function Label( opts ) {
    var elem = $.elem( this, 'span', 'wdg-label' );
    DB.prop(this, 'value')(function(v) {
        $.textOrHtml(elem, v);
    opts = DB.extend( { value: '', visible: true, wide: false }, opts, this );
var X = function() {
    var elem = $.elem( this, 'div', 'help-wdg-icon' );

    var names = [];
    var key;
    for( key in Icon.Icons ) {
        names.push( key );

    names.forEach(function (name) {
        var icon = $.div(
            {title: name},
                new Icon({content: name, size: '2em'})
        $.on( icon, {
            tap: function() {
                Wdg.getById('txtContent').value = name;
            doubletap: function() {
                Wdg.getById('txtContent').value = JSON.stringify( Icon.Icons[name], null, '  ' );
        $.add( elem, icon );
function Flex(opts) {
    var elem = $.elem( this, 'div', 'wdg-flex' );

    DB.propToggleClass(this, 'orientation', ENUM_ORIENTATION);
    DB.propToggleClass(this, 'type', ENUM_TYPE);
    DB.propArray(this, 'content')(function(v) {
        $.clear( elem );
        v.forEach(function (itm) {
            $.add( elem, itm );
            if (typeof itm.$grow !== 'undefined') {
                $.css( itm, {'flex-grow': parseFloat(itm.$grow)} );
            if (typeof itm.$shrink !== 'undefined') {
                $.css( itm, {'flex-shrink': parseFloat(itm.$shrink)} );
    DB.propAddClass(this, 'wide');
    DB.propRemoveClass(this, 'visible', 'hide');

    opts = DB.extend({
        orientation: ENUM_ORIENTATION[0],
        type: ENUM_TYPE[0],
        content: [],
        wide: true,
        visible: true
    }, opts, this);
function InputImages(opts) {
    var that = this;

    var elem = $.elem(this, 'input', {type: 'file', multiple: true});

    DB.propRemoveClass(this, 'visible', 'hide');
    DB.prop(this, 'onload');

    elem.addEventListener('change', function() {
        console.info("[wdg.input-images] elem.files=...", elem.files);
        var output = [], file;
        if (typeof that.onload === 'function') {
            for (var i=0; i < elem.files.length; i++) {
                file = elem.files[i];
                if (file.type.substr(0, 6) == 'image/') {
                    // On ne garde que les images.
                    output.push( file );
        } else {
            console.error("[wdg.input-images] There is no slot `onload`!");
var FloatingButton = function( opts ) {
  var that = this;

  var icon = new Icon({ size: "24px" });
  var elem = $.elem( this, 'button', 'dom', 'custom', 'wdg-floating-button', 'thm-ele6', [icon] );
  var touchable = new Touchable( elem, {
    classToAdd: 'thm-ele12'
  } );

  DB.prop( this, 'value' );
  DB.prop( this, 'icon' )(function( v ) {
    icon.content = v;
  DB.propAddClass( this, 'small' );
  DB.propEnum( TYPES )( this, 'type' )(function(v) {
    $.removeClass( elem, 'thm-bg3', 'thm-bgP', 'thm-bgS' );
    switch( v ) {
    case 'primary': $.addClass( elem, 'thm-bgP' ); break;
    case 'secondary': $.addClass( elem, 'thm-bgS' ); break;
    default: $.addClass( elem, 'thm-bg3' ); break;
  DB.propBoolean( this, 'enabled' )( function ( v ) {
    touchable.enabled = v;
    if( v ) {
      $.removeClass( elem, 'disabled' );
    } else {
      $.addClass( elem, 'disabled' );
  } );
  DB.prop( this, 'action', 0 );
  DB.propRemoveClass( this, 'visible', 'hide' );

  opts = DB.extend( {
    type: "standard",
    value: "action",
    action: 0,
    small: false,
    enabled: true,
    icon: "add",
    href: null,
    target: null,
    visible: true
  }, opts, this );

