文件: session.js 项目: shanebo/calvin
 session.reset = function() {
     _session = {};
     jar.set(cookie, qs.stringify(_session), options);
module.exports = function(gulp, config) {

	const autoprefixerOptions = {
		'browsers': 'last 3 Chrome versions'

	const babelOptions = {
		loose: 'all',
		externalHelpers: true,
		cacheDirectory: !config.production,
		blacklist: ['useStrict', 'es6.constants'],
		optional: ['es7.classProperties'],
		stage: 0,
		plugins: []

	if (config.production) {
		babelOptions.plugins.push(/* @todo it doesn't work 'remove-console', 'remove-debugger' */);
	} else {

	const cssLoaderQuery = {
		sourceMap: null

	if (!config.production) {
		cssLoaderQuery.localIdentName = '[local]_[hash:base64:7]';

	const baseWebpackConfig = {
		stats: {
			colors: true
		module: {
			loaders: [
					test: /\.jsx?$/,
					exclude: /node_modules\/(?!@twic)/,
					loader: 'babel-loader',
					query: babelOptions
					test: /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg)$/i,
					loaders: [
					test: /\.styl$/,
					loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract(
							'css-loader?' + qs.stringify(cssLoaderQuery, { strictNullHandling: true }),
							'autoprefixer-loader?' + JSON.stringify(autoprefixerOptions),

	if (!config.production) {
		baseWebpackConfig.debug = true;
		baseWebpackConfig.devtool = '#cheap-module-source-map';

	// ---

	config.webpack = function(opts) {
		const options = _.assign({
			vendor: true,
			watch: false,
			target: 'web'
		}, opts);

		const webpackConfig = _.clone(baseWebpackConfig);
		const plugins = [
			new ExtractTextPlugin('[name].css')

		if (options.vendor) {
				new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin('vendor', 'vendor.js')

		if (config.production) {
			/*eslint camelcase: 0*/
				new webpack.DefinePlugin({
					'process.env': {
						NODE_ENV: '"production"'
				// ---
				new webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin(),
				// ---
				new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
					mangle: { screw_ie8: true },
					compressor: {
						screw_ie8: true,
						warnings: false

		if (options.watch) {
			webpackConfig.watch = true;

			webpackConfig.stats.reasons = true;
			webpackConfig.stats.modules = true;

		webpackConfig.plugins = plugins;
		webpackConfig.target = options.target;

		return webpackConfig;
function userLocations(search, roles) {
    var url = `${config.backend_url}/accounts/user_locations/?${qs.stringify({search: search, 'roles[]': roles}, {indices: false})}`;
    return Rx.DOM.get(url).map(xhr => JSON.parse(xhr.responseText));
	function getUrl( filename, hash ) {
		return URL_BASE_PATH + '/' + filename + '?' + qs.stringify( {
			v: hash
		} );
export const userLogin = params => { return axios.post('/user/v1.0/login', qs.stringify(params)).then(res => res.data); };
 recipes: (root, { ingredient }) =>
     q: ingredient,
     app_id: process.env.APP_ID,
     app_key: process.env.APP_KEY
   })}`).then(({ data }) => data)
          if (typeof responseJSON.predictions !== 'undefined') {
            if (this.isMounted()) {
              this._results = responseJSON.predictions;
                dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(responseJSON.predictions),
          if (typeof responseJSON.error_message !== 'undefined') {
            console.warn('google places autocomplete: ' + responseJSON.error_message);
        } else {
          // console.warn("google places autocomplete: request could not be completed or has been aborted");
      request.open('GET', 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json?&input=' + encodeURI(text) + '&' + Qs.stringify(this.props.query));
    } else {
      this._results = [];
        dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows([]),

