Пример #1
var mqttServer = net.createServer(function (stream) {
  var client = mqttCon(stream)
  var clients = {}

  client.on('connect', function (packet) {
    console.log('MQTT Client connected ' + packet.clientId)

    client.connack({ returnCode: 0 })
    client.id = packet.clientId
    clients[client.id] = client

  client.on('pingreq', function (packet) {

  client.on('subscribe', function (packet) {
    var granted = []

    for (var i = 0; i < packet.subscriptions.length; i++) {
      var subscription = packet.subscriptions[i]
      console.log('MQTT Client ' + client.id + ' subscribed to ' + subscription.topic)

    client.suback({ granted: granted, messageId: packet.messageId })

  client.on('close', function (packet) {
    delete clients[client.id]
    console.log('MQTT Client closed connection ' + client.id)

  client.on('disconnect', function (packet) {
    console.log('MQTT Client disconnected ' + client.id)

  client.on('error', function (packet) {
    if (!clients[client.id]) return

    delete clients[client.id]

  events.on('mqtt:broadcast', function (topic, payload) {
    var clientIds = Object.keys(clients)

    clientIds.forEach(function (id) {
      clients[id].publish({ topic: topic, payload: payload })

Пример #2
server.on('connection', function(stream) {
	var conn = mqttCon(stream);

	conn.on('connect', function() {

	conn.on('publish', function(packet) {
		// console.log(packet);
			messageId: packet.messageId

	conn.on('pingreq', function() {
	// conn is your MQTT connection!
Пример #3
  this.server.on('connection', function(stream) {
    var socket = MqttCon(stream);
    socket['id'] = curId++;

    socket.on('connect', function(pkg) {
      sendHandshake(socket, self);

    socket.on('publish', function(pkg) {
      pkg = Coder.decodeServer(pkg.payload, self.servicesMap);
      try {
        processMsg(socket, self, pkg);
      } catch (err) {
        var resp = Coder.encodeServer(pkg.id, [cloneError(err)]);
        // doSend(socket, resp);
        logger.error('process rpc message error %s', err.stack);

    socket.on('pingreq', function() {

    socket.on('error', function() {

    socket.on('close', function() {

    self.sockets[socket.id] = socket;

    socket.on('disconnect', function(reason) {
Пример #4
        socket.on('connection', stream => {
            let client;
            if (ws) {
                client = mqtt(wsStream(stream));
            } else {
                client = mqtt(stream);

            // Store unique connection identifier
            client.__secret = Date.now() + '_' + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000);

            client.on('connect', options => {
                // set client id
                client.id = options.clientId;
                client.cleanSession = options.cleanSession === undefined ? options.cleanSession : options.clean;
                client._keepalive = options.keepalive;

                // get possible old client
                let oldClient = clients[client.id];

                if (config.user) {
                    if (config.user !== options.username ||
                        config.pass !== (options.password || '').toString()) {
                        adapter.log.warn(`Client [${client.id}]  has invalid password(${options.password}) or username(${options.username})`);
                        client.connack({returnCode: 4});
                        if (oldClient) {
                            // delete existing client
                            delete clients[client.id];

                if (oldClient) {
                    adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] reconnected. Old secret ${clients[client.id].__secret}. New secret ${client.__secret}`);
                    // need to destroy the old client

                    if (client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) {
                        // it is another socket!!

                        // It was following situation:
                        // - old connection was active
                        // - new connection is on the same TCP
                        // Just forget him
                        // oldClient.destroy();
                } else {
                    adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] connected with secret ${client.__secret}`);

                let sessionPresent = false;

                if (!client.cleanSession && adapter.config.storeClientsTime !== 0) {
                    if (persistentSessions[client.id]) {
                        sessionPresent = true;
                        persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now();
                    } else {
                        persistentSessions[client.id] = {
                            _subsID: {},
                            _subs: {},
                            messages: [],
                            lastSeen: Date.now()
                    client._messages = persistentSessions[client.id].messages;
                    persistentSessions[client.id].connected = true;
                } else if (client.cleanSession && persistentSessions[client.id]) {
                    delete persistentSessions[client.id];
                client._messages = client._messages || [];

                client.connack({returnCode: 0, sessionPresent});
                clients[client.id] = client;

