var getUserFromRedis = function(userId, callback) {
    Redis.getClient().hgetall(userId, function(err, hash) {
        if (err) {
            return callback({'code': 500, 'msg': err});
        } else if (!hash) {
            return callback({'code': 404, 'msg': 'Principal not found in redis'});

        // We don't need to do validation as that has already happened.
        hash.isGlobalAdmin = (hash.isGlobalAdmin === 'true');
        hash.isTenantAdmin = (hash.isTenantAdmin === 'true');
        hash.principalId = userId;

        var user = hashToUser(hash);

        // Any potential extra fields.
        if (hash.extra) {
            try {
                user.extra = JSON.parse(hash.extra);
            } catch (err) {
                log().error({'err': err}, 'Failed to parse the stringified extra object for %s', userId);

        return callback(null, user);
var _updateCachedUser = function(userId, fields, callback) {
    callback = callback || function(err) {
        if (err) {
            log().warn({'err': err}, 'Error updating cached user in Redis');


    // Clean out null and undefined values
    _.each(fields, function(value, key) {
        if (OaeUtil.isUnspecified(value)) {
            delete fields[key];
        } else {
            // Ensure we have all strings
            fields[key] = '' + value;

    if (_.isEmpty(fields)) {
        return callback();

    return Redis.getClient().hmset(userId, fields, callback);
var _pushCountsToRedis = function(callback) {
    if (_.isEmpty(stats.counts)) {
        return callback();

    var countHashKey = _getTelemetryCountHashKey();
    var multi = Redis.getClient().multi();

    // Iterate through each local count and increment the global redis copy by the amount stored locally
    _.each(stats.counts, function(nameValue, module) {
        _.each(nameValue, function(value, name) {
            multi.hincrby(countHashKey, _getTelemetryCountKey(module, name), value);

    // Reset the counts in this process tick to avoid losing counts

    multi.exec(function(err) {
        if (err) {
            log().error({'err': err}, 'Error pushing local counts to redis');

        return callback();
文件: api.js 项目: Webs961/Hilary
 strategy.saveAssociation(function(handle, provider, algorithm, secret, expiresIn, done) {
     var key = util.format('openid:%s:%s', strategyId, handle);
     var value = JSON.stringify({
         'provider': provider,
         'algorithm': algorithm,
         'secret': secret
     Redis.getClient().setex(key, expiresIn, value, done);
文件: api.js 项目: oaeproject/Hilary
const refreshConfiguration = function(config, callback) {
  callback =
    callback ||
    function(err) {
      if (err) {
        log().error({ err }, 'Error refreshing activities configuration');

  config = ActivitySystemConfig.refreshConfiguration(config);

  log().info({ config }, 'Refreshing activity configuration');

  // Configure redis. Either uses the main connection pool, or a dedicated one if config.activity.redis was configured
  let redisClient = Redis.getClient();
  if (config.redis) {
    redisClient = Redis.createClient(config.redis);


  // Reset the collection polling interval
  if (config.processActivityJobs && config.collectionPollingFrequency > 0) {
    const collectionPollingFrequencyInMs = config.collectionPollingFrequency * 1000;
    // Delegate to the aggregator to collect/aggregate all buckets
    collectionPollingTimer = setInterval(ActivityAggregator.collectAllBuckets, collectionPollingFrequencyInMs);

  // Reset the mail polling interval
  if (config.processActivityJobs && config.mail.pollingFrequency > 0) {
    const mailPollingFrequencyInMs = config.mail.pollingFrequency * 1000;
    // Collect and send email
    mailPollingTimer = setInterval(ActivityEmail.collectAllBuckets, mailPollingFrequencyInMs);

  // Enable / Disable the worker binding, if necessary
  if (config.processActivityJobs && !boundWorker) {
    boundWorker = true;
    // Bind directly to the `routeActivity` router method
    return TaskQueue.bind(
      { subscribe: { prefetchCount: config.maxConcurrentRouters } },

  if (!config.processActivityJobs && boundWorker) {
    boundWorker = false;
    return TaskQueue.unbind(ActivityConstants.mq.TASK_ACTIVITY, callback);

  return callback();
const hasUserEditedSpreadsheet = function(contentId, userId, callback) {
  const key = _getEditMappingKey(contentId);
  const client = Redis.getClient();
  client.exists(key, function(err, exists) {
    if (err) {
      log().error({ err, contentId, userId }, 'Failed to check whether user has edited Ethercalc spreadsheet');
      return callback({
        code: 500,
        msg: 'Failed to check whether user has edited Ethercalc spreadsheet'

    if (exists) {
      client.lrange(key, 0, -1, function(err, replies) {
        if (err) {
          log().error({ err, contentId, userId }, 'Failed to fetch editors for Ethercalc spreadsheet');
          return callback({
            code: 500,
            msg: 'Failed to fetch editors for Ethercalc spreadsheet'

        if (_.contains(replies, userId)) {
          // Let's take out the references to this user's edits since we're sending out a notification
          client.lrem(key, 0, userId, function(err) {
            if (err) {
                'Failed purge cache of user edits to Ethercalc spreadsheet'
              return callback({
                code: 500,
                msg: 'Failed purge cache of user edits to Ethercalc spreadsheet'

