Пример #1
function updateSplashes(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir) {
    var resources = cordovaProject.projectConfig.getSplashScreens('android');

    // if there are "splash" elements in config.xml
    if (resources.length === 0) {
        events.emit('verbose', 'This app does not have splash screens defined');

    var resourceMap = mapImageResources(cordovaProject.root, platformResourcesDir, 'drawable', 'screen.png');

    var hadMdpi = false;
    resources.forEach(function (resource) {
        if (!resource.density) {
        if (resource.density == 'mdpi') {
            hadMdpi = true;
        var targetPath = getImageResourcePath(
            platformResourcesDir, 'drawable', resource.density, 'screen.png', path.basename(resource.src));
        resourceMap[targetPath] = resource.src;

    // There's no "default" drawable, so assume default == mdpi.
    if (!hadMdpi && resources.defaultResource) {
        var targetPath = getImageResourcePath(
            platformResourcesDir, 'drawable', 'mdpi', 'screen.png', path.basename(resources.defaultResource.src));
        resourceMap[targetPath] = resources.defaultResource.src;

    events.emit('verbose', 'Updating splash screens at ' + platformResourcesDir);
        resourceMap, { rootDir: cordovaProject.root }, logFileOp);
Пример #2
amazon_fireos_parser.prototype.handleSplashes = function (config) {
    var resources = config.getSplashScreens('android');
    var destfilepath;
    // if there are "splash" elements in config.xml
    if (resources.length > 0) {
        var densities = this.deleteDefaultResource('screen.png');
        events.emit('verbose', 'splash screens: ' + JSON.stringify(resources));
        var res = path.join(this.path, 'res');

        if (resources.defaultResource) {
            destfilepath = path.join(res, 'drawable', 'screen.png');
            events.emit('verbose', 'copying splash icon from ' + resources.defaultResource.src + ' to ' + destfilepath);
            shell.cp('-f', resources.defaultResource.src, destfilepath);
        for (var i = 0; i < densities.length; i++) {
            var density = densities[i];
            var resource = resources.getByDensity(density);
            if (resource) {
                // copy splash screens.
                destfilepath = path.join(res, 'drawable-' + density, 'screen.png');
                events.emit('verbose', 'copying splash icon from ' + resource.src + ' to ' + destfilepath);
                shell.cp('-f', resource.src, destfilepath);
Пример #3
ios_parser.prototype.update_build_settings = function(config) {
    var targetDevice = parseTargetDevicePreference(config.getPreference('target-device', 'ios'));
    var deploymentTarget = config.getPreference('deployment-target', 'ios');

    // no build settings provided, we don't need to parse and update .pbxproj file
    if (!targetDevice && !deploymentTarget) {
        return Q();

    var proj = new xcode.project(this.pbxproj);

    try {
    } catch (err) {
        return Q.reject(new Error('An error occured during parsing of project.pbxproj. Start weeping. Output: ' + err));

    if (targetDevice) {
        events.emit('verbose', 'Set TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY to ' + targetDevice + '.');
        proj.updateBuildProperty('TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY', targetDevice);

    if (deploymentTarget) {
        events.emit('verbose', 'Set IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to "' + deploymentTarget + '".');
        proj.updateBuildProperty('IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET', deploymentTarget);

    fs.writeFileSync(this.pbxproj, proj.writeSync(), 'utf-8');

    return Q();
Пример #4
function handleError(error) {
    if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
        events.emit('warn', 'Platform does not support ' + this.script);
    } else {
        events.emit('warn', 'An unexpected error has occured while running ' + this.script +
            ' with code ' + error.code + ': ' + error);
Пример #5
 * Updates project structure and AndroidManifest according to project's configuration.
 * @param   {ConfigParser}  platformConfig  A project's configuration that will
 *   be used to update project
 * @param   {Object}  locations       A map of locations for this platform
function updateProjectAccordingTo(platformConfig, locations) {
    // Update app name by editing res/values/strings.xml
    var name = platformConfig.name();
    var strings = xmlHelpers.parseElementtreeSync(locations.strings);
    strings.find('string[@name="app_name"]').text = name.replace(/\'/g, '\\\'');
    fs.writeFileSync(locations.strings, strings.write({indent: 4}), 'utf-8');
    events.emit('verbose', 'Wrote out android application name "' + name + '" to ' + locations.strings);