                if (options.will) { //  the client's will message options. object that supports the following properties:
                    // topic:   the will topic. string
                    // payload: the will payload. string
                    // qos:     will qos level. number
                    // retain:  will retain flag. boolean
                    client._will = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(options.will));
                    let id;
                    if (topic2id[client._will.topic]) {
                        id = topic2id[client._will.topic].id || convertTopic2id(client._will.topic, false, config.prefix, adapter.namespace);
                    } else {
                        id = convertTopic2id(client._will.topic, false, config.prefix, adapter.namespace);
                    checkObject(id, client._will.topic);
                    //something went wrong while JSON.parse, so payload of last will not handeled correct as buffer
                    client._will.payload = options.will.payload;
                    adapter.log.debug(`Client [${client.id}] with last will ${JSON.stringify(client._will)}`);

                // Send all subscribed variables to client
                if (config.publishAllOnStart) {
                    // Give to client 2 seconds to send subscribe
                    client._sendOnStart = setTimeout(() => {
                        client._sendOnStart = null;
                        let list = [];
                        // If client still connected
                        for (let id in states) {
                            if (states.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
                        sendStates2Client(client, list);
                    }, adapter.config.sendOnStartInterval);

                if (persistentSessions[client.id]) {
                    client._subsID = persistentSessions[client.id]._subsID;
                    client._subs = persistentSessions[client.id]._subs;
                    if (persistentSessions[client.id].messages.length) {
                        // give to the client a little bit time
                        client._resendonStart = setTimeout(clientId => {
                            client._resendonStart = null;
                            resendMessages2Client(client, persistentSessions[clientId].messages);
                        }, 100, client.id);
                //set timeout for stream to 1,5 times keepalive [MQTT-3.1.2-24].
                if (client._keepalive !== 0) {
                      let streamtimeout_sec = 1.5 * client._keepalive;
                      stream.setTimeout(streamtimeout_sec * 1000);
                      adapter.log.debug(`Client [${client.id}] with keepalive ${client._keepalive} set timeout to ${streamtimeout_sec} seconds`);

            client.on('publish', packet => {
                if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) {
                    return adapter.log.debug(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends publish. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`);

                if (persistentSessions[client.id]) {
                    persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now();

                if (packet.qos === 1) {
                    // send PUBACK to client
                        messageId: packet.messageId
                } else if (packet.qos === 2) {
                    const pack = client._messages.find(e => e.messageId === packet.messageId);
                    if (pack) {
                        // duplicate message => ignore
                        adapter.log.warn(`Client [${client.id}] Ignored duplicate message with ID: ${packet.messageId}`);
                    } else {
                        packet.ts = Date.now();
                        packet.cmd = 'pubrel';
                        packet.count = 0;

                            messageId: packet.messageId

                receivedTopic(packet, client);

            // response for QoS2
            client.on('pubrec', packet => {
                if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) {
                    return adapter.log.debug(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends pubrec. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`);

                if (persistentSessions[client.id]) {
                    persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now();

                // remove this message from queue
				let frame = client._messages.find(e => e.messageId === packet.messageId);
				if (frame) {
                        messageId: packet.messageId
                } else {
                    adapter.log.warn(`Client [${client.id}] Received pubrec on ${client.id} for unknown messageId ${packet.messageId}`);

            // response for QoS2
            client.on('pubcomp', packet => {
                if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) {
                    return adapter.log.debug(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends pubcomp. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`);

                if (persistentSessions[client.id]) {
                    persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now();

                let pos = null;
                // remove this message from queue
                client._messages.forEach((e, i) => {
                    if (e.messageId === packet.messageId) {
                        pos = i;
                        return false;
                if (pos !== null) {
                    client._messages.splice(pos, 1);
                } else {
                    adapter.log.warn(`Client [${client.id}] Received pubcomp for unknown message ID: ${packet.messageId}`);

            // response for QoS2
            client.on('pubrel', packet => {
                if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) {
                    return adapter.log.debug(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends pubrel. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`);

                if (persistentSessions[client.id]) {
                    persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now();

                // remove this message from queue
                let frame = client._messages.find(e => e.messageId === packet.messageId);
                if (frame) {
                        messageId: packet.messageId
                    receivedTopic(frame, client);
                } else {
                    adapter.log.warn(`Client [${client.id}] Received pubrel on ${client.id} for unknown messageId ${packet.messageId}`);

