Пример #1
function createWrapper(type){
  var domFn = DOM[type];

  var ctor = createClass({
    displayName: 'famous-'+type,
    mixins: [Renderable],

    render: function(){
      var filteredProps = filter(this.props);
      var el = domFn(filteredProps, this.props.children);
      return el;
  return ctor;
'use strict'

var ReactCreateClass = require('react/lib/ReactCompositeComponent').createClass
  , ReactDOM = require('react/lib/ReactDOM')

module.exports =
    ( { getDefaultProps: function() {
          return {scale: 1}

      , render:
          function() {
            var {svg, path} = ReactDOM
              , width = 200 * this.props.scale
              , height = 450 * this.props.scale

            return svg({width: width, height: height, viewBox: '0 0 1200 1200'}
                      , path({d: 'M 592.10873,1275.9669 C 461.75172,1268.3902 328.65904,1186.6265 249.0601,1092.783 C 156.77394,983.97782 118.72592,836.04683 128.47199,714.56357 C 157.10277,357.61288 545.27831,146.63848 688.97108,-9.280262 C 785.15294,-113.64625 805.31643,-164.52308 826.79977,-218.19949 C 868.39181,-322.09965 875.09166,-443.8341 792.63375,-452.92251 C 713.90712,-461.59988 649.13737,-337.79201 620.20973,-253.17845 C 594.19587,-177.07331 576.90507,-100.71696 592.5563,13.979673 C 599.58954,65.50958 793.18636,1503.9125 796.45179,1526.2088 C 829.05589,1749.0255 701.63092,1841.2249 571.55248,1857.6251 C 290.65671,1893.038 200.52617,1607.5843 326.4212,1499.1719 C 423.34291,1415.7001 564.35026,1487.3615 556.73245,1624.5919 C 549.98693,1746.1391 430.80546,1749.7197 400.35244,1746.9429 C 447.10065,1830.7846 799.52998,1874.5871 745.41513,1495.7923 C 737.811,1442.5634 558.91549,90.842953 554.53112,60.595454 C 521.71238,-165.84753 516.71147,-345.08557 634.69182,-554.25141 C 678.24767,-631.46637 747.0821,-681.3156 780.87362,-674.7893 C 788.29962,-673.35526 795.69824,-670.62872 801.57144,-664.56827 C 892.07191,-571.31845 919.83494,-364.53202 909.9199,-245.74332 C 899.76736,-124.11391 894.1088,1.7993735 773.16902,148.63428 C 726.36601,205.45738 583.54553,330.63538 501.65851,402.55255 C 386.60107,503.59831 303.14756,591.85179 257.99323,698.31862 C 207.24886,817.97506 198.65826,968.6006 313.27268,1102.2505 C 379.20247,1177.7619 488.59222,1231.3424 580.65459,1232.4842 C 836.63719,1235.6628 911.39048,1109.4801 913.77904,966.58197 C 917.71126,731.28351 633.64596,642.32214 516.85762,804.10953 C 449.14212,897.92109 478.90552,996.66049 524.38411,1043.6371 C 539.99424,1059.7587 557.43121,1072.0395 573.92734,1078.8855 C 579.9056,1081.3654 593.96751,1087.9054 589.97593,1097.4779 C 586.6557,1105.4428 580.20702,1105.8904 574.33381,1105.1871 C 500.68573,1096.3544 419.13667,1025.958 399.0828,904.87212 C 369.86288,728.38801 525.6035,519.0349 747.9133,553.274 C 893.45572,575.68903 1028.5853,700.92182 1016.7338,934.11946 C 1006.5722,1133.9822 840.87996,1290.4262 592.10873,1275.9669 z'}
Пример #3
var mq = ReactCompositeComponent.createClass({
  displayName: 'MediaQuery',
  propTypes: types,

  getDefaultProps: function(){
    return {
      component: DOM.div

  getInitialState: function(){
    return {
      matches: false

  componentWillMount: function(){
    this.query = this.props.query || toQuery(this.props);
    if (!this.query) {
      throw new Error('Invalid or missing MediaQuery!');
    this._mql = matchMedia(this.query);

  componentWillUnmount: function(){

  updateMatches: function(){
    if (this._mql.matches === this.state.matches) {
      matches: this._mql.matches

  render: function(){
    if (this.state.matches === false) {
      return null;

    // TODO: transfer props but omit mq props
    return this.props.component(null, this.props.children);
Пример #4
var sidetap = ReactCompositeComponent.createClass({

  displayName: 'SideTap',
  propTypes: types,

  getDefaultProps: function(){
    return {
      slidePercent: '85'

  getInitialState: function(){
    return {
      open: false

  componentWillMount: function(){

  componentWillReceiveProps: function(props){
    return props;

  componentWillUnmount: function(){

  toggle: function(){
    this.setState({open: !this.state.open});

  render: function(){

    var menuStyle = {
      marginLeft: this.state.open ? 0 : '-100vw',
      width: this.props.slidePercent + 'vw',
      height: '100%',
      transition: 'all 0.2s ease'

    var mainStyle = {
      position: 'fixed',
      top: '0px',
      marginLeft: this.state.open ? this.props.slidePercent + 'vw' : 0,
      transition: 'all 0.2s ease'