  // Animate the pressing.
  $.on( this.element, {
    keydown: function ( evt ) {
      if ( evt.keyCode == 13 || evt.keyCode == 32 ) {
  } );
  touchable.tap.add( that.fire.bind( that ) );
var WdgDate = function(opts) {
    var inputs = {
        D: newInput.call(this, 2, 'D'),
        M: newInput.call(this, 2, 'M'),
        Y: newInput.call(this, 4, 'Y'),
        h: newInput.call(this, 2, 'h'),
        m: newInput.call(this, 2, 'm'),
        s: newInput.call(this, 2, 's')
    this._inputs = inputs;

    var elem = $.elem( this, 'div', 'wdg-date', 'theme-elevation-2', 'theme-color-bg-B1' );

    DB.propDate(this, 'action');
    DB.propDate(this, 'value')(function(v) {
        inputs.D.value = v.getDate();
        inputs.M.value = v.getMonth() + 1;
        inputs.Y.value = v.getFullYear();
        inputs.h.value = v.getHours();
        inputs.m.value = v.getMinutes();
        inputs.s.value = v.getSeconds();
    DB.propString(this, 'format')(function(v) {
        $.clear( elem );
        var c, input;
        for( var i=0; i<v.length; i++ ) {
            c = v.charAt(i);
            input = inputs[c];
            if( input ) {
                $.add( elem, input );
            } else {
                $.add( elem, $.tag( 'span', [c] ) );
    DB.propAddClass(this, 'focus', 'theme-elevation-8');
    DB.propRemoveClass(this, 'visible', 'hide');
    DB.propRemoveClass(this, 'valid', 'invalid');
        value: new Date(),
        format: "D/M/Y - h:m:s",
        focus: false,
        valid: true,
        visible: true
    }, opts, this);
var IntlView = function(opts) {
    var elem = $.elem( this, 'p', 'wdg-intl-view' );
    DB.propRemoveClass( this, 'visible', 'hide' );
    DB.prop( this, 'content' )(function(v) {
        var html = '';
        if (!Array.isArray(v)) v = [v];
        v.forEach(function (itm) {
            if (typeof itm === 'string') {
                html += itm;
            } else {
                html += itm[Global.lang()];
        elem.innerHTML = html;

    opts = DB.extend({
        content: '',
        visible: true
    }, opts, this);
var Wait = function(opts) {
    var text = $.div();
    var icon = new Icon({ content: 'wait', animate: true });
    var elem = $.elem( this, 'div', 'wdg-wait', [icon, text] );
    DB.propRemoveClass( this, 'visible', 'hide' );
    DB.propUnit( this, 'size' )(function(unit) {
        icon.size = unit.v + unit.u;
        // We want to text to be 75% of the icon.
        $.css( text, {
            'font-size': (unit.v * .75) + unit.u,
            'padding-left': (unit.v * .5) + unit.u
    DB.propString( this, 'text' )(function(v) {
        text.textContent = v;
    opts = DB.extend({
        size: '24px',
        text: '',
        visible: true
    }, opts, this);
var Text = function(opts) {
    var that = this;

    var dataListHasFocus = false;
    var autocompleteProposals = [];
    var autocompleteShift = 0;

    var label = $.div( 'theme-label', 'theme-color-bg-1' );
    var input = $.tag( 'input' );
    var datalist = $.div( 'datalist', 'theme-elevation-12' );
    this._input = input;
    var elem = $.elem( this, 'div', 'wdg-text', 'theme-elevation-2', [label, input, datalist] );

