	processDir = function(stack, dir, dirlist) {
		return dfs.readdir(dir.path).then(function(files) {
			return Deferred.all(files.map(function(filename) {
				var fullpath = path.join(dir.path, filename);
				return dfs.stat(fullpath).then(function(stat) {
					if (stat.isDirectory()) {
						stack.push({path: fullpath, dir: true});
					} else {
						dirlist.push({path: fullpath, dir: false});
					return new Deferred().resolve();
	processDir = function(stack, dir) {
		return dfs.readdir(dir).then(function(files) {
			return Deferred.all(files.map(function(filename) {
				var fullpath = path.join(dir, filename);
				return dfs.stat(fullpath).then(function(stat) {
					if (stat.isDirectory()) {
						return new Deferred().resolve();
					} else {
//						console.log('unlink ' + fullpath);
						return dfs.unlink(fullpath);
	}).then(function() {
		// Copy all required files into the .temp directory for doing the build
		if (steps.copy === false) { return new Deferred().resolve(); }
		section('Copying client code to ' + pathToTempDir);

		// Get the list of bundles from the orion.client lib:
		var bundles = [];
		return dfs.readdir(pathToOrionClientBundlesFolder).then(function(contents) {
			return Deferred.all(contents.map(function(item) {
				return dfs.stat(path.join(pathToOrionClientBundlesFolder, item)).then(function(stats) {
					if (stats.isDirectory()) {
		}).then(function() {
			console.log('Copying orion.client');
			/* So. Because the file structure of the Orion source bundles doesn't match the URL/RequireJS module
			 * structure, we need to copy all the bundles' "./web/" folders into the temp dir, so that modules
			 * will resolve in later optimization steps.
			return async.sequence(bundles.map(function(bundle) {
					return function() {
						var bundleWebFolder = path.resolve(pathToOrionClientBundlesFolder, bundle, BUNDLE_WEB_FOLDER);
						return dfs.exists(bundleWebFolder).then(function(exists) {
							if (exists) {
								return execCommand(getCopyDirCmd(bundleWebFolder, pathToTempDir));
							} else {
								console.log('Bundle has no web/ folder, skip: ' + bundle);
					function() {
						console.log('Copying orionode.client');
						return execCommand(getCopyDirCmd(pathToOrionodeClient, pathToTempDir));
	}).then(function() {
exports.getChildren = function(directory, parentLocation, excludes, callback) {
	// If 'excludes' is omitted, the callback can be given as the 3rd argument
	callback = excludes || callback;
	dfs.readdir(directory).then(function(files) {
		// stat each file to find if it's a Directory -- ugh
		var childStatPromises = files.map(function(file) {
			if (Array.isArray(excludes) && excludes.indexOf(file) !== -1) {
				return null; // omit
			var filepath = path.join(directory, file);
			return dfs.stat(filepath).then(function(stat) {
				return [filepath, stat];
		}).filter(function(f) { return f; }); // skip omitted stuff
		Deferred.all(childStatPromises).then(function(childStats) {
			var children = childStats.map(function(cs) {
				var childname = path.basename(cs[0]);
				var isDirectory = cs[1].isDirectory();
				var timeStamp = cs[1].mtime.getTime();
				var size = cs[1].size;
				var location = api.join(parentLocation, encodeURIComponent(childname));
				if(isDirectory && location[location.length-1] !== "/"){
					location = location +"/";
				return {
					Name: childname,
					Id: childname,
					Length: size,
					LocalTimeStamp: timeStamp,
					Directory: isDirectory,
					Location: location,
					ChildrenLocation: isDirectory ? api.join(parentLocation, childname) + '?depth=1' : null
			callback(children); //yay