文件: test.js 项目: tapjs/node-tap
  constructor (options) {
    options = options || {}
    this[_nextChildId] = 1
    this.pushedEnd = false
    this.jobs = ownOr(options, 'jobs', 1)

    this.doingStdinOnly = false
    this.onTeardown = []
    this.subtests = []
    this.pool = new Pool()
    this.queue = ['TAP version 13\n']

    // snapshots are keyed off of the main file that loads the
    // root test object. Typically, this is the TAP object.
    // To do this, we climb the ladder and only save in the teardown
    // of that root (parentless) test object.  This allows handling
    // cases where the same test name can be used multiple times
    // in a single test file, which would otherwise clobber snapshots.
    this.writeSnapshot = ownOrEnv(
      options, 'snapshot', 'TAP_SNAPSHOT', true)
    if (this.parent && this.parent[_snapshot])
      this[_snapshot] = this.parent[_snapshot]
      this[_snapshot] = new Snapshot(this)

    if (this.parent && this.parent.cleanSnapshot)
      this.cleanSnapshot = this.parent.cleanSnapshot

    this.formatSnapshot = this.parent && this.parent.formatSnapshot

    this.noparallel = false
    if (options.cb)
      this.cb = (...args) => this.hook.runInAsyncScope(options.cb, this, ...args)

    this.occupied = false
    this[_currentAssert] = null
    this[_beforeEnd] = []
    this.count = 0
    this.n = 0
    this.ended = false
    this.explicitEnded = false
    this.multiEndThrew = false
    this.assertAt = null
    this.assertStack = null
    this.planEnd = -1
    this.onBeforeEach = []
    this.onAfterEach = []
    this.ranAfterEach = false

    this[_expectUncaught] = []

    // bind all methods to this object, so we can pass t.end as a callback
    // and do `const test = require('tap').test` like people do.
    const bound = Object.create(null)
    bindObj(this, this, bound)
    bindObj(this, Object.getPrototypeOf(this), bound)
    bindObj(this, Test.prototype, bound)
function Base (options) {
  this.start = 0
  this.hrtime = null
  this.time = null
  this.readyToProcess = false
  this.options = options
  this.parent = ownOr(options, 'parent', null)
  this.bail = ownOrEnv(options, 'bail', 'TAP_BAIL', true)
  this.name = ownOr(options, 'name', '')
  if (!this.name)
    this.name = ''
    this.name = this.name.replace(/[\n\r\s\t]/g, ' ')
  this.indent = ownOr(options, 'indent', '')
  this.silent = !!options.silent
  this.buffered = !!options.buffered || !!options.silent
  this.finished = false
  this.strict = ownOrEnv(options, 'strict', 'TAP_STRICT', true)
  this.omitVersion = !!options.omitVersion
  this.preserveWhitespace = ownOr(options, 'preserveWhitespace', true)
  this.jobs = +ownOrEnv(options, 'jobs', 'TAP_JOBS') || 0
  this.skip = ownOr(options, 'skip', false)
  this.todo = ownOr(options, 'todo', false)
  this.finished = false
  this.output = ''
  this.results = null
  this.bailedOut = false
  if (this.skip || this.todo)
    this.main = Base.prototype.main

  Readable.apply(this, options)

  this.domain.on('error', this.threw.bind(this))

  if (typeof options.debug === 'boolean')
    this.debug = options.debug ? debug : nodebug
文件: test.js 项目: tapjs/node-tap
  sub (Class, extra, caller) {
    if (this.bailedOut)

    if (this.doingStdinOnly)
      throw new Error('cannot run subtests in stdinOnly mode')

    if (this.results || this.ended) {
      const er = new Error('cannot create subtest after parent test end')
      return Promise.resolve(this)

    extra.childId = this[_nextChildId]++

    if (!extra.skip && this.grep.length) {
      const m = this.grep[0].test(extra.name)
      const match = this.grepInvert ? !m : m
      if (!match) {
        const p = 'filter' + (this.grepInvert ? ' out' : '') + ': '
        extra.skip = p + this.grep[0]

    if (extra.only && !this.runOnly)
      this.comment('%j has `only` set but all tests run', extra.name)

    if (this.runOnly && !extra.only)
      extra.skip = 'filter: only'

    if (extra.todo || extra.skip) {
      this.pass(extra.name, extra)
      return Promise.resolve(this)

    if (!extra.grep) {
      extra.grep = this.grep.slice(1)
      extra.grepInvert = this.grepInvert

    extra.indent = '    '
    if (this.jobs > 1 && process.env.TAP_BUFFER === undefined)
      extra.buffered = ownOr(extra, 'buffered', true)
      extra.buffered = ownOrEnv(extra, 'buffered', 'TAP_BUFFER', true)

    extra.bail = ownOr(extra, 'bail', this.bail)
    extra.parent = this
    extra.stack = stack.captureString(80, caller)
    extra.context = this.context
    const t = new Class(extra)

    this.emit('subtestAdd', t)

    const d = new Deferred()
    t.deferred = d
    return d.promise