Пример #1
 context.dispatch('stock/list', { skus: confChildSkus }, {root: true}).then((task) => {
   if (task && task.resultCode === 200) {
     const diffLog = []
     _filterChildrenByStockitem(context, union(task.result, stockItems), product, diffLog)
     console.debug('Filtered configurable_children with the network call', diffLog)
   } else {
     console.error('Cannot sync the availability of the product options. Please update the vue-storefront-api or switch on the Internet :)')
 }).catch(err => {
Пример #2
    setStyles: function(hovered, reset) {
        if (reset) {  // reset all layers
                .classed('highlighted', false)
                .classed('hovered', false)
                .classed('selected', false);

                .classed('highlighted', false)
                .classed('selected', false);

        var hoveredImageKey = hovered && hovered.key;
        var hoveredSequenceKey = this.getSequenceKeyForImage(hovered);
        var hoveredLineString = hoveredSequenceKey && _mlyCache.sequences.lineString[hoveredSequenceKey];
        var hoveredImageKeys = (hoveredLineString && hoveredLineString.properties.coordinateProperties.image_keys) || [];

        var viewer = d3_select('#photoviewer');
        var selected = viewer.empty() ? undefined : viewer.datum();
        var selectedImageKey = selected && selected.key;
        var selectedSequenceKey = this.getSequenceKeyForImage(selected);
        var selectedLineString = selectedSequenceKey && _mlyCache.sequences.lineString[selectedSequenceKey];
        var selectedImageKeys = (selectedLineString && selectedLineString.properties.coordinateProperties.image_keys) || [];

        // highlight sibling viewfields on either the selected or the hovered sequences
        var highlightedImageKeys = _union(hoveredImageKeys, selectedImageKeys);

        d3_selectAll('.layer-mapillary-images .viewfield-group')
            .classed('highlighted', function(d) { return highlightedImageKeys.indexOf(d.key) !== -1; })
            .classed('hovered', function(d) { return d.key === hoveredImageKey; })
            .classed('selected', function(d) { return d.key === selectedImageKey; });

        d3_selectAll('.layer-mapillary-images .sequence')
            .classed('highlighted', function(d) { return d.properties.key === hoveredSequenceKey; })
            .classed('selected', function(d) { return d.properties.key === selectedSequenceKey; });

        // update viewfields if needed
        d3_selectAll('.viewfield-group .viewfield')
            .attr('d', viewfieldPath);

        function viewfieldPath() {
            var d = this.parentNode.__data__;
            if (d.pano && d.key !== selectedImageKey) {
                return 'M 8,13 m -10,0 a 10,10 0 1,0 20,0 a 10,10 0 1,0 -20,0';
            } else {
                return 'M 6,9 C 8,8.4 8,8.4 10,9 L 16,-2 C 12,-5 4,-5 0,-2 z';

        return this;
Пример #3
            function sameVersions(local, remote) {
                if (local.version !== remote.version) return false;

                if (local.type === 'way') {
                    var children = _union(local.nodes, remote.nodes);
                    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                        var a = localGraph.hasEntity(children[i]);
                        var b = remoteGraph.hasEntity(children[i]);
                        if (a && b && a.version !== b.version) return false;

                return true;
Пример #4
        var coords = _reduce(features, function(coords, feature) {
            var c = feature.geometry.coordinates;

            /* eslint-disable no-fallthrough */
            switch (feature.geometry.type) {
                case 'Point':
                    c = [c];
                case 'MultiPoint':
                case 'LineString':

                case 'MultiPolygon':
                    c = _flatten(c);
                case 'Polygon':
                case 'MultiLineString':
                    c = _flatten(c);
            /* eslint-enable no-fallthrough */

            return _union(coords, c);
        }, []);
Пример #5
    setStyles: function(hovered, reset) {
        if (reset) {  // reset all layers
                .classed('highlighted', false)
                .classed('hovered', false)
                .classed('selected', false);

