// Creates new InfiniteTree object.
    constructor(el, options) {

        if (isDOM(el)) {
            options = { ...options, el };
        } else {
            options = el;

        // Assign options
        this.options = {

        if (!this.options.el) {
            console.error('Failed to initialize infinite-tree: el is not specified.', options);


        // Load tree data if it's provided
        if (options.data) {
exports.render = function(container, props){
  if (!HTMLRenderer) throw new Error('You can only render a DOM tree in the browser. Use renderString instead.');
  if (!isDom(container)) throw new Error(container + ' is not a valid render target.');
  var renderer = new HTMLRenderer(container);
  var entity = new Entity(this, props);
  var scene = new Scene(renderer, entity);
  return scene;
module.exports = (element,cb) => {
  if (!(isDOM(element))) {
    throw new Error('Expected a DOM element.');

  if (!(isFunction(cb))) {
    throw new Error('Expected a callback.');

  element.addEventListener('scroll',() => { 
    let currentScrollTop = element.scrollTop;
    let dir = currentScrollTop > prevScrollTop ? 0 : 1;
    prevScrollTop = currentScrollTop;
    return cb(dir);
  }, false);
文件: render.js 项目: boopathi/deku
function render (app, container, opts) {
  var frameId
  var isRendering
  var rootId = 'root'
  var currentElement
  var currentNativeElement
  var connections = {}
  var entities = {}
  var pools = {}
  var handlers = {}
  var children = {}
  children[rootId] = {}

  if (!isDom(container)) {
    throw new Error('Container element must be a DOM element')

   * Rendering options. Batching is only ever really disabled
   * when running tests, and pooling can be disabled if the user
   * is doing something stupid with the DOM in their components.

  var options = defaults(assign({}, app.options || {}, opts || {}), {
    pooling: true,
    batching: true,
    validateProps: false

   * Listen to DOM events


   * Watch for changes to the app so that we can update
   * the DOM as needed.

  app.on('unmount', onunmount)
  app.on('mount', onmount)
  app.on('source', onupdate)

   * If the app has already mounted an element, we can just
   * render that straight away.

  if (app.element) render()

   * Teardown the DOM rendering so that it stops
   * rendering and everything can be garbage collected.

  function teardown () {
    app.off('unmount', onunmount)
    app.off('mount', onmount)
    app.off('source', onupdate)

   * Swap the current rendered node with a new one that is rendered
   * from the new virtual element mounted on the app.
   * @param {VirtualElement} element

  function onmount () {

   * If the app unmounts an element, we should clear out the current
   * rendered element. This will remove all the entities.

  function onunmount () {
    currentElement = null

   * Update all components that are bound to the source
   * @param {String} name
   * @param {*} data

  function onupdate (name, data) {

   * Render and mount a component to the native dom.
   * @param {Entity} entity
   * @return {HTMLElement}

  function mountEntity (entity) {
    children[entity.id] = {}
    entities[entity.id] = entity

    // commit initial state and props.

    // callback before mounting.
    trigger('beforeMount', entity, [entity.context])
    trigger('beforeRender', entity, [entity.context])

    // render virtual element.
    var virtualElement = renderEntity(entity)
    // create native element.
    var nativeElement = toNative(entity.id, '0', virtualElement)

    entity.virtualElement = virtualElement
    entity.nativeElement = nativeElement

    // callback after mounting.
    trigger('afterRender', entity, [entity.context, nativeElement])
    trigger('afterMount', entity, [entity.context, nativeElement, setState(entity)])

    return nativeElement

   * Remove a component from the native dom.
   * @param {Entity} entity

  function unmountEntity (entityId) {
    var entity = entities[entityId]
    if (!entity) return
    trigger('beforeUnmount', entity, [entity.context, entity.nativeElement])
    delete entities[entityId]
    delete children[entityId]

   * Render the entity and make sure it returns a node
   * @param {Entity} entity
   * @return {VirtualTree}

  function renderEntity (entity) {
    var component = entity.component
    if (!component.render) throw new Error('Component needs a render function')
    var result = component.render(entity.context, setState(entity))
    if (!result) throw new Error('Render function must return an element.')
    return result