    DB.propString(this, 'value')(function(v) {
        input.value = v;
    DB.propEnum(['text', 'button', 'checkbox', 'color', 'date', 'datetime', 'email', 'file',
                 'hidden', 'image', 'month', 'password', 'radio', 'range', 'reset',
                 'search', 'submit', 'tel', 'time', 'url', 'week'])(this, 'type')
    (function(v) {
        $.att(input, {type: v});
    DB.propStringArray(this, 'list')(function(v) {
        $.clear( datalist );
        $.removeClass( elem, "list" );
        if (!Array.isArray( v )) return;
        v.forEach(function ( item ) {
            $.add( datalist, $.div( [item] ) );
        if( v.length > 0 ) {
            $.att( elem, "list" );
    DB.propValidator(this, 'validator')(this.validate.bind( this ));
    DB.propBoolean(this, 'valid')(function(v) {
        if (v === null || !that.validator) {
            $.removeClass( elem, "valid", "no-valid" );
        } else {
            if (v) {
                $.addClass( elem, "valid" );
                $.removeClass( elem, "no-valid" );
            } else {
                $.removeClass( elem, "valid" );
                $.addClass( elem, "no-valid" );
    DB.propBoolean(this, 'enabled')(function(v) {
        if (v) {
            $.removeAtt(input, 'disabled');
        } else {
            $.att(input, {disabled: v});
    DB.propInteger(this, 'size')(function(v) {
        if (v < 1) {
            $.removeAtt(input, 'size');
        } else {
            $.att(input, {size: v});
    DB.propString(this, 'label')(function(v) {
        if (v === null || (typeof v === 'string' && v.trim() == '')) {
            $.addClass(elem, 'no-label');
        } else {
            $.removeClass(elem, 'no-label');
            $.textOrHtml(label, v);
            if (v.substr(0, 6) == '<html>') {
                $.att(label, {title: ''});
            } else {
                $.att(label, {title: v});
    DB.propString(this, 'placeholder')(function(v) {
        $.att(input, {placeholder: v});
    DB.propString(this, 'width')(function(v) {
        elem.style.width = v;
    DB.propBoolean(this, 'focus')(function(v) {
        if (v) input.focus();
        else input.blur();
    DB.propInteger(this, 'action', '');
    DB.propAddClass(this, 'wide');
    DB.propRemoveClass(this, 'visible', 'hide');

    opts = DB.extend({
        value: '',
        type: 'text',
        placeholder: '',
        enabled: true,
        validator: null,
        valid: true,
        list: null,
        label: '',
        placeholder: '',
        size: 10,
        width: 'auto',
        focus: false,
        wide: false,
        visible: true
    }, opts, this);

    var complete = function() {
        $.removeClass( elem, "list" );
        if (!that.list || that.list.length == 0) return;

        $.clear( datalist );
        var list = that.list.map(String.toLowerCase);
        var needle = input.value.trim().toLowerCase();

        if (needle.length > 0) {
            list = list.map(function(itm, idx) {
                return [idx, itm.indexOf( needle )];
            }).filter(function(itm) {
                return itm[1] > -1;
            }).sort(function(a, b) {
                var d = a[1] - b[1];
                if (d != 0) return d;
                var sa = that.list[a[0]];
                var sb = that.list[b[0]];
                if (sa < sb) return -1;
                if (sa > sb) return 1;
                return 0;
            }).map(function(itm) {
                var t = that.list[itm[0]];
                var i = itm[1];
                return t.substr(0, i)
                    + "<b>" + t.substr(i, needle.length) + "</b>"
                    + t.substr(i + needle.length);
        } else {
            list = list.sort();
        if (autocompleteShift > 0) {
            // Put the current item to the top of the list.
            // Use arrow keys to change `autocompleteShift`.
            list = list.slice( autocompleteShift ).concat( list.slice( 0, autocompleteShift ) );
        autocompleteProposals = list;

        list.forEach(function (item, idx) {
            var div = $.div();
            div.innerHTML = item;
            list[idx] = div.textContent.trim();
            $.add( datalist, div );
            $.on( div, {
                down: function() {
                    dataListHasFocus = true;
                up: function() {
                    dataListHasFocus = false;
                    that.focus = true;
                tap: function() {
                    that.value = div.textContent.trim();
                    console.info("[wdg.text] div=...", div);
                    $.removeClass( elem, 'list' );
        if (list.length > 0) {
            $.addClass( elem, "list" );
        } else {
            $.removeClass( elem, "list" );

