Пример #1
 * asyncer
 * Run groups of (a)sync functions.
 * @name asyncer
 * @function
 * @param {Array|Object} tasks The tasks to run in parallel or one by one.
 * @param {Function} cb The callback function.
function asyncer (tasks, cb) {

    cb = cb || noop6;

    if (typpy(tasks, Function)) {
        if (tasks.length >= 1) {
            return tasks(cb);
        return fnResult(tasks, cb);

    let normalize = tsks => tsks.map(c => {
        if (typpy(c, Function) && c.length >= 1) {
            return c;

        return done => {
            asyncer(c, done)

    if (typpy(tasks, Object)) {
        tasks = normalize(tasks.parallel || tasks.p);
        sameTime(tasks, cb);

    if (typpy(tasks, Array)) {
        tasks = normalize(tasks);
        oneByOne(tasks, cb);

    throw new TypeError("The tasks should be an array or an object.");
Пример #2
 * @name parseType
 * @function
 * @param {Value} value inputed value
 * @param {Type} type  inputed type
 * @return {Value} parsed type
function parseType (value, type) {
   *  Currently they send a string - handle String or Number or Boolean?
  if ((value && value.constructor === type) || typpy(value, type)) {
    return value
  var typeName = type
   * Convert the constructor into a string
  if (type && type.name) {
    typeName = type.name.toLowerCase()

  typeName = stripTrimLower(typeName)
  switch (typeName) {
    case 'string':
      if (typeof value === 'object') return JSON.stringify(value)
      return String(value)
    case 'function':
      if (typpy(value, Function)) {
        return value
      return function (cb) {
        if (typeof cb === 'function') {
        return value
    case 'date':
      return new Date(value)
    case 'object':
      var jsonParsed
      try {
        jsonParsed = JSON.parse(value)
      } catch (e) {}
      if (typpy(jsonParsed, Object) || typpy(jsonParsed, Array)) {
        return autoParse(jsonParsed)
      } else if (!typpy(jsonParsed, 'undefined')) {
        return {}
      return parseObject(value)
    case 'boolean':
      return toBoolean(value)
    case 'number':
      return Number(value)
    case 'undefined':
      return undefined
    case 'null':
      return null
    case 'array':
      return [value]
      if (typeof type === 'function') {
        return new type(value) // eslint-disable-line
      throw new Error('Unsupported type.')
Пример #3
GitStats.prototype.initConfig = function (input, callback) {

    var self = this;

    if (Typpy(input, Function)) {
        callback = input;
        input = null;

    input = input || CONFIG_PATH;

    // Handle object input
    if (Typpy(input, Object)) {
        this.config = Ul.deepMerge(input, GitStats.DEFAULT_CONFIG);
        callback && callback(null, this.config);
        return this.config;

    if (callback) {
        this.getConfig(function (err, data) {
            if (err) { return callback(err); }
            self.initConfig(data, callback);
    } else {
Пример #4
                iterateObj(cOpt.data, (v, n) => {
                    v = normalizeOpt(v);

                    let $elm = $items.eq(i);
                    if (v.selector) {
                        $elm = $elm.find(v.selector)

                    if (typpy(v.eq, Number)) {
                        $elm = $elm.eq(v.eq);

                    let value = null;
                    if (v.listItem) {
                        v.name = "_";
                        value = scrapeIt.scrapeCheerio($elm, v, $)._.map(c => c._);
                    } else {
                        value = typpy(v.how, Function) ? v.how($elm, cDoc) : $elm[v.how]();

                    if (v.convert) {
                        value = v.convert(value);

                    if (v.trimValue && typpy(value, String)) {
                        value = value.trim();

                    cDoc[n] = value;
Пример #5
    constructor (error, code, data) {

        // Err({ message: "...", code: "...", ... });
        if (typpy(error, Object)) {
            data = error;
            error = data.message;
            delete data.message;
            code = data.code;

        // Err(message, code, data);
        // Err(message, data);
        if (typpy(data, Object)) {
            data.code = code;
        } else if (typpy(code, Object)) {
            data = code;
            code = undefined;
        } else if (!typpy(code, undefined)) {
            data = { code: code };

        if (typeof error === "string") {
            error = barbe(error, ["<", ">"], data);

        // Create the error

        if (data) {
            iterateObject(data, (v, n) => {
                this[n] = v;
Пример #6
GitStats.prototype.record = function (data, callback) {

    var self = this;

