文件: Arc.js 项目: andrea-phet/kite
define( function( require ) {
  'use strict';

  var inherit = require( 'PHET_CORE/inherit' );
  var Vector2 = require( 'DOT/Vector2' );
  var Bounds2 = require( 'DOT/Bounds2' );
  var DotUtil = require( 'DOT/Util' ); // eslint-disable-line require-statement-match

  var kite = require( 'KITE/kite' );
  var Segment = require( 'KITE/segments/Segment' );

   * Creates a circular arc (or circle if the startAngle/endAngle difference is ~2pi).
   * See http://www.w3.org/TR/2dcontext/#dom-context-2d-arc for detailed information on the parameters.
   * @param {Vector2} center - Center of the arc (every point on the arc is equally far from the center)
   * @param {number} radius - How far from the center the arc will be
   * @param {number} startAngle - Angle (radians) of the start of the arc
   * @param {number} endAngle - Angle (radians) of the end of the arc
   * @param {boolean} anticlockwise - Decides which direction the arc takes around the center
   * @constructor
  function Arc( center, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise ) {
    Segment.call( this );

    this._center = center;
    this._radius = radius;
    this._startAngle = startAngle;
    this._endAngle = endAngle;
    this._anticlockwise = anticlockwise;


  kite.register( 'Arc', Arc );

  inherit( Segment, Arc, {
    // @public - Clears cached information, should be called when any of the 'constructor arguments' are mutated.
    invalidate: function() {
      // Lazily-computed derived information
      this._start = null; // {Vector2 | null}
      this._end = null; // {Vector2 | null}
      this._startTangent = null; // {Vector2 | null}
      this._endTangent = null; // {Vector2 | null}
      this._actualEndAngle = null; // {number | null} - End angle in relation to our start angle (can get remapped)
      this._isFullPerimeter = null; // {boolean | null} - Whether it's a full circle (and not just an arc)
      this._angleDifference = null; // {number | null}
      this._bounds = null; // {Bounds2 | null}

      // Remap negative radius to a positive radius
      if ( this._radius < 0 ) {
        // support this case since we might actually need to handle it inside of strokes?
        this._radius = -this._radius;
        this._startAngle += Math.PI;
        this._endAngle += Math.PI;

      // Constraints that should always be satisfied
      assert && assert( !( ( !this.anticlockwise && this.endAngle - this.startAngle <= -Math.PI * 2 ) ||
                           ( this.anticlockwise && this.startAngle - this.endAngle <= -Math.PI * 2 ) ),
        'Not handling arcs with start/end angles that show differences in-between browser handling' );
      assert && assert( !( ( !this.anticlockwise && this.endAngle - this.startAngle > Math.PI * 2 ) ||
                           ( this.anticlockwise && this.startAngle - this.endAngle > Math.PI * 2 ) ),
        'Not handling arcs with start/end angles that show differences in-between browser handling' );

      this.trigger0( 'invalidated' );

    getStart: function() {
      if ( this._start === null ) {
        this._start = this.positionAtAngle( this._startAngle );
      return this._start;
    get start() { return this.getStart(); },

    getEnd: function() {
      if ( this._end === null ) {
        this._end = this.positionAtAngle( this._endAngle );
      return this._end;
    get end() { return this.getEnd(); },

    getStartTangent: function() {
      if ( this._startTangent === null ) {
        this._startTangent = this.tangentAtAngle( this._startAngle );
      return this._startTangent;
    get startTangent() { return this.getStartTangent(); },

    getEndTangent: function() {
      if ( this._endTangent === null ) {
        this._endTangent = this.tangentAtAngle( this._endAngle );
      return this._endTangent;
    get endTangent() { return this.getEndTangent(); },

    getActualEndAngle: function() {
      if ( this._actualEndAngle === null ) {
        // compute an actual end angle so that we can smoothly go from this._startAngle to this._actualEndAngle
        if ( this._anticlockwise ) {
          // angle is 'decreasing'
          // -2pi <= end - start < 2pi
          if ( this._startAngle > this._endAngle ) {
            this._actualEndAngle = this._endAngle;
          else if ( this._startAngle < this._endAngle ) {
            this._actualEndAngle = this._endAngle - 2 * Math.PI;
          else {
            // equal
            this._actualEndAngle = this._startAngle;
        else {
          // angle is 'increasing'
          // -2pi < end - start <= 2pi
          if ( this._startAngle < this._endAngle ) {
            this._actualEndAngle = this._endAngle;
          else if ( this._startAngle > this._endAngle ) {
            this._actualEndAngle = this._endAngle + Math.PI * 2;
          else {
            // equal
            this._actualEndAngle = this._startAngle;
      return this._actualEndAngle;
    get actualEndAngle() { return this.getActualEndAngle(); },