                .classed('highlighted', false)
                .classed('selected', false);

        var hoveredImageKey = hovered && hovered.key;
        var hoveredSequenceKey = this.getSequenceKeyForImage(hovered);
        var hoveredSequence = hoveredSequenceKey && _oscCache.sequences[hoveredSequenceKey];
        var hoveredImageKeys = (hoveredSequence && hoveredSequence.images.map(function (d) { return d.key; })) || [];

        var viewer = d3_select('#photoviewer');
        var selected = viewer.empty() ? undefined : viewer.datum();
        var selectedImageKey = selected && selected.key;
        var selectedSequenceKey = this.getSequenceKeyForImage(selected);
        var selectedSequence = selectedSequenceKey && _oscCache.sequences[selectedSequenceKey];
        var selectedImageKeys = (selectedSequence && selectedSequence.images.map(function (d) { return d.key; })) || [];

        // highlight sibling viewfields on either the selected or the hovered sequences
        var highlightedImageKeys = _union(hoveredImageKeys, selectedImageKeys);

        d3_selectAll('.layer-openstreetcam-images .viewfield-group')
            .classed('highlighted', function(d) { return highlightedImageKeys.indexOf(d.key) !== -1; })
            .classed('hovered', function(d) { return d.key === hoveredImageKey; })
            .classed('selected', function(d) { return d.key === selectedImageKey; });

        d3_selectAll('.layer-openstreetcam-images .sequence')
            .classed('highlighted', function(d) { return d.properties.key === hoveredSequenceKey; })
            .classed('selected', function(d) { return d.properties.key === selectedSequenceKey; });

        return this;
Пример #6
 connections = _reduce(childNodes, function(result, e) {
     return resolver.isShared(e) ? _union(result, resolver.parentWays(e)) : result;
 }, connections);
Пример #7
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (config.products.alwaysSyncPlatformPricesOver) {
      if (config.products.clearPricesBeforePlatformSync) {
        for (let product of products) { // clear out the prices as we need to sync them with Magento
          product.priceInclTax = null
          product.originalPriceInclTax = null
          product.specialPriceInclTax = null

          product.special_price = null
          product.price = null
          product.originalPrice = null

          product.priceTax = null
          product.specialPriceTax = null
          product.originalPriceTax = null

          if (product.configurable_children) {
            for (let sc of product.configurable_children) {
              sc.priceInclTax = null
              sc.originalPriceInclTax = null
              sc.specialPriceInclTax = null

              sc.special_price = null
              sc.price = null
              sc.originalPrice = null

              sc.priceTax = null
              sc.specialPriceTax = null
              sc.originalPriceTax = null

      let skus = products.map((p) => { return p.sku })

      if (products.length === 1) { // single product - download child data
        const childSkus = flattenDeep(products.map((p) => { return (p.configurable_children) ? p.configurable_children.map((cc) => { return cc.sku }) : null }))
        skus = union(skus, childSkus)
      console.log('Starting platform prices sync for', skus) // TODO: add option for syncro and non syncro return

      rootStore.dispatch('product/syncPlatformPricesOver', { skus: skus }, { root: true }).then((syncResult) => {
        if (syncResult) {
          syncResult = syncResult.items

          for (let product of products) {
            const backProduct = syncResult.find((itm) => { return itm.id === product.id })
            if (backProduct) {
              product.price_is_current = true // in case we're syncing up the prices we should mark if we do have current or not
              product.price_refreshed_at = new Date()
              product = syncProductPrice(product, backProduct)

              if (product.configurable_children) {
                for (let configurableChild of product.configurable_children) {
                  const backProductChild = syncResult.find((itm) => { return itm.id === configurableChild.id })
                  if (backProductChild) {
                    configurableChild = syncProductPrice(configurableChild, backProductChild)
              // TODO: shall we update local storage here for the main product?
      if (!config.products.waitForPlatformSync && !global.$VS.isSSR) {
        console.log('Returning products, the prices yet to come from backend!')
        for (let product of products) {
          product.price_is_current = false // in case we're syncing up the prices we should mark if we do have current or not
          product.price_refreshed_at = null
    } else {