            // This user has edited the document
            return callback(null, true);

        // There are edits, but not from this user
        return callback(null, false);

    // There are no edits recorded for this document
    return callback(null, false);
var init = module.exports.init = function(emailSystemConfig, callback) {
    // Email configuration
    customEmailTemplatesDir = emailSystemConfig.customEmailTemplatesDir;
    debug = (emailSystemConfig.debug !== false);
    deduplicationInterval = emailSystemConfig.deduplicationInterval || (7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
    emailSystemConfig.throttling = emailSystemConfig.throttling || {};
    throttleConfig.count = emailSystemConfig.throttling.count || 10;
    throttleConfig.timespan = emailSystemConfig.throttling.timespan || 2 * 60;

    // Create the Redback rate limiter for emails
    var EmailRedback = redback.use(Redis.getClient(), {'namespace': 'oae-email:redback'});

     * For robust unit tests, any provided timespan needs to cover at least 2 buckets so that when
     * we do a count on the rate, we don't risk rolling over to a new interval and miss the emails
     * we just sent, resetting the frequency to 0 and intermittently failing the test. Therefore
     * we set the bucket interval to be (timespan / 2).
     * Additionally, when a bucket is incremented in redback, the following 2 buckets are cleared.
     * Therefore in order to ensure we don't roll over to a new bucket while incrementing and risking
     * our previous bucket getting cleared, we must ensure we have at least 5 buckets so that the
     * clearing of the "next 2" buckets does not impact the counting of the "previous 2". (e.g., if
     * the current time bucket is 2, redback will clear buckets 3 and 4 while we count back from 0,
     * 1 and 2).
    var bucketInterval = Math.ceil(throttleConfig.timespan / 2);
    EmailRateLimiter = EmailRedback.createRateLimit('email', {
        // The rate limiter seems to need at least 5 buckets to work, so lets give it exactly 5 (there are exactly bucket_span / bucket_interval buckets)
        'bucket_span': bucketInterval * 5,
        'bucket_interval': bucketInterval,
        'subject_expiry': throttleConfig.timespan

    // If there was an existing email transport, we close it.
    if (emailTransport) {
        emailTransport = null;

    // Open an email transport if we're not in debug mode
    if (!debug) {
        if (emailSystemConfig.transport === 'SMTP') {
            log().info({'data': emailSystemConfig.smtpTransport}, 'Configuring SMTP email transport.');
            emailTransport = nodemailer.createTransport('SMTP', emailSystemConfig.smtpTransport);
        } else if (emailSystemConfig.transport === 'sendmail') {
            log().info({'data': emailSystemConfig.sendmailTransport}, 'Configuring Sendmail email transport.');
            emailTransport = nodemailer.createTransport('Sendmail', emailSystemConfig.sendmailTransport.path);
        } else {
            return callback({'code': 400, 'msg': 'Misconfigured mail transport'});

    return refreshTemplates(callback);
    Cassandra.runQuery('SELECT * FROM Principals USING CONSISTENCY QUORUM WHERE principalId = ?', [principalId], function (err, rows) {
        if (err) {
            return callback(err);

        var principal = getPrincipalFromRow(rows[0]);

        if (!principal) {
            return callback({'code': 404, 'msg': 'Couldn\'t find principal: ' + principalId});
        } else if (isGroup(principal.id)) {
            return callback(null, principal);

        // Deep-copy the User object *before* we apply the visibility settings.
        // this allows us to retrieve a full object from redis later.
        var hash = clone(principal);

        // Immediately callback, storing something in redis can happen async.
        callback(null, principal);

        // Redis takes only strings as hash field values so convert non-strings.
        // Convert or remove values that shouldn't be in redis.
        delete hash.isAdmin;
        hash.isGlobalAdmin = '' + hash.isGlobalAdmin();
        hash.isTenantAdmin = '' + hash.isTenantAdmin(hash.tenant);