    getIsFullPerimeter: function() {
      if ( this._isFullPerimeter === null ) {
        this._isFullPerimeter = ( !this._anticlockwise && this._endAngle - this._startAngle >= Math.PI * 2 ) || ( this._anticlockwise && this._startAngle - this._endAngle >= Math.PI * 2 );
      return this._isFullPerimeter;
    get isFullPerimeter() { return this.getIsFullPerimeter(); },

    getAngleDifference: function() {
      if ( this._angleDifference === null ) {
        // compute an angle difference that represents how "much" of the circle our arc covers
        this._angleDifference = this._anticlockwise ? this._startAngle - this._endAngle : this._endAngle - this._startAngle;
        if ( this._angleDifference < 0 ) {
          this._angleDifference += Math.PI * 2;
        assert && assert( this._angleDifference >= 0 ); // now it should always be zero or positive
      return this._angleDifference;
    get angleDifference() { return this.getAngleDifference(); },

    getBounds: function() {
      if ( this._bounds === null ) {
        // acceleration for intersection
        this._bounds = Bounds2.NOTHING.copy().withPoint( this.getStart() )
          .withPoint( this.getEnd() );

        // if the angles are different, check extrema points
        if ( this._startAngle !== this._endAngle ) {
          // check all of the extrema points
          this.includeBoundsAtAngle( 0 );
          this.includeBoundsAtAngle( Math.PI / 2 );
          this.includeBoundsAtAngle( Math.PI );
          this.includeBoundsAtAngle( 3 * Math.PI / 2 );
      return this._bounds;
    get bounds() { return this.getBounds(); },

    getNondegenerateSegments: function() {
      if ( this._radius <= 0 || this._startAngle === this._endAngle ) {
        return [];
      else {
        return [ this ]; // basically, Arcs aren't really degenerate that easily

    includeBoundsAtAngle: function( angle ) {
      if ( this.containsAngle( angle ) ) {
        // the boundary point is in the arc
        this._bounds = this._bounds.withPoint( this._center.plus( Vector2.createPolar( this._radius, angle ) ) );

    // maps a contained angle to between [startAngle,actualEndAngle), even if the end angle is lower.
    mapAngle: function( angle ) {
      // consider an assert that we contain that angle?
      return ( this._startAngle > this.getActualEndAngle() ) ?
             DotUtil.moduloBetweenUp( angle, this._startAngle - 2 * Math.PI, this._startAngle ) :
             DotUtil.moduloBetweenDown( angle, this._startAngle, this._startAngle + 2 * Math.PI );

    tAtAngle: function( angle ) {
      return ( this.mapAngle( angle ) - this._startAngle ) / ( this.getActualEndAngle() - this._startAngle );

    angleAt: function( t ) {
      return this._startAngle + ( this.getActualEndAngle() - this._startAngle ) * t;

    positionAt: function( t ) {
      return this.positionAtAngle( this.angleAt( t ) );

    tangentAt: function( t ) {
      return this.tangentAtAngle( this.angleAt( t ) );

    curvatureAt: function( t ) {
      return ( this._anticlockwise ? -1 : 1 ) / this._radius;

    positionAtAngle: function( angle ) {
      return this._center.plus( Vector2.createPolar( this._radius, angle ) );

    tangentAtAngle: function( angle ) {
      var normal = Vector2.createPolar( 1, angle );

      return this._anticlockwise ? normal.perpendicular() : normal.perpendicular().negated();

    // TODO: refactor? shared with EllipticalArc (use this improved version)
    containsAngle: function( angle ) {
      // transform the angle into the appropriate coordinate form
      // TODO: check anticlockwise version!
      var normalizedAngle = this._anticlockwise ? angle - this._endAngle : angle - this._startAngle;

