ControlWysiwygItemView = ControlBaseItemView.extend( {
	childEvents: {
		'keyup textarea.elementor-wp-editor': 'updateElementModel'

	buttons: {
		keepInBasic: [
		moveToBasic: {
			underline: 'italic'

	initialize: function() {
		ControlBaseItemView.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );

		var self = this;

		this.editorID = 'elementorwpeditor' + this.cid;

		var editorConfig = {
			id: this.editorID,
			selector: '#' + this.editorID,
			setup: function( editor ) {
				editor.on( 'keyup change', function() {

					self.setValue( editor.getContent() );
				} );

		tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ this.editorID ] = _.extend( _.clone( tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit.elementorwpeditor ), editorConfig );


		// This class allows us to reduce "flicker" by hiding the editor
		// until we are done loading and modifying it.
		this.$el.addClass( 'elementor-loading-editor' );

		// Wait a cycle before initializing the editors.
		_.defer( function() {
			// Initialize QuickTags, and set as the default mode.
			quicktags( {
				buttons: 'strong,em,del,link,img,close',
				id: self.editorID
			} );

			switchEditors.go( self.editorID, 'tmce' );

			delete QTags.instances[ 0 ];
		} );

	attachElContent: function() {
		var editorTemplate = elementor.config.wp_editor.replace( /elementorwpeditor/g, this.editorID ).replace( '%%EDITORCONTENT%%', this.getControlValue() );

		this.$el.html( editorTemplate );

		return this;

	rearrangeButtons: function() {
		var editorProps = tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ this.editorID ],
			editorBasicToolbarButtons = editorProps.toolbar1.split( ',' ),
			editorAdvancedToolbarButtons = editorProps.toolbar2.split( ',' ),
			buttonsToKeepInBasic = Array.prototype.slice.call( this.buttons.keepInBasic ),
			buttonsToMoveToAdvanced = _.difference( editorBasicToolbarButtons, buttonsToKeepInBasic ),
			buttonsToKeepInAdvanced = _.difference( editorAdvancedToolbarButtons, Object.keys( this.buttons.moveToBasic ) );

		_.each( this.buttons.moveToBasic, function( afterButton, button ) {
			var afterButtonIndex = buttonsToKeepInBasic.indexOf( afterButton );

			if ( -1 !== afterButtonIndex ) {
				buttonsToKeepInBasic.splice( afterButtonIndex + 1, 0, button );
		} );

		editorProps.toolbar1 = buttonsToKeepInBasic.join( ',' );
		editorProps.toolbar2 = buttonsToMoveToAdvanced + ',' + buttonsToKeepInAdvanced;

	onBeforeDestroy: function() {
		// Remove TinyMCE and QuickTags instances
		tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand( 'mceRemoveEditor', true, this.editorID );
		delete QTags.instances[ this.editorID ];

		// Cleanup PreInit data
		delete tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ this.editorID ];
		delete tinyMCEPreInit.qtInit[ this.editorID ];
} );
ControlMediaItemView = ControlBaseItemView.extend( {
	ui: function() {
		var ui = ControlBaseItemView.prototype.ui.apply( this, arguments );

		ui.controlMedia = '.elementor-control-media';
		ui.frameOpeners = '.elementor-control-media-upload-button, .elementor-control-media-image';
		ui.deleteButton = '.elementor-control-media-delete';

		return ui;

	childEvents: {
		'click @ui.frameOpeners': 'openFrame',
		'click @ui.deleteButton': 'deleteImage'

	onReady: function() {
		if ( _.isEmpty( this.getControlValue() ) ) {
			this.ui.controlMedia.addClass( 'media-empty' );

	openFrame: function() {


	deleteImage: function() {
		this.setValue( '' );

	 * Create a media modal select frame, and store it so the instance can be reused when needed.
	initFrame: function() {
		var options,
			ids = this.getControlValue();

		options = {
			frame:  'post',
			multiple: true,
			button: {
				text: 'Insert Media'
			state: 'gallery'

		if ( '' !== ids ) {
			options.selection = this.fetchSelection( ids );
			options.state = 'gallery-edit';

		this.frame = wp.media( options );