    // Validate data
    callback = callback || function (err) { if (err) throw err; };
    data = Object(data);

    if (typeof data.date === "string") {
        data.date = new Moment(new Date(data.date));

    if (!/^moment|date$/.test(Typpy(data.date))) {
        callback(new Error("The date field should be a string or a date object."));
        return GitStats;
    } else if (Typpy(data.date, Date)) {
        data.date = Moment(data.date);

    if (typeof data.hash !== "string" || !data.hash) {
        callback(new Error("Invalid hash."));
        return GitStats;

    // This is not used, but remains here just in case we need
    // it in the future
    if (typeof data.url !== "string" || !data.url) {
        delete data.url;

    function modify (err, stats) {

        var commits = stats.commits
          , day = data.date.format(DATE_FORMAT)
          , today = commits[day] = Object(commits[day])

        today[data.hash] = 1;

        if (data.save === false) {
            callback(null, stats);
        } else {
            self.save(stats, callback);

        return stats;

    // Check if we have input data
    if (data._data) {
        return modify(null, data._data);
    } else {
        // Get stats

    return self;
Пример #7
GitStats.prototype.removeCommit = function (data, callback) {

    var self = this;

    // Validate data
    callback = callback || function (err) { if (err) throw err; };
    data = Object(data);

    if (typeof data.date === "string") {
        data.date = new Moment(new Date(data.date));

    if (!/^moment|date$/.test(Typpy(data.date))) {
        data.date = null;
    } else if (Typpy(data.date, Date)) {
        data.date = Moment(data.date);

    if (typeof data.hash !== "string" || !data.hash) {
        callback(new Error("Invalid hash."));
        return GitStats;

    function modify (err, stats) {

        if (err) { return callback(err); }
        if (!data.date) {
            IterateObject(stats.commits, function (todayObj) {
                delete todayObj[data.hash];
        } else {
            var commits = stats.commits
              , day = data.date.format(DATE_FORMAT)
              , today = commits[day] = Object(commits[day])

            delete today[data.hash];

        if (data.save === false) {
            callback(null, stats);
        } else {
            self.save(stats, callback);

        return stats;

    // Check if we have input data
    if (data._data) {
        return modify(null, data._data);
    } else {
        // Get stats

    return self;
Пример #8
  * position
  * Sets the element position.
  * @name position
  * @function
  * @param {Number} x The x coordinate.
  * @param {Number} y The y coordinate.
 position (x, y) {
     if (typpy(x, Number) && typpy(y, Number)) {
         return this.position({ x: x, y: y });
     if (!typpy(x, Object) || !typpy(x.x, Number) || !typpy(x.y, Number)) {
         return this.pos;
     this.pos = x;
Пример #9
 let getListener = (eventObj, instanceNode) => {
     if (!eventObj) { return null; }
     if (typpy(eventObj, String)) {
         return instanceNode.subelms[new SubElmId("listener", eventObj, instanceNode)];
     if (typpy(eventObj, "listener")) {
         return instanceNode.subelms[new SubElm(eventObj, instanceNode).id];
     return getListener(eventObj.event, this.nodes[new NodeId({ name: eventObj.to })]);
Пример #10
 * Couleurs
 * @name Couleurs
 * @function
 * @param {Boolean|undefined} setStringProto If `true`, the prototype of String
 * class will be modified.
 * @param {String|Array} fg An optional foreground color.
 * @return {String|Object} The colored string if the `fg` argument was provided
 * or an object containing the following methods:
 *  - `proto`
 *  - `toString`
 *  - `fg`
 *  - `bg`
 *  - `bold`
 *  - `italic`
 *  - `underline`
 *  - `inverse`
 *  - `strike`
function Couleurs(text, fg) {
    if (!typpy(this, Couleurs) || typpy(this, undefined)) {
        if (typpy(fg, Array) || typpy(fg, String)) {
            return Couleurs.fg(text, fg);
        return new Couleurs(text, fg);

    this.text = text;
    this.styles = [];
Пример #11
     * convertTo
     * Converts an input into a class instance.
     * @name convertTo
     * @function
     * @param {Class} classConst The class to convert to.
     * @param {Object|Array} input The object info.
     * @param {Object} opts The options object (optional).
     * @returns {TildaAction|TildaOption} The input converted into a class instance.
    static convertTo (classConst, input, opts) {
        if (typpy(input, classConst)) {
            return input;

        if (typpy(input, Array)) {
            return input.map(x => new classConst(x, opts));