    var actionUpdateValue = LaterAction(function() {
        that.value = input.value;
    }, 300);
    input.addEventListener('keyup', function(evt) {
        if (evt.keyCode == 13) {
            if ($.hasClass( elem, 'list' )) {
                $.removeClass( elem, 'list' );
                that.value = autocompleteProposals[0];
            else if (that.valid !== false) {
                DB.fire( that, 'value', input.value );
                DB.fire( that, 'action', input.value );
        else if (evt.keyCode == 27) {
            $.removeClass( elem, "list" );
            autocompleteShift = 0;
        else if (evt.keyCode == 40 && $.hasClass( elem, 'list' )) {
            autocompleteShift = (autocompleteShift + 1) % autocompleteProposals.length;
        else if (evt.keyCode == 38 && $.hasClass( elem, 'list' )) {
            autocompleteShift = (autocompleteShift + autocompleteProposals.length - 1)
                % autocompleteProposals.length;
        else {
            autocompleteShift = 0;
    input.addEventListener('blur', function() {
        that.value = input.value;
        if (!dataListHasFocus) {
            $.removeClass( elem, "list" );
        $.addClass( elem, "theme-elevation-2" );
        $.removeClass( elem, "theme-elevation-8" );
        $.removeClass(input, 'theme-color-bg-A1');
        that.focus = false;
    input.addEventListener('focus', function() {
        $.removeClass( elem, "theme-elevation-2" );
        $.addClass( elem, "theme-elevation-8" );
        $.addClass(input, 'theme-color-bg-A1');
        that.focus = true;
    input.addEventListener('keydown', function(evt) {

@exports {class}
@param {object} opts.content -

function Modal(opts) {
    var that = this;

    var body = $.div();
    body.addEventListener("scroll", onScroll.bind(this, body));
        laterScroll = function() {
            window.setTimeout(function() {
        header = $.tag('header', 'thm-fg', 'thm-ele8', 'thm-bgPD'),
        footer = $.tag('footer', "thm-bg0"),
        cell = $.div('cell', 'thm-ele24', 'thm-bg1', [header, body, footer]),
        elem = $.elem(this, 'div', 'wdg-modal', [$.div([cell])]);
    $.on(elem, function(evt) {
        if (evt.target.parentElement !== elem) return;
        that.visible = false;

    DB.prop(this, 'content')(function(v) {
        if (Array.isArray(v)) {
            v.forEach(function(itm) {
                $.add(body, itm);
        } else if (typeof v !== 'undefined' && v !== null) {
            $.add(body, v);
    DB.prop(this, 'header')(function(v) {
        if (!v || (typeof v === 'string' && v.trim().length === 0)) {
            $.addClass(header, "hide");
        $.removeClass(header, "hide");
        if (Array.isArray(v)) {
            v.forEach(function(itm) {
                $.add(header, itm);
        } else if (typeof v !== 'undefined' && v !== null) {
            $.add(header, v);
    DB.prop(this, 'footer')(function(v) {
        if (!v || (typeof v === 'string' && v.trim().length === 0)) {
            $.addClass(footer, "hide");
        $.removeClass(footer, "hide");
        if (Array.isArray(v)) {
            v.forEach(function(itm) {
                $.add(footer, itm);
        } else {
            $.add(footer, v);
    DB.propString(this, 'width')(function(v) {
        $.css(body, {
            'max-width': v
    DB.propAddClass(this, 'fullscreen');
    DB.propAddClass(this, 'padding');
    DB.propAddClass(this, 'scroll');
    DB.propAddClass(this, 'wide');
    DB.propBoolean(this, 'visible')(function(v) {
        if (v) {
        } else {

    opts = DB.extend({
        visible: false,
        header: null,
        content: [],
        footer: null,
        padding: true,
        scroll: true,
        wide: false,
        fullscreen: false,
        width: 'auto'
    }, opts, this);
var Icon = function(opts) {
    var that = this;

