						collection.findAndModify({_id: job._id, status: {$in: [STATUS.RUNNING, STATUS.SCHEDULED]}}, [['_id', 1]], update, function(err, job){
                			job = job && job.ok ? job.value : null;
							if (err) {
								log.e('Couldn\'t update a job: %j', err);
							} else if (!job) {
								// ignore
							} else if (job.status === STATUS.RUNNING) {
								log.i('The job is running on another server, won\'t start it here');
							} else if (job.status === STATUS.SCHEDULED) {

								if (job.schedule) {
									var schedule = typeof job.schedule === 'string' ? later.parse.text(job.schedule) : job.schedule,
										nextFrom = new Date(job.next);
									var next = later.schedule(schedule).next(2, nextFrom);
									if (next && next.length > 1) {
										if (job.strict === null) { 
											// for strict jobs we're going to repeat all missed tasks up to current date after restart
											// for non-strict ones, we want to start from current date
											while (next[1].getTime() < Date.now()) {
												next = later.schedule(schedule).next(2, next[1]);
												if (next.length < 2) { return; }
										new Job(job.name, job.data, this).schedule(job.schedule, job.strict, null, next[1].getTime());
					this.collection.findAndModify({_id: job._json._id, status: {$in: [STATUS.RUNNING, STATUS.SCHEDULED]}}, [['_id', 1]], update, (err, res) => {
						if (err) {
							log.e('Couldn\'t update a job: %j', err);
						} else if (!res || !res.value) {
							// ignore
						} else if (res.value.status === STATUS.RUNNING) {
							log.i('The job is running on another server, won\'t start it here');
						} else if (res.value.status === STATUS.SCHEDULED) {

							if (job.scheduleObj) {
								var schedule = typeof job.scheduleObj === 'string' ? later.parse.text(job.scheduleObj) : job.scheduleObj,
									nextFrom = new Date(job.next);
								var next = later.schedule(schedule).next(2, nextFrom);
								if (next && next.length > 1) {
									if (job.strict !== null) { 
										// for strict jobs we're going to repeat all missed tasks up to current date after restart
										// for non-strict ones, we want to start from current date
										while (next[1].getTime() < Date.now()) {
											next = later.schedule(schedule).next(2, next[1]);
											if (next.length < 2) { return; }
									job.schedule(job.scheduleObj, job.strict, next[1].getTime());
function getSchedule(config) {
    // fetch a schedule based on the configuration, parsing it as a "cron"
    // or "text" statement see:
    // http://bunkat.github.io/later/parsers.html
    if (!config) return;
    if (config.text_expression) {
        // text expression takes precedence over cron
        return later.schedule(later.parse.text(config.text_expression));
    if (config.cron) {
        return later.schedule(later.parse.cron(config.cron));
function getNextRun( schedule ) {

	var s = later.schedule( later.parse.cron( schedule.recurrence ) );

	var args = [ 1 ];

	var now = moment();

	// If the schedule has a start time, ensure the next run time is after that start time
	if ( schedule.hasOwnProperty( 'start' ) && moment( schedule.start ).isAfter( now ) ) {
		args.push( schedule.start );
	} else { // The later module has a bug where it will calculate next to be now if there are < 1 second on the current time stamp
		args.push( now.add( 1, 'second' ).toISOString() );

	// gets the next run time of the schedule and clamps milli/seconds to zero
	var nextRun = moment( s.next.apply( s, args ).toISOString() ).millisecond( 0 ).seconds( 0 );

	// if schedule has an end time, and next time is beyond that point, cancel the next run
	if ( schedule.hasOwnProperty( 'end' ) && moment( schedule.end ).isBefore( nextRun ) ) {
		return null;

	return nextRun;
function parseCron(cronExp) {
  let parts = cronExp.trim().split(/\s+/);
  if (parts.length === 5)

  return later.schedule(later.parse.cron(parts.join(" "), true));
    return Promise.try(function() {
        // See if we are meant to run on an interval
        self.parsedSchedule = null;
        if (this.schedule) {
            self.parsedSchedule = later.parse.text(this.schedule);
        } else if (this.cron) {
            self.parsedSchedule = later.parse.cron(this.cron);