            // response for QoS1
            client.on('puback', packet => {
                if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) {
                    return adapter.log.debug(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends puback. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`);

                if (persistentSessions[client.id]) {
                    persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now();

                // remove this message from queue
                let pos = null;
                // remove this message from queue
                client._messages.forEach((e, i) => {
                    if (e.messageId === packet.messageId) {
                        pos = i;
                        return false;
                if (pos !== null) {
                    adapter.log.debug(`Client [${client.id}] Received puback for ${client.id} message ID: ${packet.messageId}`);
                    client._messages.splice(pos, 1);
                } else {
                    adapter.log.warn(`Client [${client.id}] Received puback for unknown message ID: ${packet.messageId}`);

            client.on('subscribe', packet => {
                if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) {
                    return adapter.log.debug(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends subscribe. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`);

                if (persistentSessions[client.id]) {
                    persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now();

                const granted = [];
                if (!client._subsID) client._subsID = {};
                if (!client._subs)   client._subs = {};

                for (let i = 0; i < packet.subscriptions.length; i++) {

                    const topic  = packet.subscriptions[i].topic;
                    let id;

                    if (topic2id[topic]) {
                        id = topic2id[topic].id || convertTopic2id(topic, false, config.prefix, adapter.namespace);
                    } else {
                        id = convertTopic2id(topic, false, config.prefix, adapter.namespace);

                    if (!id) {
                        adapter.log.error(`Client [${client.id}] Invalid topic: ${topic}`);

                    // if pattern without wildcards
                    if (id.indexOf('*') === -1 && id.indexOf('#') === -1 && id.indexOf('+') === -1) {
                        // If state is unknown => create mqtt.X.topic
                        if (!topic2id[topic]) {
                            checkObject(id, topic, (err, id) => {
                                adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] subscribes on topic "${topic}"`);
                                client._subsID[id] = {id, qos: packet.subscriptions[i].qos};
                        } else {
                            client._subsID[topic2id[topic].id] = {id: topic2id[topic].id, qos: packet.subscriptions[i].qos};
                            adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] subscribes on "${topic2id[topic].id}"`);
                            if (adapter.config.publishOnSubscribe) {
                                adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] publishOnSubscribe`);
                                sendState2Client(client, topic2id[topic].id, states[topic2id[topic].id]);
                    } else {
                        let pattern = topic;
                        // remove prefix
                        if (pattern.startsWith(adapter.config.prefix)) {
                            pattern = pattern.substring(adapter.config.prefix.length);
                        pattern = pattern.replace(/\//g, '.');
                        if (pattern[0] === '.') pattern = pattern.substring(1);

                        // add simple pattern
                        let regText = pattern2RegEx(pattern);
                        client._subs[topic] = {
                            regex:   new RegExp(regText),
                            qos:     packet.subscriptions[i].qos,
                            pattern: pattern
                        adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] subscribes on "${topic}" with regex /${regText}/`);

                        // add simple mqtt.0.pattern
                        pattern = adapter.namespace + '/' + pattern;
                        regText = pattern2RegEx(pattern);
                        client._subs[adapter.namespace + '/' + topic] = {
                            regex:   new RegExp(regText),
                            qos:     packet.subscriptions[i].qos,
                            pattern: pattern
                        adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] subscribes on "${topic}"  with regex /${regText}/`);

                        if (adapter.config.publishOnSubscribe) {
                            adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] publishOnSubscribe send all known states`);
                            for (const savedId in states) {
                                if (states.hasOwnProperty(savedId) && checkPattern(client._subs, savedId)) {
                                    sendState2Client(client, savedId, states[savedId]);

                client.suback({granted: granted, messageId: packet.messageId});

            client.on('unsubscribe', packet => {
                if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) {
                    return adapter.log.debug(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends unsubscribe. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`);

                if (persistentSessions[client.id]) {
                    persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now();

                for (let i = 0; i < packet.unsubscriptions.length; i++) {
                    const topic  = packet.unsubscriptions[i];
                    let id;

                    if (topic2id[topic]) {
                        id = topic2id[topic].id || convertTopic2id(topic, false, config.prefix, adapter.namespace);
                    } else {
                        id = convertTopic2id(topic, false, config.prefix, adapter.namespace);

                    if (!id) {
                        adapter.log.error(`Client [${client.id}] unsubscribes from invalid topic: ${topic}`);