		// When a file is selected, run a callback.
		this.frame.on( 'update', _.bind( this.select, this ) );
		this.frame.on( 'menu:render:default', _.bind( this.menuRender, this ) );
		this.frame.on( 'content:render:browse', _.bind( this.gallerySettings, this ) );

	menuRender: function( view ) {
		view.unset( 'insert' );
		view.unset( 'featured-image' );

	gallerySettings: function( browser ) {
		browser.sidebar.on( 'ready', function() {
			browser.sidebar.unset( 'gallery' );
		} );

	fetchSelection: function( ids ) {
		var idArray = ids.split( ',' ),
			args = {
				orderby: 'post__in',
				order: 'ASC',
				type: 'image',
				perPage: -1,
				post__in: idArray
			attachments = wp.media.query( args ),
			selection = new wp.media.model.Selection( attachments.models, {
				props: attachments.props.toJSON(),
				multiple: true
			} );

		return selection;

	 * Callback handler for when an attachment is selected in the media modal.
	 * Gets the selected image information, and sets it within the control.
	select: function( selection ) {
		var ids = selection.pluck( 'id' );

		this.setValue( ids.toString() );

	onBeforeDestroy: function() {
		if ( this.frame ) {
			this.frame.off( 'update' );
			this.frame.off( 'menu:render:default' );
			this.frame.off( 'content:render:browse' );

} );
var ControlBaseItemView = require( 'elementor-views/controls/base' ),

ControlStructureItemView = ControlBaseItemView.extend( {

	templateHelpers: function() {
		var helpers = ControlBaseItemView.prototype.templateHelpers.apply( this, arguments );

		helpers.getMorePresets = _.bind( this.getMorePresets, this );

		return helpers;

	getMorePresets: function() {
		var parsedStructure = elementor.presetsFactory.getParsedStructure( this.getControlValue() );

		return elementor.presetsFactory.getPresets( parsedStructure.columnsCount );

	onInputChange: function() {
		var editor = elementor.getPanelView().getCurrentPageView(),
			currentEditedSection = editor.getOption( 'editedElementView' );


} );

module.exports = ControlStructureItemView;
ControlWysiwygItemView = ControlBaseItemView.extend( {
	childEvents: {
		'keyup textarea.elementor-wp-editor': 'updateElementModel'

	// List of buttons to move {buttonToMove: afterButton}
	buttons: {
		moveToAdvanced: {
			blockquote: 'removeformat',
			alignleft: 'blockquote',
			aligncenter: 'alignleft',
			alignright: 'aligncenter'
		moveToBasic: {},
		removeFromBasic: [ 'unlink', 'wp_more' ],
		removeFromAdvanced: []

	initialize: function() {
		ControlBaseItemView.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );

		var self = this;

		self.editorID = 'elementorwpeditor' + self.cid;

		// Wait a cycle before initializing the editors.
		_.defer( function() {
			// Initialize QuickTags, and set as the default mode.
			quicktags( {
				buttons: 'strong,em,del,link,img,close',
				id: self.editorID
			} );

			if ( elementor.config.rich_editing_enabled ) {
				switchEditors.go( self.editorID, 'tmce' );

			delete QTags.instances[ 0 ];
		} );

		if ( ! elementor.config.rich_editing_enabled ) {
			self.$el.addClass( 'elementor-rich-editing-disabled' );


		var editorConfig = {
			id: self.editorID,
			selector: '#' + self.editorID,
			setup: function( editor ) {
				editor.on( 'keyup change undo redo SetContent', function() {

					self.setValue( editor.getContent() );
				} );

		tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ self.editorID ] = _.extend( _.clone( tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit.elementorwpeditor ), editorConfig );


	attachElContent: function() {
		var editorTemplate = elementor.config.wp_editor.replace( /elementorwpeditor/g, this.editorID ).replace( '%%EDITORCONTENT%%', this.getControlValue() );

		this.$el.html( editorTemplate );

		return this;

	moveButtons: function( buttonsToMove, from, to ) {
		_.each( buttonsToMove, function( afterButton, button ) {
			var buttonIndex = from.indexOf( button ),
				afterButtonIndex = to.indexOf( afterButton );

			if ( -1 === buttonIndex ) {
				throw new ReferenceError( 'Trying to move non-existing button `' + button + '`' );

			if ( -1 === afterButtonIndex ) {
				throw new ReferenceError( 'Trying to move button after non-existing button `' + afterButton + '`' );