        // If not, we're done already - stand by until manually queued.
        if (!self.parsedSchedule) {
            return true;

        // NOTE: We can't do !== -1 because CRON parsing doesn't set it:
        // > JSON.stringify(later.parse.cron('* */15 * * * *', true));
        // '{"schedules":[{"m":[0,15,30,45]}],"exceptions":[]}'
        // > JSON.stringify(later.parse.text('every 15 mins'));
        // '{"schedules":[{"m":[0,15,30,45]}],"exceptions":[],"error":-1}'
        if (self.parsedSchedule.error >= 0) {
            throw new Error('Invalid task schedule at char ' + self.parsedSchedule.error);

        // See if a task entry is already scheduled for this task - use the schedule as the key
        var taskEntryKey = keyForSchedule(self.parsedSchedule);

        crone.logger('Next run: ' + later.schedule(self.parsedSchedule).next(1).schedule.next(2));
        self.emit('scheduled', self, taskEntry);

        var taskEntry = new TaskEntry();
        taskEntry.task = self;
        self.emit('before', self, taskEntry);
文件: server.js 项目: lphilips/jspdg
function calculatePrevious(timeDescription) {
    var parsed;
    var s;
    var next;
    parsed = later.parse.text(timeDescription);
    s = later.schedule(parsed);
    next = s.prev(1);
    return new Date(next);
文件: Job.js 项目: imclab/cran
	function compileSchedule(val){
		compiledSchedule = later.parse.text(val);
			scheduleError = "Error in schedule near: " + val.substr(compiledSchedule.error) + '\n For help on supported text structures, see http://bunkat.github.io/later/parsers.html#text.';
			nextRunTime = undefined;
		} else {
			scheduleError = undefined;
			nextRunTime = later.schedule(compiledSchedule).next().getTime();
 crons.forEach(cron => {
   let parts = cron.cronExpression.split(' ');
   let hours = parts[2];
   if (!isNaN(parseInt(hours))) {
     let allHours = hours.split('/');
     let tz = settings.defaultTimeZone || 'America/Los_Angeles';
     var offset = momentService.tz.zone(tz).offset(new Date());
     if (offset) {
       offset /= 60;
       let start = parseInt(allHours[0]);
       allHours[0] = start + offset >= 24 ? start : start + offset;
       parts[2] = allHours.join('/');
   let schedule = later.parse.cron(parts.join(' '), true);
   let nextRun = later.schedule(schedule).next(1);
   if (nextRun) {
 geddy.model.Task.first(params.id, function(err, task) {
   if (!task.isValid()) {
     self.respond({params: params, success: false, errors: task.errors}, {format: 'json'});
   else {
     // If completing a repeated task
     if (task.complete && task.repeat) {
       console.log('Creating repeat task.');
       var m = moment(task.dueDate);
       var start = m.toDate();
       var sched = later.parse.text(task.repeat);
       var newDueDate = later.schedule(sched).next(2, start);
       console.log(newDueDate[newDueDate.length - 1]);
       var taskParams = {groupId: task.groupId, name: task.name, complete:false, repeat: task.repeat, dueDate: newDueDate[newDueDate.length - 1]};
       var newTask = geddy.model.Task.create(taskParams);
       if (!newTask.isValid()) {
         console.log('Invalid task params.');
       newTask.save(function(err, data) {
         if (err) {
           console.log('Error creating repeat task.');
         else {
           console.log('Repeat task created and saved.');
           geddy.io.sockets.in(task.groupId).emit('taskCreated', newTask);
     task.save(function(err, data) {
       if (err) {
         self.respond({params: params, success: false, errors: err}, {format: 'json'});
       else {
         geddy.io.sockets.in(task.groupId).emit('taskUpdated', task);
         self.respond({params: params, success: true}, {format: 'json'});
		events.forEach( schedEvent => {
			if(!schedEvent.isValid) {
				Log.warn( { eventName : schedEvent.name }, 'Invalid scheduled event entry');

					eventName	: schedEvent.name,
					schedule	: this.moduleConfig.events[schedEvent.name].schedule,
					action		: schedEvent.action,
					next		: schedEvent.schedule.sched ? moment(later.schedule(schedEvent.schedule.sched).next(1)).format('ddd, MMM Do, YYYY @ h:m:ss a') : 'N/A',
				'Scheduled event loaded'

			if(schedEvent.schedule.sched) {			
				this.eventTimers.push(later.setInterval( () => {
					self.performAction(schedEvent, 'Schedule');	
				}, schedEvent.schedule.sched));

			if(schedEvent.schedule.watchFile) {
				const watcher = sane(
						glob : `**/${paths.basename(schedEvent.schedule.watchFile)}`

				//	:TODO: should track watched files & stop watching @ shutdown?

