Пример #1
    var options = {
      title: '选择图片',
      cancelButtonTitle: '取消',
      takePhotoButtonTitle: '拍照',
      chooseFromLibraryButtonTitle: '从图库中获取',
      maxWidth: 1000,
      maxHeight: 1000,
      aspectX: 1,
      aspectY: 1,
      quality: 1,
      allowsEditing: false
    ImagePickerManager.showImagePicker(options, (response) => {
      if (response.didCancel) {
        ///console.log('User cancelled image picker');
      else if (response.error) {
        //console.log('ImagePickerManager Error: ', response.error);
      else {
        const source = {uri:"file://"+response.path, isStatic: true};
        var files=[{

Пример #2
 _uploadIdBack: function () {
   var options = {
     title: '选择身份证背面照', 
     cancelButtonTitle: '取消',
     takePhotoButtonTitle: '拍照', 
     chooseFromLibraryButtonTitle: '从手机相册选取', 
     cameraType: 'back', 
     mediaType: 'photo', 
     allowsEditing: false, 
     noData: false, 
     storageOptions: { 
       skipBackup: true, 
       path: 'images' 
   ImagePickerManager.showImagePicker(options, (response) => {
     if (response.didCancel) {
       console.log('User cancelled image picker');
     else if (response.error) {
       console.log('ImagePickerManager Error: ', response.error);
     else if (response.customButton) {
       console.log('User tapped custom button: ', response.customButton);
     else {
       const source = {uri: response.uri.replace('file://', ''), isStatic: true};
       const sourceData = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + response.data;
         idBackSource: source,
         idBackSourceData: sourceData
Пример #3
export const pickImage = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  ImagePickerManager.showImagePicker(options, (response) => {

    if (response.didCancel) {
      const error = new Error();
      error.message = 'User cancelled image picker';
      error.response = response;
    else if (response.error) {
      const error = new Error();
      error.message = 'ImagePickerManager Error';
      error.response = response;
    else {
      const uri = Platform.OS === 'android' ? response.uri : response.uri.replace('file://', '');
      const source = { uri, isStatic: true };
      const image = {
        data: response.data
Пример #4
    showImagePicker: function() {
        var options = {
            title: 'Select Photo',
            cancelButtonTitle: 'Cancel',
            takePhotoButtonTitle: 'Take Photo...',
            chooseFromLibraryButtonTitle: 'Choose from Library...',
            returnBase64Image: false,
            returnIsVertical: false

        ImagePickerManager.showImagePicker(options, (response) => {
            var source = null;
            if(response.didCancel) {
            else {
                source = {
                    uri: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + response.data, isStatic: true
                    imgSource: source,
                    unselected: false
Пример #5
  selectPhotoTapped() {
    let options = {
      title: '选择照片',
      cancelButtonTitle: '取消',
      takePhotoButtonTitle: '拍照',
      chooseFromLibraryButtonTitle: '从相册选择',
      quality: 0.5,
      maxWidth: 300,
      maxHeight: 300,
      storageOptions: {
        skipBackup: true

    ImagePickerManager.showImagePicker(options, (response) => {
      if (response.didCancel) {
        console.log('User cancelled photo picker');
      else if (response.error) {
        console.log('ImagePickerManager Error: ', response.error);
      else if (response.customButton) {
        console.log('User tapped custom button: ', response.customButton);
      else {
        // You can display the image using either:
        let source = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + response.data;
          showLogo: response.data,
          fightpic: source,
Пример #6
     let that = this;
     ImagePickerManager.showImagePicker(options, (response) => {
            const formData = new FormData();
            var photo = {
            	uri: response.uri,
            	type: 'image/jpeg',
            	name: 'avactor.jpg',
            const opts = {
                 "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"
            fetch(ServiceURL.baseUrl + ServiceURL.changeAvatorUrl,opts)
            .then((response) => response.text())
            .then((responseText) => {
                let res = JSON.parse(responseText);
                if(res.Status === true){
Пример #7
	takePicture() {
		var that = this;
		ImagePickerManager.showImagePicker(cameraOptions, (response) => {
			console.log('Response = ', response);
			if (response.didCancel) {
				console.log('User cancelled image picker');
			else if (response.error) {
				console.log('ImagePickerManager Error: ', response.error);
			else if (response.customButton) {
				console.log('User tapped custom button: ', response.customButton);
			else {
				// You can display the image using either data: 
				const source = {uri: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + response.data, isStatic: true};
				// uri (on iOS) 
				// const source = {uri: response.uri.replace('file://', ''), isStatic: true};
				// uri (on android) 
				//const source = {uri: response.uri, isStatic: true};
					image: source.uri
Пример #8
  takePicture() {

    let time = moment();
    // pega a Imagem
    ImagePickerManager.showImagePicker(this.cameraOptions, (response)  => {

