Пример #1
var keystone = require('keystone'),
    Types = keystone.Field.Types;
var Project = new keystone.List('Project');
    title: { type: String, initial: true, required: true, index: true },
    year: { type: Number, required: true,  initial: true },
    cover: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Photo', required: true, initial: true },
    description: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 400, initial: true },
    photoCount: { type: Number, required: true, initial: true },
    student1: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student2: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student3: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student4: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student5: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student6: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student7: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student8: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student9: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student10: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student11: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student12: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student13: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student14: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student15: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student16: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student17: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student18: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student19: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
    student20: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Student', initial: true },
Пример #2
var keystone = require('keystone'),
	Types = keystone.Field.Types;

var Predictivemodeling = new keystone.List('Predictivemodeling', {
	autokey: { from: 'name', path: 'key' }

	subText1:{ type: String },
	subText2:{ type: String },
	subText3:{ type: String },
	subText4:{ type: String },
	subText5:{ type: String },
	subText6:{ type: String },
	subText7:{ type: String },
	subText8:{ type: String },
	subText9:{ type: String },
	subText10:{ type: String },
	shortString:{ type: Types.Textarea, initial: true },

//Predictivemodeling.addPattern('standard meta');
Пример #3
var keystone = require('keystone'),
	Types = keystone.Field.Types;

 * Enquiry Model
 * =============

var Enquiry = new keystone.List('Enquiry', {
	nocreate: true,
	noedit: true

	name: { type: Types.Name, required: true },
	email: { type: Types.Email, required: true },
	phone: { type: String },
	enquiryType: { type: Types.Select, options: [
		{ value: 'message', label: 'Just leaving a message' },
		{ value: 'question', label: 'I\'ve got a question' },
		{ value: 'other', label: 'Something else...' }
	] },
	message: { type: Types.Markdown, required: true },
	createdAt: { type: Date, default: Date.now }

Enquiry.schema.pre('save', function(next) {
	this.wasNew = this.isNew;
Пример #4
var keystone = require('keystone');
var transform = require('model-transform');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

var User = new keystone.List('User');

	name: { type: Types.Name, required: true, index: true },
	email: { type: Types.Email, initial: true, required: true, index: true },
	password: { type: Types.Password, initial: true, required: true },
}, 'Permissions', {
	isAdmin: { type: Boolean, label: 'Can access Keystone', index: true },

// Provide access to Keystone
User.schema.virtual('canAccessKeystone').get(function () {
	return this.isAdmin;


User.defaultColumns = 'name, email, isAdmin';
Пример #5
 * DFP Form - Tactic Model
 * ===========
 * This model mimics the TACTICS.

var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

var DFPTactic = new keystone.List('DFPTactic', {
  map: { name: 'advertiserName' },
	defaultSort: '-advertiserName'


    advertiserName: { type: String },
    startDate: { type: String },
    endDate: { type: String },
    destinationURL: { type: String },
    imageSize: { type: String },
    imageSize_index: { type: Number },
    utmID: { type: String },
    adTag: { type: String },
    notes: { type: String },
    order: { type: String },    //Parent Order GUID
    campaign: { type: String },  //Parent Campaign GUID
		imgGUID: { type: String },	//GUIDs to the images uploaded with the tactic.
		imgURL: { type: String }	//URLs to the images themselves

Пример #6
var _ = require('underscore'),
    keystone = require('keystone'),
    Types = keystone.Field.Types;

 * Users
 * =====

var User = new keystone.List('User');

    name: {
        type: Types.Name,
        required: true,
        index: true,
        label: 'Имя Фамилия'
    email: {
        type: Types.Email,
        initial: true,
        required: true,
        index: true
    password: {
        type: Types.Password,
        initial: true,
        required: false,
        label: 'Пароль'
}, 'Permissions', {
Пример #7
var path = require('path')
var _ = require('underscore')
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
var keystone = require('keystone')
var Types = keystone.Field.Types


var Sculpture = new keystone.List('Sculpture', {
  defaultSort: '+createdAt'

var imagePath = path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'public', 'images', 'sculptures'))

mkdirp(imagePath, function (er) {
  if (er) console.error("Failed to create image dir", imagePath)

var audioPath = path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'public', 'audio', 'sculptures'))

mkdirp(audioPath, function (er) {
  if (er) console.error("Failed to create audio dir", audioPath)

var humanId = 0

function nextHumanId () {
  return humanId

Пример #8
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

 * Competition Model
 * ==========

var Result = new keystone.List('Result');