    var mapColors = [];
    var g = $.svg('g', {
        'stroke-width': 6,
        fill: "none",
        'stroke-linecap': 'round',
        'stroke-linejoin': 'round'
    var svg = $.svgRoot({
        width: '100%',
        height: '100%',
        viewBox: '-65 -65 130 130',
        preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet"
    var root = $.div('wdg-icon', [svg]);
    var elem = $.elem(this, root);
    $.add( svg, g );
    DB.prop(this, 'content')(setContent.bind( this, mapColors, g ));
    DB.prop(this, 'value');
    DB.propBoolean(this, 'rotate')(function(v) {
        if (v) {
            $.addClass( svg, "rotate" );
        } else {
            $.removeClass( svg, "rotate" );
    DB.propBoolean(this, 'button')(function(v) {
        if (v) {
            $.addClass( elem, 'button', 'theme-elevation-8');
            $.css( elem, {
                padding: ".5rem" //(that.size * (Math.sqrt(2) - 1)) + 'px'
            that.size = '2rem';
        } else {
            $.removeClass( elem, 'button', 'theme-elevation-8');
            $.css( elem, {
                padding: 0
    DB.propUnit(this, 'size')(function(v) {
        $.css(svg, {
            width: v,
            height: v
    DB.prop(this, 'action');

    $.on( elem, {
        down: function() {
            if (that.button) {
                $.addClass(elem, 'theme-elevation-12');
        up: function() {
            $.removeClass(elem, 'theme-elevation-12');
        tap: function() {
            DB.fire( that, 'action', that.value );
    var updateColor = function( index, color ) {
        var children = mapColors[index];
        if( typeof children === 'undefined' ) return;
        children.fill.forEach(function (child) {
            $.att( child, "fill", that['color' + index] );
        children.stroke.forEach(function (child) {
            $.att( child, "stroke", that['color' + index] );

    for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        DB.propColor(this, 'color' + i)(updateColor.bind( this, i ));

    opts = DB.extend({
        color0: '#000000',
        color1: '#ffffff',
        color2: '#777777',
        color3: '#ff0000',
        color4: '#00ff00',
        color5: '#0000ff',
        content: ['circle', {
            stroke: 1, fill: 0, r: 90, cx: 0, cy: 0
        angle: 0,
        size: '2rem',        
        button: false,
        value: "icon",
        rotate: false,
        wide: false,
        visible: true
    }, opts, this);
var Combo = function(opts) {
  var that = this;

  this._children = {};
  var label = $.div( 'label' );
  var button = $.div( 'button', 'thm-bgP', [new Icon({content: 'tri-down', size: '24px'})] );
  var body = $.tag( 'div', 'body' );
  var datalist = $.div( 'datalist' );
  this._button = button;
  var table = $.div('table', 'thm-ele2', 'thm-bg3', [body, button]);
  var elem = $.elem( this, 'div', 'wdg-combo',
                     [label, table, datalist] );
  var touchable = new Touchable( elem );