                    // if pattern without wildcards
                    if (id.indexOf('*') === -1 && id.indexOf('#') === -1 && id.indexOf('+') === -1) {
                        // If state is known
                        if (topic2id[topic]) {
                            let _id = topic2id[topic].id;
                            if (client._subsID[_id]) {
                                delete client._subsID[_id];
                                adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] unsubscribes on "${_id}"`);
                            } else {
                                adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] unsubscribes on unknown "${_id}"`);
                        } else {
                            adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] unsubscribes on unknown "${_id}"`);
                    } else {
                        let pattern = topic.replace(/\//g, '.');
                        if (pattern[0] === '.') pattern = pattern.substring(1);

                        // add simple pattern
                        if (client._subs[topic]) {
                            adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] unsubscribes on "${topic}"`);
                            delete client._subs[topic];
                            if (client._subs[adapter.namespace + '/' + topic]) {// add simple mqtt.0.pattern
                                delete client._subs[adapter.namespace + '/' + topic];
                                adapter.log.info(`Client [${client.id}] unsubscribes on "${adapter.namespace}/${topic}"`);
                        } else {
                            adapter.log.warn(`Client [${client.id}] unsubscribes on unknwon "${topic}"`);
                client.unsuback({messageId: packet.messageId});

            client.on('pingreq', (/*packet*/) => {
                if (clients[client.id] && client.__secret !== clients[client.id].__secret) {
                    return adapter.log.debug(`Old client ${client.id} with secret ${client.__secret} sends pingreq. Ignore! Actual secret is ${clients[client.id].__secret}`);

                if (persistentSessions[client.id]) {
                    persistentSessions[client.id].lastSeen = Date.now();

                adapter.log.debug(`Client [${client.id}]  pingreq`);

            // connection error handling
            client.on('close',      had_error => clientClose(client, had_error ? 'closed because of error' : 'closed'));
            client.on('error',      e  => clientClose(client, e));
            client.on('disconnect', () => clientClose(client, 'disconnected'));
            // client lost without close
            stream.on('timeout', () => clientClose(client, 'timeout'));

Пример #5
var doPublish = function(conn, topic, message, qos, period) {
  setInterval(function() {
      topic: topic,
      payload: message,
      qos: qos,
      messageId: (1 << 16) - 1, // Required if qos > 0.
      retain: false
    }, function() {
      console.log('PUBLISH: %s [%s]: %s %s', new Date(), Date.now(), topic, message);
  }, period);

var stream = net.createConnection(argv.port, argv.host),
    conn = mqtt(stream);

  protocolId: 'MQIsdp',
  protocolVersion: 3,
  keepalive: argv.keepalive,
  clientId: argv.clientid,
  username: argv.username,
  password: argv.password

  .on('connack', function(packet) {
    if (packet.returnCode) {
      console.error('Failed to connect.');
Пример #6
MailBox.prototype.connect = function(tracer, cb) {
  tracer && tracer.info('client', __filename, 'connect', 'mqtt-mailbox try to connect');
  if (this.connected) {
    tracer && tracer.error('client', __filename, 'connect', 'mailbox has already connected');
    return cb(new Error('mailbox has already connected.'));

  var self = this;

  var stream = net.createConnection(this.port, this.host);
  this.socket = MqttCon(stream);

  var connectTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
    logger.error('rpc client %s connect to remote server %s timeout', self.serverId, self.id);
    self.emit('close', self.id);

    clientId: 'MQTT_RPC_' + Date.now()
  }, function() {
    if (self.connected) {

    self.connected = true;
    if (self.bufferMsg) {
      self._interval = setInterval(function() {
      }, self.interval);


  this.socket.on('publish', function(pkg) {
    if(pkg.topic == Constants['TOPIC_HANDSHAKE']) {
      upgradeHandshake(self, pkg.payload);
      return cb();
    try {
      pkg = Coder.decodeClient(pkg.payload);
      processMsg(self, pkg);
    } catch (err) {
      logger.error('rpc client %s process remote server %s message with error: %s', self.serverId, self.id, err.stack);