    // Java packages cannot support dashes
    var pkg = (platformConfig.android_packageName() || platformConfig.packageName()).replace(/-/g, '_');

    var manifest = new AndroidManifest(locations.manifest);
    var orig_pkg = manifest.getPackageId();


        .setVersionCode(platformConfig.android_versionCode() || default_versionCode(platformConfig.version()))
        .setMinSdkVersion(platformConfig.getPreference('android-minSdkVersion', 'android'))
        .setMaxSdkVersion(platformConfig.getPreference('android-maxSdkVersion', 'android'))
        .setTargetSdkVersion(platformConfig.getPreference('android-targetSdkVersion', 'android'))

    var javaPattern = path.join(locations.root, 'src', orig_pkg.replace(/\./g, '/'), '*.java');
    var java_files = shell.ls(javaPattern).filter(function(f) {
        return shell.grep(/extends\s+CordovaActivity/g, f);

    if (java_files.length === 0) {
        throw new CordovaError('No Java files found that extend CordovaActivity.');
    } else if(java_files.length > 1) {
        events.emit('log', 'Multiple candidate Java files that extend CordovaActivity found. Guessing at the first one, ' + java_files[0]);

    var destFile = path.join(locations.root, 'src', pkg.replace(/\./g, '/'), path.basename(java_files[0]));
    shell.mkdir('-p', path.dirname(destFile));
    shell.sed(/package [\w\.]*;/, 'package ' + pkg + ';', java_files[0]).to(destFile);
    events.emit('verbose', 'Wrote out Android package name "' + pkg + '" to ' + destFile);

    if (orig_pkg !== pkg) {
        // If package was name changed we need to remove old java with main activity
        // remove any empty directories
        var currentDir = path.dirname(java_files[0]);
        var sourcesRoot = path.resolve(locations.root, 'src');
        while(currentDir !== sourcesRoot) {
            if(fs.existsSync(currentDir) && fs.readdirSync(currentDir).length === 0) {
                currentDir = path.resolve(currentDir, '..');
            } else {
Пример #6
                            // save to config.xml

                            if(saveToConfigXmlOn(config_json, opts)){
                                var src = parseSource(target, opts);
                                var attributes = {
                                    name: pluginInfo.id

                                if (src) {
                                    attributes.spec = src;
                                } else {
                                    var ver = '~' + pluginInfo.version;
                                    // Scoped packages need to have the package-spec along with the version
                                    var parsedSpec = pluginSpec.parse(target);
                                    if (parsedSpec.scope) {
                                        attributes.spec = parsedSpec.package + '@' + ver;
                                    } else {
                                        attributes.spec = ver;

                                xml = cordova_util.projectConfig(projectRoot);
                                cfg = new ConfigParser(xml);
                                cfg.addPlugin(attributes, opts.cli_variables);

                                events.emit('results', 'Saved plugin info for "' + pluginInfo.id + '" to config.xml');
Пример #7
        install:function(obj, plugin, project, options) {
            var src = obj.src;
            if (!src) throw new CordovaError(generateAttributeError('src', 'framework', plugin.id));

            events.emit('verbose', 'Installing Android library: ' + src);
            var parentDir = obj.parent ? path.resolve(project.projectDir, obj.parent) : project.projectDir;
            var subDir;

            if (obj.custom) {
                var subRelativeDir = project.getCustomSubprojectRelativeDir(plugin.id, src);
                copyNewFile(plugin.dir, src, project.projectDir, subRelativeDir, !!(options && options.link));
                subDir = path.resolve(project.projectDir, subRelativeDir);
            } else {
                // WEEX_HOOK
                obj.type = 'gradleReference';
                //obj.type = 'sys';
                subDir = src;