		competition: { type: Types.Relationship, initial: true, ref: 'Event', required: true },
		wod: { type: Types.Relationship, filters: { competition: ':competition' }, ref: 'Wod' },
		team: { type: Types.Relationship, filters: { competition: ':competition' }, ref: 'Team' },
	'AMRAP', {
		rounds: { type: Types.Number },
		reps: { type: Types.Number }
	'forTime (mm:ss)', {
		time: { type: Types.Text },
		hasCap: { type: Types.Boolean, default: false},
		capReps: { type: Types.Number }
	'forReps', {
		aloneReps: { type: Types.Number }
	'forLoad (kg)', {
		load: { type: Types.Text }
	'triplet (A + B + C)', {
Пример #9
var keystone = require('keystone'),
    Types = keystone.Field.Types;

 * Gallery Model
 * =============

var Gallery = new keystone.List('Gallery', {
    autokey: { from: 'name', path: 'key', unique: true }

    name: { type: String, required: true },
    publishedDate: { type: Date, default: Date.now },
    heroImage: { type: Types.CloudinaryImage },
    images: { type: Types.CloudinaryImages }

Пример #10
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

var Movie = new keystone.List('Movie', {
	autokey: { from: 'name', path: 'key', unique: true },
	label: '單一影音',

	name         : { type: String, required: true },
	english_name : { type: String },
	state        : { type: Types.Select, options: 'draft, published, archived', default: 'draft', index: true },
	author       : { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'User', index: true },
	publishedDate: { type: Types.Date, index: true },
	image        : { type: Types.CloudinaryImage },
	director     : { type: String },
	actor        : { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 150 },
	link         : { type: String },
	videoTime    : { type: String },
	inDate       : { type: Types.Date },
	content      : {
		brief   : { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 150 },
		extended: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 500 },
	// 地區
	region_categories        : {
		type: Types.Relationship,
		ref : 'MovieRegionCategory'
	// 主題分類
	theme_categories         : {
Пример #11
var keystone = require('keystone'),
	Types = keystone.Field.Types;

 * User Model
 * ==========

var deps = {
	facebook: { 'services.facebook.isConfigured': true }

var User = new keystone.List('User');

	name: { type: Types.Name, required: true},
	email: { type: Types.Email, initial: true, required: true, index: true },
	password: { type: Types.Password, initial: true, required: true },
	resetPasswordKey: { type: String, hidden: true },

	// TODO: update with googlemaps api
	adress: { type: Types.Text, initial: true },
	adress2: { type: Types.Text, initial: true },
	city: { type: Types.Text, initial: true },
	country: { type: Types.Text, initial: true, default: 'Norge' },
	postCode : { type: Types.Text, initial: true },
	mobile : { type: Types.Text, initial: true },
	mobile2 : { type: Types.Text, initial: true },
	mobile3 : { type: Types.Text, initial: true },
	photo: { type: Types.CloudinaryImage },
	mobileLand : {type: Types.Text, default: '47'},
Пример #12
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

 * Frontend Widget Model
 * ===========
 * Frontend Widgets are simply links to image URLs that will be posted to the front-end.
 * This model intended can be updated with a custom UI or the KeystoneJS backend.

var FrontendWidget = new keystone.List('FrontendWidget', {
        map: { name: 'title' }

        title: { type: String, required: true },
        url1: { type: String },
        alt1: { type: String },
        attributes1: { type: String },
        category: { type: String },      //Used to categorize widgets.
        priorityId: { type: String },    //Used to prioritize display order.
        url2: { type: String },
        alt2: { type: String },
        attributes2: { type: String },
        content1: { type: String },
        content2: { type: String },
        content3: { type: String },
        content4: { type: String },
        trans1: { type: String }, //default transformaiton
        trans2: { type: String }
Пример #13
var keystone = require('keystone'),
	Types = keystone.Field.Types;
 * Post Model
 * ==========
var Post = new keystone.List('Post', {
	map: { name: 'title' },
	autokey: { path: 'slug', from: 'title', unique: true }
	title: { type: String, required: true },
	state: { type: Types.Select, options: 'draft, published, archived', default: 'draft', index: true },
	author: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'User', index: true },
	publishedDate: { type: Types.Date, index: true, dependsOn: { state: 'published' } },
	image: { type: Types.CloudinaryImage },
	content: {
		brief: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 150 },
		extended: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 400 }
Post.schema.virtual('content.full').get(function() {
	return this.content.extended || this.content.brief;
Post.defaultColumns = 'title, state|20%, author|20%, publishedDate|20%';
Пример #14
const keystone = require('keystone');
const Types = keystone.Field.Types;
const { definedIfOtherField, SuperPromise } = require('../utils/tools');

