=${_a}`;

        const urlToAdd = {
          url_name: settings.label,
          url_value: urlValue,
          time_range: TIME_RANGE_TYPE.AUTO

        if (settings.timeRange.type === TIME_RANGE_TYPE.INTERVAL) {
          urlToAdd.time_range = settings.timeRange.interval;

function buildDiscoverUrlFromSettings(settings) {
  const { discoverIndexPatternId, queryFieldNames } = settings.kibanaSettings;

  // Add time settings to the global state URL parameter with $earliest$ and
  // $latest$ tokens which get substituted for times around the time of the
  // anomaly on which the URL will be run against.
  const _g = rison.encode({
    time: {
      from: '$earliest$',
      to: '$latest$',
      mode: 'absolute'

  // Add the index pattern and query to the appState part of the URL.
  const appState = {
    index: discoverIndexPatternId

  // If partitioning field entities have been configured add tokens
  // to the URL to use in the Discover page search.

  // Ideally we would put entities in the filters section, but currently this involves creating parameters of the form
  // filters:!(('$state':(store:appState),meta:(alias:!n,disabled:!f,index:b30fd340-efb4-11e7-a600-0f58b1422b87,
  // key:airline,negate:!f,params:(query:AAL,type:phrase),type:phrase,value:AAL),query:(match:(airline:(query:AAL,type:phrase)))))
  // which includes the ID of the index holding the field used in the filter.

  // So for simplicity, put entities in the query, replacing any query which is there already.
  // e.g. query:(language:lucene,query:'region:us-east-1%20AND%20instance:i-20d061fa')
  if (queryFieldNames !== undefined && queryFieldNames.length > 0) {
    let queryString = '';
    queryFieldNames.forEach((fieldName, i) => {
      if (i > 0) {
        queryString += ' AND ';
      queryString += `${escapeForElasticsearchQuery(fieldName)}:"$${fieldName}$"`;

    appState.query = {
      language: 'lucene',
      query: queryString

  const _a = rison.encode(appState);

  const urlValue = `kibana#/discover?_g=${_g}&_a=${_a}`;

  const urlToAdd = {
    url_name: settings.label,
    url_value: urlValue,
    time_range: TIME_RANGE_TYPE.AUTO,

  if (settings.timeRange.type === TIME_RANGE_TYPE.INTERVAL) {
    urlToAdd.time_range = settings.timeRange.interval;

  return urlToAdd;

 it('should be true if state exists', function () {
   const query = {};
   query[stateIndices.global] = rison.encode({ hello: 'world' });
   const state = parseKibanaState(query, 'global');
 const encodedStates = states.map(state => encodeURIComponent(rison.encode(state)));
 toString() {
   return rison.encode(this.state);
文件: state.js 项目: dpose/kibiter
 State.prototype.translateHashToRison = function (hash) {
   return rison.encode(this._parseQueryParamValue(hash));
BaseObject.prototype.toRISON = function () {
  // Use Angular to remove the private vars, and JSON.stringify to serialize
  return rison.encode(JSON.parse(angular.toJson(this)));
文件: url.js 项目: rashidkpc/kibana
export function encodeKibanaSearchParams(query) {
  return stringifyWithoutEncoding({
    _g: rison.encode(query._g),
    _a: rison.encode(query._a)
  viewSeries = () => {
    const record = this.props.anomaly.source;
    const bounds = this.props.timefilter.getActiveBounds();
    const from = bounds.min.toISOString();    // e.g. 2016-02-08T16:00:00.000Z
    const to = bounds.max.toISOString();

    // Zoom to show 50 buckets either side of the record.
    const recordTime = moment(record.timestamp);
    const zoomFrom = recordTime.subtract(50 * record.bucket_span, 's').toISOString();
    const zoomTo = recordTime.add(100 * record.bucket_span, 's').toISOString();

    // Extract the by, over and partition fields for the record.
    const entityCondition = {};

    if (_.has(record, 'partition_field_value')) {
      entityCondition[record.partition_field_name] = record.partition_field_value;

    if (_.has(record, 'over_field_value')) {
      entityCondition[record.over_field_name] = record.over_field_value;

    if (_.has(record, 'by_field_value')) {
      // Note that analyses with by and over fields, will have a top-level by_field_name,
      // but the by_field_value(s) will be in the nested causes array.
      // TODO - drilldown from cause in expanded row only?
      entityCondition[record.by_field_name] = record.by_field_value;

    // Use rison to build the URL .
    const _g = rison.encode({
      ml: {
        jobIds: [record.job_id]
      refreshInterval: {
        display: 'Off',
        pause: false,
        value: 0
      time: {
        from: from,
        to: to,
        mode: 'absolute'

    const _a = rison.encode({
      mlTimeSeriesExplorer: {
        zoom: {
          from: zoomFrom,
          to: zoomTo
        detectorIndex: record.detector_index,
        entities: entityCondition,
      query: {
        query_string: {
          analyze_wildcard: true,
          query: '*'

    // Need to encode the _a parameter in case any entities contain unsafe characters such as '+'.
    let path = `${chrome.getBasePath()}/app/ml#/timeseriesexplorer`;
    path += `?_g=${_g}&_a=${encodeURIComponent(_a)}`;
    window.open(path, '_blank');
 self.manageObjects = function (type) {
   $location.url('/management/kibana/objects?_a=' + rison.encode({ tab: type }));
 it('returns false for RISON', () => {
   // We're storing RISON in the URL, so let's test against this specifically.
   const rison = encodeRison({ a: 'a' });