  body.addEventListener('focus', function() {
    $.removeClass( table, 'thm-ele2' );
    $.addClass( table, 'thm-ele4' );
  body.addEventListener('blur', function() {
    $.addClass( table, 'thm-ele2' );
    $.removeClass( table, 'thm-ele4' );
  DB.propRemoveClass(this, 'enabled', 'disabled');
  DB.propBoolean(this, 'focus')(function(v) {
    if (v) body.focus();
    else body.blur();
  DB.propString(this, 'label')(function(v) {
    if (v === null || (typeof v === 'string' && v.trim() == '')) {
      $.addClass(elem, 'no-label');
    } else {
      $.removeClass(elem, 'no-label');
      $.textOrHtml(label, v);
      if (v.substr(0, 6) == '<html>') {
        $.att(label, {title: ''});
      } else {
        $.att(label, {title: v});
  DB.prop(this, 'content')(function(v) {
    var obj;
    if( typeof v === 'string' ) {
      v = v.split(",").map(function(itm) {
        return itm.trim();
      obj = {};
      v.forEach( function( itm ){
        obj[itm] = itm;
      v = obj;
    if (Array.isArray( v )) {
      // Convert array into map.
      // Each item must have the `$key` property.
      // If not, the element is ignored.
      obj = {};
      v.forEach(function (itm, idx) {
        if( typeof itm.$key === 'undefined' ) return;
        obj[itm.$key] = itm;
      v = obj;
    that._children = v;
    DB.fire( that, 'value' );
  DB.propString(this, 'value')(function(v) {
    var selectedItem = that._children[v];
    if( typeof selectedItem === 'undefined' ) {
      for( v in that._children ) break;
      selectedItem = that._children[v];
    $.clear( body );
    if (!selectedItem) return;
    $.add( body, selectedItem );
  DB.propAddClass(this, 'wide');
  DB.propRemoveClass(this, 'visible', 'hide');

  opts = DB.extend({
    value: '',
    content: [],
    label: null,
    enabled: true,
    wide: false,
    visible: true
  }, opts, this);

  touchable.tap.add( that.fire.bind( that ) );
var Icon = function(opts) {
    var that = this;

    var mapColors = [];
    var g = $.svg('g', {
        'stroke-width': 6,
        fill: "none",
        'stroke-linecap': 'round',
        'stroke-linejoin': 'round'
    var svg = $.svgRoot({
        width: '100%',
        height: '100%',
        viewBox: '-65 -65 130 130',
        preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet"
    var root = $.div('wdg-icon', [svg]);
    var elem = $.elem(this, root);
    $.add( svg, g );
    DB.prop(this, 'content')(setContent.bind( this, mapColors, g ));
    DB.prop(this, 'value');
    DB.propBoolean(this, 'rotate')(function(v) {
        if (v) {
            $.addClass( svg, "rotate" );
        } else {
            $.removeClass( svg, "rotate" );
    DB.propBoolean(this, 'button')(function(v) {
        if (v) {
            $.addClass( elem, 'theme-elevation-8');
            $.removeClass( elem, 'flat');
            $.css( elem, {
                padding: 'calc(0.25 * ' + that.size + ') 0 0 0',
                width: "calc(1.5 * " + that.size + ")",
                height: "calc(1.5 * " + that.size + ")",
                'line-height': that.size
            $.css(svg, {
                'line-height': v
            //that.size = '2rem';
            $.on( elem, {
                down: function(evt) {
                    if (that.button) {
                        $.addClass(elem, 'theme-elevation-12');
                up: function() {
                    $.removeClass(elem, 'theme-elevation-12');
                tap: function() {
                    DB.fire( that, 'action', that.value );
        } else {
            $.removeClass( elem, 'theme-elevation-8');
            $.addClass( elem, 'flat');
            $.css( elem, {
                padding: 0
            $.off( elem );
    DB.propUnit(this, 'size')(function(v) {
        $.css(svg, {
            width: v,
            height: v,
            'line-height': v
    DB.prop(this, 'action');
    DB.propAddClass(this, 'wide');
    DB.propRemoveClass(this, 'visible', 'hide');
    DB.propToggleClass(this, 'type', {
        default: "theme-color-bg-B0",
        accent: "theme-color-bg-A5"
    var updateColor = function( index, color ) {
        var children = mapColors[index];
        if( typeof children === 'undefined' ) return;
        children.fill.forEach(function (child) {
            $.att( child, "fill", that['color' + index] );
        children.stroke.forEach(function (child) {
            $.att( child, "stroke", that['color' + index] );

    for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        DB.propColor(this, 'color' + i)(updateColor.bind( this, i ));

    opts = DB.extend({
        color0: '#000000',
        color1: '#ffffff',
        color2: '#777777',
        color3: '#ff0000',
        color4: '#00ff00',
        color5: '#0000ff',
        content: ['circle', {
            stroke: 1, fill: 0, r: 90, cx: 0, cy: 0
        type: 'default',
        angle: 0,
        size: '2rem',
        button: false,
        value: "icon",
        rotate: false,
        wide: false,
        visible: true
    }, opts, this);
var WysiwygEditor = function( opts ) {
    var that = this;