            if (obj.type == 'gradleReference') {
                project.addGradleReference(parentDir, subDir);
            } else if (obj.type == 'sys') {
                project.addSystemLibrary(parentDir, subDir);
            } else {
                project.addSubProject(parentDir, subDir);
Пример #8
 .then(null, function(err) {
     if (/timed out/.exec('' + err)) {
         // adb kill-server doesn't seem to do the trick.
         // Could probably find a x-platform version of killall, but I'm not actually
         // sure that this scenario even happens on non-OSX machines.
         events.emit('verbose', 'adb timed out while detecting device/emulator architecture. Killing adb and trying again.');
         return spawn('killall', ['adb'])
         .then(function() {
             return helper()
             .then(null, function() {
                 // The double kill is sadly often necessary, at least on mac.
                 events.emit('warn', 'adb timed out a second time while detecting device/emulator architecture. Killing adb and trying again.');
                 return spawn('killall', ['adb'])
                 .then(function() {
                     return helper()
                     .then(null, function() {
                         return Q.reject(new CordovaError('adb timed out a third time while detecting device/emulator architecture. Try unplugging & replugging the device.'));
         }, function() {
             // For non-killall OS's.
             return Q.reject(err);
     throw err;
Пример #9
module.exports.getUninstaller = function(type) {
    if (handlers[type] && handlers[type].uninstall) {
        return handlers[type].uninstall;

    events.emit('verbose', '<' + type + '> is not supported for android plugins');
Пример #10
        install:function(obj, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id, options) {
            var src = obj.src;
            var custom = obj.custom;
            if (!src) throw new CordovaError('src not specified in <framework> for plugin ' + plugin_id);

            events.emit('verbose', 'Installing Android library: ' + src);
            var parent = obj.parent;
            var parentDir = parent ? path.resolve(project_dir, parent) : project_dir;
            var subDir;

            if (custom) {
                var subRelativeDir = module.exports.getCustomSubprojectRelativeDir(plugin_id, project_dir, src);
                common.copyNewFile(plugin_dir, src, project_dir, subRelativeDir);
                subDir = path.resolve(project_dir, subRelativeDir);
            } else {
                var sdk_dir = module.exports.getProjectSdkDir(project_dir);
                subDir = path.resolve(sdk_dir, src);

            var projectConfig = module.exports.parseProjectFile(project_dir);
            var type = obj.type;
            if (type == 'gradleReference') {
                //add reference to build.gradle
                projectConfig.addGradleReference(parentDir, subDir);
            } else {
                projectConfig.addSubProject(parentDir, subDir);
Пример #11
module.exports.getInstaller = function (type) {
    if (handlers[type] && handlers[type].install) {
        return handlers[type].install;

    events.emit('warn', '<' + type + '> is not supported for iOS plugins');
Пример #12
function getFailedRequirements(reqs, pluginMap, platformMap, cordovaVersion) {
    var failed = [];

    for (var req in reqs) {
        if(reqs.hasOwnProperty(req) && typeof req === 'string' && semver.validRange(reqs[req])) {
            var badInstalledVersion = null;
            var trimmedReq = req.trim();

            if(pluginMap[trimmedReq] && !semver.satisfies(pluginMap[trimmedReq], reqs[req])) {
                badInstalledVersion = pluginMap[req];
            } else if(trimmedReq === 'cordova' && !semver.satisfies(cordovaVersion, reqs[req])) {
                badInstalledVersion = cordovaVersion;
            } else if(trimmedReq.indexOf('cordova-') === 0) {
                // Might be a platform constraint
                var platform = trimmedReq.substring(8);
                if(platformMap[platform] && !semver.satisfies(platformMap[platform], reqs[req])) {
                    badInstalledVersion = platformMap[platform];

            if(badInstalledVersion) {
                    dependency: trimmedReq,
                    installed: badInstalledVersion.trim(),
                    required: reqs[req].trim()
        } else {
            events.emit('verbose', 'Ignoring invalid plugin dependency constraint ' + req + ':' + reqs[req]);

    return failed;
Пример #13
        uninstall:function(obj, plugin, project, options) {
            var src = obj.src;
            if (!src) throw new CordovaError(generateAttributeError('src', 'framework', plugin.id));

            events.emit('verbose', 'Uninstalling Android library: ' + src);
            var parentDir = obj.parent ? path.resolve(project.projectDir, obj.parent) : project.projectDir;
            var subDir;

            if (obj.custom) {
                var subRelativeDir = project.getCustomSubprojectRelativeDir(plugin.id, src);
                removeFile(project.projectDir, subRelativeDir);
                subDir = path.resolve(project.projectDir, subRelativeDir);
                // If it's the last framework in the plugin, remove the parent directory.
                var parDir = path.dirname(subDir);
                if (fs.existsSync(parDir) && fs.readdirSync(parDir).length === 0) {
            } else {
                // WEEX_HOOK
                obj.type = 'gradleReference';
                //obj.type = 'sys';
                subDir = src;

