Пример #1
   * Construct an instance of SpeechClient.
   * @param {object} [options] - The configuration object. See the subsequent
   *   parameters for more details.
   * @param {object} [options.credentials] - Credentials object.
   * @param {string} [options.credentials.client_email]
   * @param {string} [options.credentials.private_key]
   * @param {string} [options.email] - Account email address. Required when
   *     using a .pem or .p12 keyFilename.
   * @param {string} [options.keyFilename] - Full path to the a .json, .pem, or
   *     .p12 key downloaded from the Google Developers Console. If you provide
   *     a path to a JSON file, the projectId option below is not necessary.
   *     NOTE: .pem and .p12 require you to specify options.email as well.
   * @param {number} [options.port] - The port on which to connect to
   *     the remote host.
   * @param {string} [options.projectId] - The project ID from the Google
   *     Developer's Console, e.g. 'grape-spaceship-123'. We will also check
   *     the environment variable GCLOUD_PROJECT for your project ID. If your
   *     app is running in an environment which supports
   *     {@link https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials Application Default Credentials},
   *     your project ID will be detected automatically.
   * @param {function} [options.promise] - Custom promise module to use instead
   *     of native Promises.
   * @param {string} [options.servicePath] - The domain name of the
   *     API remote host.
  constructor(opts) {
    this._descriptors = {};

    // Ensure that options include the service address and port.
    opts = Object.assign(
        clientConfig: {},
        port: this.constructor.port,
        servicePath: this.constructor.servicePath,

    // Create a `gaxGrpc` object, with any grpc-specific options
    // sent to the client.
    opts.scopes = this.constructor.scopes;
    var gaxGrpc = gax.grpc(opts);

    // Save the auth object to the client, for use by other methods.
    this.auth = gaxGrpc.auth;

    // Determine the client header string.
    var clientHeader = [
    if (opts.libName && opts.libVersion) {

    // Load the applicable protos.
    var protos = merge(
        path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'protos'),

    // Some of the methods on this service provide streaming responses.
    // Provide descriptors for these.
    this._descriptors.stream = {
      streamingRecognize: new gax.StreamDescriptor(
    var protoFilesRoot = new gax.grpc.GoogleProtoFilesRoot();
    protoFilesRoot = protobuf.loadSync(

    // This API contains "long-running operations", which return a
    // an Operation object that allows for tracking of the operation,
    // rather than holding a request open.
    this.operationsClient = new gax.lro({
      auth: gaxGrpc.auth,
      grpc: gaxGrpc.grpc,

    var longRunningRecognizeResponse = protoFilesRoot.lookup(
    var longRunningRecognizeMetadata = protoFilesRoot.lookup(

    this._descriptors.longrunning = {
      longRunningRecognize: new gax.LongrunningDescriptor(

    // Put together the default options sent with requests.
    var defaults = gaxGrpc.constructSettings(
      {'x-goog-api-client': clientHeader.join(' ')}

    // Set up a dictionary of "inner API calls"; the core implementation
    // of calling the API is handled in `google-gax`, with this code
    // merely providing the destination and request information.
    this._innerApiCalls = {};

    // Put together the "service stub" for
    // google.cloud.speech.v1p1beta1.Speech.
    var speechStub = gaxGrpc.createStub(

    // Iterate over each of the methods that the service provides
    // and create an API call method for each.
    var speechStubMethods = [
    for (let methodName of speechStubMethods) {
      this._innerApiCalls[methodName] = gax.createApiCall(
          stub =>
            function() {
              var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
              return stub[methodName].apply(stub, args);
        this._descriptors.stream[methodName] ||
Пример #2
const webpack = require('webpack')
const merge = require('lodash.merge')

const commonConfig = require('./webpack-common')
const karmaConfig = require('./karma.conf')
const eslintDev = require('./eslint-dev.json')
const eslintCommon = require('./eslint-common.json')

const eslintConfig = merge(eslintCommon, eslintDev)
const includes = [/\/jsx\//, /\/es6\//]

