Пример #1
    this.updates.forEach((update) => {
      const pkg = update.package;
      const packageLocation = pkg.location;
      const packageJsonLocation = path.join(packageLocation, "package.json");

      // set new version
      pkg.version = this.updatesVersions[pkg.name] || pkg.version;

      // update pkg dependencies
      this.updatePackageDepsObject(pkg, "dependencies", exact);
      this.updatePackageDepsObject(pkg, "devDependencies", exact);
      this.updatePackageDepsObject(pkg, "peerDependencies", exact);

      // write new package
      writePkg.sync(packageJsonLocation, pkg.toJSON());
      // NOTE: Object.prototype.toJSON() is normally called when passed to
      // JSON.stringify(), but write-pkg iterates Object.keys() before serializing
      // so it has to be explicit here (otherwise it mangles the instance properties)

      // we can now generate the Changelog, based on the
      // the updated version that we're about to release.
      if (this.options.conventionalCommits) {
          name: pkg.name,
          location: pkg.location
        }, this.execOpts);

      // push to be git committed
Пример #2
 var post = function () {
   // for personal use
   if (cli.indexOf('--unicorn') !== -1) {
     var pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, 'utf8'))
     pkg.devDependencies.mos = '*'
     writePkg.sync(pkgPath, pkg)
Пример #3
	const post = () => {
		// For personal use
		if (cli.indexOf('--unicorn') !== -1) {
			const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, 'utf8'));
			pkg.devDependencies.ava = '*';
			writePkg.sync(pkgPath, pkg);
Пример #4
module.exports = function (opts) {
  opts = opts || {}

  var ret = readPkgUp.sync({
    cwd: opts.cwd,
    normalize: false,
  var pkg = ret.pkg || {}
  var pkgPath = ret.path || path.resolve(opts.cwd || '', 'package.json')
  var cli = opts.args || argv()
  var args = arrExclude(cli, ['--init', '--unicorn'])
  var cmd = 'mos' + (args.length > 0 ? ' ' + args.join(' ') : '')
  var s = pkg.scripts = pkg.scripts ? pkg.scripts : {}

  if (s.test && s.test !== DEFAULT_TEST_SCRIPT) {
    s.test = s.test.replace(/\bnode (test\/)?test\.js\b/, cmd)

    if (!/\bmos\b/.test(s.test)) {
      s.test += ' && ' + cmd
  } else {
    s.test = cmd
  s.md = 'mos'
  s['?md'] = 'echo "Update the markdown files"'

  writePkg.sync(pkgPath, pkg)

  var post = function () {
    // for personal use
    if (cli.indexOf('--unicorn') !== -1) {
      var pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, 'utf8'))
      pkg.devDependencies.mos = '*'
      writePkg.sync(pkgPath, pkg)

  if (opts.skipInstall) {
    return Promise.resolve()

  var child = childProcess.spawn('npm', ['install', '--save-dev', 'mos'], {
    cwd: path.dirname(pkgPath),
    stdio: 'inherit',

  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    child.on('error', reject)
    child.on('exit', function (code) {
      if (code) {
        reject(new Error('npm command exited with non-zero exit code'))
Пример #5
module.exports = opts => {
	opts = opts || {};

	const ret = readPkgUp.sync({
		cwd: opts.cwd,
		normalize: false
	const pkg = ret.pkg || {};
	const pkgPath = ret.path || path.resolve(opts.cwd || process.cwd(), 'package.json');
	const pkgCwd = path.dirname(pkgPath);
	const cli = opts.args || process.argv.slice(2);
	const args = arrExclude(cli, ['--init', '--unicorn']);
	const cmd = 'ava' + (args.length > 0 ? ' ' + args.join(' ') : '');
	const s = pkg.scripts = pkg.scripts ? pkg.scripts : {};

	if (s.test && s.test !== DEFAULT_TEST_SCRIPT) {
		s.test = s.test.replace(/\bnode (test\/)?test\.js\b/, cmd);

		if (!/\bava\b/.test(s.test)) {
			s.test += ` && ${cmd}`;
	} else {
		s.test = cmd;

	writePkg.sync(pkgPath, pkg);

	const post = () => {
		// For personal use
		if (cli.indexOf('--unicorn') !== -1) {
			const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, 'utf8'));
			pkg.devDependencies.ava = '*';
			writePkg.sync(pkgPath, pkg);

	if (opts.skipInstall) {
		return Promise.resolve(post);

	if (hasYarn(pkgCwd)) {
		return execa('yarn', ['add', '--dev', 'ava'], {cwd: pkgCwd}).then(post);

	return execa('npm', ['install', '--save-dev', 'ava'], {
		cwd: pkgCwd,
		stdio: 'inherit'