it('should get correct bid response', function () {
      const bidRequests = [
          'bidder': 'grid',
          'params': {
            'uid': '1'
          'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code-1',
          'sizes': [[300, 250], [300, 600]],
          'bidId': '659423fff799cb',
          'bidderRequestId': '5f2009617a7c0a',
          'auctionId': '1cbd2feafe5e8b',
      const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests);
      const expectedResponse = [
          'requestId': '659423fff799cb',
          'cpm': 1.15,
          'creativeId': 1,
          'dealId': 11,
          'width': 300,
          'height': 250,
          'ad': '<div>test content 1</div>',
          'bidderCode': 'grid',
          'currency': 'USD',
          'mediaType': 'banner',
          'netRevenue': false,
          'ttl': 360,

      const result = spec.interpretResponse({'body': {'seatbid': [responses[0]]}}, request);
 it('if gdprApplies is undefined gdpr_applies must be 1', function () {
   const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests, {gdprConsent: {consentString: 'AAA'}});
   const payload = parseRequest(;
   expect(payload)'gdpr_consent', 'AAA');
   expect(payload)'gdpr_applies', '1');
 it('if gdprConsent is present payload must have gdpr params', function () {
   const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests, {gdprConsent: {consentString: 'AAA', gdprApplies: true}});
   const payload = parseRequest(;
   expect(payload)'gdpr_consent', 'AAA');
   expect(payload)'gdpr_applies', '1');
 it('auids must not be duplicated', function () {
   const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests);
   const payload = parseRequest(;
   expect(payload)'auids', '1,2');
   expect(payload)'r', '22edbae2733bf6');
 it('should attach valid params to the tag', function () {
   const request = spec.buildRequests([bidRequests[0]]);
   const payload = parseRequest(;
   expect(payload)'auids', '1');
   expect(payload)'r', '22edbae2733bf6');
 it('should return false when required params are not passed', function () {
   let bid = Object.assign({}, bid);
   delete bid.params;
   bid.params = {
     'uid': 0
 it('handles wrong and nobid responses', function () {
   const bidRequests = [
       'bidder': 'grid',
       'params': {
         'uid': '3'
       'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code-1',
       'sizes': [[300, 250], [300, 600]],
       'bidId': '300bfeb0d7190gf',
       'bidderRequestId': '2c2bb1972d23af',
       'auctionId': '1fa09aee5c84d34',
       'bidder': 'grid',
       'params': {
         'uid': '4'
       'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code-1',
       'sizes': [[300, 250], [300, 600]],
       'bidId': '300bfeb0d71321',
       'bidderRequestId': '2c2bb1972d23af',
       'auctionId': '1fa09aee5c84d34',
       'bidder': 'grid',
       'params': {
         'uid': '5'
       'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code-2',
       'sizes': [[728, 90]],
       'bidId': '300bfeb0d7183bb',
       'bidderRequestId': '2c2bb1972d23af',
       'auctionId': '1fa09aee5c84d34',
   const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests);
   const result = spec.interpretResponse({'body': {'seatbid': responses.slice(2)}}, request);
    it('should get correct video bid response', function () {
      const bidRequests = [
          'bidder': 'grid',
          'params': {
            'uid': '1'
          'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code-1',
          'sizes': [[300, 250], [300, 600]],
          'bidId': '659423fff799cb',
          'bidderRequestId': '5f2009617a7c0a',
          'auctionId': '1cbd2feafe5e8b',
          'mediaTypes': {
            'video': {
              'context': 'instream'
          'bidder': 'grid',
          'params': {
            'uid': '2'
          'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code-1',
          'sizes': [[300, 250], [300, 600]],
          'bidId': '2bc598e42b6a',
          'bidderRequestId': '5f2009617a7c0a',
          'auctionId': '1cbd2feafe5e8b',
          'mediaTypes': {
            'video': {
              'context': 'instream'
      const response = [
        {'bid': [{'price': 1.15, 'adm': '<VAST version=\"3.0\">\n<Ad id=\"21341234\"><\/Ad>\n<\/VAST>', 'auid': 1, content_type: 'video', w: 300, h: 600}], 'seat': '2'},
        {'bid': [{'price': 1.00, 'adm': '<VAST version=\"3.0\">\n<Ad id=\"21331274\"><\/Ad>\n<\/VAST>', 'auid': 2, content_type: 'video'}], 'seat': '2'}
      const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests);
      const expectedResponse = [
          'requestId': '659423fff799cb',
          'cpm': 1.15,
          'creativeId': 1,
          'dealId': undefined,
          'width': 300,
          'height': 600,
          'bidderCode': 'grid',
          'currency': 'USD',
          'mediaType': 'video',
          'netRevenue': false,
          'ttl': 360,
          'vastXml': '<VAST version=\"3.0\">\n<Ad id=\"21341234\"><\/Ad>\n<\/VAST>',
          'adResponse': {
            'content': '<VAST version=\"3.0\">\n<Ad id=\"21341234\"><\/Ad>\n<\/VAST>'
          'requestId': '2bc598e42b6a',
          'cpm': 1.00,
          'creativeId': 2,
          'dealId': undefined,
          'width': 300,
          'height': 250,
          'bidderCode': 'grid',
          'currency': 'USD',
          'mediaType': 'video',
          'netRevenue': false,
          'ttl': 360,
          'vastXml': '<VAST version=\"3.0\">\n<Ad id=\"21331274\"><\/Ad>\n<\/VAST>',
          'adResponse': {
            'content': '<VAST version=\"3.0\">\n<Ad id=\"21331274\"><\/Ad>\n<\/VAST>'