   * Whenever setState or setProps is called, we mark the entity
   * as dirty in the renderer. This lets us optimize the re-rendering
   * and skip components that definitely haven't changed.
   * @param {Entity} entity
   * @return {Function} A curried function for updating the state of an entity

  function setState (entity) {
    return function (nextState) {
      updateEntityState(entity, nextState)

   * Tell the app it's dirty and needs to re-render. If batching is disabled
   * we can just trigger a render immediately, otherwise we'll wait until
   * the next available frame.

  function invalidate () {
    if (!options.batching) {
      if (!isRendering) render()
    } else {
      if (!frameId) frameId = raf(render)

   * Update the DOM. If the update fails we stop the loop
   * so we don't get errors on every frame.
   * @api public

  function render () {
    // If this is called synchronously we need to
    // cancel any pending future updates

    // If the rendering from the previous frame is still going,
    // we'll just wait until the next frame. Ideally renders should
    // not take over 16ms to stay within a single frame, but this should
    // catch it if it does.
    if (isRendering) {
      frameId = raf(render)
    } else {
      isRendering = true

    // 1. If there isn't a native element rendered for the current mounted element
    // then we need to create it from scratch.
    // 2. If a new element has been mounted, we should diff them.
    // 3. We should update check all child components for changes.
    if (!currentNativeElement) {
      currentElement = app.element
      currentNativeElement = toNative(rootId, '0', currentElement)
    } else if (currentElement !== app.element) {
      currentNativeElement = patch(rootId, currentElement, app.element, currentNativeElement)
      currentElement = app.element
    } else {

    // Allow rendering again.
    isRendering = false

   * Clear the current scheduled frame

  function clearFrame () {
    if (!frameId) return
    frameId = 0

   * Update a component.
   * The entity is just the data object for a component instance.
   * @param {String} id Component instance id.

  function updateEntity (entityId) {
    var entity = entities[entityId]

    if (!shouldUpdate(entity)) return updateChildren(entityId)

    var currentTree = entity.virtualElement
    var nextProps = entity.pendingProps
    var nextState = entity.pendingState
    var previousState = entity.context.state
    var previousProps = entity.context.props

    // hook before rendering. could modify state just before the render occurs.
    trigger('beforeUpdate', entity, [entity.context, nextProps, nextState])
    trigger('beforeRender', entity, [entity.context])

    // commit state and props.

    // re-render.
    var nextTree = renderEntity(entity)

    // if the tree is the same we can just skip this component
    // but we should still check the children to see if they're dirty.
    // This allows us to memoize the render function of components.
    if (nextTree === currentTree) return updateChildren(entityId)

    // apply new virtual tree to native dom.
    entity.nativeElement = patch(entityId, currentTree, nextTree, entity.nativeElement)
    entity.virtualElement = nextTree

    // trigger render hook
    trigger('afterRender', entity, [entity.context, entity.nativeElement])

    // trigger afterUpdate after all children have updated.
    trigger('afterUpdate', entity, [entity.context, previousProps, previousState, setState(entity)])

   * Update all the children of an entity.
   * @param {String} id Component instance id.

  function updateChildren (entityId) {
    forEach(children[entityId], function (childId) {

   * Remove all of the child entities of an entity
   * @param {Entity} entity

  function unmountChildren (entityId) {
    forEach(children[entityId], function (childId) {

   * Remove the root element. If this is called synchronously we need to
   * cancel any pending future updates.

  function removeNativeElement () {
    removeElement(rootId, '0', currentNativeElement)
    currentNativeElement = null

   * Create a native element from a virtual element.
   * @param {String} entityId
   * @param {String} path
   * @param {Object} vnode
   * @return {HTMLDocumentFragment}

  function toNative (entityId, path, vnode) {
    switch (vnode.type) {
      case 'text': return toNativeText(vnode)
      case 'element': return toNativeElement(entityId, path, vnode)
      case 'component': return toNativeComponent(entityId, path, vnode)

   * Create a native text element from a virtual element.
   * @param {Object} vnode

  function toNativeText (vnode) {
    return document.createTextNode(vnode.data)

   * Create a native element from a virtual element.