  _onChangeText(text) {

   console.log('changing tetx')
   if(this.props.data) {
      var data = this.props.data;
      var limitItems = this.props.limitItems?this.props.limitItems:6
 credentials.signRequest(webResource, function () {
   assert.equal('/images/pic1.png?comp=metadata&' + qs.stringify(queryString), webResource.requestUrl);
 form.parse(obj, function (err, fields, files) {
     if (err) { throw err; }
     fields = querystring.parse(querystring.stringify(fields));
     f.handle(fields, callbacks);
 * Make a web request
 * Options:
 *  - `uri` || `url` - fully qualified uri or parsed url object from `url.parse()`
 *  - `method` - http method (default: `"GET"`)
 *  - `qs` - object containing querystring values to be appended to the `uri`
 *  - `headers` - http headers (default: `{}`)
 *  - `body` - entity body for PATCH, POST and PUT requests. Must be a `Buffer` or `String`.
 *  - `auth` - A hash containing values `user` || `username`, `password` || `pass`
 *  - `encoding` - encoding to stringify the result body, set this to `null` to get a `Buffer`
 * @param {String} uri
 * @param {Object} options
 * @return {Response}
function request(uri, options) {

  // 1 - handle variable list of arguments
  if (typeof uri === 'undefined') {
    throw new TypeError('undefined is not a valid uri or options object.');
  if (options && typeof options === 'object') {
    options.uri = uri;
  } else if (typeof uri === 'string') {
    options = {uri: uri};
  } else {
    options = uri;
  options = copy(options);
  if (options.url && !options.uri) {
    options.uri = options.url;
    delete options.url;

  // 2 - check types
  type('uri', options.uri, 'String|Object');
  type('options.method', options.method, 'String?');
  type('options.qs', options.qs, 'Object?');
  type('options.headers', options.headers, 'Object?');
  if (options.body !== undefined && !Buffer.isBuffer(options.body)) {
    type('options.body', options.body, 'String|Buffer');
  type('options.auth', options.auth, 'Object?');

  // 3 - normalize types
  if (typeof options.uri === 'string') {
    options.uri = url.parse(options.uri);
  options.method = (options.method || 'GET').toUpperCase();
  if (options.qs) {
    var baseQs = qs.parse(options.uri.query);
    for (var i in options.qs) {
      baseQs[i] = options.qs[i];
    if (qs.stringify(baseQs) !== '') {
      options.uri = url.parse(options.uri.href.split('?')[0] + '?' + qs.stringify(baseQs));
  options.headers = options.headers || {};
  if (typeof options.body === 'string') {
    options.body = new Buffer(options.body);
  if (!options.body) {
    options.body = new Buffer(0);
  if (options.auth) {
    if (hasOwnProperty.call(options.auth, 'username'))
      options.auth.user = options.auth.username;
    if (hasOwnProperty.call(options.auth, 'password'))
      options.auth.pass = options.auth.password;
  } else if (options.uri.auth) {
    var authPieces = options.uri.auth.split(':').map(function(item){
      return qs.unescape(item);
    options.auth = {
      user: authPieces[0],
      pass: authPieces.slice(1).join(':')
  if (options.auth) {
    var authHeader = options.auth.pass === undefined ?
        options.auth.user :
        options.auth.user + ':' + options.auth.pass;
    options.headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + toBase64(authHeader);
  for (var key in options.headers) {
    type('options.headers[' + key + ']', options.headers[key], 'String');
    if (options.headers[key] === '') {
      delete options.headers[key];
  if (module.exports.native && !options.headers['Content-Type']) {
    options.headers['Content-Type'] = '';
  if (module.exports.native && !options.headers['Accept']) {
    options.headers['Accept'] = '';
  var request = new Request(options.uri, options.method, options.headers, options.body);
  var req = module.exports.httpSync.request({
    protocol: request.uri.protocol.replace(/\:$/, ''),
    host: request.uri.hostname,
    port: request.uri.port,
    path: request.uri.path,
    method: request.method,
    headers: request.headers,
    body: request.body
  req._headers = request.headers;
  var res = req.end();
  if (options.encoding !== null) {
    res.body = res.body.toString(options.encoding);
  return new Response(res.statusCode, res.headers, res.body);
    request(requestOptions, function (error, response, body) {
        var data;

        try {
            data = JSON.parse(body);
        catch (e) {
            return !!onError ? onError(e) : debug('got an error on ' + method + ' request for:\n' + path + '\n' + 'with query:\n' + qs.stringify(query) + '\n' + 'Error payload:\n' + util.inspect(body));

        if (error) return !!onError ? onError(error) : debug('got an error on ' + method + ' request for:\n' + path + '\n' + 'with query:\n' + qs.stringify(query) + '\n' + 'Error payload:\n' + util.inspect(error));
        if (!error && response.statusCode != 200) return !!onError ? onError(data) : debug('got an error on ' + method + ' request for:\n' + path + '\n' + 'with query:\n' + qs.stringify(query) + '\n' + 'Error payload:\n' + util.inspect('unexpected status code: ' + response.statusCode));