      const result = spec.interpretResponse({'body': {'seatbid': response}}, request);
 it('should return true when required params found', function () {
    it('should get correct multi bid response', function () {
      const bidRequests = [
          'bidder': 'grid',
          'params': {
            'uid': '1'
          'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code-1',
          'sizes': [[300, 250], [300, 600]],
          'bidId': '300bfeb0d71a5b',
          'bidderRequestId': '2c2bb1972df9a',
          'auctionId': '1fa09aee5c8c99',
          'bidder': 'grid',
          'params': {
            'uid': '2'
          'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code-1',
          'sizes': [[300, 250], [300, 600]],
          'bidId': '4dff80cc4ee346',
          'bidderRequestId': '2c2bb1972df9a',
          'auctionId': '1fa09aee5c8c99',
          'bidder': 'grid',
          'params': {
            'uid': '1'
          'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code-2',
          'sizes': [[728, 90]],
          'bidId': '5703af74d0472a',
          'bidderRequestId': '2c2bb1972df9a',
          'auctionId': '1fa09aee5c8c99',
      const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests);
      const expectedResponse = [
          'requestId': '300bfeb0d71a5b',
          'cpm': 1.15,
          'creativeId': 1,
          'dealId': 11,
          'width': 300,
          'height': 250,
          'ad': '<div>test content 1</div>',
          'bidderCode': 'grid',
          'currency': 'USD',
          'mediaType': 'banner',
          'netRevenue': false,
          'ttl': 360,
          'requestId': '5703af74d0472a',
          'cpm': 1.15,
          'creativeId': 1,
          'dealId': 11,
          'width': 300,
          'height': 250,
          'ad': '<div>test content 1</div>',
          'bidderCode': 'grid',
          'currency': 'USD',
          'mediaType': 'banner',
          'netRevenue': false,
          'ttl': 360,
          'requestId': '4dff80cc4ee346',
          'cpm': 0.5,
          'creativeId': 2,
          'dealId': undefined,
          'width': 728,
          'height': 90,
          'ad': '<div>test content 2</div>',
          'bidderCode': 'grid',
          'currency': 'USD',
          'mediaType': 'banner',
          'netRevenue': false,
          'ttl': 360,

      const result = spec.interpretResponse({'body': {'seatbid': [responses[0], responses[1]]}}, request);