			from.splice( buttonIndex, 1 );

			to.splice( afterButtonIndex + 1, 0, button );
		} );

	rearrangeButtons: function() {
		var editorProps = tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ this.editorID ],
			editorBasicToolbarButtons = editorProps.toolbar1.split( ',' ),
			editorAdvancedToolbarButtons = editorProps.toolbar2.split( ',' );

		editorBasicToolbarButtons = _.difference( editorBasicToolbarButtons, this.buttons.removeFromBasic );

		editorAdvancedToolbarButtons = _.difference( editorAdvancedToolbarButtons, this.buttons.removeFromAdvanced );

		this.moveButtons( this.buttons.moveToBasic, editorAdvancedToolbarButtons, editorBasicToolbarButtons );

		this.moveButtons( this.buttons.moveToAdvanced, editorBasicToolbarButtons, editorAdvancedToolbarButtons );

		editorProps.toolbar1 = editorBasicToolbarButtons.join( ',' );
		editorProps.toolbar2 = editorAdvancedToolbarButtons.join( ',' );

	onBeforeDestroy: function() {
		// Remove TinyMCE and QuickTags instances
		delete QTags.instances[ this.editorID ];

		if ( ! elementor.config.rich_editing_enabled ) {

		tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand( 'mceRemoveEditor', true, this.editorID );

		// Cleanup PreInit data
		delete tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ this.editorID ];
		delete tinyMCEPreInit.qtInit[ this.editorID ];
} );
ControlDateTimePickerItemView = ControlBaseItemView.extend( {
	ui: function() {
		var ui = ControlBaseItemView.prototype.ui.apply( this, arguments );

		ui.picker = '.elementor-date-time-picker';

		return ui;

	onReady: function() {
		var self = this;

		var options = _.extend( this.model.get( 'picker_options' ), {
			onHide: function() {
		} );

		this.ui.picker.appendDtpicker( options ).handleDtpicker( 'setDate', new Date( this.getControlValue() ) );

	saveValue: function() {
		this.setValue( this.ui.input.val() );

	onBeforeDestroy: function() {
		this.ui.picker.dtpicker( 'destroy' );
} );
ControlBaseMultipleItemView = ControlBaseItemView.extend( {

	applySavedValue: function() {
		var values = this.getControlValue(),
			$inputs = this.$( '[data-setting]' ),
			self = this;

		_.each( values, function( value, key ) {
			var $input = $inputs.filter( function() {
				return key === this.dataset.setting;
			} );

			self.setInputValue( $input, value );
		} );

	getControlValue: function( key ) {
		var values = this.elementSettingsModel.get( this.model.get( 'name' ) );

		if ( ! Backbone.$.isPlainObject( values ) ) {
			return {};

		if ( key ) {
			return values[ key ] || '';

		return elementor.helpers.cloneObject( values );

	setValue: function( key, value ) {
		var values = this.getControlValue();

		if ( 'object' === typeof key ) {
			_.each( key, function( internalValue, internalKey ) {
				values[ internalKey ] = internalValue;
			} );
		} else {
			values[ key ] = value;

		this.setSettingsModel( values );

	updateElementModel: function( event ) {
		var inputValue = this.getInputValue( event.currentTarget ),
			key = event.currentTarget.dataset.setting;

		this.setValue( key, inputValue );
}, {
	// Static methods
	replaceStyleValues: function( cssProperty, controlValue ) {
		if ( ! _.isObject( controlValue ) ) {
			return ''; // invalid

		// Trying to retrieve whole the related properties
		// according to the string matches.
		// When one of the properties is empty, aborting
		// the action and returning an empty string.
		try {
			return cssProperty.replace( /\{\{([A-Z]+)}}/g, function( fullMatch, pureMatch ) {
				var value = controlValue[ pureMatch.toLowerCase() ];

				if ( '' === value ) {
					throw '';

				return value;
			} );
		} catch ( exception ) {
			return '';
} );
ControlRepeaterItemView = ControlBaseItemView.extend( {
	ui: {
		btnAddRow: '.elementor-repeater-add',
		fieldContainer: '.elementor-repeater-fields'