      // get the angle between 0 and 2pi
      var positiveMinAngle = DotUtil.moduloBetweenDown( normalizedAngle, 0, Math.PI * 2 );

      return positiveMinAngle <= this.angleDifference;

    getSVGPathFragment: function() {
      // see http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathDataEllipticalArcCommands for more info
      // rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y

      var epsilon = 0.01; // allow some leeway to render things as 'almost circles'
      var sweepFlag = this._anticlockwise ? '0' : '1';
      var largeArcFlag;
      if ( this.angleDifference < Math.PI * 2 - epsilon ) {
        largeArcFlag = this.angleDifference < Math.PI ? '0' : '1';
        return 'A ' + kite.svgNumber( this._radius ) + ' ' + kite.svgNumber( this._radius ) + ' 0 ' + largeArcFlag +
               ' ' + sweepFlag + ' ' + kite.svgNumber( this.end.x ) + ' ' + kite.svgNumber( this.end.y );
      else {
        // circle (or almost-circle) case needs to be handled differently
        // since SVG will not be able to draw (or know how to draw) the correct circle if we just have a start and end, we need to split it into two circular arcs

        // get the angle that is between and opposite of both of the points
        var splitOppositeAngle = ( this._startAngle + this._endAngle ) / 2; // this _should_ work for the modular case?
        var splitPoint = this._center.plus( Vector2.createPolar( this._radius, splitOppositeAngle ) );

        largeArcFlag = '0'; // since we split it in 2, it's always the small arc

        var firstArc = 'A ' + kite.svgNumber( this._radius ) + ' ' + kite.svgNumber( this._radius ) + ' 0 ' +
                       largeArcFlag + ' ' + sweepFlag + ' ' + kite.svgNumber( splitPoint.x ) + ' ' + kite.svgNumber( splitPoint.y );
        var secondArc = 'A ' + kite.svgNumber( this._radius ) + ' ' + kite.svgNumber( this._radius ) + ' 0 ' +
                        largeArcFlag + ' ' + sweepFlag + ' ' + kite.svgNumber( this.end.x ) + ' ' + kite.svgNumber( this.end.y );

        return firstArc + ' ' + secondArc;

    strokeLeft: function( lineWidth ) {
      return [ new kite.Arc( this._center, this._radius + ( this._anticlockwise ? 1 : -1 ) * lineWidth / 2, this._startAngle, this._endAngle, this._anticlockwise ) ];

    strokeRight: function( lineWidth ) {
      return [ new kite.Arc( this._center, this._radius + ( this._anticlockwise ? -1 : 1 ) * lineWidth / 2, this._endAngle, this._startAngle, !this._anticlockwise ) ];

    // not including 0 and 1
    getInteriorExtremaTs: function() {
      var that = this;
      var result = [];
      _.each( [ 0, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI, 3 * Math.PI / 2 ], function( angle ) {
        if ( that.containsAngle( angle ) ) {
          var t = that.tAtAngle( angle );
          var epsilon = 0.0000000001; // TODO: general kite epsilon?
          if ( t > epsilon && t < 1 - epsilon ) {
            result.push( t );
      } );
      return result.sort(); // modifies original, which is OK

    subdivided: function( t ) {
      // TODO: verify that we don't need to switch anticlockwise here, or subtract 2pi off any angles
      var angle0 = this.angleAt( 0 );
      var angleT = this.angleAt( t );
      var angle1 = this.angleAt( 1 );
      return [
        new kite.Arc( this._center, this._radius, angle0, angleT, this._anticlockwise ),
        new kite.Arc( this._center, this._radius, angleT, angle1, this._anticlockwise )

    intersection: function( ray ) {
      var result = []; // hits in order

      // left here, if in the future we want to better-handle boundary points
      var epsilon = 0;

      // Run a general circle-intersection routine, then we can test the angles later.
      // Solves for the two solutions t such that ray.position + ray.direction * t is on the circle.
      // Then we check whether the angle at each possible hit point is in our arc.
      var centerToRay = ray.position.minus( this._center );
      var tmp = ray.direction.dot( centerToRay );
      var centerToRayDistSq = centerToRay.magnitudeSquared();
      var discriminant = 4 * tmp * tmp - 4 * ( centerToRayDistSq - this._radius * this._radius );
      if ( discriminant < epsilon ) {
        // ray misses circle entirely
        return result;
      var base = ray.direction.dot( this._center ) - ray.direction.dot( ray.position );
      var sqt = Math.sqrt( discriminant ) / 2;
      var ta = base - sqt;
      var tb = base + sqt;