            if (obj.type == 'gradleReference') {
                project.removeGradleReference(parentDir, subDir);
            } else if (obj.type == 'sys') {
                project.removeSystemLibrary(parentDir, subDir);
            } else {
                project.removeSubProject(parentDir, subDir);
Пример #14
function listUnmetRequirements(name, failedRequirements) {
    events.emit('warn', 'Unmet project requirements for latest version of ' + name + ':');

    failedRequirements.forEach(function(req) {
        events.emit('warn', '    ' + req.dependency + ' (' + req.installed + ' in project, ' + req.required + ' required)');
Пример #15
 * Cleans all files from the platform 'www' directory.
function cleanWww(projectRoot, locations) {
    var targetDir = path.relative(projectRoot, locations.www);
    events.emit('verbose', 'Cleaning ' + targetDir);

    // No source paths are specified, so mergeAndUpdateDir() will clear the target directory.
        [], targetDir, { rootDir: projectRoot, all: true }, logFileOp);
Пример #16
 * Ensures that plugins, installed with previous versions of CLI (<5.4.0) are
 *   readded to platform correctly. Also triggers regeneration of
 *   cordova_plugins.js file.
 * @param   {String}  platform     Platform name to check for installed plugins
 * @param   {String}  projectRoot  A current cordova project location
 * @param   {Object}  [options]    Options that will be passed to
 *   PlatformApi.pluginAdd/Remove. This object will be extended with plugin
 *   variables, used to install the plugin initially (picked from "old"
 *   plugins/<platform>.json)
 * @return  {Promise}               Promise that'll be fulfilled if all the
 *   plugins reinstalled properly.
function restoreMissingPluginsForPlatform(platform, projectRoot, options) {
    events.emit('verbose', 'Checking for any plugins added to the project that have not been installed in ' + platform + ' platform');

    // Flow:
    // 1. Compare <platform>.json file in <project>/plugins ("old") and platforms/<platform> ("new")
    // 2. If there is any differences - merge "old" one into "new"
    // 3. Reinstall plugins that are missing and was merged on previous step

    var oldPlatformJson = PlatformJson.load(path.join(projectRoot, 'plugins'), platform);
    var platformJson = PlatformJson.load(path.join(projectRoot, 'platforms', platform), platform);

    var missingPlugins = Object.keys(oldPlatformJson.root.installed_plugins)
        .reduce(function (result, candidate) {
            if (!platformJson.isPluginInstalled(candidate))
                result.push({name: candidate,
                    // Note: isPluginInstalled is actually returns not a boolean,
                    // but object which corresponds to this particular plugin
                    variables: oldPlatformJson.isPluginInstalled(candidate)});

            return result;
        }, []);

    if (missingPlugins.length === 0) {
        events.emit('verbose', 'No differences found between plugins added to project and installed in ' +
            platform + ' platform. Continuing...');
        return Q.resolve();

    var api = platforms.getPlatformApi(platform);
    var provider = new PluginInfoProvider();
    return missingPlugins.reduce(function (promise, plugin) {
        return promise.then(function () {
            var pluginOptions = options || {};
            pluginOptions.variables = plugin.variables;
            pluginOptions.usePlatformWww = true;

            events.emit('verbose', 'Reinstalling missing plugin ' + plugin.name + ' in ' + platform + ' platform');
            var pluginInfo = provider.get(path.join(projectRoot, 'plugins', plugin.name));
            return api.removePlugin(pluginInfo, pluginOptions)
            .then(function () {
                return api.addPlugin(pluginInfo, pluginOptions);
    }, Q());
Пример #17
amazon_fireos_parser.prototype.findAndroidLaunchModePreference = function(config) {
    var launchMode = config.getPreference('AndroidLaunchMode');
    if (!launchMode) {
        // Return a default value
        return 'singleTop';

    var expectedValues = ['standard', 'singleTop', 'singleTask', 'singleInstance'];
    var valid = expectedValues.indexOf(launchMode) !== -1;
    if (!valid) {
        events.emit('warn', 'Unrecognized value for AndroidLaunchMode preference: ' + launchMode);
        events.emit('warn', '  Expected values are: ' + expectedValues.join(', '));
        // Note: warn, but leave the launch mode as developer wanted, in case the list of options changes in the future