	events: {
		'click @ui.btnAddRow': 'onButtonAddRowClick',
		'sortstart @ui.fieldContainer': 'onSortStart',
		'sortupdate @ui.fieldContainer': 'onSortUpdate',
		'sortstop @ui.fieldContainer': 'onSortStop'

	childView: RepeaterRowView,

	childViewContainer: '.elementor-repeater-fields',

	templateHelpers: function() {
		return {
			data: _.extend( {}, this.model.toJSON(), { controlValue: [] } )

	childViewOptions: function() {
		return {
			controlFields: this.model.get( 'fields' ),
			titleField: this.model.get( 'title_field' ),
			parentModel: this.elementSettingsModel // For parentConditions in repeaterRow

	initialize: function( options ) {
		ControlBaseItemView.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );

		this.collection = this.elementSettingsModel.get( this.model.get( 'name' ) );

		this.listenTo( this.collection, 'change add remove reset', this.onCollectionChanged, this );

		this.collection.each( function( model ) {
			if ( ! model.get( '_id' ) ) {
				model.set( '_id', elementor.helpers.getUniqueID() );
		} );

	addRow: function( data, options ) {
		var id = elementor.helpers.getUniqueID();

		if ( data instanceof Backbone.Model ) {
			data.set( '_id', id );
		} else {
			data._id = id;

		return this.collection.add( data, options );

	editRow: function( rowView ) {
		if ( this.currentEditableChild ) {
			var currentEditable = this.currentEditableChild.getChildViewContainer( this.currentEditableChild );
			currentEditable.removeClass( 'editable' );

			// If the repeater contains TinyMCE editors, fire the `hide` trigger to hide floated toolbars
			currentEditable.find( '.elementor-wp-editor' ).each( function() {
				tinymce.get( this.id ).fire( 'hide' );
			} );

		if ( this.currentEditableChild === rowView ) {
			delete this.currentEditableChild;

		rowView.getChildViewContainer( rowView ).addClass( 'editable' );

		this.currentEditableChild = rowView;


	toggleMinRowsClass: function() {
		if ( ! this.model.get( 'prevent_empty' ) ) {

		this.$el.toggleClass( 'elementor-repeater-has-minimum-rows', 1 >= this.collection.length );

	updateActiveRow: function() {
		var activeItemIndex = 0;

		if ( this.currentEditableChild ) {
			activeItemIndex = this.currentEditableChild.itemIndex;

		this.setEditSetting( 'activeItemIndex', activeItemIndex );

	updateChildIndexes: function() {
		this.children.each( _.bind( function( view ) {
			view.updateIndex( this.collection.indexOf( view.model ) + 1 );
		}, this ) );

	onRender: function() {
		this.ui.fieldContainer.sortable( { axis: 'y', handle: '.elementor-repeater-row-tools' } );


	onSortStart: function( event, ui ) {
		ui.item.data( 'oldIndex', ui.item.index() );

	onSortStop: function( event, ui ) {
		// Reload TinyMCE editors (if exist), it's a bug that TinyMCE content is missing after stop dragging
		ui.item.find( '.elementor-wp-editor' ).each( function() {
			var editor = tinymce.get( this.id ),
				settings = editor.settings;

			settings.height = Backbone.$( editor.getContainer() ).height();
			tinymce.execCommand( 'mceRemoveEditor', true, this.id );
			tinymce.init( settings );
		} );

	onSortUpdate: function( event, ui ) {
		var oldIndex = ui.item.data( 'oldIndex' ),
			model = this.collection.at( oldIndex ),
			newIndex = ui.item.index();

		this.collection.remove( model );

		this.addRow( model, { at: newIndex } );

	onAddChild: function() {

	onRemoveChild: function( childView ) {
		if ( childView === this.currentEditableChild ) {
			delete this.currentEditableChild;


	onCollectionChanged: function() {
		this.elementSettingsModel.trigger( 'change' );


	onButtonAddRowClick: function() {
		var defaults = {};
		_.each( this.model.get( 'fields' ), function( field ) {
			defaults[ field.name ] = field['default'];
		} );

		var newModel = this.addRow( defaults ),
			newChildView = this.children.findByModel( newModel );

		this.editRow( newChildView );

	onChildviewClickRemove: function( childView ) {

	onChildviewClickDuplicate: function( childView ) {
		this.addRow( childView.model.clone(), { at: childView.itemIndex } );