        !!onSuccess ? onSuccess(data) : debug(util.inspect(data));
function requestAPI (config, options, callback) {
  callback = once(callback)
  options.qs = options.qs || {}

  if (Array.isArray(options.files)) {
    options.qs.recursive = true

  if (Array.isArray(options.path)) {
    options.path = options.path.join('/')
  if (options.args && !Array.isArray(options.args)) {
    options.args = [options.args]
  if (options.args) {
    options.qs.arg = options.args
  if (options.files && !Array.isArray(options.files)) {
    options.files = [options.files]
  if (options.progress) {
    options.qs.progress = true

  if (options.qs.r) {
    options.qs.recursive = options.qs.r
    // From IPFS 0.4.0, it throws an error when both r and recursive are passed
    delete options.qs.r

  options.qs['stream-channels'] = true

  let stream
  if (options.files) {
    stream = getFilesStream(options.files, options.qs)

  // this option is only used internally, not passed to daemon
  delete options.qs.followSymlinks

  const method = 'POST'
  const headers = {}

  if (isNode) {
    // Browsers do not allow you to modify the user agent
    headers['User-Agent'] = config['user-agent']

  if (options.files) {
    if (!stream.boundary) {
      return callback(new Error('No boundary in multipart stream'))

    headers['Content-Type'] = `multipart/form-data; boundary=${stream.boundary}`

  const qs = Qs.stringify(options.qs, {
    arrayFormat: 'repeat',
    encoder: data => {
      // TODO: future releases of qs will provide the default
      // encoder as a 2nd argument to this function; it will
      // no longer be necessary to import qsDefaultEncoder
      if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) {
        let uriEncoded = ''
        for (const byte of data) {
          // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#page-14
          // ALPHA (%41-%5A and %61-%7A), DIGIT (%30-%39), hyphen (%2D), period (%2E), underscore (%5F), or tilde (%7E)
          if (
            (byte >= 0x41 && byte <= 0x5A) ||
            (byte >= 0x61 && byte <= 0x7A) ||
            (byte >= 0x30 && byte <= 0x39) ||
            (byte === 0x2D) ||
            (byte === 0x2E) ||
            (byte === 0x5F) ||
            (byte === 0x7E)
          ) {
            uriEncoded += String.fromCharCode(byte)
          } else {
            const hex = byte.toString(16)
            // String.prototype.padStart() not widely supported yet
            const padded = hex.length === 1 ? `0${hex}` : hex
            uriEncoded += `%${padded}`
        return uriEncoded
      return qsDefaultEncoder(data)
  const req = request(config.protocol)({
    hostname: config.host,
    path: `${config['api-path']}${options.path}?${qs}`,
    port: config.port,
    method: method,
    headers: headers,
    protocol: `${config.protocol}:`
  }, onRes(options.buffer, callback))

  req.on('error', (err) => {

  if (options.files) {
  } else {

  return req
module.exports = function (method, model, options) {
    var type = methodMap[method];
    var headers = {};

    // Default options, unless specified.
    _.defaults(options || (options = {}), {
        emulateHTTP: false,
        emulateJSON: false,
        // overrideable primarily to enable testing
        xhrImplementation: xhr

    // Default request options.
    var params = {type: type};

    // Ensure that we have a URL.
    if (!options.url) {
        options.url = _.result(model, 'url') || urlError();

    // Ensure that we have the appropriate request data.
    if (options.data == null && model && (method === 'create' || method === 'update' || method === 'patch')) {
        params.json = options.attrs || model.toJSON(options);

