Пример #1
     * Parse and extract infos
     * @param  {String} giturl
     * @return {Object} { host, ref, filepath }
    static parseUrl(giturl) {
        if (!Git.isUrl(giturl)) {
            return null;
        giturl = giturl.slice(GIT_PREFIX.length);

        const uri = new URI(giturl);
        const ref = uri.fragment() || null;

        // Extract file inside the repo (after the .git)
        const fileParts = uri.path().split('.git');
        let filepath = fileParts.length > 1 ? fileParts.slice(1).join('.git') : '';
        if (filepath[0] == '/') {
            filepath = filepath.slice(1);

        // Recreate pathname without the real filename
        uri.path(fileParts[0] + '.git');

        return {
            host: uri.toString(),
Пример #2
  browser.pipeline.addHandler((b, request, response) => {
    const url = new URI(response.url);

    if (url.path() === '/config.js') {
      return new zombie.Response(`angular.module('main').constant('st2Config', {
        hosts: [{
          name: 'Test',
          url: 'https://${process.env.ST2_HOST}/api',
          auth: 'https://${process.env.ST2_HOST}/auth',

    if (url.path().indexOf('/reamaze.js') >= 0) {
      return new zombie.Response('');

    if (url.host() === process.env.ST2_HOST) {
      response._url = url.host('example.com').toString();
      request.url = response.url;

    response.headers.set('access-control-allow-origin', '*');

    return response;
exports.getSeleniumStatusUrl = function(seleniumArgs) {
  var host = 'localhost',
      nodeConfigArg = seleniumArgs.indexOf('-nodeConfig'),
      portArg = seleniumArgs.indexOf('-port'),
      hostArg = seleniumArgs.indexOf('-host'),
      processType = this.getRunningProcessType(seleniumArgs);

  // If node config path is pass via -nodeConfig, we have to take settings from there,
  // and override them with possible command line options, as later ones have higher priority
  if (nodeConfigArg !== -1) {
    // Load node configuration and parse it
    config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(seleniumArgs[nodeConfigArg + 1], 'utf8'));
    if (config['host']) {
      host = config['host'];
    if (config['port']) {
      port = config['port'];

    // If processType is defined, then it was specified via command line options,
    // we ignore the value defined in the config file, otherwise we take it from the file
    if (!processType && config['role']) {
      processType = parseRole(config['role']);

  // Overrode port and host if they were specified
  if (portArg !== - 1) {
    port = seleniumArgs[portArg + 1];
  if (hostArg !== - 1) {
    host = seleniumArgs[hostArg + 1];

  var statusURI = new URI('http://' + host);
  var nodeStatusAPIPath = '/wd/hub/status';
  var hubStatusAPIPath = '/grid/api/hub';

  switch (processType) {
      throw 'ERROR: Trying to run selenium in an unknown way.';

  // Running non-default port if it was specified or default one if it was not
  statusURI.port(port || getDefaultPort(processType));
  return statusURI.toString();
module.exports = function parse(line) {
  // well formed inputs:

  // http://vector.mapzen.com/osm/all/1/1/1.json
  // http://vector.mapzen.com/osm/v0.9/all/1/1/1.json
  // http://vector.mapzen.com/osm/tilejson/mapbox.json

  // http://tile.mapzen.com/mapzen/vector/v1/tilejson/mapbox.json
  // http://tile.mapzen.com/mapzen/vector/v1/all/1/1/1.mvt
  // http://tile.mapzen.com/mapzen/terrain/v1/normal/0/0/0.png
  // http://tile.mapzen.com/mapzen/terrain/v1/skadi/N25/N25W136.hgt.gz

  var fields = line.split(' ');
  var timestamp = fields[0].substring(5);
  var status = fields[3];
  var size = fields[4];
  var totalMs = fields[5];
  var server = fields[6];
  var hostname = fields[7];
  var path = fields[8];
  var isXonacatl = fields[9] && fields[9] !== '(null)';

  var uri = new URI(path || '');
  var key = keyFromUri(uri);

  var parsedPath;
  try {
    parsedPath = parsePath(hostname, uri.path());
  } catch (err) {
    parsedPath = {};
  if (!parsedPath.api) {
    // always default to vector-tiles service so something gets set if
    // url parsing fails
    parsedPath.api = 'vector-tiles';