				[ 'change', 'add', 'delete' ].forEach(event => {
					watcher.on(event, (fileName, fileRoot) => {
						const eventPath = paths.join(fileRoot, fileName);
						if(schedEvent.schedule.watchFile === eventPath) {
							self.performAction(schedEvent, `Watch file: ${eventPath}`);

				fse.exists(schedEvent.schedule.watchFile, exists => {
					if(exists) {
						self.performAction(schedEvent, `Watch file: ${schedEvent.schedule.watchFile}`);
文件: Job.js 项目: imclab/cran
	function run(){
		if(scriptError || scheduleError) return;

		var nextTwo = later.schedule(compiledSchedule).next(2);
		lastRunTime = nextRunTime;
		nextRunTime = nextTwo[1].getTime(); // index 0 is the current one

			lastResult = compiledScript.runInNewContext({
				require: require,
				console: console
		} catch(err){
			scriptError = err.stack;
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
    var token;
	var access_token;
console.log("Now:" + new Date());

var sched = later.parse.recur().every(1).hour();
next = later.schedule(sched).next(10);

var timer = later.setInterval(test, sched);
setTimeout(test, 1000);

function test() {
   console.log(new Date());
   var options = {
      hostname: 'api.weixin.qq.com',
      path: '/cgi-bin/token?grant_type=client_credential&appid=' + appID + '&secret=' + appSecret
   var req = https.get(options, function (res) {
      console.log("statusCode: ", res.statusCode);
      console.log("headers: ", res.headers);
      var bodyChunks = '';
      res.on('data', function (chunk) {
         bodyChunks += chunk;
      res.on('end', function () {
         var body = JSON.parse(bodyChunks);
         if (body.access_token) {
            access_token = body.access_token;
         } else {
            console.dir(body); //在有调试工具的浏览器上支持较好,各大浏览器均支持此功能
   req.on('error', function (e) {
      console.log('ERROR: ' + e.message);

	validateSchedule: function(schedule) {

		if (typeof schedule != 'object' || typeof schedule.schedules == 'undefined') {
			if (_.isEmpty(schedule) || (schedule instanceof Array && schedule.length == 0) || typeof schedule == 'string')
				return false;

			schedule = {schedules: schedule};

		// attempt to compile schedule in later.js
		try {
		} catch (e) {
			return false;

		return true;
  module.config.events.forEach((event) =>
    event = {
      checkDelay: 30,
      checkWindow: Math.round((event.checkDelay || 30) * 1.5),
      callRecipient: null,
      callDelay: 0,
      lastCallAt: 0

    logger.info(`Setting up...`, {
      eventId: event.id,
      nextEventAt: later.schedule(event.schedule).next(1)

    later.setInterval(scheduleEventCheck.bind(null, event), event.schedule);
	schedule (schedule, strict, nextTime) {
		this._json.schedule = schedule;

		if (strict) {
			this._json.strict = strict;

		if (nextTime) {
			this._json.next = nextTime;
		} else {
			schedule = typeof schedule === 'string' ? later.parse.text(schedule) : schedule;
			var next = later.schedule(schedule).next(1);
			if (!next) { return null; }

			this._json.next = next.getTime();