module.exports = function(entries, output) {
  const devConfig = merge(commonConfig(entries, output, includes), karmaConfig, {
    environment: 'dev',
    module: {
      preLoaders: [{
        test: /\.jsx?$/,
        loader: "eslint",
        query: eslintConfig,
        include: includes
    devServer: {
      contentBase: output,
      historyApiFallback: true,
      hot: true,
      inline: true,
      progress: true,
      stats: 'errors-only',
      host: process.env.HOST || "localhost",
      port: process.env.PORT || 8011
Пример #3
const clientConfig = merge({}, config, {
  entry: {
    main: ['./src/Index.js']
  output: {
    path: path.join(__dirname, '../build'),
    filename: DEBUG ? '[name].js?[hash]' : '[name].[hash].js',

  // Choose a developer tool to enhance debugging
  // http://webpack.github.io/docs/configuration.html#devtool
  devtool: DEBUG ? 'cheap-module-eval-source-map' : false,
  plugins: [
    new ExtractTextPlugin(DEBUG ? '[name].css?[contenthash]' : '[name].[contenthash].css'),
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      title: 'IT服务助手',
      template: 'entries/index.html',
      inject: 'body',
      filename: 'index.html',
      jsapi: '//www.fxiaoke.com/open/jsapi/1.0.0/jsapi.min.js',
      files: {
        adaptiveScrtipt: [(DEBUG ? '' : PUBLICPATH) + 'adaptor.js'],
      chunks: ['main'],
    new webpack.DefinePlugin(GLOBALS),
    new AppCachePlugin({
      output: 'manifest.appcache'
    ...(!DEBUG ? [
      new webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin(),
      new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
        minimize: true,
        compress: {
          screw_ie8: true,
          warnings: VERBOSE
        output: {
          comments: false
      new webpack.optimize.AggressiveMergingPlugin(),
    ] : [
      new AssetsPlugin({
        path: path.join(__dirname, '../build/public'),
        filename: 'assets.js',
        processOutput: x => `module.exports = ${JSON.stringify(x)};`,
Пример #4
import merge from 'lodash.merge';
import rootResolvers from './root';

export default merge(rootResolvers);
      availableFilters: [], //    可用的 filters 列表
      isSearchOptionsOpen: false, //                    可用來控制搜尋表單的開關
      searchOptions: {} //                              搜尋選項,物件內容須依需要自行 override

  computed: {
    currentPath() {
      return window.location.pathname

    currentOptions() {
      return merge({
        pageNumber: this.currentPage,
        pageSize: this.pageSize,
        sort: this.sortOrderValue,
        filter: this.availableFilters[this.currentFilter],
        search: this.searchOptions
      }, this.additionalOptions)

    // 可自行定義額外的 options
    additionalOptions() {
      // return {
      //   example: this.exampleValue
      // }
      return {}

     * 計算出 `sort` 這個 key 的值。根據 JSONAPI 的規範,API 需要提供自訂排序的功能,在
Пример #6
 ]).then(function (_result) {
     return _.merge.apply(_, _result);
Пример #7
 .catch(BrowsertimeError, (e) => {
   log.error('%s generated the following error in Browsertime %s', url, e);
   queue.postMessage(make('error', e.message, merge({url}, e.extra)));
Пример #8
'use strict';
 * Webpack frontend test configuration.
var path = require('path');
var merge = require('lodash.merge');
var prodCfg = require('./webpack.config');