  return {
    ts: new Date(timestamp),
    api: parsedPath.api,
    key: key,
    status: status,
    origin: 'fastly',
    cacheHit: (server === 'App' || server === 'Layers') ? 'MISS' : 'HIT',
    size: size,
    total_ms: totalMs,
    server: server,
    path: path,
    layer: parsedPath.layer,
    x: parsedPath.x,
    y: parsedPath.y,
    z: parsedPath.z,
    hostname: hostname,
    format: parsedPath.format,
    version: parsedPath.version,
    is_xonacatl: isXonacatl,
    duplicate: server === 'App' || isXonacatl,
    tilesize: parsedPath.tilesize
 item.isSelected = function() {
   // item.href() might be relative, in which
   // case we should let the browser resolve
   // what the full path should be
   tmpLink.attr("href", item.href());
   var href = new URI(tmpLink[0].href);
   var itemPath = trimLeading(href.path(), '/');
   if (itemPath === '') {
     // log.debug("nav item: ", item.id, " returning empty href, can't be selected");
     return false;
   var current = new URI();
   var path = trimLeading(current.path(), '/');
   var query = current.query(true);
   var mainTab = query['main-tab'];
   var subTab = query['sub-tab'];
   if (itemPath !== '' && !mainTab && !subTab) {
     if (item.isSubTab && _.startsWith(path, itemPath)) {
       return true;
     if (item.tabs) {
       var answer = _.any(item.tabs, function(subTab) {
         var answer = subTab.isSelected();
         return answer;
       if (answer) {
         return true;
   var answer = false;
   if (item.isSubTab) {
     if (!subTab) {
       answer = _.startsWith(path, itemPath);
     } else {
       answer = subTab === item.id;
   } else {
     if (!mainTab) {
       answer = _.startsWith(path, itemPath);
     } else {
       answer = mainTab === item.id;
   return answer;
 function gotoNavItem(item) {
   if (item && item.href) {
     var href = trimLeading(item.href(), documentBase($document));
     var uri = new URI(href);
     var search = _.merge($location.search(), uri.query(true));
     log.debug("Going to item id: ", item.id, " href: ", uri.path(), " query: ", search);
     $timeout(function() {
     }, 10);
Пример #7
  _getRequestURI: function(path) {
    var parsed = URI.parse(path);
    var uri = new URI(this.apiURL);


    if (!_.isUndefined(parsed.query)) {

    return uri.toString();
Пример #8
  browser.pipeline.addHandler(function(browser, request, response) {
    var url = new URI(response.url);

    if (url.path() === '/config.js') {
      return new zombie.Response('angular.module(\'main\').constant(\'st2Config\', {})');

    if (url.host() === process.env.ST2_HOST) {
      response._url = url.host('example.com').toString();
      request.url = response.url;

    return response;
 subItem.href = function() {
   var uri = new URI(subItem.oldHref());
   if (uri.path() === "") {
     return "";
   uri.search(function(search) {
     _.merge(search, uri.query(true));
     if (!search['main-tab']) {
       search['main-tab'] = item.id;
     search['sub-tab'] = subItem.id;
   return uri.toString();
Пример #10
Git.parseUrl = function(giturl) {
    var ref, uri, fileParts, filepath;

    if (!Git.isUrl(giturl)) return null;
    giturl = giturl.slice(GIT_PREFIX.length);

    uri = new URI(giturl);
    ref = uri.fragment() || null;

    // Extract file inside the repo (after the .git)
    fileParts = uri.path().split('.git');
    filepath = fileParts.length > 1? fileParts.slice(1).join('.git') : '';
    if (filepath[0] == '/') filepath = filepath.slice(1);

    // Recreate pathname without the real filename

    return {
        host: uri.toString(),
        ref: ref,
        filepath: filepath
exports.buildOrchestration = (name, beforeTimestamp, method, url, requestHeaders, requestContent, res, body) => {
  let uri = new URI(url)
  return {
    name: name,
    request: {
      method: method,
      headers: requestHeaders,
      body: requestContent,
      timestamp: beforeTimestamp,
      path: uri.path(),
      querystring: uri.query()
    response: {
      status: res.statusCode,
      headers: res.headers,
      body: body,
      timestamp: new Date()
 item.href = function() {
   var oldHref = item.oldHref();
   if (!oldHref) {
     log.debug("Item: ", item.id, " returning null for href()");
     return "";
   var uri = new URI(oldHref);
   if (uri.path() === "") {
     return "";
   uri.search(function(search) {
     if (!search['main-tab']) {
       search['main-tab'] = item.id;
     _.merge(search, uri.query(true));
     if (!search['sub-tab'] && item.tabs && item.tabs.length > 0) {
       var sorted = sortByRank(item.tabs);
       search['sub-tab'] = sorted[0].id;
   return uri.toString();
Пример #13
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  var uri = new URIjs(req.url);
  var path = uri.path();
  // Add implicit trailing slash
  var key = (path.lastIndexOf('/') === (path.length - 1) ? path : path + '/').toLowerCase();
  var target = redirects[key];