      // se o usuário cancelou, notifica na tela
      if(response.didCancel) {
        ToastAndroid.show('Cancelado.', ToastAndroid.SHORT);
          isFetching: false

      // se deu erro, notifica na tela
      if(response.error) {
        ToastAndroid.show('Erro ao receber a foto', ToastAndroid.SHORT);
          isFetching: false

        image: {
          uri: response.uri,
          data: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + response.data

      // action de bater o Ponto
        this.props.user.id, {
        uri: response.uri,
        data: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + response.data
        } , this.state);

          isFetching: false


Пример #9
  selectPhotoTapped() {
      let options = {
          title: '选择照片',
          cancelButtonTitle: '取消',
          takePhotoButtonTitle: '拍照',
          chooseFromLibraryButtonTitle: '从相册选择',
          maxWidth: 300,
          maxHeight: 300,
          quality: 1,
          allowsEditing: true,
          storageOptions: {
            skipBackup: true

      ImagePickerManager.showImagePicker(options, (response) => {
        // console.log('Response = ', response);

        if (response.didCancel) {
          console.log('User cancelled photo picker');
        else if (response.error) {
          console.log('ImagePickerManager Error: ', response.error);
        else if (response.customButton) {
          console.log('User tapped custom button: ', response.customButton);
        else {
          // You can display the image using either:
          let source = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + response.data;
          // let source = {uri: response.uri.replace('file://', ''), isStatic: true};
          // let data = this.state.userdata;
          //这里出发了上个界面的componentWillReceiveProps 传入了新的props
          // data['UserWebPicture'] = data //这里就是这里,搞好了可就爽了
            value: response.data,
            iconText: '确定',
            imgSrc: source,
  selectPhotoTapped() {
    const options = {
      title: 'Photo Picker',
      takePhotoButtonTitle: 'Take Photo...',
      chooseFromLibraryButtonTitle: 'Choose from Library...',
      quality: 1,
      maxWidth: 3000,
      maxHeight: 3000,
      storageOptions: {
        skipBackup: true
      allowsEditing: true

    ImagePickerManager.showImagePicker(options, (response) => {
      console.log('Response = ', response);

      if (response.didCancel) {
        console.log('User cancelled photo picker');
      else if (response.error) {
        console.log('ImagePickerManager Error: ', response.error);
      else if (response.customButton) {
        console.log('User tapped custom button: ', response.customButton);
      else {
        // You can display the image using either:
        //const source = {uri: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + response.data, isStatic: true};
        var source;
        if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
          source = {uri: response.uri, isStatic: true};
        } else {
          source = {uri: response.uri.replace('file://', ''), isStatic: true};

          avatarSource: source
Пример #11
 _onPressLoadCamera() {
   var options = {
     title: '选择头像获取方式',
     cancelButtonTitle: '结束',
     takePhotoButtonTitle: '照相机',
     chooseFromLibraryButtonTitle: '相册',
     cameraType: 'back',
     mediaType: 'photo',
     videoQuality: 'high',
     maxWidth: 200,
     maxHeight: 200,
     aspectX: 2,
     aspectY: 1,
     quality: 1,
     angle: 0,
     allowEditing: false,
     noData: false,
     storageOpations: {
       skipBackup: true,
       path: 'images'
   ImagePickerManager.showImagePicker(options,(response) => {
     if(response.error) {
       console.log('ImagePickerManager Error: ',response.error);
     }else {
       //const source = {uri: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + response.data,isStatic: true};
       // uri (on iOS)
       //const source = {uri: response.uri.replace('file://', ''), isStatic: true};
       //uri (on android)
       const source = {uri: response.uri, isStatic: true};
         sourceUrl: source,
  takePicture() {
    var _this = this;
    var options = {
      title: 'Selecciona una foto', // specify null or empty string to remove the title
      cancelButtonTitle: 'Cancelar',
      takePhotoButtonTitle: 'Tomar foto...', // specify null or empty string to remove this button
      chooseFromLibraryButtonTitle: 'Escoger de libería...', // specify null or empty string to remove this button
      cameraType: 'back', // 'front' or 'back'
      mediaType: 'photo', // 'photo' or 'video'
      videoQuality: 'high', // 'low', 'medium', or 'high'
      maxWidth: 2000, // photos only
      maxHeight: 2000, // photos only
      aspectX: 2, // android only - aspectX:aspectY, the cropping image's ratio of width to height
      aspectY: 1, // android only - aspectX:aspectY, the cropping image's ratio of width to height
      quality: 0.5, // 0 to 1, photos only
      angle: 0, // android only, photos only
      allowsEditing: false, // Built in functionality to resize/reposition the image after selection
      noData: true, // photos only - disables the base64 `data` field from being generated (greatly improves performance on large photos)
      storageOptions: { // if this key is provided, the image will get saved in the documents directory on ios, and the pictures directory on android (rather than a temporary directory)
        skipBackup: true, // ios only - image will NOT be backed up to icloud
        path: 'images' // ios only - will save image at /Documents/images rather than the root