    // If passed a data param, we add it to the URL or body depending on request type
    if (options.data && type === 'GET') {
        // make sure we've got a '?'
        options.url += _.contains(options.url, '?') ? '&' : '?';
        options.url += qs.stringify(options.data);

    // For older servers, emulate JSON by encoding the request into an HTML-form.
    if (options.emulateJSON) {
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
        params.body = params.json ? {model: params.json} : {};
        delete params.json;

    // For older servers, emulate HTTP by mimicking the HTTP method with `_method`
    // And an `X-HTTP-Method-Override` header.
    if (options.emulateHTTP && (type === 'PUT' || type === 'DELETE' || type === 'PATCH')) {
        params.type = 'POST';
        if (options.emulateJSON) params.body._method = type;
        headers['X-HTTP-Method-Override'] = type;

    // When emulating JSON, we turn the body into a querystring.
    // We do this later to let the emulateHTTP run its course.
    if (options.emulateJSON) {
        params.body = qs.stringify(params.body);

    // Start setting ajaxConfig options (headers, xhrFields).
    var ajaxConfig = (_.result(model, 'ajaxConfig') || {});

    // Combine generated headers with user's headers.
    if (ajaxConfig.headers) {
        _.extend(headers, ajaxConfig.headers);
    params.headers = headers;

    //Set XDR for cross domain in IE8/9
    if (ajaxConfig.useXDR) {
        params.useXDR = true;

    // Set raw xhr options.
    if (ajaxConfig.xhrFields) {
        var beforeSend = ajaxConfig.beforeSend;
        params.beforeSend = function (req) {
            for (var key in ajaxConfig.xhrFields) {
                req[key] = ajaxConfig.xhrFields[key];
            if (beforeSend) return beforeSend.apply(this, arguments);
        params.xhrFields = ajaxConfig.xhrFields;
    } else {
        params.beforeSend = ajaxConfig.beforeSend;

    // Turn a jQuery.ajax formatted request into xhr compatible
    params.method = params.type;

    var ajaxSettings = _.extend(params, options);

    // Make the request. The callback executes functions that are compatible
    // With jQuery.ajax's syntax.
    var request = options.xhr = options.xhrImplementation(ajaxSettings, function (err, resp, body) {
        if (err && options.error) return options.error(resp, 'error', err.message);

        // Parse body as JSON if a string.
        if (body && typeof body === 'string') {
            try {
                body = JSON.parse(body);
            } catch (err) {
                if (options.error) return options.error(resp, 'error', err.message);
        if (options.success) return options.success(body, 'success', resp);
    model.trigger('request', model, request, options, ajaxSettings);
    request.ajaxSettings = ajaxSettings;
    return request;
             dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(this.buildRowsFromResults([]))  
       } else {
         console.warn('google places autocomplete: ' + responseJSON.status);
     } else {
       console.warn('google places autocomplete: request could not be completed or has been aborted');
   request.open('GET', 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?' + Qs.stringify({
     key: this.props.query.key,
     placeid: rowData.place_id,
     language: this.props.query.language,
 } else if (rowData.isCurrentLocation === true) {
   if (this.state.currentLocationClicked){
       currentLocationClicked: false,
       text: ""
     this.props.onPress({"description": ""});
       currentLocationClicked: true
     // display loader
 server.on('request', function (req, res) {
   res.end(qs.stringify({error: 'invalid'}))
文件: forms.js 项目: caolan/forms
 form.parse(obj, function (err, originalFields/* , files*/) {
     if (err) { throw err; }
     var parsedFields = querystring.parse(querystring.stringify(originalFields));
     f.handle(parsedFields, callbacks);
    grunt.registerMultiTask('php2html', 'Generate HTML from PHP', function() {

        var cb = this.async(),
            queryString = '',
            options = this.options({
                processLinks: true,
                process: false,
                htmlhint: undefined,
                docroot: undefined,
                serverPort: 8888

        // nothing to do
        if (this.files.length < 1) {
            grunt.log.warn('Destination not written because no source files were provided.');