  if (target) {
    var target_uri = new URIjs(target).query(uri.query());

    res.writeHead(301, {
      'Location': target_uri.href(),
      'Cache-Control': 'max-age=' + TWO_YEARS_IN_SECONDS
  else {
    res.writeHead(302, {
      'Location': 'https://www.busbud.com/blog'

Пример #14
  return new Promise((res, rej) => {
    const crawler = new Crawler(site.hostname())
    const urls = []

    crawler.initialProtocol = site.protocol()
    crawler.initialPort = site.port()
      || (site.protocol() === 'http' ? 80 : null)
      || (site.protocol() === 'https' ? 443 : null)
      || 80
    crawler.initialPath = site.path()
    crawler.interval = 500
    crawler.ignoreInvalidSSL = true
    crawler.parseHTMLComments = true
    crawler.parseScriptTags = true
    crawler.downloadUnsupported = false
    crawler.maxDepth = 0
    crawler.ignoreInvalidSSL = true
    crawler.timeout = 10000

    if (proxy) {
      const proxyInfo = proxy.match(/^(\w+\:\/\/)?(([^\:]+)\:([^\@]+)\@)?([^\:\/]+)\:(\d+)$/)
      crawler.useProxy = true
      crawler.proxyHostname = proxyInfo[5]
      crawler.proxyPort = Number(proxyInfo[6], 10)
      crawler.proxyUser = proxyInfo[3]
      crawler.proxyPass = proxyInfo[4]

    crawler.addFetchCondition((parsedURL, queueItem) => {
      return /\/[^\/\.]*(\.html)?(\/)?(\?.*)?$/i.test(parsedURL.path) && !urls.find(url => url === parsedURL.path)

    .on('crawlstart', (queueItem, options) => {
      console.log('Start Crawling: ', site.href())
    .on('fetchredirect', (queueItem, parsedURL, response) => {
      console.log('Redirect found: ', queueItem.url)
      if (response.headers.location.indexOf(parsedURL.host)) {
        console.log('Using Redirected: ', response.headers.location)
    .on('fetchdisallowed', (queueItem) => {
      console.log('Fetch disallowed: ', queueItem.url)
    .on('fetchheaders', (queueItem, response) => {
      if (response.statusCode < 300 && response.statusCode >= 200) {
        console.log('Crawled header: ', queueItem.path)
      } else {
        console.log('Header redirected', queueItem.path)
    .on('fetchcomplete', (queueItem) => {
      console.log('Fetch complete:', queueItem.path)
    .on('complete', () => {
      console.log('Finish crawling.', urls)
    .on('discoverycomplete', (error, list) => {
      console.log('discoverycomplete', list.length)

    // Errors
    .on('fetcherror', (queueItem, response) => {
      console.log('Error:', queueItem.url, response.status)
    .on('fetchtimeout', (queueItem, crawlerTimeoutValue) => {
      console.log('Timeout:', queueItem.url)
    .on('fetchclienterror', (queueItem, error) => {
      console.log('Fetch client error:', queueItem.url, error)
    .on('queueerror', (queueItem, error) => {
      console.log('Queue error:', queueItem.url, error)
    .on('cookieerror', (queueItem, error) => {
      console.log('Cookie error:', queueItem.url, error)
    .on('fetchdataerror', (queueItem, response) => {
      console.log('Fetch Data error:', queueItem.url, response.status)
    .on('robotstxterror', (error) => {
      console.log('robotstxterror:', error.message)
Пример #15
    const monitoringData = MonitoringData.findOne({ apiId });

    if (monitoringData && monitoringData.responses) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
      const responses = monitoringData.responses.filter((obj) => {
        let result = false;
        if (obj.date >= lastDate && obj.date <= startDate) {
          result = true;
        return result;
      if (monitoringData) {
        return responses;
    return [];
  apiStatusCode (code) {
    return code === '200';
  apiUrlPath () {
    const monitoringSettings = MonitoringSettings.findOne({ apiId: this.api._id });
    let path;
    if (monitoringSettings) {
      const apiUrl = new URI(monitoringSettings.url);
      path = apiUrl.path();
    return path;