        return new classConst(input, opts);
Пример #12
     * log
     * Displays debug messages by providing the type.
     * Usage:
     * ```js
     * CuteLogger.log("Some info message")
     * CuteLogger.log(new Error("Interesting error"))
     * ```
     * The config object can be modified to make this module to act diferently.
     * Defaults are shown:
     * ```js
     * CuteLogger.config = {
     *     // The error type
     *     error: {
     *         color: [192, 57, 43]
     *       , text: "error"
     *       , level: 1
     *     }
     *     // The warning type
     *   , warn: {
     *         color: [241, 196, 15]
     *       , text: "warn "
     *       , level: 2
     *     }
     *     // The info type
     *   , info: {
     *         color: [52, 152, 219]
     *       , text: "info "
     *       , level: 3
     *     }
     *     // Display date
     *   , date: false
     *     // Log level
     *   , level: 4
     *     // Output streams
     *   , stdout: process.stdout
     *   , stderr: process.stderr
     *     // The options passed to `util.inspect`
     *   , inspectOptions: { colors: true }
     * }
     * ````
     * @name log
     * @function
     * @param {Object} message The debug message that should be displayed. If
     * `message` is an object, it will show the inspected object.
     * @param {String} type The message type (e.g. "error", "info" etc). Default is
     * computed (`"error"` if the message is an `Error`) or `"info"` if the provided
     * `type` is invalid.
     * @return {Object} The `CuteLogger` instance.
    static log (message, type) {

        if (Array.isArray(message)) {
            message.forEach(c => {
                this.log(c, type)
            return CuteLogger

        let logMessage = ""

        type = Deffy(type, Typpy(message))
        if (type === "error" && message && message.message) {
            message = message.message

        if (Typpy(CuteLogger.config[type]) === "undefined") {
            type = "info"

        // Get type from config
        type = CuteLogger.config[type]
        if (type.level > CuteLogger.config.level) {
            return CuteLogger

        // Build message
        logMessage += Couleurs(type.text).bold().fg(type.color) + " "
        if (CuteLogger.config.date) {
            logMessage += Couleurs(CuteLogger.getDate()).bold() + " "

        if (typeof message === "object") {
          message = util.inspect(message, CuteLogger.config.inspectOptions)

        // Add message
        logMessage += message

        // Where should the message go?
        const str = CuteLogger.config.streams[type.stream] || CuteLogger.config.streams.out

        // No fun when the stream is not TTY
        if (!str.isTTY) {
            logMessage = AnsiParser.removeAnsi(logMessage)

        // Print message
        str.write(logMessage + "\n")

        return CuteLogger
Пример #13
        iterateObj(data, function (cOpt, optName) {
            cOpt = normalizeOpt(cOpt);
            cOpt.name = optName;

            var $cContext = $context === $ ? undefined : $context;
            if (!$cContext && !cOpt.selector && !cOpt.listItem) {
                throw new Err("There is no element selected for the '<option.name>' field. Please provide a selector, list item or use nested object structure.", {
                    option: cOpt,
                    code: "NO_ELEMENT_SELECTED"

            var $elm = cOpt.selector ? $(cOpt.selector, $cContext) : $cContext;

            // Handle lists
            if (cOpt.listItem) {
                var docs = pageData[cOpt.name] = [],
                    $items = $(cOpt.listItem, $cContext),
                    isEmpty = emptyObj(cOpt.data);

                if (isEmpty) {
                    cOpt.data.___raw = {};

                for (var i = 0; i < $items.length; ++i) {
                    var cDoc = handleDataObj(cOpt.data, $items.eq(i));
                    docs.push(cDoc.___raw || cDoc);
            } else {

                if (typpy(cOpt.eq, Number)) {
                    $elm = $elm.eq(cOpt.eq);

                if (!emptyObj(cOpt.data)) {
                    pageData[cOpt.name] = handleDataObj(cOpt.data, $elm);
                    return pageData;

                var value = typpy(cOpt.how, Function) ? cOpt.how($elm) : $elm[cOpt.how]();

                if (cOpt.trimValue && typpy(value, String)) {
                    value = value.trim();

                if (cOpt.convert) {
                    value = cOpt.convert(value);