    * The first arg will be the options object for customization, the second is
    * your callback which sends object: response.
    * See the README for info about the response

    ImagePickerManager.showImagePicker(options, (response) => {
      console.log('Response = ', response);

      if (response.didCancel) {
        console.log('User cancelled image picker');
      else if (response.error) {
        console.log('ImagePickerManager Error: ', response.error);
      else {
        // You can display the image using either data:
        var imageuri = response.uri;

        NetInfo.fetch().done((reach) => {
          //Subir fotos solo por wifi
            console.log('connected to the internet!')
              function(canShow) {
                if (canShow) {
                  return ShareDialog.show(shareLinkContent);
                  console.log("No se pudo compartir");
              function(result) {
                if (result.isCancelled) {
                  console.log('Share cancelled');
                } else {
              function(error) {
                console.log("Error al compartir "+error);
                console.log("Error al compartir "+imageuri);
          } else {
            console.log("no hay internet");
Пример #13
    var options = {
      title: '选择封面', // specify null or empty string to remove the title
      cancelButtonTitle: '取消',
      takePhotoButtonTitle: '拍照', // specify null or empty string to remove this button
      chooseFromLibraryButtonTitle: '从相册中选择', // specify null or empty string to remove this button
      customButtons: {
        // 'Choose Photo from Facebook': 'fb', // [Button Text] : [String returned upon selection]
      cameraType: 'front', // 'front' or 'back'
      mediaType: 'photo', // 'photo' or 'video'
      videoQuality: 'high', // 'low', 'medium', or 'high'
      durationLimit: 10, // video recording max time in seconds
      maxWidth: 100, // photos only
      maxHeight: 100, // photos only
      aspectX: 2, // android only - aspectX:aspectY, the cropping image's ratio of width to height
      aspectY: 1, // android only - aspectX:aspectY, the cropping image's ratio of width to height
      quality: 0.2, // 0 to 1, photos only
      angle: 0, // android only, photos only
      allowsEditing: true, // Built in functionality to resize/reposition the image after selection
      noData: false, // photos only - disables the base64 `data` field from being generated (greatly improves performance on large photos)
      storageOptions: { // if this key is provided, the image will get saved in the documents directory on ios, and the pictures directory on android (rather than a temporary directory)
        skipBackup: true, // ios only - image will NOT be backed up to icloud
        path: 'images' // ios only - will save image at /Documents/images rather than the root

    * The first arg will be the options object for customization, the second is
    * your callback which sends object: response.
    * See the README for info about the response

    ImagePickerManager.showImagePicker(options, (response) => {
      console.log('Response = ', response);

      if (response.didCancel) {
        console.log('User cancelled image picker');
      else if (response.error) {
        console.log('ImagePickerManager Error: ', response.error);
      else if (response.customButton) {
        console.log('User tapped custom button: ', response.customButton);
      else {
        // You can display the image using either data:
        const source = {uri: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + response.data, isStatic: true};

        // // uri (on iOS)
        // const source = {uri: response.uri.replace('file://', ''), isStatic: true};
        // // uri (on android)
        // const source = {uri: response.uri, isStatic: true};

          attaches: this.state.attaches + source

Пример #14
      allowsEditing: true

    ImagePickerManager.launchCamera(options, (response) => {
      console.log('Response = ', response);

      if (response.didCancel) {
        console.log('User cancelled photo picker');
      else if (response.error) {
        console.log('ImagePickerManager Error: ', response.error);
      else if (response.customButton) {
        console.log('User tapped custom button: ', response.customButton);
      else {
        // You can display the image using either:
        const source = {uri: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + response.data, isStatic: true};
        // const source = {uri: response.uri.replace('file://', ''), isStatic: true};

        var resData = response.data
        var imageData = resData.replace(/\n/g, "").replace(/\r/g, "").replace(/\t/g, "").replace(/\f/g, "").replace(/=/g, "");

        var imagereplaced = imageData.replace(/=/g, "");
        var obj = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imagereplaced;
        var objJson = JSON.stringify({"obj": obj})
        this.goNext2(objJson, source, marker);

  grabUserRequests(inputUID) {