	onChildviewClickEdit: function( childView ) {
		this.editRow( childView );
} );
文件: icon.js 项目: Axisweb/elementor
ControlIconItemView = ControlBaseItemView.extend( {
	ui: function() {
		var ui = ControlBaseItemView.prototype.ui.apply( this, arguments );

		ui.iconSelect = '.elementor-control-icon';

		return ui;

	initialize: function() {
		ControlBaseItemView.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );


	filterIcons: function() {
		var icons = this.model.get( 'icons' ),
			include = this.model.get( 'include' ),
			exclude = this.model.get( 'exclude' );

		if ( include ) {
			var filteredIcons = {};

			_.each( include, function( iconKey ) {
				filteredIcons[ iconKey ] = icons[ iconKey ];
			} );

			this.model.set( 'icons', filteredIcons );

		if ( exclude ) {
			_.each( exclude, function( iconKey ) {
				delete icons[ iconKey ];
			} );

	iconsList: function( icon ) {
		if ( ! icon.id ) {
			return icon.text;

		return Backbone.$(
			'<span><i class="' + icon.id + '"></i> ' + icon.text + '</span>'

	getFieldTitleValue: function() {
		var controlValue = this.getControlValue();

		return controlValue.replace( /^fa fa-/, '' ).replace( '-', ' ' );

	onReady: function() {
		this.ui.iconSelect.select2( {
			allowClear: true,
			templateResult: _.bind( this.iconsList, this ),
			templateSelection: _.bind( this.iconsList, this )
		} );

	onBeforeDestroy: function() {
		if ( this.ui.iconSelect.data( 'select2' ) ) {
			this.ui.iconSelect.select2( 'destroy' );
} );
var ControlBaseItemView = require( 'elementor-views/controls/base' ),

ControlAnimationItemView = ControlBaseItemView.extend( {

	onReady: function() {
} );

module.exports = ControlAnimationItemView;
文件: icon.js 项目: chirox/elementor
ControlIconItemView = ControlBaseItemView.extend( {

	initialize: function() {
		ControlBaseItemView.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );


	filterIcons: function() {
		var icons = this.model.get( 'icons' ),
			include = this.model.get( 'include' ),
			exclude = this.model.get( 'exclude' );

		if ( include ) {
			var filteredIcons = {};

			_.each( include, function( iconKey ) {
				filteredIcons[ iconKey ] = icons[ iconKey ];
			} );

			this.model.set( 'icons', filteredIcons );

		if ( exclude ) {
			_.each( exclude, function( iconKey ) {
				delete icons[ iconKey ];
			} );

	iconsList: function( icon ) {
		if ( ! icon.id ) {
			return icon.text;

		return Backbone.$(
			'<span><i class="' + icon.id + '"></i> ' + icon.text + '</span>'

	onReady: function() {
		this.ui.select.select2( {
			allowClear: true,
			templateResult: _.bind( this.iconsList, this ),
			templateSelection: _.bind( this.iconsList, this )
		} );
} );
ControlFontItemView = ControlBaseItemView.extend( {
	ui: function() {
		var ui = ControlBaseItemView.prototype.ui.apply( this, arguments );

		ui.fontSelect = '.elementor-control-font-family';

		return ui;
	onReady: function() {
		this.ui.fontSelect.select2( {
			dir: elementor.config.is_rtl ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'
		} );

	onBeforeDestroy: function() {
		if ( this.ui.fontSelect.data( 'select2' ) ) {
			this.ui.fontSelect.select2( 'destroy' );

	templateHelpers: function() {
		var helpers = ControlBaseItemView.prototype.templateHelpers.apply( this, arguments );

		helpers.getFontsByGroups = _.bind( function( groups ) {
			return _.pick( this.model.get( 'fonts' ), function( fontType, fontName ) {
				return _.isArray( groups ) ? _.contains( groups, fontType ) : fontType === groups;
			} );
		}, this );

		return helpers;
} );
文件: tab.js 项目: chirox/elementor
var ControlBaseItemView = require( 'elementor-views/controls/base' ),

ControlTabItemView = ControlBaseItemView.extend( {
	triggers: {
		'click': 'control:tab:clicked'
} );

module.exports = ControlTabItemView;