  function toNativeElement (entityId, path, vnode) {
    var attributes = vnode.attributes
    var children = vnode.children
    var tagName = vnode.tagName
    var el

    // create element either from pool or fresh.
    if (!options.pooling || !canPool(tagName)) {
      if (svg.isElement(tagName)) {
        el = document.createElementNS(svg.namespace, tagName)
      } else {
        el = document.createElement(tagName)
    } else {
      var pool = getPool(tagName)
      el = cleanup(pool.pop())
      if (el.parentNode) el.parentNode.removeChild(el)

    // set attributes.
    forEach(attributes, function (value, name) {
      setAttribute(entityId, path, el, name, value)

    // store keys on the native element for fast event handling.
    el.__entity__ = entityId
    el.__path__ = path

    // add children.
    forEach(children, function (child, i) {
      var childEl = toNative(entityId, path + '.' + i, child)
      if (!childEl.parentNode) el.appendChild(childEl)

    return el

   * Create a native element from a component.

  function toNativeComponent (entityId, path, vnode) {
    var child = new Entity(vnode.component, vnode.props)
    children[entityId][path] = child.id
    return mountEntity(child)

   * Patch an element with the diff from two trees.

  function patch (entityId, prev, next, el) {
    return diffNode('0', entityId, prev, next, el)

   * Create a diff between two tress of nodes.

  function diffNode (path, entityId, prev, next, el) {
    // Type changed. This could be from element->text, text->ComponentA,
    // ComponentA->ComponentB etc. But NOT div->span. These are the same type
    // (ElementNode) but different tag name.
    if (prev.type !== next.type) return replaceElement(entityId, path, el, next)

    switch (next.type) {
      case 'text': return diffText(prev, next, el)
      case 'element': return diffElement(path, entityId, prev, next, el)
      case 'component': return diffComponent(path, entityId, prev, next, el)

   * Diff two text nodes and update the element.

  function diffText (previous, current, el) {
    if (current.data !== previous.data) el.data = current.data
    return el

   * Diff the children of an ElementNode.

  function diffChildren (path, entityId, prev, next, el) {
    var positions = []
    var hasKeys = false
    var childNodes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(el.childNodes)
    var leftKeys = reduce(prev.children, keyMapReducer, {})
    var rightKeys = reduce(next.children, keyMapReducer, {})
    var currentChildren = assign({}, children[entityId])

    function keyMapReducer (acc, child) {
      if (child.key != null) {
        acc[child.key] = child
        hasKeys = true
      return acc

    // Diff all of the nodes that have keys. This lets us re-used elements
    // instead of overriding them and lets us move them around.
    if (hasKeys) {

      // Removals
      forEach(leftKeys, function (leftNode, key) {
        if (rightKeys[key] == null) {
          var leftPath = path + '.' + leftNode.index

      // Update nodes
      forEach(rightKeys, function (rightNode, key) {
        var leftNode = leftKeys[key]

        // We only want updates for now
        if (leftNode == null) return

        var leftPath = path + '.' + leftNode.index

        // Updated
        positions[rightNode.index] = diffNode(

      // Update the positions of all child components and event handlers
      forEach(rightKeys, function (rightNode, key) {
        var leftNode = leftKeys[key]

        // We just want elements that have moved around
        if (leftNode == null || leftNode.index === rightNode.index) return

        var rightPath = path + '.' + rightNode.index
        var leftPath = path + '.' + leftNode.index

        // Update all the child component path positions to match
        // the latest positions if they've changed. This is a bit hacky.
        forEach(currentChildren, function (childId, childPath) {
          if (leftPath === childPath) {
            delete children[entityId][childPath]
            children[entityId][rightPath] = childId

      // Now add all of the new nodes last in case their path
      // would have conflicted with one of the previous paths.
      forEach(rightKeys, function (rightNode, key) {
        var rightPath = path + '.' + rightNode.index
        if (leftKeys[key] == null) {
          positions[rightNode.index] = toNative(

    } else {
      var maxLength = Math.max(prev.children.length, next.children.length)

      // Now diff all of the nodes that don't have keys
      for (var i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) {
        var leftNode = prev.children[i]
        var rightNode = next.children[i]