      if ( tb < epsilon ) {
        // circle is behind ray
        return result;

      var pointB = ray.pointAtDistance( tb );
      var normalB = pointB.minus( this._center ).normalized();

      if ( ta < epsilon ) {
        // we are inside the circle, so only one intersection is possible
        if ( this.containsAngle( normalB.angle() ) ) {
          result.push( {
            distance: tb,
            point: pointB,
            normal: normalB.negated(), // normal is towards the ray
            wind: this._anticlockwise ? -1 : 1 // since we are inside, wind this way
          } );
      else {
        // two possible hits (outside circle)
        var pointA = ray.pointAtDistance( ta );
        var normalA = pointA.minus( this._center ).normalized();

        if ( this.containsAngle( normalA.angle() ) ) {
          result.push( {
            distance: ta,
            point: pointA,
            normal: normalA,
            wind: this._anticlockwise ? 1 : -1 // hit from outside
          } );
        if ( this.containsAngle( normalB.angle() ) ) {
          result.push( {
            distance: tb,
            point: pointB,
            normal: normalB.negated(),
            wind: this._anticlockwise ? -1 : 1 // this is the far hit, which winds the opposite way
          } );

      return result;

    // returns the resultant winding number of this ray intersecting this segment.
    windingIntersection: function( ray ) {
      var wind = 0;
      var hits = this.intersection( ray );
      _.each( hits, function( hit ) {
        wind += hit.wind;
      } );
      return wind;

    writeToContext: function( context ) {
      context.arc( this._center.x, this._center.y, this._radius, this._startAngle, this._endAngle, this._anticlockwise );

    // TODO: test various transform types, especially rotations, scaling, shears, etc.
    transformed: function( matrix ) {
      // so we can handle reflections in the transform, we do the general case handling for start/end angles
      var startAngle = matrix.timesVector2( Vector2.createPolar( 1, this._startAngle ) ).minus( matrix.timesVector2( Vector2.ZERO ) ).angle();
      var endAngle = matrix.timesVector2( Vector2.createPolar( 1, this._endAngle ) ).minus( matrix.timesVector2( Vector2.ZERO ) ).angle();

      // reverse the 'clockwiseness' if our transform includes a reflection
      var anticlockwise = matrix.getDeterminant() >= 0 ? this._anticlockwise : !this._anticlockwise;

      if ( Math.abs( this._endAngle - this._startAngle ) === Math.PI * 2 ) {
        endAngle = anticlockwise ? startAngle - Math.PI * 2 : startAngle + Math.PI * 2;

      var scaleVector = matrix.getScaleVector();
      if ( scaleVector.x !== scaleVector.y ) {
        var radiusX = scaleVector.x * this._radius;
        var radiusY = scaleVector.y * this._radius;
        return new kite.EllipticalArc( matrix.timesVector2( this._center ), radiusX, radiusY, 0, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise );
      else {
        var radius = scaleVector.x * this._radius;
        return new kite.Arc( matrix.timesVector2( this._center ), radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise );
  } );

  Segment.addInvalidatingGetterSetter( Arc, 'center' );
  Segment.addInvalidatingGetterSetter( Arc, 'radius' );
  Segment.addInvalidatingGetterSetter( Arc, 'startAngle' );
  Segment.addInvalidatingGetterSetter( Arc, 'endAngle' );
  Segment.addInvalidatingGetterSetter( Arc, 'anticlockwise' );

  return Arc;
} );
define( function( require ) {
  'use strict';

  var inherit = require( 'PHET_CORE/inherit' );
  var Bounds2 = require( 'DOT/Bounds2' );
  var Matrix3 = require( 'DOT/Matrix3' );
  var Util = require( 'DOT/Util' );
  var kite = require( 'KITE/kite' );
  var Segment = require( 'KITE/segments/Segment' );