    return launchMode;
Пример #18
// Converts cordova specific representation of target device to XCode value
function parseTargetDevicePreference(value) {
    if (!value) return null;
    var map = { 'universal': '"1,2"', 'handset': '"1"', 'tablet': '"2"'};
    if (map[value.toLowerCase()]) {
        return map[value.toLowerCase()];
    events.emit('warn', 'Unknown target-device preference value: "' + value + '".');
    return null;
Пример #19
 .then(function() {
     var apkPaths = builder.findOutputApks(opts.buildType, opts.arch);
     events.emit('log', 'Built the following apk(s): \n\t' + apkPaths.join('\n\t'));
     return {
         apkPaths: apkPaths,
         buildType: opts.buildType,
         buildMethod: opts.buildMethod
Пример #20
 platformSplashScreens.forEach(function(item) {
     var splash = splashScreens.getBySize(item.width, item.height);
     if (splash){
         var src = path.join(appRoot, splash.src),
             dest = path.join(platformRoot, destSplashFolder, item.dest);
         events.emit('verbose', 'Copying splash from ' + src + ' to ' + dest);
         shell.cp('-f', src, dest);
Пример #21
 platformIcons.forEach(function (item) {
     var icon = icons.getBySize(item.width, item.height) || icons.getDefault();
     if (icon){
         var src = path.join(appRoot, icon.src),
             dest = path.join(platformRoot, destIconsFolder, item.dest);
         events.emit('verbose', 'Copying icon from ' + src + ' to ' + dest);
         shell.cp('-f', src, dest);
Пример #22
 * Updates platform 'www' directory by replacing it with contents of
 *   'platform_www' and app www. Also copies project's overrides' folder into
 *   the platform 'www' folder
 * @param   {Object}  cordovaProject    An object which describes cordova project.
 * @param   {Object}  destinations      An object that contains destination
 *   paths for www files.
function updateWww(cordovaProject, destinations) {
    var sourceDirs = [
        path.relative(cordovaProject.root, cordovaProject.locations.www),
        path.relative(cordovaProject.root, destinations.platformWww)

    // If project contains 'merges' for our platform, use them as another overrides
    var merges_path = path.join(cordovaProject.root, 'merges', 'android');
    if (fs.existsSync(merges_path)) {
        events.emit('verbose', 'Found "merges/android" folder. Copying its contents into the android project.');
        sourceDirs.push(path.join('merges', 'android'));

    var targetDir = path.relative(cordovaProject.root, destinations.www);
        'verbose', 'Merging and updating files from [' + sourceDirs.join(', ') + '] to ' + targetDir);
        sourceDirs, targetDir, { rootDir: cordovaProject.root }, logFileOp);
Пример #23
function determinePluginTarget(projectRoot, cfg, target, fetchOptions) {
    var parsedSpec = pluginSpec.parse(target);

    var id = parsedSpec.package || target;

    // CB-10975 We need to resolve relative path to plugin dir from app's root before checking whether if it exists
    var maybeDir = cordova_util.fixRelativePath(id);
    if (parsedSpec.version || cordova_util.isUrl(id) || cordova_util.isDirectory(maybeDir)) {
        return Q(target);

    // If no version is specified, retrieve the version (or source) from config.xml
    events.emit('verbose', 'No version specified for ' + parsedSpec.package + ', retrieving version from config.xml');
    var ver = getVersionFromConfigFile(id, cfg);

    if (cordova_util.isUrl(ver) || cordova_util.isDirectory(ver) || pluginSpec.parse(ver).scope) {
        return Q(ver);

    // If version exists in config.xml, use that
    if (ver) {
        return Q(id + '@' + ver);