        // Removals
        if (rightNode == null) {
            path + '.' + leftNode.index,

        // New Node
        if (leftNode == null) {
          positions[rightNode.index] = toNative(
            path + '.' + rightNode.index,

        // Updated
        if (leftNode && rightNode) {
          positions[leftNode.index] = diffNode(
            path + '.' + leftNode.index,

    // Reposition all the elements
    forEach(positions, function (childEl, newPosition) {
      var target = el.childNodes[newPosition]
      if (childEl !== target) {
        if (target) {
          el.insertBefore(childEl, target)
        } else {

   * Diff the attributes and add/remove them.

  function diffAttributes (prev, next, el, entityId, path) {
    var nextAttrs = next.attributes
    var prevAttrs = prev.attributes

    // add new attrs
    forEach(nextAttrs, function (value, name) {
      if (events[name] || !(name in prevAttrs) || prevAttrs[name] !== value) {
        setAttribute(entityId, path, el, name, value)

    // remove old attrs
    forEach(prevAttrs, function (value, name) {
      if (!(name in nextAttrs)) {
        removeAttribute(entityId, path, el, name)

   * Update a component with the props from the next node. If
   * the component type has changed, we'll just remove the old one
   * and replace it with the new component.

  function diffComponent (path, entityId, prev, next, el) {
    if (next.component !== prev.component) {
      return replaceElement(entityId, path, el, next)
    } else {
      var targetId = children[entityId][path]

      // This is a hack for now
      if (targetId) {
        updateEntityProps(targetId, next.props)

      return el

   * Diff two element nodes.

  function diffElement (path, entityId, prev, next, el) {
    if (next.tagName !== prev.tagName) return replaceElement(entityId, path, el, next)
    diffAttributes(prev, next, el, entityId, path)
    diffChildren(path, entityId, prev, next, el)
    return el

   * Removes an element from the DOM and unmounts and components
   * that are within that branch
   * side effects:
   *   - removes element from the DOM
   *   - removes internal references
   * @param {String} entityId
   * @param {String} path
   * @param {HTMLElement} el

  function removeElement (entityId, path, el) {
    var childrenByPath = children[entityId]
    var childId = childrenByPath[path]
    var entityHandlers = handlers[entityId] || {}
    var removals = []

    // If the path points to a component we should use that
    // components element instead, because it might have moved it.
    if (childId) {
      var child = entities[childId]
      el = child.nativeElement
    } else {

      // Just remove the text node
      if (!isElement(el)) return el.parentNode.removeChild(el)

      // Then we need to find any components within this
      // branch and unmount them.
      forEach(childrenByPath, function (childId, childPath) {
        if (childPath === path || isWithinPath(path, childPath)) {

      // Remove all events at this path or below it
      forEach(entityHandlers, function (fn, handlerPath) {
        if (handlerPath === path || isWithinPath(path, handlerPath)) {
          removeEvent(entityId, handlerPath)

    // Remove the paths from the object without touching the
    // old object. This keeps the object using fast properties.
    forEach(removals, function (path) {
      delete children[entityId][path]

    // Remove it from the DOM

    // Return all of the elements in this node tree to the pool
    // so that the elements can be re-used.
    if (options.pooling) {
      walk(el, function (node) {
        if (!isElement(node) || !canPool(node.tagName)) return

   * Replace an element in the DOM. Removing all components
   * within that element and re-rendering the new virtual node.
   * @param {Entity} entity
   * @param {String} path
   * @param {HTMLElement} el
   * @param {Object} vnode
   * @return {void}

  function replaceElement (entityId, path, el, vnode) {
    var parent = el.parentNode
    var index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(parent.childNodes, el)

    // remove the previous element and all nested components. This
    // needs to happen before we create the new element so we don't
    // get clashes on the component paths.
    removeElement(entityId, path, el)