  // constants
  var solveQuadraticRootsReal = Util.solveQuadraticRootsReal;
  var arePointsCollinear = Util.arePointsCollinear;

  function Quadratic( start, control, end ) {
    Segment.call( this );

    this._start = start;
    this._control = control;
    this._end = end;


  kite.register( 'Quadratic', Quadratic );

  inherit( Segment, Quadratic, {

    degree: 2,

    // @public - Clears cached information, should be called when any of the 'constructor arguments' are mutated.
    invalidate: function() {
      // Lazily-computed derived information
      this._startTangent = null; // {Vector2 | null}
      this._endTangent = null; // {Vector2 | null}
      this._tCriticalX = null; // {number | null} T where x-derivative is 0 (replaced with NaN if not in range)
      this._tCriticalY = null; // {number | null} T where y-derivative is 0 (replaced with NaN if not in range)

      this._bounds = null; // {Bounds2 | null}

      this.trigger0( 'invalidated' );

    getStartTangent: function() {
      if ( this._startTangent === null ) {
        var controlIsStart = this._start.equals( this._control );
        // TODO: allocation reduction
        this._startTangent = controlIsStart ?
                             this._end.minus( this._start ).normalized() :
                             this._control.minus( this._start ).normalized();
      return this._startTangent;
    get startTangent() { return this.getStartTangent(); },

    getEndTangent: function() {
      if ( this._endTangent === null ) {
        var controlIsEnd = this._end.equals( this._control );
        // TODO: allocation reduction
        this._endTangent = controlIsEnd ?
                           this._end.minus( this._start ).normalized() :
                           this._end.minus( this._control ).normalized();
      return this._endTangent;
    get endTangent() { return this.getEndTangent(); },

    getTCriticalX: function() {
      // compute x where the derivative is 0 (used for bounds and other things)
      if ( this._tCriticalX === null ) {
        this._tCriticalX = Quadratic.extremaT( this._start.x, this._control.x, this._end.x );
      return this._tCriticalX;
    get tCriticalX() { return this.getTCriticalX(); },

    getTCriticalY: function() {
      // compute y where the derivative is 0 (used for bounds and other things)
      if ( this._tCriticalY === null ) {
        this._tCriticalY = Quadratic.extremaT( this._start.y, this._control.y, this._end.y );
      return this._tCriticalY;
    get tCriticalY() { return this.getTCriticalY(); },

    getNondegenerateSegments: function() {
      var start = this._start;
      var control = this._control;
      var end = this._end;

      var startIsEnd = start.equals( end );
      var startIsControl = start.equals( control );
      var endIsControl = start.equals( control );

      if ( startIsEnd && startIsControl ) {
        // all same points
        return [];
      else if ( startIsEnd ) {
        // this is a special collinear case, we basically line out to the farthest point and back
        var halfPoint = this.positionAt( 0.5 );
        return [
          new kite.Line( start, halfPoint ),
          new kite.Line( halfPoint, end )
      else if ( arePointsCollinear( start, control, end ) ) {
        // if they are collinear, we can reduce to start->control and control->end, or if control is between, just one line segment
        // also, start !== end (handled earlier)
        if ( startIsControl || endIsControl ) {
          // just a line segment!
          return [ new kite.Line( start, end ) ]; // no extra nondegenerate check since start !== end
        // now control point must be unique. we check to see if our rendered path will be outside of the start->end line segment
        var delta = end.minus( start );
        var p1d = control.minus( start ).dot( delta.normalized ) / delta.magnitude();
        var t = Quadratic.extremaT( 0, p1d, 1 );
        if ( !isNaN( t ) && t > 0 && t < 1 ) {
          // we have a local max inside the range, indicating that our extrema point is outside of start->end
          // we'll line to and from it
          var pt = this.positionAt( t );
          return _.flatten( [
            new kite.Line( start, pt ).getNondegenerateSegments(),
            new kite.Line( pt, end ).getNondegenerateSegments()
          ] );
        else {
          // just provide a line segment, our rendered path doesn't go outside of this
          return [ new kite.Line( start, end ) ]; // no extra nondegenerate check since start !== end
      else {
        return [ this ];

    getBounds: function() {
      // calculate our temporary guaranteed lower bounds based on the end points
      if ( this._bounds === null ) {
        this._bounds = new Bounds2( Math.min( this._start.x, this._end.x ), Math.min( this._start.y, this._end.y ), Math.max( this._start.x, this._end.x ), Math.max( this._start.y, this._end.y ) );

        // compute x and y where the derivative is 0, so we can include this in the bounds
        var tCriticalX = this.getTCriticalX();
        var tCriticalY = this.getTCriticalY();

        if ( !isNaN( tCriticalX ) && tCriticalX > 0 && tCriticalX < 1 ) {
          this._bounds = this._bounds.withPoint( this.positionAt( tCriticalX ) );
        if ( !isNaN( tCriticalY ) && tCriticalY > 0 && tCriticalY < 1 ) {
          this._bounds = this._bounds.withPoint( this.positionAt( tCriticalY ) );
      return this._bounds;
    get bounds() { return this.getBounds(); },