    // If no version is given at all and we are fetching from npm, we
    // can attempt to use the Cordova dependencies the plugin lists in
    // their package.json
    var shouldUseNpmInfo = !fetchOptions.searchpath && !fetchOptions.noregistry;

    events.emit('verbose', 'No version for ' + parsedSpec.package + ' saved in config.xml');
    if(shouldUseNpmInfo) {
        events.emit('verbose', 'Attempting to use npm info for ' + parsedSpec.package + ' to choose a compatible release');
    } else {
        events.emit('verbose', 'Not checking npm info for ' + parsedSpec.package + ' because searchpath or noregistry flag was given');
    return (shouldUseNpmInfo ? registry.info([id])
    .then(function(pluginInfo) {
        return getFetchVersion(projectRoot, pluginInfo, pkgJson.version);
    }) : Q(null))
    .then(function(fetchVersion) {
        return fetchVersion ? (id + '@' + fetchVersion) : target;
Пример #24
 * Updates config files in project based on app's config.xml and config munge,
 *   generated by plugins.
 * @param   {ConfigParser}   sourceConfig  A project's configuration that will
 *   be merged into platform's config.xml
 * @param   {ConfigChanges}  configMunger  An initialized ConfigChanges instance
 *   for this platform.
 * @param   {Object}         locations     A map of locations for this platform
 * @return  {ConfigParser}                 An instance of ConfigParser, that
 *   represents current project's configuration. When returned, the
 *   configuration is already dumped to appropriate config.xml file.
function updateConfigFilesFrom(sourceConfig, configMunger, locations) {
    events.emit('verbose', 'Generating platform-specific config.xml from defaults for android at ' + locations.configXml);

    // First cleanup current config and merge project's one into own
    // Overwrite platform config.xml with defaults.xml.
    shell.cp('-f', locations.defaultConfigXml, locations.configXml);

    // Then apply config changes from global munge to all config files
    // in project (including project's config)

    events.emit('verbose', 'Merging project\'s config.xml into platform-specific android config.xml');
    // Merge changes from app's config.xml into platform's one
    var config = new ConfigParser(locations.configXml);
        config.doc.getroot(), 'android', /*clobber=*/true);

    return config;
Пример #25
 .then(null, function() {
     // The double kill is sadly often necessary, at least on mac.
     events.emit('warn', 'adb timed out a second time while detecting device/emulator architecture. Killing adb and trying again.');
     return spawn('killall', ['adb'])
     .then(function() {
         return helper()
         .then(null, function() {
             return Q.reject(new CordovaError('adb timed out a third time while detecting device/emulator architecture. Try unplugging & replugging the device.'));
Пример #26
amazon_fireos_parser.prototype.copyImage = function(src, density, name) {
    var destFolder = path.join(this.path, 'res', (density ? 'drawable-': 'drawable') + density);
    var destFilePath = path.join(destFolder, name);

    // default template does not have default asset for this density
    if (!fs.existsSync(destFolder)) {
    events.emit('verbose', 'copying image from ' + src + ' to ' + destFilePath);
    shell.cp('-f', src, destFilePath);
Пример #27
function cleanIcons(projectRoot, projectConfig, platformResourcesDir) {
    var icons = projectConfig.getIcons('android');
    if (icons.length > 0) {
        var resourceMap = mapImageResources(projectRoot, platformResourcesDir, 'mipmap', 'icon.png');
        events.emit('verbose', 'Cleaning icons at ' + platformResourcesDir);

        // No source paths are specified in the map, so updatePaths() will delete the target files.
            resourceMap, { rootDir: projectRoot, all: true }, logFileOp);
Пример #28
     //remove plugin from config.xml
     if(saveToConfigXmlOn(config_json, opts)){
         events.emit('log', 'Removing plugin ' + target + ' from config.xml file...');
         var configPath = cordova_util.projectConfig(projectRoot);
         if(fs.existsSync(configPath)){//should not happen with real life but needed for tests
             var configXml = new ConfigParser(configPath);
Пример #29
        return promise.then(function () {
            var pluginOptions = options || {};
            pluginOptions.variables = plugin.variables;
            pluginOptions.usePlatformWww = true;

            events.emit('verbose', 'Reinstalling missing plugin ' + plugin.name + ' in ' + platform + ' platform');
            var pluginInfo = provider.get(path.join(projectRoot, 'plugins', plugin.name));
            return api.removePlugin(pluginInfo, pluginOptions)
            .then(function () {
                return api.addPlugin(pluginInfo, pluginOptions);
Пример #30
        uninstall:function(obj, project_dir, plugin_id, options, project_file) {
            events.emit('verbose', 'wp8 framework uninstall :: ' + plugin_id  );

            var src = obj.src;
            var isCustom = obj.custom;

            if(isCustom) {
                var dest = path.join('plugins', plugin_id);
                common.removeFile(project_dir, dest);