const Guide = new keystone.List('Guide', {
	autokey: { from: 'view', path: 'key', unique: true },
	map: { name: 'view' },
	sortable: true,

	view: {
		type: Types.Select, initial: true, required: true, label: 'View type',
		options: 'main, origin, egg, interview',
	originId: {
		type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Origin', label: 'Origin', dependsOn: { view: 'origin' },
		watch: true, value: definedIfOtherField('originId', 'view', 'origin'),
	eggId: {
		type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Egg', label: 'Egg', dependsOn: { view: 'egg' }, watch: true,
		value: definedIfOtherField('eggId', 'view', 'egg'),
	interviewId: {
		type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Interview', label: 'Interview',
		dependsOn: { view: 'interview' }, watch: true,
		value: definedIfOtherField('interviewId', 'view', 'interview'),

Guide.schema.statics.getAll = () => {
Пример #15
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

 * Channels Model
 * ==========

var Channel = new keystone.List('Channel', {
  map: { name: 'name'},
  autokey: { path: 'slug', from: 'name', unique: true },
  track: { createdBy: true, createdAt: true, updatedBy: true, updatedAt: true }

  name: { type: String, required: true },

Channel.relationship({ ref: 'Sponsor', refPath: 'channels', path: 'sponsors' });
Channel.relationship({ ref: 'Speaker', refPath: 'channels', path: 'speakers' });
Channel.relationship({ ref: 'Proposal', refPath: 'channels', path: 'proposals' });
Channel.relationship({ ref: 'Talk', refPath: 'channels', path: 'talks' });
Channel.relationship({ ref: 'Workshop', refPath: 'channels', path: 'workshops' });

Channel.defaultColumns = 'name, slug';
Пример #16
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;
 * Post Model
 * ==========

var Post = new keystone.List('Post', {
    // name is displayed in admin UI
    map: {name: 'title'},
    autokey: {path: 'slug', from: 'title', unique: true},
    defaultSort: '-publishedDate'

    title: {label:'标题',type: String, required: true},
    author: {label: '作者', type: String, default: '新闻学院'},
    category: {
        label: '分类',
        type: Types.Select,
        options: [
            {label: '公告', value: 0},
            {label: '团委新闻', value: 1}, 
            {label: '学生会新闻', value: 2}, 
            {label: '研究生会新闻', value: 3}
    publishedDate: {label: '发布日期', type: Types.Date, index: true,default:Date.now,format:"YYYY-MM-DD"},
Пример #17
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;
var TypesUtils = require('../commons/types-utils.js');

 * Post Model
 * ==========

var Post = new keystone.List('Post', {
    map: { name: 'title' },
    autokey: { path: 'slug', from: 'title', unique: true }

// Use extra functions in commons/types-utils.js
var titleImageObj = TypesUtils.createFileTypeObj('post/images/');
var postImageObj = TypesUtils.createFileTypeObj('post/images/');

    title: { type: String, required: true },
    state: { type: Types.Select, options: 'draft, published, archived', default: 'draft', index: true },
    uploader: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'User', index: true },
    publishedDate: { type: Types.Date, index: true, dependsOn: { state: 'published' } },
	titleImage: titleImageObj,
    postImage: postImageObj, 
	contentImage: { type: Types.LocalFiles, dest: process.cwd() + '/files/post/images/'},
    content: {
        brief: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 150 },
        extended: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 400 }
Пример #18
var keystone = require('keystone');

 * PostCategory Model
 * ==================

var PostCategory = new keystone.List('PostCategory', {
	autokey: { from: 'name', path: 'key', unique: true }

	name: { type: String, required: true },
  priority: { type: Number }

PostCategory.relationship({ ref: 'Post', path: 'categories' });

Пример #19
 * DFP Form - Order Model
 * ===========
 * This model covers the ORDERS

var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

var DFPOrder = new keystone.List('DFPOrder', {
  map: { name: 'timeStamp' },
	defaultSort: '-timeStamp'

  formUser: { type: String }, //name
  phoneNumber: { type: String },
  emailAddress: { type: String },
  campaigns: { type: String }, //CSV of campaign GUIDs
  submissionStatus: { type: String },
  timeStamp: {type: String },
  orderNumberVD: {type: String}