// Replace with `__dirname` if using in project root.
var ROOT = process.cwd();

module.exports = {
  cache: true,
  context: path.join(ROOT, 'test/client'),
  entry: './main',
  output: {
    filename: 'main.js',
    publicPath: '/assets/'
  resolve: merge({}, prodCfg.resolve, {
    alias: {
      // Allow root import of `src/FOO` from ROOT/src.
      src: path.join(ROOT, 'src')
  module: prodCfg.module,
  devtool: 'source-map'
Пример #9
 function post(args, cb) {
     if (arguments.length === 1) return get({}, arguments[0])
     request(merge({ method: 'POST'}, options.request, args), cb)
Пример #10
module.exports = function(_options, postProcessors) {

    var options = merge({}, { mandatory: true, watch: false, request: { json: true, timeout: 10000, gzip: true, forever: false, headers: {} } }, _options)
    var exists = false
    var allowedResponseCodes = [200].concat(options.mandatory ? [] : 404)
    var checksum
    var emitter = new EventEmitter()

    return function(confabulous, cb) {
        setImmediate(function() {
            async.waterfall([validate, authenticate, watch, load], function(err, result) {
                if (err) return cb(err)
                async.seq.apply(async, postProcessors)(result, cb)
        return emitter

        function validate(cb) {
            debug('validate: %s', JSON.stringify(options))
            if (options.mandatory && !options.url) return cb(new Error('url is required'))
            if (options.mandatory && !options.path) return cb(new Error('path is required'))
            if (options.mandatory && !options.method) return cb(new Error('method is required'))
            if (options.method === 'app-id' && !options.appId) return cb(new Error('appId is required'))
            if (options.method === 'app-id' && !options.userId) return cb(new Error('userId is required'))
            if (options.watch && !options.watch.interval) return cb(new Error('watch interval is required'))
            cb(!options.url || !options.path || !options.method)

        function authenticate(cb) {
            debug('authenticate: method=%s url=%s', options.method, options.url)
            switch (options.method) {
                case 'app-id': {
                    var loginUrl = options.url + '/v1/auth/app-id/login'
                    post({ url: loginUrl, body: { app_id: options.appId, user_id: options.userId }}, function(err, res, body) {
                        if (err) return cb(err)
                        if (res.statusCode !== 200) return cb(new Error(format('%s returned %d', options.url, res.statusCode)))
                        options.request.headers['X-Vault-Token'] = body.auth.client_token
                default: {
                    cb(new Error(format('Unsupported authentication method: %s', options.method)))

        function watch(cb) {
            var configUrl = options.url + '/v1/' + options.path
            debug('watch: %s, interval:%s', configUrl, options.watch.interval)
            if (!options.watch) return cb()
            var watcher = setInterval(function() {
                debug('checking for changes to: %s', options.url)
                get({ url : configUrl }, function(err, res) {
                    if (!watcher) return
                    if (err) return emitter.emit('error', err)
                    if (!contains(allowedResponseCodes, res.statusCode)) return emitter.emit('error', new Error(format('%s returned %d', configUrl, res.statusCode)))
                    if (res.statusCode === 404 && exists || res.statusCode === 200 && (!exists || isModified(res))) emitter.emit('change')
            }, duration(options.watch.interval))
            confabulous.on('reloading', function() {
                watcher = null
            return cb()

        function load(cb) {
            var configUrl = options.url + '/v1/' + options.path
            debug('load: %s', configUrl)
            exists = false
            get({ url: configUrl }, function(err, res, body) {
                if (err) return cb(err)
                if (!contains(allowedResponseCodes, res.statusCode)) return cb(new Error(format('%s returned %d', configUrl, res.statusCode)))
                if (res.statusCode === 404) return cb(true)
                exists = true
                checksum = generateChecksum(res.body.data)
                cb(err, body.data)

        function get(args, cb) {
            if (arguments.length === 1) return get({}, arguments[0])
            request(merge({ method: 'GET'}, options.request, args), cb)

        function post(args, cb) {
            if (arguments.length === 1) return get({}, arguments[0])
            request(merge({ method: 'POST'}, options.request, args), cb)

        function isModified(res) {
            var newChecksum = generateChecksum(res.body.data)
            var modified = checksum !== newChecksum
            checksum = newChecksum
            return modified

        function generateChecksum(data) {
            return crypto.createHash('md5').update(JSON.stringify(data)).digest("hex")