    // then add the new element in there
    var newEl = toNative(entityId, path, vnode)
    var target = parent.childNodes[index]

    if (target) {
      parent.insertBefore(newEl, target)
    } else {

    // update all `entity.nativeElement` references.
    forEach(entities, function (entity) {
      if (entity.nativeElement === el) {
        entity.nativeElement = newEl

    return newEl

   * Set the attribute of an element, performing additional transformations
   * dependning on the attribute name
   * @param {HTMLElement} el
   * @param {String} name
   * @param {String} value

  function setAttribute (entityId, path, el, name, value) {
    if (events[name]) {
      addEvent(entityId, path, events[name], value)
    switch (name) {
      case 'value':
        el.value = value
      case 'innerHTML':
        el.innerHTML = value
      case svg.isAttribute(name):
        el.setAttributeNS(svg.namespace, name, value)
        el.setAttribute(name, value)

   * Remove an attribute, performing additional transformations
   * dependning on the attribute name
   * @param {HTMLElement} el
   * @param {String} name

  function removeAttribute (entityId, path, el, name) {
    if (events[name]) {
      removeEvent(entityId, path, events[name])

   * Checks to see if one tree path is within
   * another tree path. Example:
   * 0.1 vs 0.1.1 = true
   * 0.2 vs 0.3.5 = false
   * @param {String} target
   * @param {String} path
   * @return {Boolean}

  function isWithinPath (target, path) {
    return path.indexOf(target + '.') === 0

   * Is the DOM node an element node
   * @param {HTMLElement} el
   * @return {Boolean}

  function isElement (el) {
    return !!el.tagName

   * Get the pool for a tagName, creating it if it
   * doesn't exist.
   * @param {String} tagName
   * @return {Pool}

  function getPool (tagName) {
    var pool = pools[tagName]
    if (!pool) {
      var poolOpts = svg.isElement(tagName) ?
        { namespace: svg.namespace, tagName: tagName } :
        { tagName: tagName }
      pool = pools[tagName] = new Pool(poolOpts)
    return pool

   * Clean up previously used native element for reuse.
   * @param {HTMLElement} el

  function cleanup (el) {
    return el

   * Remove all the attributes from a node
   * @param {HTMLElement} el

  function removeAllAttributes (el) {
    for (var i = el.attributes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      var name = el.attributes[i].name

   * Remove all the child nodes from an element
   * @param {HTMLElement} el

  function removeAllChildren (el) {
    while (el.firstChild) el.removeChild(el.firstChild)

   * Trigger a hook on a component.
   * @param {String} name Name of hook.
   * @param {Entity} entity The component instance.
   * @param {Array} args To pass along to hook.

  function trigger (name, entity, args) {
    if (typeof entity.component[name] !== 'function') return
    entity.component[name].apply(null, args)

   * Update an entity to match the latest rendered vode. We always
   * replace the props on the component when composing them. This
   * will trigger a re-render on all children below this point.
   * @param {Entity} entity
   * @param {String} path
   * @param {Object} vnode
   * @return {void}

  function updateEntityProps (entityId, nextProps) {
    var entity = entities[entityId]
    entity.pendingProps = nextProps
    entity.dirty = true

   * Update component instance state.

  function updateEntityState (entity, nextState) {
    entity.pendingState = assign(entity.pendingState, nextState)
    entity.dirty = true

   * Commit props and state changes to an entity.

  function commit (entity) {
    entity.context = {
      state: entity.pendingState,
      props: entity.pendingProps,
      id: entity.id
    entity.pendingState = assign({}, entity.context.state)
    entity.pendingProps = assign({}, entity.context.props)
    validateProps(entity.context.props, entity.propTypes)
    entity.dirty = false

   * Try to avoid creating new virtual dom if possible.
   * Later we may expose this so you can override, but not there yet.

  function shouldUpdate (entity) {
    if (!entity.dirty) return false
    if (!entity.component.shouldUpdate) return true
    var nextProps = entity.pendingProps
    var nextState = entity.pendingState
    var bool = entity.component.shouldUpdate(entity.context, nextProps, nextState)
    return bool

   * Register an entity.
   * This is mostly to pre-preprocess component properties and values chains.
   * The end result is for every component that gets mounted,
   * you create a set of IO nodes in the network from the `value` definitions.
   * @param {Component} component

  function register (entity) {
    var component = entity.component
    // all entities for this component type.
    var entities = component.entities = component.entities || {}
    // add entity to component list
    entities[entity.id] = entity