    // Real focus function will be set when iframe will be loaded.
    var postponedFocus = false;
    var postponedHTML = null;
    var iframeIsLoaded = false;
    var iframeHasChanged = false;

    var elem = $.elem(this, 'div', 'wdg-wysiwyg', 'theme-elevation-2');
    var iconFullscreen = new Icon({ content: Icon.Icons.fullscreen, size: '1.5rem', button: true });
    var label = $.div('theme-label');
    var header = $.div('header', 'theme-color-bg-1', [iconFullscreen, label]);
    var slider = $.div('slider');
    var menu = $.div('menu');
    var iframe = $.tag( 'iframe', { src: 'squire2/squire.html' } );
    iframe.addEventListener( 'load', function() {
        iframeIsLoaded = true;
        // Storing a reference to the wysiwyg editor.
        var squire = iframe.contentWindow.editor;
        if( postponedFocus ) {
            that.focus = true;
        // Adding editor buttons.
        //initHeader.call( that, header );
        if( postponedHTML !== null ) {
            squire.setHTML( postponedHTML );
            postponedHTML = null;
        // Adding onChange event when focus is lost.
        squire.addEventListener( 'input', function() {
            // Prevent from update looping.
            iframeHasChanged = true;
            that.value = squire.getHTML();
        Object.defineProperty( that, 'squire', {
            value: squire, writable: false, configurable: true, enumerable: true
    }, false);
    var body = $.div('body', [iframe]);
    $.add( elem, header, menu, body, slider);

    DB.propBoolean(this, 'focus')(function(v) {
        if (iframeIsLoaded) {
            if (v) {
            } else {
        } else {
            postponedFocus = v;
    DB.propString(this, 'label')(function(v) {
        if (typeof v === 'number') v = '' + v;
        if (typeof v !== 'string') v = '';
        label.textContent = v;
    DB.propInteger(this, 'height')(function(v) {
        $.css(elem, {height: v + "px"});
    DB.prop(this, 'menu')(function(v) {
        $.clear( menu );
        v.forEach(function (itm) {
            if (itm == '-') {
                $.add( menu, $.div( 'sep', [itm] ));
            } else {
                var icon = new Icon({size: '2em', content: itm});
                $.addClass( icon.element, 'icon' );
                $.on( icon.element, {
                    down: $.addClass.bind( $, icon.element, 'down' ),
                    up: $.removeClass.bind( $, icon.element, 'down' ),
                    tap: onMenu.bind( that, itm )
                $.add( menu, icon );

    DB.propString(this, 'value')(function(v) {
        if (iframeIsLoaded) {
            if (iframeHasChanged) {
                iframeHasChanged = false;
            } else {
                that.squire.setHTML( v );
        else postponedHTML = v;
    DB.propAddClass(this, 'wide');
    DB.propRemoveClass(this, 'visible', 'hide');

        label: "",
        value: "",
        menu: DEFAULT_MENU,
        height: 180,
        visible: true
    }, opts, this);

    var initialHeight = this.height;

    $.on( slider, {
        down: function() {
            initialHeight = that.height;
        drag: function(evt) {
            that.height = Math.max( 180, initialHeight + evt.dy );

    // Managing fullscreen display.
    var fullscreen = new Fx.Fullscreen({
        target: elem,
        // When the component is put fullscreen, it is temporarly removed from the DOM.
        // This causes the IFrame to be reloaded, and the result is that we lost content.
        // That's why we use `postponedHTML`.
        onBeforeReplace: function() {
            postponedHTML = that.squire.getHTML();
    DB.bind(iconFullscreen, 'action', function() {
        fullscreen.value = !fullscreen.value;