        // read config file for htmlhint if available
        if (options.htmlhintrc) {
            if (options.htmlhintrc === true) {
                options.htmlhintrc = findFile('.htmlhintrc',process.cwd());

            try {
                var rc = grunt.file.readJSON(options.htmlhintrc);
                grunt.util._.defaults(options.htmlhint, rc);
            } catch (err) {
                grunt.log.error('.htmlhintrc not found!');
            delete options.htmlhintrc;

        // set to undefined to use default params when value is true
        if (options.htmlhint === true) {
            options.htmlhint = undefined;

        // set empty object to false to keep backwards compatibility
        if (_.isObject(options.htmlhint) && Object.keys(options.htmlhint).length ===0) {
            options.htmlhint = false;

        // $_GET data
        if (typeof options.getData !== 'undefined') {
            queryString = qs.stringify(options.getData);

        // Loop files array
        grunt.util.async.forEachSeries(this.files, function(f, nextFileObj) {
            // try to get docroot
            // first: docroot from options
            // third: use process cwd
            var docroot = path.normalize(options.docroot || f.orig.cwd || process.cwd());

            // check docroot
            if (!grunt.file.exists(docroot)) {
                grunt.log.warn('Docroot "' + docroot + '" does not exist');
                return nextFileObj();

            // absolutize docroot
            if (!grunt.file.isPathAbsolute(docroot)) {
                docroot = path.normalize(path.join(process.cwd(), docroot));

            // remove trailing slash
            docroot = docroot.replace(/\/$/, '');

            // Warn on and remove invalid source files (if nnull was set).
            var files = f.src.filter(function(filepath) {
                if (!grunt.file.exists(filepath)) {
                    grunt.log.warn('Source file "' + filepath + '" not found.');
                    return false;
                } else {
                    return true;

            // check files
            if (files.length === 0) {
                grunt.log.warn('Destination not written because no source files were found.');

                // No src files, goto next target. Warn would have been issued above.
                return nextFileObj();

            // check if dest is directory
            if (detectDestType(f.dest) === 'directory') {
                targetDirectory = path.normalize(f.dest);
            } else {
                targetDirectory = path.dirname(f.dest);

            // make shure dest directory exists
            if (!grunt.file.isDir(targetDirectory)) {

            grunt.util.async.concatSeries(files, function(file, next) {
                var target, uri = computeUri(docroot, file);

                // check if uri exists
                if (!grunt.file.exists(path.join(docroot, uri))) {
                    grunt.log.warn('Source file not found: ', uri);

                // compute target filename
                if (detectDestType(f.dest) === 'directory') {
                    target = path.join(targetDirectory, path.basename(uri, '.php') + '.html');
                } else {
                    target = path.join(targetDirectory, path.basename(f.dest));

                grunt.log.debug('docroot: ', docroot);
                grunt.log.debug('uri', uri);
                grunt.log.debug('target', target);

                // start server
                middleware = gateway(docroot, {
                    '.php': 'php-cgi'

                // start server with php middleware
                app = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
                    // Pass the request to gateway middleware
                    middleware(req, res, function(err) {
                        res.writeHead(204, err);

                grunt.log.write('Processing ' + file + '...');

                compilePhp(options.serverPort, uri, queryString, function(response, err) {

                    // replace relative php links with corresponding html link
                    if (response && options.processLinks) {
                        _.forEach(response.match(/href=['"]([^'"]+\.php(?:\?[^'"]*)?)['"]/gm), function(link) {
                            if (link.match(/:\/\//)) {
                            var hlink = link.replace(/(\w)\.php([^\w])/g, '$1.html$2');
                            response = response.replace(link, hlink);

                    // doeas the last part of the job
                    var finish = function(target, response, cb) {
                        var messages = [],
                            empty = typeof response === 'undefined' || response === '';

                        // Lint generated html and check if response is  empty
                        if (options.htmlhint !== false) {
                            messages = HTMLHint.verify(response || '', options.htmlhint);

                        // move on to the next file if everything went right
                        if (!err && messages.length === 0 && !empty) {
                            grunt.file.write(target, response);
                            grunt.log.debug(target + ' written');

                            // there was an error, show messages to the user if applicable and move on
                        } else {

