// $ExpectError string. This type is incompatible with number
timesNums = times(5, function(i: number) {
  return JSON.stringify(i);

// lodash.flatMap for collections and objects
// this arrow function needs a type annotation due to a bug in flow
// https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/1948
flatMap([1, 2, 3], (n): number[] => [n, n]);
flatMap({ a: 1, b: 2 }, n => [n, n]);

 * _.noop
noop("a", 2, [], null);
(noop: string => void);
(noop: (number, string) => void);
// $ExpectError functions are contravariant in return types
(noop: string => string);

 * _.memoize
var memoized: (a: number) => string = memoize((a: number) => "foo");
// $ExpectError memoize retains type information
memoized = memoize(() => {});

string = defaultTo('str', true);

num = tap(1, function(n) { return false; });
bool = thru(1, function(n) { return false; });

var timesNums: number[];

timesNums = times(5);
// $ExpectError string. This type is incompatible with number
var strings : string[] = times(5);
timesNums = times(5, function(i: number) { return i + 1; });
// $ExpectError string. This type is incompatible with number
timesNums = times(5, function(i: number) { return JSON.stringify(i); });

// lodash.flatMap for collections and objects
// this arrow function needs a type annotation due to a bug in flow
// https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/1948
flatMap([1, 2, 3], (n): number[] => [n, n]);
flatMap({a: 1, b: 2}, n => [n, n]);

 * _.noop
noop('a', 2, [], null);
(noop: (string) => void);
(noop: (number, string) => void);
// $ExpectError functions are contravariant in return types
(noop: (string) => string);