it('does not remove allegations for a participant if the participant is a perpetrator', () => {
    const participant = Immutable.fromJS({id: '2', roles: ['Perpetrator']})
    const allegations = Immutable.fromJS({3: {2: ['General neglect'], 1: ['General neglect']}})

    const returnedAllegations = removeInvalidAllegations(participant, allegations)
    expect(, allegations)).toEqual(true)
  it('does not explode if passed an empty allegations set', () => {
    const participant = Immutable.fromJS({id: '2', roles: []})
    const allegations = null

    const returnedAllegations = removeInvalidAllegations(participant, allegations)
    expect(, Immutable.Map())).toEqual(true)
  it('removes allegations for a participant if the participant is not a victim', () => {
    const participant = Immutable.fromJS({id: '2', roles: []})
    const allegations = Immutable.fromJS({2: {3: ['General neglect']}, 1: {3: ['General neglect']}})

    const returnedAllegations = removeInvalidAllegations(participant, allegations)
    const expectedAllegations = Immutable.fromJS({1: {3: ['General neglect']}})
    expect(, expectedAllegations)).toEqual(true)
  it('does not explode if a participant has no roles object', () => {
    const participant = Immutable.fromJS({id: '2'})
    const allegations = Immutable.fromJS({2: {3: ['General neglect']}, 1: {3: ['General neglect']}})

    const returnedAllegations = removeInvalidAllegations(participant, allegations)
    const expectedAllegations = Immutable.fromJS({1: {3: ['General neglect']}})
    expect(, expectedAllegations)).toEqual(true)