                            if (empty) {
                                grunt.log.warn('Resulting HTML is empty');

                            // output messages
                            messages.forEach(function(message) {
                                grunt.log.writeln("[".red + ( "L" + message.line ).yellow + ":".red + ( "C" + message.col ).yellow + "]".red + ' ' + message.message.yellow);
                                var evidence = message.evidence,
                                    col = message.col;
                                if (col === 0) {
                                    evidence = '?'.inverse.red + evidence;
                                } else if (col > evidence.length) {
                                    evidence = evidence + ' '.inverse.red;
                                } else {
                                    evidence = evidence.slice(0, col - 1) + evidence[col - 1].inverse.red + evidence.slice(col);



                    // processOutput function
                    if (options.process && typeof options.process === 'function') {
                        options.process(response, function callback(modified) {
                            finish(target, modified, next);
                    } else {
                        finish(target, response, next);

            }, function() {

        }, cb);
function setupServerMock(client, provider, servers) {
  if (provider === 'digitalocean') {
    var account = require(__dirname + '/../../configs/mock/digitalocean');

      .get('/droplets/new?' + qs.stringify({
        name: 'create-test-setWait',
        region_id: 1,
        size_id: 66,
        image_id: 1601,
        client_id: account.clientId,
        api_key: account.apiKey
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/digitalocean/create-server.json')
      .get('/droplets/354526?' + qs.stringify({
        client_id: account.clientId,
        api_key: account.apiKey
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/digitalocean/not-active.json')
      .get('/droplets/354526?' + qs.stringify({
        client_id: account.clientId,
        api_key: account.apiKey
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/digitalocean/active.json');
  else if (provider === 'rackspace') {
      .post('/v2/123456/servers', {
        server: {
          name: 'create-test-setWait',
          flavorRef: 2,
          imageRef: '9922a7c7-5a42-4a56-bc6a-93f857ae2346',
          personality: [],
          key_name: null
      {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(202, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/rackspace/setWaitResp1.json')
        {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/rackspace/a0a5f183-b94e-4a41-a854-64cff53375bf.json');
  else if (provider === 'openstack') {
      .post('/v2/72e90ecb69c44d0296072ea39e537041/servers', {
        server: {
          name: 'create-test-setWait',
          flavorRef: 1,
          imageRef: '506d077e-66bf-44ff-907a-588c5c79fa66',
          personality: [],
          key_name: null
      {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(202, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/openstack/creatingServer.json')
        {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/openstack/serverCreated.json');
  else if (provider === 'joyent') {
      .post('/' + client.account + '/machines',
      { name: 'create-test-setWait',
        'package': 'Small 1GB',
        dataset: 'sdc:sdc:nodejitsu:1.0.0'
      {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/joyent/setWait.json')
      .get('/' + client.account +
        {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/joyent/setWaitResp1.json');
  else if (provider === 'amazon') {
      .post('/?Action=RunInstances', {
        'ImageId': 'ami-85db1cec',
        'InstanceType': 'm1.small',
        'MaxCount': '1',
        'MinCount': '1',
        'UserData': 'eyJuYW1lIjoiY3JlYXRlLXRlc3Qtc2V0V2FpdCJ9'
      }, {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/amazon/run-instances.xml')
      .post('/?Action=DescribeInstances', {
        'Filter.1.Name': 'instance-state-code',
        'Filter.1.Value.1': '0',
        'Filter.1.Value.2': '16',
        'Filter.1.Value.3': '32',
        'Filter.1.Value.4': '64',
        'Filter.1.Value.5': '80',
        'InstanceId.1': 'i-1d48637b'
      }, {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/amazon/pending-server.xml')
      .post('/?Action=DescribeInstanceAttribute', {
        'Attribute': 'userData',
        'InstanceId': 'i-1d48637b'
      }, {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/amazon/running-server-attr.xml')
      .post('/?Action=DescribeInstances', {
        'Filter.1.Name': 'instance-state-code',
        'Filter.1.Value.1': '0',
        'Filter.1.Value.2': '16',
        'Filter.1.Value.3': '32',
        'Filter.1.Value.4': '64',
        'Filter.1.Value.5': '80',
        'InstanceId.1': 'i-1d48637b'
      }, {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/amazon/running-server.xml')
      .post('/?Action=DescribeInstanceAttribute', {
        'Attribute': 'userData',
        'InstanceId': 'i-1d48637b'
      }, {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/amazon/running-server-attr.xml');

