文件: index.js 项目: scienceai/dcat
  async.map(uturi, function(myturi, cb){

    var repo = githubUrlToObject(myturi.id) || bitbucketUrlToObject(myturi.id);
    if (repo) {
      var myid = repo.repo;
      var uid = myid, i = 1;
      while (uid in reservedIds) { uid = myid + '-' + i++; }
      reservedIds[uid] = true;

      var r =  {
        '@id': myid,
        '@type': myturi.type || 'Code',

      if (!this.packager.isClassOrSubClassOf(r['@type'], 'Code')) {
        return cb(new Error('URL of code repositories must be of @type Code (or a subclass of Code)'));

      r.codeRepository = repo.https_url;

      this.log('HEAD', repo.tarball_url);
      //see https://developer.github.com/v3/#user-agent-required
      request.head({url:repo.tarball_url, followAllRedirects:true, headers: {'User-Agent': 'dcat'}}, function(err, resp){
        if (err) return cb(err);
        this.log(resp.statusCode, repo.tarball_url);
        if (resp.statusCode >= 400) {
          return cb(this._error('could not HEAD ' + repo.tarball_url), resp.statusCode);

        r.encoding = {
          '@type': 'MediaObject',
          contentUrl: repo.tarball_url,
          encodingFormat: resp.headers['content-type']
        if ('content-length' in resp.headers) {
          r.encoding.contentSize = parseInt(resp.headers['content-length'], 10);
        if ('last-modified' in resp.headers) {
          r.encoding.dateModified = (new Date(resp.headers['last-modified'])).toISOString();
        return cb(null, r);

    } else {

      this.log('HEAD', myturi.id);
      request.head({url: myturi.id, followAllRedirects:true}, function(err, resp){
        if (err) return cb(err);
        this.log(resp.statusCode, myturi.id);
        if (resp.statusCode >= 400) {
          return cb(this._error('could not HEAD ' + myturi.id), resp.statusCode);

        var prefix = (opts.namespace)? (opts.namespace + '/') : '';
        var mymime = resp.headers['content-type']
          , mypath = url.parse(myturi.id).pathname
          , myid = prefix + (path.basename(mypath, path.extname(mypath)).trim().replace(/ /g, '-').toLowerCase() || 'p');

        var uid = myid, i = 1;
        while (uid in reservedIds) { uid = myid + '-' + i++; }
        reservedIds[uid] = true;

        var r = { '@id': uid, '@type': myturi.type || Dcat.type(mymime) || 'CreativeWork' };

        var contentSize;
        if ('content-length' in resp.headers) {
          contentSize = parseInt(resp.headers['content-length'], 10);

        if (this.packager.isClassOrSubClassOf(r['@type'], 'SoftwareApplication')) {
          r.downloadUrl = myturi.id;
          r.fileFormat = resp.headers['content-type'];
          if ('last-modified' in resp.headers) {
            r.dateModified = (new Date(resp.headers['last-modified'])).toISOString();
          if (!('content-encoding' in resp.headers) && (contentSize !== undefined)) {
            r.fileSize = contentSize;
        } else {
          var encoding = {
            contentUrl: myturi.id,
            encodingFormat: mymime
          if ('last-modified' in resp.headers) {
            encoding.dateModified = (new Date(resp.headers['last-modified'])).toISOString();
          if ('content-encoding' in resp.headers) {
            encoding.encoding = { '@type': 'MediaObject',  encodingFormat: resp.headers['content-encoding'] };
            if ( contentSize !== undefined ) {
              encoding.encoding.contentSize = contentSize;
          } else if (contentSize !== undefined) {
            encoding.contentSize = contentSize;

          if (this.packager.isClassOrSubClassOf(r['@type'], 'Dataset')) {
            r.distribution = _.extend({'@type': 'DataDownload'}, encoding);
          } else if (this.packager.isClassOrSubClassOf(r['@type'], 'Code')) {
            r.encoding = _.extend({'@type': 'MediaObject'}, encoding);
            //try to get programming language for MIME
            var inferedType = Dcat.type(mymine);
            if (inferedType === 'Code') {
              var m2 = mymime.split('/')[1];
              r.programmingLanguage = { name: m2.split('-')[1] || m2 };
          } else {
            r.encoding = _.extend({'@type': 'MediaObject'}, encoding);
        cb(null, r);



  }.bind(this), function(err, resources){
文件: index.js 项目: scienceai/dcat
  function _isUrl(tGlobsOrTurl) {
    var x = (typeof tGlobsOrTurl === 'string') ? tGlobsOrTurl : tGlobsOrTurl.id;

    return isUrl(x) || githubUrlToObject(x) || bitbucketUrlToObject(x);