  this.socket.on('error', function(err) {
    logger.error('rpc socket %s is error, remote server %s host: %s, port: %s', self.serverId, self.id, self.host, self.port);
    self.emit('close', self.id);

  this.socket.on('pingresp', function() {
    self.lastPong = Date.now();

  this.socket.on('disconnect', function(reason) {
    logger.error('rpc socket %s is disconnect from remote server %s, reason: %s', self.serverId, self.id, reason);
    var reqs = self.requests;
    for (var id in reqs) {
      var ReqCb = reqs[id];
      ReqCb(tracer, new Error(self.serverId + ' disconnect with remote server ' + self.id));
    self.emit('close', self.id);
Пример #7
MqttClient.prototype.connect = function(host, port, cb) {
	cb = cb || function() {}
	if (this.connected) {
		return cb(new Error('MqttClient has already connected.'));

	if (host) {
		this.host = host;
	} else {
		host = this.host;

	if (port) {
		this.port = port;
	} else {
		port = this.port;

	var self = this;
	this.closed = false;

	var stream = net.createConnection(this.port, this.host);
	this.socket = MqttCon(stream);

	// logger.info('try to connect %s %s', this.host, this.port);
		clientId: this.clientId


	this.socket.on('connack', function() {
		if (self.connected) {

		self.connected = true;


		if (self.connectedTimes++ == 1) {
		} else {

	this.socket.on('publish', function(pkg) {
		var topic = pkg.topic;
		var msg = pkg.payload.toString();
		msg = JSON.parse(msg);

		// logger.debug('[MqttClient] publish %s %j', topic, msg);
		self.emit(topic, msg);

	this.socket.on('close', function() {
		logger.error('mqtt socket is close, remote server host: %s, port: %s', host, port);

	this.socket.on('error', function(err) {
		logger.error('mqtt socket is error, remote server host: %s, port: %s', host, port);
		// self.emit('error', new Error('[MqttClient] socket is error, remote server ' + host + ':' + port));

	this.socket.on('pingresp', function() {
		self.lastPong = Date.now();

	this.socket.on('disconnect', function() {
		logger.error('mqtt socket is disconnect, remote server host: %s, port: %s', host, port);
		self.emit('disconnect', self.id);

	this.socket.on('timeout', function(reconnectFlag) {
		if (reconnectFlag) {
		} else {
Пример #8
        socket.on('connection', stream => {
            let client;
            if (ws) {
                client = mqtt(wsStream(stream));
            } else {
                client = mqtt(stream);

            client.on('connect', function (packet) {
                client.id = packet.clientId;
                clients[client.id] = client;
                if (config.user) {
                    if (config.user !== packet.username ||
                        config.pass !== packet.password.toString()) {
                        console.error('Client [' + packet.clientId + '] has invalid password(' + packet.password + ') or username(' + packet.username + ')');
                        client.connack({returnCode: 4});
                        if (clients[client.id]) delete clients[client.id];
                console.log('Client [' + packet.clientId + '] connected: user - ' + packet.username + ', pass - ' + packet.password);
                client.connack({returnCode: 0});

                client.publish({topic: 'testServer/connected', payload: 'true'});

            client.on('publish', function (packet) {
                console.log('Client [' + client.id + '] publishes "' + packet.topic + '": ' + packet.payload);
                for (let k in clients) {
                    clients[k].publish({topic: packet.topic, payload: packet.payload});

            client.on('subscribe', function (packet) {
                let granted = [];
                console.log('Client [' + client.id + '] subscribes on "' + JSON.stringify(packet.subscriptions) + '"');
                for (let i = 0; i < packet.subscriptions.length; i++) {
                client.suback({granted: granted, messageId: packet.messageId});

            client.on('pingreq', function (packet) {
                console.log('Client [' + client.id + '] pingreq');

            client.on('disconnect', function (packet) {
                if (clients[client.id]) delete clients[client.id];
                console.log('Client [' + client.id + '] disconnected');

            client.on('close', function (err) {
                if (clients[client.id]) delete clients[client.id];
                console.log('Client [' + client.id + '] closed');

            client.on('error', function (err) {
                if (clients[client.id]) delete clients[client.id];
                console.log('[' + client.id + '] ' + err);
Пример #9
  this.switcher.on('connection', function(socket) {
    var mqttClient = MqttConnection(socket);