  else if (provider === 'azure') {
      {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(404, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/azure/hosted-service-404.xml')
      .post('/azure-account-subscription-id/services/hostedservices', helpers.loadFixture('azure/create-hosted-service.xml'), {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .reply(201, '', {
        location: 'https://management.core.windows.net/subscriptions/azure-account-subscription-id/compute/create-test-setWait',
        'x-ms-request-id': 'b67cc525ecc546618fd6fb3e57d724f5'})
      {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/azure/operation-succeeded.xml')
      .get('/azure-account-subscription-id/services/images/CANONICAL__Canonical-Ubuntu-12-04-amd64-server-20120528.1.3-en-us-30GB.vhd', {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/azure/image-1.xml')
      .post('/azure-account-subscription-id/services/hostedservices/create-test-setWait/deployments', helpers.loadFixture('azure/create-deployment.xml'), {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .reply(202, '', {'x-ms-request-id': 'b67cc525ecc546618fd6fb3e57d724f5'})
      {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/azure/operation-inprogress.xml')
      {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/azure/operation-succeeded.xml')
      // TODO: have to do this twice as setWait() does not check server status before calling server.refresh()?
      {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/azure/running-server.xml')
      {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/azure/running-server.xml')
      .filteringRequestBodyRegEx(/.*/, '*')
      .post('/azure-account-subscription-id/services/hostedservices/create-test-setWait/certificates', '*',
      {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .reply(202, '', {'x-ms-request-id': 'b67cc525ecc546618fd6fb3e57d724f5'})
      {'User-Agent': utile.format('nodejs-pkgcloud/%s', pkgcloud.version)})
      .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/../../fixtures/azure/operation-succeeded.xml');
文件: restler.js 项目: kmshi/restler
function Request(uri, options) {
  this.url = url.parse(uri);
  this.options = options;
  this.headers = {
    'Accept': '*/*',
    'User-Agent': 'Restler for node.js',
    'Host': this.url.host

  this.headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip, deflate';

  mixin(this.headers, options.headers || {});

  // set port and method defaults
  if (!this.url.port) this.url.port = (this.url.protocol == 'https:') ? '443' : '80';
  if (!this.options.method) this.options.method = (this.options.data) ? 'POST' : 'GET';
  if (typeof this.options.followRedirects == 'undefined') this.options.followRedirects = true;

  // stringify query given in options of not given in URL
  if (this.options.query && !this.url.query) {
    if (typeof this.options.query == 'object')
      this.url.query = qs.stringify(this.options.query);
    else this.url.query = this.options.query;


  if (this.options.multipart) {
    this.headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + multipart.defaultBoundary;
    var multipart_size = multipart.sizeOf(this.options.data, multipart.defaultBoundary);
    if (typeof multipart_size === 'number' && multipart_size === multipart_size) {
        this.headers['Content-Length'] = multipart_size;
    else {
        console.log("Building multipart request without Content-Length header, please specify all file sizes");
  } else {
    if (typeof this.options.data == 'object' && !Buffer.isBuffer(this.options.data)) {
      this.options.data = qs.stringify(this.options.data);
      this.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
      this.headers['Content-Length'] = this.options.data.length;
    if (typeof this.options.data == 'string') {
      var buffer = new Buffer(this.options.data, this.options.encoding || 'utf8');
      this.options.data = buffer;
      this.headers['Content-Length'] = buffer.length;
    if (!this.options.data) {
      this.headers['Content-Length'] = 0;

  var proto = (this.url.protocol == 'https:') ? https : http;
  var finalOptions = {
    host: this.url.hostname,
    port: this.url.port,
    path: this._fullPath(),
    method: this.options.method,
    headers: this.headers,
    rejectUnauthorized: this.options.rejectUnauthorized
  if (this.url.protocol == 'https:' && this.options.key && this.options.cert) {
    finalOptions.key = this.options.key;
    finalOptions.cert = this.options.cert;