                pageData[cOpt.name] = value;
Пример #14
 * Couleurs
 * @name Couleurs
 * @function
 * @param {Boolean|undefined} setStringProto If `true`, the prototype of String
 * class will be modified.
 * @param {String|Array} fg An optional foreground color.
 * @return {String|Object} The colored string if the `fg` argument was provided
 * or an object containing the following methods:
 *  - `proto`
 *  - `toString`
 *  - `fg`
 *  - `bg`
 *  - `bold`
 *  - `italic`
 *  - `underline`
 *  - `inverse`
 *  - `strike`
function Couleurs(text, fg) {
    var self = this;

    if (!Typpy(self, Couleurs) || Typpy(self, undefined)) {
        if (/array|string/.test(Typpy(fg))) {
            return Couleurs.fg(text, fg);
        return new Couleurs(text, fg);

    self.text = text;
    self.styles = [];
function parseObject (value) {
  if (typpy(value, Array)) {
    return _.map(value, function (n, key) {
      return parse(n)
  } else if (typpy(value, Object)) {
    return _.forIn(value, function (n, key) {
      value[key] = parse(n)

  return {}
Пример #16
 * @name parseObject
 * @function
 * @param {Value} value parse object
 * @return {Value} parsed object
function parseObject (value) {
  if (typpy(value, Array)) {
    return value.map(function (n, key) {
      return autoParse(n)
  } else if (typpy(value, Object)) {
    for (var n in value) {
      value[n] = autoParse(value[n])
    return value
  return {}
Пример #17
     * add
     * Adds a new function.
     * There are three levels where the functions are added to be executed:
     * Parallel:               | <0: [.............................................]>
     * Unordered (don't wait): |                                <4a: [........]>
     *                         +                                <4b: [....]>
     *                         +                                <4c: [......]>
     * Ordered (wait):         | <1: [...]> <2: [.]> <3:[.....]>                <5: [....]>
     * @name add
     * @function
     * @param {Function|Transformer} fn The function to add. Note you can add
     * an existing transformer instance as well.
     * @param {TransformerType} type One of the following:
     *    - `Transformer.PARALLEL`: Used to append on the parallel timeline.
     *    - `Transformer.UNORDERED`: Grouped, but unordered.
     *    - `Transformer.ORDERED`: Grouped, but ordered.
     * @return {Transformer} The current Transformer instance.
    add (fn, type) {

        if (typeof type === "string") {
            type = Transformer[type];
            if (typeof type !== "number") {
                throw new Error("Invalid type.");

        if (typpy(fn, Array)) {
            fn.forEach(c => this.add(c, type));
            return this;

        type = deffy(type, Transformer.ORDERED);
        if (typpy(fn, Transformer)) {
            let tr = fn;
            tr.autostart = false;
            fn = (data, cb) => {
                tr.start(data, cb);

        fn = this._wrapFn(fn);

        switch (type) {
            case Transformer.PARALLEL:
            case Transformer.UNORDERED:
                if (this._lastFn.type !== Transformer.UNORDERED) {
                    this._cUnordered = [];
                        parallel: this._cUnordered
            case Transformer.ORDERED:

        this._lastFn = {
            fn: fn
          , type: type

        return this;
Пример #18
  * addLine
  * Adds a new line.
  * @name addLine
  * @function
  * @param {Line|Object} line The line to add.
  * @return {Line} The added line.
 addLine (line) {
     line = new LineElm(line);
     if (typpy(line.source, SubElm)) {
         line.source.lines[line.id] = line;
     return (this.lines[line.id] = this.ids[line.id] = line);
Пример #19
    iterateObject(input, value => {

        if (typpy(value.types, String)) {
            value.types = { normal: [value.types] };
        } else if (typpy(value.types, Array)) {
            value.types = { normal: value.types };

        value.types = Object(value.types);
        mapObject(value.types, (value, name) => {
            return {
                char: value[0]
              , icon: value[1] && ("&#x" + value[1])
Пример #20
    let normalize = tsks => tsks.map(c => {
        if (typpy(c, Function) && c.length >= 1) {
            return c;

        return done => {
            asyncer(c, done)
Пример #21
            iterateObj(cOpt, (v, n) => {
                v = normalizeOpt(v);
                let $elm = $(v.selector);
                if (typpy(v.eq, Number)) {
                    $elm = $elm.eq(v.eq);

                let value = typpy(v.how, Function) ? v.how($elm) : $elm[v.how]();

                if (v.convert) {
                    value = v.convert(value);

                if (v.trimValue && typpy(value, String)) {
                    value = value.trim();

                pageData[n] = value;
Пример #22
            iterateObj(data, (cOpt, optName) => {
                cOpt = normalizeOpt(cOpt);
                cOpt.name = optName;

                let $cContext = $context === $ ? undefined : $context
                  , $elm = cOpt.selector ? $(cOpt.selector, $cContext) : $cContext