		return this._save();
 runSched = function (msg, sched) {
     //Only do anything if the schedule has a next event
     if (later.schedule(sched).next(1)) {
         runningSchedules[msg.later.id] = later.setTimeout(function () {
             //Run this again to schedule the next event
             /*IMPORTANT that this is done before the message is sent
               to avoid a race condition in the case this message triggers
               a downstream node to cancel the flow*/
             runSched(msg, sched);
             //Send out the message
             msg.later.count += 1;
         }, sched);
         debug('Started timer for schedule : ' + msg.later.id);
     } else {
         //This schedule has finished, remove any references to previous timers
         debug('Schedule has ended : ' + msg.later.id);
         delete runningSchedules[msg.later.id];
var _requestHandler = function(request, response) {
  var occurrences = later.schedule(schedule);

  response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
  response.write('next notification at: ' + occurrences.next(1, new Date()));
  response.write('\n\nmost recent meh notification:\n');
  fs.readFile(mehFileName, {encoding: 'utf-8'}, function (error, data) {
    if (!error) {
      // parse the file data to a JSON object then pretty print it to the response
      var jsonString = JSON.parse(data);
      response.write(JSON.stringify(jsonString, null, 4));
    } else {
      response.write('failed to read ' + mehFileName + '!');
    // end the response in the callback
	this.schedule = function(schedule, strict, clb, nextTime) {
		if (typeof strict === 'function') {
			clb = strict;
			strict = null;
		json.schedule = schedule;

		json.strict = typeof strict === 'undefined' ? null : strict;

		if (nextTime) {
			json.next = nextTime;
		} else {
			schedule = typeof schedule === 'string' ? later.parse.text(schedule) : schedule;
			var next = later.schedule(schedule).next(1);
			if (!next) { return null; }

			json.next = next.getTime();


		return this;
 execute().finally(() => {
     logger.info('Waiting for next schedule run ' + later.schedule(scheduler).next(1));
		return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
			try {
			this._json.modified = Date.now();
			var query, update, clb = (err, res) => {
				if (err) { 
					if (this._errorCount++ < MAXIMUM_SAVE_ERRORS) {
						log.w('Error while saving job: %j', err);
						setTimeout(() => {
							this._save(set).then(resolve.bind(null, set), reject);
						}, 1000); 
					} else {
						log.e('Error while saving job: %j', err);
				} else if (res.result.nModified === 0) {
					log.e('Job %s has been changed while doing _save: %j / setting %j for query %j', this._id, this._json, update, query);
					reject('Job cannot be found while doing _save');
				} else {

				if (this.isSub && this.parent) {

			if (this._replace) {
				query = {status: STATUS.SCHEDULED, name: this.name};
				if (this.data) { query.data = this.data; }

				if (this._json.schedule) {
					let schedule = typeof this._json.schedule === 'string' ? later.parse.text(this._json.schedule) : this._json.schedule,
						prev = later.schedule(schedule).prev(1);

					log.i('replacing job %j with', query, this._json);
					this.db().collection('jobs').find(query).toArray((err, jobs) => {
						if (err) {
							log.e('job replacement error when looking for existing jobs to replace', err);
							this.db().collection('jobs').save(this._json, clb);
						} else if (jobs && jobs.length) {
							try {
							let last = jobs.sort((a, b) => b.next - a.next)[0];
							let others = jobs.filter(a => a !== last);
							if (others.length) {
								log.i('found %d jobs with %j, going to cancel %j', jobs.length, query, others.map(j => j._id));
								Promise.all(others.map(j => {
									return require('./index.js').create(j).cancel(this.db(), false);
								// this.db().collection('jobs').update({_id: {$in: others.map(j => j._id)}}, {$set: {status: STATUS.CANCELLED}}, {multi: true}, log.logdb(''));

							if (last.schedule === this._json.schedule && last.next > prev.getTime()) {
								// just do nothing
								log.i('last job is scheduled correctly, won\'t replace anything for %j: current %j, won\'t replace to %j', query, new Date(last.next), new Date(this.next));
							} else {
								log.i('replacing last job %j with %j', last, this._json);
								this.db().collection('jobs').findAndModify(query, [['_id', 1]], {$set: this._json}, {new: true}, (err, job) => {
									if (err) {
										log.e('job replacement error, saving new job', err, job);
										this.db().collection('jobs').save(this._json, clb);
									} else if (job && !job.value){
										log.i('no job found to replace, saving new job', err, job);
										this.db().collection('jobs').save(this._json, clb);
									} else {
										log.i('job replacing done', job.value);
						}catch(e) { log.e(e, e.stack); }
						} else {
							log.i('no jobs found to replace for %j, saving new one', query);
							this.db().collection('jobs').save(this._json, clb);
				} else {
					this.db().collection('jobs').findAndModify(query, [['_id', 1]], {$set: this._json}, {new: true}, (err, job) => {
						if (err) {
							log.e('job replacement error, saving new job', err, job);
							this.db().collection('jobs').save(this._json, clb);
						} else if (job && !job.value){
							log.i('no job found to replace, saving new job', err, job);
							this.db().collection('jobs').save(this._json, clb);
						} else {
							log.i('job replacing done', job.value);