        // The picture object is always present.
        // It's faster to store plain hashes rather than doing JSON.parse/stringify.
        if (hash.picture.smallUri) {
            hash.smallPictureUri = hash.picture.smallUri;
        if (hash.picture.mediumUri) {
            hash.mediumPictureUri = hash.picture.mediumUri;
        if (hash.picture.largeUri) {
            hash.largePictureUri = hash.picture.largeUri;
        delete hash.picture;

        // Convert the extra object.
        if (hash.extra) {
            try {
                hash.extra = JSON.stringify(hash.extra);
            } catch (err) {
                log().error({'err': err}, 'Failed to stringify the extra object for %s, bypassing the cache.', principalId);
                // return to avoid caching an incomplete object

        // Store it in redis
        Redis.getClient().hmset(principalId, hash);
var _getUserFromRedis = function(userId, callback) {
    Redis.getClient().hgetall(userId, function(err, hash) {
        if (err) {
            return callback({'code': 500, 'msg': err});
        // Since we also push updates into redis, use the user id as a slug to ensure that the user doesn't exist in
        // cache by virtue of an upsert
        } else if (!hash || !hash.principalId) {
            return callback({'code': 404, 'msg': 'Principal not found in redis'});

        return callback(null, _hashToUser(hash));
        Redis.getClient().del(_getTelemetryCountResetLock(), function(resetErr) {
            if (resetErr) {
                log().error({'err': resetErr}, 'Error trying to reset the count reset lock');

            Redis.getClient().del(_getTelemetryCountPublishLock(), function(publishErr) {
                if (publishErr) {
                    log().error({'err': publishErr}, 'Error trying to reset the telemetry publish lock');

                return callback(resetErr || publishErr);
const setEditedBy = function(contentId, userId, callback) {
  const key = _getEditMappingKey(contentId);
  Redis.getClient().rpush(key, userId, function(err) {
    if (err) {
      log().error({ err, contentId, userId }, 'Failed to store Ethercalc user edits');
      return callback({
        code: 500,
        msg: 'Failed to store Ethercalc user edits'

    return callback();
var _getCounts = function(callback) {
    Redis.getClient().hgetall(_getTelemetryCountHashKey(), function(err, countsHash) {
        if (err) {
            log().error({'err': err}, 'Error querying telemetry counts from redis');
            return callback(err);

        // Redis will return each value as a string, so we need to cast them to integers
        _.each(countsHash, function(value, key) {
            countsHash[key] = parseInt(value, 10);

        return callback(null, countsHash);
文件: api.js 项目: Webs961/Hilary
    strategy.loadAssociation(function(handle, done) {
        var key = util.format('openid:%s:%s', strategyId, handle);
        Redis.getClient().get(key, function(err, val) {
            if (err) {
                return done(err);
            } else if (!val) {
                // Data probably expired, now user is sad
                return done();

            // Parse the cached association data, it is the direct result
            try {
                val = JSON.parse(val);
                return done(null, val.provider, val.algorithm, val.secret);
            } catch (err) {
                return done(err);
    _resetGlobalCounts(function() {

        // Also reset the locks
        Redis.getClient().del(_getTelemetryCountResetLock(), function(resetErr) {
            if (resetErr) {
                log().error({'err': resetErr}, 'Error trying to reset the count reset lock');

            Redis.getClient().del(_getTelemetryCountPublishLock(), function(publishErr) {
                if (publishErr) {
                    log().error({'err': publishErr}, 'Error trying to reset the telemetry publish lock');

                return callback(resetErr || publishErr);
文件: dao.js 项目: menderesk/Hilary
var _updateCachedUser = function(userId, fields, callback) {
    callback = callback || function(err) {
        if (err) {
            log().warn({'err': err}, 'Error updating cached user in Redis');

    // Clean out null and undefined values
    _.each(fields, function(value, key) {
        if (value === null || value === undefined) {
            delete fields[key];
        } else {
            // Ensure we have all strings
            fields[key] = '' + value;

    if (_.isEmpty(fields)) {
        return callback();

    Redis.getClient().hmset(userId, fields, callback);
文件: api.js 项目: Julka7/Hilary
 'del': function(id, callback) {
     var key = util.format('shibboleth:%s:%s', strategyId, id);
     Redis.getClient().del(key, callback);
文件: api.js 项目: Julka7/Hilary
 'set': function(id, data, callback) {
     var key = util.format('shibboleth:%s:%s', strategyId, id);
     Redis.getClient().setex(key, 5 * 60, data, callback);
var invalidateCachedUsers = module.exports.invalidateCachedUsers = function(userIds, callback) {
    Redis.getClient().del(userIds, callback);
var _resetGlobalCounts = function(callback) {
    Redis.getClient().del(_getTelemetryCountHashKey(), callback);