    // can be described from t=[0,1] as: (1-t)^2 start + 2(1-t)t control + t^2 end
    positionAt: function( t ) {
      var mt = 1 - t;
      // TODO: allocation reduction
      return this._start.times( mt * mt ).plus( this._control.times( 2 * mt * t ) ).plus( this._end.times( t * t ) );

    // derivative: 2(1-t)( control - start ) + 2t( end - control )
    tangentAt: function( t ) {
      // TODO: allocation reduction
      return this._control.minus( this._start ).times( 2 * ( 1 - t ) ).plus( this._end.minus( this._control ).times( 2 * t ) );

    curvatureAt: function( t ) {
      // see http://cagd.cs.byu.edu/~557/text/ch2.pdf p31
      // TODO: remove code duplication with Cubic
      var epsilon = 0.0000001;
      if ( Math.abs( t - 0.5 ) > 0.5 - epsilon ) {
        var isZero = t < 0.5;
        var p0 = isZero ? this._start : this._end;
        var p1 = this._control;
        var p2 = isZero ? this._end : this._start;
        var d10 = p1.minus( p0 );
        var a = d10.magnitude();
        var h = ( isZero ? -1 : 1 ) * d10.perpendicular().normalized().dot( p2.minus( p1 ) );
        return ( h * ( this.degree - 1 ) ) / ( this.degree * a * a );
      else {
        return this.subdivided( t, true )[ 0 ].curvatureAt( 1 );

    // see http://www.visgraf.impa.br/sibgrapi96/trabs/pdf/a14.pdf
    // and http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/12186/arc-length-of-bezier-curves for curvature / arc length

    offsetTo: function( r, reverse ) {
      // TODO: implement more accurate method at http://www.antigrain.com/research/adaptive_bezier/index.html
      // TODO: or more recently (and relevantly): http://www.cis.usouthal.edu/~hain/general/Publications/Bezier/BezierFlattening.pdf
      var curves = [ this ];

      // subdivide this curve
      var depth = 5; // generates 2^depth curves
      for ( var i = 0; i < depth; i++ ) {
        curves = _.flatten( _.map( curves, function( curve ) {
          return curve.subdivided( 0.5, true );
        } ) );

      var offsetCurves = _.map( curves, function( curve ) { return curve.approximateOffset( r ); } );

      if ( reverse ) {
        offsetCurves = _.map( offsetCurves, function( curve ) { return curve.reversed( true ); } );

      return offsetCurves;

    subdivided: function( t ) {
      // de Casteljau method
      var leftMid = this._start.blend( this._control, t );
      var rightMid = this._control.blend( this._end, t );
      var mid = leftMid.blend( rightMid, t );
      return [
        new kite.Quadratic( this._start, leftMid, mid ),
        new kite.Quadratic( mid, rightMid, this._end )

    // elevation of this quadratic Bezier curve to a cubic Bezier curve
    degreeElevated: function() {
      // TODO: allocation reduction
      return new kite.Cubic(
        this._start.plus( this._control.timesScalar( 2 ) ).dividedScalar( 3 ),
        this._end.plus( this._control.timesScalar( 2 ) ).dividedScalar( 3 ),

    reversed: function() {
      return new kite.Quadratic( this._end, this._control, this._start );

    approximateOffset: function( r ) {
      return new kite.Quadratic(
        this._start.plus( ( this._start.equals( this._control ) ? this._end.minus( this._start ) : this._control.minus( this._start ) ).perpendicular().normalized().times( r ) ),
        this._control.plus( this._end.minus( this._start ).perpendicular().normalized().times( r ) ),
        this._end.plus( ( this._end.equals( this._control ) ? this._end.minus( this._start ) : this._end.minus( this._control ) ).perpendicular().normalized().times( r ) )

    getSVGPathFragment: function() {
      return 'Q ' + kite.svgNumber( this._control.x ) + ' ' + kite.svgNumber( this._control.y ) + ' ' +
             kite.svgNumber( this._end.x ) + ' ' + kite.svgNumber( this._end.y );

    strokeLeft: function( lineWidth ) {
      return this.offsetTo( -lineWidth / 2, false );

    strokeRight: function( lineWidth ) {
      return this.offsetTo( lineWidth / 2, true );

    getInteriorExtremaTs: function() {
      // TODO: we assume here we are reduce, so that a criticalX doesn't equal a criticalY?
      var result = [];
      var epsilon = 0.0000000001; // TODO: general kite epsilon?