			} else if (this._json._id) {
				if (set) {
					for (let k in set) {
						if (k !== '_id') {
							this._json[k] = set[k];
				if (this._isSub()) {
					query = {_id: this._json._id, 'subs.idx': this._json.idx};
					if (set) {
						update = {$set: {'subs.$.modified': this._json.modified}};
						for (let k in set) {
							update.$set['subs.$.' + k] = set[k];
					} else {
						update = {$set: {'subs.$': this._json}};
				} else {
					query = {_id: this._json._id};
					update = {$set: set || this._json};
					update.$set.modified = this._json.modified;
				delete update.$set._id;
				log.d('saving %j: %j', query, update);
				this.db().collection('jobs').updateOne(query, update, clb);
			} else {
				log.d('saving %j', this._json);
				this.db().collection('jobs').save(this._json, clb);
		}catch(e) {
			log.e(e, e.stack);
			throw e;
		}).then(() => { this._replace = false; return set; });
var later = require('later');
var sched = later.parse.text('every 5 mins'),
    occurrences = later.schedule(sched).next(10);

for(var i=0;i<10;i++){
文件: cron.js 项目: gleam-ru/heroku
 next: function(count) {
     return later.schedule(this.s).next(count);
文件: later.js 项目: i5ting/cron
//     console.log(occurrences[i]);
// }

// var cron = later.parse.cron('5 * * * *');
// occurrences = later.schedule(demo2_b).next(3);
// for(var i = 0; i < occurrences.length; i++) {
//     console.log(occurrences[i]);
// }

// 时间控制API
// later.schedule(schedule).next(count, start, end): 取下N个有效时间点
// later.schedule(schedule).prev(count, start, end): 取上N个有效时间点
// later.schedule(schedule).nextRange(count, start, end): 取下N个有效时间段
// later.schedule(schedule).prevRange(count, start, end): 取上N个有效时间段

var cron = '1 * * * * *';
var s = later.parse.cron(cron);

var occurrences = later.schedule(s).next(100);

// occurrences = later.schedule(demo2_b).next(3);
for(var i = 0; i < occurrences.length; i++) {
	  var now = new Date(occurrences[i]); 
    var d = dateFormat(now, "yyyy:mm:dd h:MM:ss TT");
文件: app.js 项目: karenpeng/yodanewz
    'date': req.body.str
  var selet = 'saying url';
  Newz.findOne(query, selet, function (err, data) {
    if (err) {
      return console.error(err);

//UTC minus 4 equals to new york time
var sched = later.parse.recur().on('03:50:00').time();
var next = later.schedule(sched).next(10);
later.setInterval(function () {
}, sched);


function action() {
  var ran = Math.random();