  this.request = proto.request(finalOptions);

export function loadConversations(query) {
  const conversationsQuery = qs.stringify(query);
  return request.get(`${apiUrl}/conversations?${conversationsQuery}`);
function setUpLoggedInRoute( req, res, next ) {
	var redirectUrl, protocol, start, context;

	res.set( {
		'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN'
	} );

	context = getDefaultContext( req );

	if ( config( 'wpcom_user_bootstrap' ) ) {
		const user = require( 'user-bootstrap' );

		protocol = req.get( 'X-Forwarded-Proto' ) === 'https' ? 'https' : 'http';

		redirectUrl = config( 'login_url' ) + '?' + qs.stringify( {
			redirect_to: protocol + '://' + config( 'hostname' ) + req.originalUrl
		} );

		// if we don't have a wordpress cookie, we know the user needs to
		// authenticate
		if ( ! req.cookies.wordpress_logged_in ) {
			debug( 'User not logged in. Redirecting to %s', redirectUrl );
			res.redirect( redirectUrl );
		start = new Date().getTime();

		debug( 'Issuing API call to fetch user object' );
		user( req.get( 'Cookie' ), function( error, data ) {
			var end, searchParam, errorMessage;

			if ( error ) {
				if ( error.error === 'authorization_required' ) {
					debug( 'User public API authorization required. Redirecting to %s', redirectUrl );
					res.redirect( redirectUrl );
				} else {
					if ( error.error ) {
						errorMessage = error.error + ' ' + error.message;
					} else {
						errorMessage = error.message;

					console.log( 'API Error: ' + errorMessage );

					res.status( 500 ).render( '500.jade', context );


			end = ( new Date().getTime() ) - start;

			debug( 'Rendering with bootstrapped user object. Fetched in %d ms', end );
			context.user = data;
			context.isRTL = data.isRTL ? true : false;

			if ( data.localeSlug ) {
				context.lang = data.localeSlug;

			if ( req.path === '/' && req.query ) {
				searchParam = req.query.s || req.query.q;
				if ( searchParam ) {
					res.redirect( 'https://' + context.lang + '.search.wordpress.com/?q=' + encodeURIComponent( searchParam ) );

				if ( req.query.newuseremail ) {
					debug( 'Detected legacy email verification action. Redirecting...' );
					res.redirect( 'https://wordpress.com/verify-email/?' + qs.stringify( req.query ) );

				if ( req.query.action === 'wpcom-invite-users' ) {
					debug( 'Detected legacy invite acceptance action. Redirecting...' );
					res.redirect( 'https://wordpress.com/accept-invite/?' + qs.stringify( req.query ) );

			req.context = context;
		} );
	} else {
		req.context = context;
文件: api.js 项目: arindbha/cello
export async function queryRule(params) {
  return request(`/api/rule?${stringify(params)}`);
export const userRegister = params => { return axios.post('/user/v1.0/register', qs.stringify(params)).then(res => res.data); };
文件: api.js 项目: arindbha/cello
export async function queryFakeList(params) {
  return request(`/api/fake_list?${stringify(params)}`);
export const updatePassword = params => { return axios.post('/user/v1.0/update_password', qs.stringify(params)).then(res => res.data); };
文件: helpers.js 项目: kucrut/minnie
	axios.defaults.paramsSerializer = params => qs.stringify( params, {
		arrayFormat: 'brackets'
Twitter.prototype.buildQS = function (params) {
    if (params && Object.keys(params).length > 0) {
        return '?' + qs.stringify(params);
    return '';
文件: IndexPage.js 项目: hirohe/blog
 articleCardListOnChange = (page, pageSize) => {
   const { history } = this.props;
   // replace pagination data to history
   history.replace({ search: qs.stringify({ page, pageSize }) });
 function stringifyQuery(params) {
   return qs.stringify(params, { arrayFormat: 'indices' })
文件: session.js 项目: shanebo/calvin
 session.set = function(key, value) {
     _session[key] = value;
     jar.set(cookie, qs.stringify(_session), options);