    // get 'class-level' sources.
    var sources = component.sources
    if (sources) return

    var map = component.sourceToPropertyName = {}
    component.sources = sources = []
    var propTypes = component.propTypes
    for (var name in propTypes) {
      var data = propTypes[name]
      if (!data) continue
      if (!data.source) continue
      map[data.source] = name

    // send value updates to all component instances.
    sources.forEach(function (source) {
      connections[source] = update

      function update (data) {
        var prop = map[source]
        for (var entityId in entities) {
          var entity = entities[entityId]
          var changes = {}
          changes[prop] = data
          updateEntityProps(entityId, assign(entity.pendingProps, changes))

   * Set the initial source value on the entity
   * @param {Entity} entity

  function setSources (entity) {
    var component = entity.component
    var map = component.sourceToPropertyName
    var sources = component.sources
    sources.forEach(function (source) {
      var name = map[source]
      if (entity.pendingProps[name] != null) return
      entity.pendingProps[name] = app.sources[source] // get latest value plugged into global store

   * Add all of the DOM event listeners

  function addNativeEventListeners () {
    forEach(events, function (eventType) {
      document.body.addEventListener(eventType, handleEvent, true)

   * Add all of the DOM event listeners

  function removeNativeEventListeners () {
    forEach(events, function (eventType) {
      document.body.removeEventListener(eventType, handleEvent, true)

   * Handle an event that has occured within the container
   * @param {Event} event

  function handleEvent (event) {
    var target = event.target
    var entityId = target.__entity__
    var eventType = event.type

    // Walk up the DOM tree and see if there is a handler
    // for this event type higher up.
    while (target && target.__entity__ === entityId) {
      var fn = keypath.get(handlers, [entityId, target.__path__, eventType])
      if (fn) {
        event.delegateTarget = target
      target = target.parentNode

   * Bind events for an element, and all it's rendered child elements.
   * @param {String} path
   * @param {String} event
   * @param {Function} fn

  function addEvent (entityId, path, eventType, fn) {
    keypath.set(handlers, [entityId, path, eventType], throttle(function (e) {
      var entity = entities[entityId]
      if (entity) {
        fn.call(null, e, entity.context, setState(entity))
      } else {
        fn.call(null, e)

   * Unbind events for a entityId
   * @param {String} entityId

  function removeEvent (entityId, path, eventType) {
    var args = [entityId]
    if (path) args.push(path)
    if (eventType) args.push(eventType)
    keypath.del(handlers, args)

   * Unbind all events from an entity
   * @param {Entity} entity

  function removeAllEvents (entityId) {
    keypath.del(handlers, [entityId])

   * Validate the current properties. These simple validations
   * make it easier to ensure the correct props are passed in.
   * Available rules include:
   * type: string | array | object | boolean | number | date | function
   * expects: [] An array of values this prop could equal
   * optional: Boolean

  function validateProps (props, rules) {
    if (!options.validateProps) return

    // TODO: Only validate in dev mode
    forEach(rules, function (options, name) {
      if (name === 'children') return
      var value = props[name]
      var optional = (options.optional === true)
      if (optional && value == null) {
      if (!optional && value == null) {
        throw new Error('Missing prop named: ' + name)
      if (options.type && type(value) !== options.type) {
        throw new Error('Invalid type for prop named: ' + name)
      if (options.expects && options.expects.indexOf(value) < 0) {
        throw new Error('Invalid value for prop named: ' + name + '. Must be one of ' + options.expects.toString())

    // Now check for props that haven't been defined
    forEach(props, function (value, key) {
      if (key === 'children') return
      if (!rules[key]) throw new Error('Unexpected prop named: ' + key)

   * Used for debugging to inspect the current state without
   * us needing to explicitly manage storing/updating references.
   * @return {Object}

  function inspect () {
    return {
      entities: entities,
      pools: pools,
      handlers: handlers,
      connections: connections,
      currentElement: currentElement,
      options: options,
      app: app,
      container: container,
      children: children

   * Return an object that lets us completely remove the automatic
   * DOM rendering and export debugging tools.

  return {
    remove: teardown,
    inspect: inspect