                // Handle lists
                if (cOpt.listItem) {
                    let docs = pageData[cOpt.name] = []
                      , $items = $(cOpt.listItem, $cContext)
                      , isEmpty = emptyObj(cOpt.data)

                    if (isEmpty) {
                        cOpt.data.___raw = {};

                    for (let i = 0; i < $items.length; ++i) {
                        let cDoc = handleDataObj(cOpt.data, $items.eq(i));
                        docs.push(cDoc.___raw || cDoc);
                } else {
                    if (typpy(cOpt.eq, Number)) {
                        $elm = $elm.eq(v.eq);

                    let value = typpy(cOpt.how, Function) ? cOpt.how($elm) : $elm[cOpt.how]();

                    if (cOpt.convert) {
                        value = cOpt.convert(value);

                    if (cOpt.trimValue && typpy(value, String)) {
                        value = value.trim();

                    pageData[cOpt.name] = value;

Пример #23
 , normalizeOpt = v => {
       if (typpy(v, String)) {
           v = { selector: v };
       objDef(v, "how", "text", true);
       if (v.attr) {
           v.how = $elm => $elm.attr(v.attr);
       objDef(v, "trimValue", true);
       return v;
Пример #24
 return function (str, r, g, b) {
     var res = prepareHandler.apply(this, arguments);
     if (Typpy(this.text) === "string") {
           , end
           , res
         return this;
     return toStr(start, res.color, res.text, end);
Пример #25
    constructor (input) {

        if (typpy(input, String)) {
            input = { name: input };

        this.name = input.name;
        this.description = input.desc || input.description || "";
        this.type = input.type;
        this.stdin = input.stdin || false;
        this.prompt = input.prompt;
Пример #26
function prepareHandler(text, r, g, b) {

    if (Typpy(this.text) === "string") {
        r = text;
        text = this.text;

    var res = {
        color: ""
      , text: text

    if (Typpy(r, Array)) {
        res.color = colorConvert.rgb.hex(r);
    } else if (Typpy(r, Number)) {
        res.color = colorConvert.rgb.hex(r, g, b);
    } else {
        res.color = r;

    return res;
Пример #27
 var normalizeOpt = function normalizeOpt(v) {
     if (typpy(v, String)) {
         v = { selector: v };
     objDef(v, "data", {});
     objDef(v, "how", "text", true);
     if (v.attr) {
         v.how = function ($elm) {
             return $elm.attr(v.attr);
     objDef(v, "trimValue", true);
     return v;
Пример #28
            iterateObject(values, (c, i) => {
                let arg = action._args[i];
                if (!arg.type) { return; }

                if (arg.type) {
                    c = values[i] = autoparse(values[i], arg.type);

                if (arg.type && !typpy(c, arg.type)) {
                    return this.exit({
                        code: "INVALID_ARG_VALUE"
                      , exe: this.name
                      , arg: arg
Пример #29
module.exports = function (_input, instName) {
    var input = Ul.clone(_input);

    if (Typpy(input, String)) {
        input = [input];

    var pInput = parseCommand(input[0]);
    if (pInput.error) {
        // TODO Not sure how to handle such errors
        throw pInput.error;

    pInput.instance = deffy(pInput.instance, instName);

    switch (pInput.type.func) {
        case flowTypes.DataHandler:
        case flowTypes.StreamHandler:
            return new pInput.type.func(
              , {
                    to: pInput.instance
                  , once: pInput.type.type === "once"
                  , leaking: pInput.type.type === "leaking"
              , input[1]
        case flowTypes.Emit:
            pInput.instance = deffy(input[1] && input[1].to, pInput.instance)
            return new flowTypes.Emit(
              , {
                    to: pInput.instance
                  , net: pInput.type.type === "net"
                  , leaking: pInput.type.type === "leaking"
            throw new Error("Unsupported type.");
Пример #30
module.exports = function getListener (event, index, instance, isServer) {
    if (Typpy(event, Object)) {
        return getListener(event.name, event.index, index, event.server);

    var flow = Deffy(isServer ? instance.flow : Object(instance.client).flow, [])
      , result = null

    IterateObject(flow, function (value) {
        if (value[0] === event) {
        if (index === -1) {
            result = value;
            return false;

    return result;