    return DOM.div({},

      DOM.div({className: 'menu', style: menuStyle},
          open: this.state.open,

      DOM.div({className: 'main', style: mainStyle},
          toggle: this.toggle,


Пример #5
var Player = ReactCompositeComponent.createClass({
  displayName: 'Player',
  propTypes: {
    title: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    artist: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    album: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

    autoPlay: PropTypes.bool,
    loop: PropTypes.bool,
    muted: PropTypes.bool,
    preload: PropTypes.bool,

    onSkip: PropTypes.func,
    onEnd: PropTypes.func

  getDefaultProps: function() {
    return {
      autoPlay: false,
      loop: false,
      muted: false,
      preload: true

  getInitialState: function() {
    return {
      playing: this.props.autoPlay,
      duration: 0,
      position: 0

  // component states
  toggle: function() {
      playing: !this.state.playing
    }, this.sync);

  setPosition: function(e) {
    var audioTag = this.refs.audioTag.getDOMNode();
    var x = e.pageX - e.target.getBoundingClientRect().left;
    var scale = e.target.clientWidth;
    var time = this.state.duration*(x/scale);
    audioTag.currentTime = time;

  // sync all non-props
  // back to the dom element
  sync: function() {
    var audioTag = this.refs.audioTag.getDOMNode();

    if (this.state.playing) {
    } else {

    if (!isNaN(audioTag.duration)) {
        duration: Math.floor(audioTag.duration*10)/10,
        position: Math.floor(audioTag.currentTime*10)/10

  componentDidMount: function() {
    // hacks around react bug
    // TODO: break this out into an audio wrapper
    var audioTag = this.refs.audioTag.getDOMNode();
    audioTag.addEventListener('timeupdate', this.sync, false);
    if (this.props.onEnd) {
      audioTag.addEventListener('ended', this.props.onEnd, false);


  componentWillUnmount: function() {
    // hacks around react bug
    // TODO: break this out into an audio wrapper
    var audioTag = this.refs.audioTag.getDOMNode();
    audioTag.removeEventListener('timeupdate', this.sync, false);
    if (this.props.onEnd) {
      audioTag.removeEventListener('ended', this.props.onEnd, false);

  render: function(){
    var audioTag = DOM.audio({
      ref: 'audioTag',
      key: 'audioTag',
      controls: false,

      loop: this.props.loop,
      muted: this.props.muted,
      preload: this.props.preload,
      autoPlay: this.props.autoPlay,

      onTimeUpdate: this.sync,
      onEnded: this.props.onEnd
    }, this.props.children);

    // information
    var artwork = DOM.div({
      ref: 'artwork',
      key: 'artwork',
      className: 'hymn-artwork',
      style: {
        backgroundImage: 'url('+this.props.artwork+')'

    var title = DOM.p({
      ref: 'title',
      key: 'title',
      className: 'hymn-title',
      title: this.props.title
    }, this.props.title);

    var album = DOM.p({
      ref: 'album',
      key: 'album',
      className: 'hymn-album',
      title: this.props.album
    }, this.props.album);

    var artist = DOM.p({
      ref: 'artist',
      key: 'artist',
      className: 'hymn-artist',
      title: this.props.artist
    }, this.props.artist);

    var info = DOM.div({
      ref: 'info',
      key: 'info',
      className: 'hymn-info'
    }, [title, album, artist]);

    // controls
    var playPauseClass = this.state.playing ? 'hymn-pause' : 'hymn-play';
    var playPause = DOM.button({
      ref: 'playPause',
      key: 'playPause',
      className: 'hymn-control ' + playPauseClass,
      onClick: this.toggle

    var skipButton = DOM.button({
      ref: 'skipButton',
      key: 'skipButton',
      className: 'hymn-control hymn-skip',
      onClick: this.props.onSkip

    var progressBar = DOM.progress({
      ref: 'progressBar',
      key: 'progressBar',
      className: 'hymn-progress',
      value: this.state.position,
      max: this.state.duration,
      onClick: this.setPosition

    var controlChildren = [playPause, progressBar];
    if (this.props.onSkip) {
    var controls = DOM.div({
      ref: 'controls',
      key: 'controls',
      className: 'hymn-controls'
    }, controlChildren);

    // bring it all in
    var container = DOM.div({
      ref: 'container',
      className: 'hymn-player'
    }, [artwork, info, controls, audioTag]);
    return container;
Пример #6
'use strict';

var PaperDOM = require('./PaperDOM');
var ReactCompositeComponent = require('react/lib/ReactCompositeComponent');
var ReactBrowserComponentMixin = require('react/lib/ReactBrowserComponentMixin');
var PaperToggleComponentMixin = require('./PaperToggleComponentMixin');

// Store a reference to the <paper-menu-button> `ReactDOMComponent`.
var paperMenuButton = PaperDOM['paper-menu-button'];

var PaperDOMMenuButton = ReactCompositeComponent.createClass({
  displayName: 'PaperDOMMenuButton',

  mixins: [ReactBrowserComponentMixin, PaperToggleComponentMixin],

  render: function() {
    return paperMenuButton(this.props, this.props.children);

module.exports = PaperDOMMenuButton;