      var criticalX = this.getTCriticalX();
      var criticalY = this.getTCriticalY();

      if ( !isNaN( criticalX ) && criticalX > epsilon && criticalX < 1 - epsilon ) {
        result.push( this.tCriticalX );
      if ( !isNaN( criticalY ) && criticalY > epsilon && criticalY < 1 - epsilon ) {
        result.push( this.tCriticalY );
      return result.sort();

    // returns the resultant winding number of this ray intersecting this segment.
    intersection: function( ray ) {
      var self = this;
      var result = [];

      // find the rotation that will put our ray in the direction of the x-axis so we can only solve for y=0 for intersections
      var inverseMatrix = Matrix3.rotation2( -ray.direction.angle() ).timesMatrix( Matrix3.translation( -ray.position.x, -ray.position.y ) );

      var p0 = inverseMatrix.timesVector2( this._start );
      var p1 = inverseMatrix.timesVector2( this._control );
      var p2 = inverseMatrix.timesVector2( this._end );

      //(1-t)^2 start + 2(1-t)t control + t^2 end
      var a = p0.y - 2 * p1.y + p2.y;
      var b = -2 * p0.y + 2 * p1.y;
      var c = p0.y;

      var ts = solveQuadraticRootsReal( a, b, c );

      _.each( ts, function( t ) {
        if ( t >= 0 && t <= 1 ) {
          var hitPoint = self.positionAt( t );
          var unitTangent = self.tangentAt( t ).normalized();
          var perp = unitTangent.perpendicular();
          var toHit = hitPoint.minus( ray.position );

          // make sure it's not behind the ray
          if ( toHit.dot( ray.direction ) > 0 ) {
            result.push( {
              distance: toHit.magnitude(),
              point: hitPoint,
              normal: perp.dot( ray.direction ) > 0 ? perp.negated() : perp,
              wind: ray.direction.perpendicular().dot( unitTangent ) < 0 ? 1 : -1
            } );
      } );
      return result;

    windingIntersection: function( ray ) {
      var wind = 0;
      var hits = this.intersection( ray );
      _.each( hits, function( hit ) {
        wind += hit.wind;
      } );
      return wind;

    // assumes the current position is at start
    writeToContext: function( context ) {
      context.quadraticCurveTo( this._control.x, this._control.y, this._end.x, this._end.y );

    transformed: function( matrix ) {
      return new kite.Quadratic( matrix.timesVector2( this._start ), matrix.timesVector2( this._control ), matrix.timesVector2( this._end ) );

    // given the current curve parameterized by t, will return a curve parameterized by x where t = a * x + b
    reparameterized: function( a, b ) {
      // to the polynomial pt^2 + qt + r:
      var p = this._start.plus( this._end.plus( this._control.timesScalar( -2 ) ) );
      var q = this._control.minus( this._start ).timesScalar( 2 );
      var r = this._start;

      // to the polynomial alpha*x^2 + beta*x + gamma:
      var alpha = p.timesScalar( a * a );
      var beta = p.timesScalar( a * b ).timesScalar( 2 ).plus( q.timesScalar( a ) );
      var gamma = p.timesScalar( b * b ).plus( q.timesScalar( b ) ).plus( r );

      // back to the form start,control,end
      return new kite.Quadratic( gamma, beta.timesScalar( 0.5 ).plus( gamma ), alpha.plus( beta ).plus( gamma ) );
  } );

  Segment.addInvalidatingGetterSetter( Quadratic, 'start' );
  Segment.addInvalidatingGetterSetter( Quadratic, 'control' );
  Segment.addInvalidatingGetterSetter( Quadratic, 'end' );

  // one-dimensional solution to extrema
  Quadratic.extremaT = function( start, control, end ) {
    // compute t where the derivative is 0 (used for bounds and other things)
    var divisorX = 2 * ( end - 2 * control + start );
    if ( divisorX !== 0 ) {
      return -2 * ( control - start ) / divisorX;
    else {
      return NaN;

  return Quadratic;
} );