  if (ran < 0.4) {

    getNews(function (data) {
      var title = data.title;
      var url = data.url;
                           },function(err, reservaciones) {
                             if (err) throw err;
                                 var excepciones = [];
                                if(reservaciones.length > 0  ) {
                                  reservaciones.forEach(function(reserva) {
                                 var excepcion_estado = 'DISPONIBILIDAD MEDIA';
                              // Calculos basados en el horario de la empresa
                              // TODO: agregar minutos al calculo, solo hora por ahora
                              var horario_i= servicio.empresa().horario[0].split(":");
                              var horario_f=servicio.empresa().horario[1].split(":");
                              var hr_inicio = horario_i[0];
                              var hr_fin = horario_f[0];
                              var current = new Date();
                              var current_hour = current.getHours();
                              if ( is_target ) {
                                var slots_hr= parseInt(hr_fin) - parseInt(hr_inicio)
                                var slots_avail = (slots_hr * 60) / parseInt(servicio.duracion);
                              } else {
                                var slots_hr= parseInt(hr_fin) - parseInt(current_hour)
                                var slots_avail = (slots_hr * 60) / parseInt(servicio.duracion);
                              // TODO: invalidar pedidos de fechas anteriores al dia de hoy - ya lo realiza empresa.status()
                              if ( !is_target && current_hour >= parseInt(hr_inicio) && current_hour <= parseInt(hr_fin) ) {
                              // horario actual  valido, mostrar reservaciones del dia siguiente
                                if (slots_hr <= 1 ){
                                    var f_inicio = fin.setHours(parseInt(hr_inicio),0,0);
                                    var f_fin = fin.setHours(parseInt(hr_fin),0,0);
                                    var slot_start= new Date(f_inicio);
                                    var slot_end= new Date(f_fin);
                                    var estado = 'POR CERRAR';
                                    slots_hr= parseInt(hr_fin) - parseInt(hr_inicio)
                                    slots_avail = (slots_hr * 60) / parseInt(servicio.duracion);
                                } else {
                                    //TODO: Validate when target day
                                    var f_inicio = new Date();
                                    var f_fin = current.setHours(parseInt(hr_fin),0,0);
                                    var slot_start= new Date(f_inicio.setHours(f_inicio.getHours()+1,0,0));
                                    var slot_end= new Date(f_fin);
                                    var estado = 'DISPONIBLE';
                             } else if ( !is_target && current_hour >= parseInt(hr_fin)) {
                               // despues de cerrado muestra el dia siguiente
                               var f_inicio = fin.setHours(parseInt(hr_inicio),0,0);
                               var f_fin = fin.setHours(parseInt(hr_fin),0,0);
                               var slot_start= new Date(f_inicio);
                               var slot_end= new Date(f_fin);
                               var estado = 'CERRADOS MOSTRANDO DIA SIGUIENTE';
                             } else {
                               // el resto
                               var f_inicio = target.setHours(parseInt(hr_inicio),0,0);
                               var f_fin = target.setHours(parseInt(hr_fin)+1,0,0);
                               var slot_start= new Date(f_inicio);
                               var slot_end= new Date(f_fin);
                               var estado = 'MOSTRANDO OTRO DIA';
                             console.log('fecha:' + target + ' horarios empresa:' + hr_inicio + '-' + hr_fin);
                             console.log('SLOTS:' + slot_start+ '-' + slot_end);
                             if (excepciones.length > 0 ) {
                                 estado = excepcion_estado;
                             // if it is an hour
                             if (parseInt(servicio.duracion) == 60) {
                                var text = 'every 1 hour';
                                var sched = later.parse.text(text);
                                console.log('schedule text:' + text);
                                // if less than hour
                             } else if (parseInt(servicio.duracion) < 60){
                                var text = 'every '+ servicio.duracion +' mins';
                                console.log('schedule text:' + text);
                                var sched = later.parse.recur().every(parseInt(servicio.duracion)).minute();
                            }  else {
                                var text = 'every '+ servicio.duracion +' mins';
                                var sched = later.parse.recur().every(parseInt(servicio.duracion)).minute();

                            console.log('excepciones generadas:', excepciones);
                            var free_slots = later.schedule(sched).next(slots_avail, slot_start, slot_end);
                            // console.log('Calculated slots:', free_slots);
                            var remove_slots = free_slots;
                            var remove_reservations= [];
                            var result_slots = [];
                            excepciones.forEach(function(ex) {
                                i = 0;
                                for (; i < remove_slots.length; i++){
                                       if ( Date.parse(ex) ===  Date.parse(remove_slots[i]) ) {
                            len = remove_slots.length;
                            for(var s= 0; s < len ; s++) {
                                    if ( remove_reservations.indexOf(s) > -1 ) {
                                         console.log('found match', s);
                                     } else {
                            var result = [ 
                             'estado': estado,
                             'servicio': servicio,
                             'fecha': current,
                             'mostrando': slot_start
                            { 'slots': result_slots}
                         cb(null, result);