DFPOrder.defaultColumns = 'timeStamp';

Пример #20
var keystone = require('keystone'),
	Types = keystone.Field.Types;

 * Yanng Post Model
 * ==========

var YanngPost = new keystone.List('Yanng Post', {
	map: { name: 'title' },
	autokey: { path: 'slug', from: 'title', unique: true }

	title: { type: String, required: true },
	key: Types.Key,
	content: {
		brief: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 150 },

YanngPost.schema.virtual('content.full').get(function() {
	return this.content.brief;

YanngPost.defaultColumns = 'title';

Пример #21
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

 * User Model
 * ==========

var User = new keystone.List('User');

	name: { type: Types.Name, required: true, index: true },
	email: { type: Types.Email, initial: true, required: true, index: true },
	password: { type: Types.Password, initial: true, required: true },
	description: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 150 },
	avatar: { type: Types.CloudinaryImage }
}, 'Permissions', {
	isAdmin: { type: Boolean, label: 'Can access Keystone', index: true }

// Provide access to Keystone
User.schema.virtual('canAccessKeystone').get(function() {
	return this.isAdmin;

 * Relationships

User.relationship({ ref: 'Post', path: 'posts', refPath: 'author' });
Пример #22
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

var Servicedirectory = new keystone.List('Servicedirectory', {
	label: 'Service Direcotries',
	autokey: { from: 'name', path: 'key', unique: true },
	map: {name:'pathway'}

	pathway: { type: String, required: true, initial: true },
	project: { type: Types.Select,  options: 'Mentoring, EducationFund, India, Cambodia', initial: true},
	nameOfProvision: { type: String, initial: true },
	address: { type: String, initial: true },
	contactInfo: { type: String, initial: true },
	criteriaAndDescription: { type: Types.Textarea, initial: true },
	notes: { type: Types.Textarea, initial: true }

Servicedirectory.track = true;
Servicedirectory.defaultColumns = 'pathway|25%, nameOfProvision|25%, address|25%, contactInfo|25%';
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

var ResourcesPost = new keystone.List('ResourcesPost', {
	autokey: { from: 'name', path: 'key', unique: true },
	label: '文章'

	name: { type: String, required: true },
	state: { type: Types.Select, options: 'draft, published, archived', default: 'draft', index: true },
	author: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'User', index: true },
	publishedDate: { type: Types.Date, index: true },
	image: { type: Types.CloudinaryImage },
	content: {
		brief: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 150 },
		extended: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 400 },
	categories: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'ResourcesPostCategory', many: true },

ResourcesPost.schema.virtual('content.full').get(function () {
	return this.content.extended || this.content.brief;

ResourcesPost.track = true;
ResourcesPost.defaultColumns = 'name, state|20%, author|20%, publishedDate|20%';
Пример #24
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;
var Review = new keystone.List('Review', {
	autokey: {
		from: 'name',
		path: 'key',
		unique: true

	user: {
		type: Types.Name,
		required: true,
		initial: true,
		index: true
	comments: {
		type: Types.Html,
		wysiwyg: true,
		height: 400
	hits: {
		type: Number,
		required: false


	ref: 'Provider',
Пример #25
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

 * Link Comments Model
 * ===================

var LinkComment = new keystone.List('LinkComment', {
	nocreate: true

	link: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Link', index: true },
	author: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'User', index: true },
	date: { type: Types.Date, default: Date.now, index: true },
	content: { type: Types.Markdown }

 * Registration
 * ============

LinkComment.defaultColumns = 'author, date|20%';
Пример #26
var keystone = require('keystone'),
	Types = keystone.Field.Types;

var Offering = new keystone.List('Offering', {
	autokey: { from: 'name', path: 'key' }

	offeringImage:{type: Types.CloudinaryImage},

Offering.addPattern('standard meta');
Пример #27
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

 * ListItem Model
var ListItem = new keystone.List('ListItem', {
	autokey: {
		path: 'slug',
		from: 'title',
		unique: true

	title: {
		type: String,
		initial: true, 	// Causes the field to be displayed in the Create form
		required: true
	state: {
		type: Types.Select,
		options: 'draft, published, expired',
		default: 'draft',
		index: true
	author: {
		type: Types.Relationship,
		ref: 'User',
		index: true
Пример #28
 * Created by hesk on 12/21/2014.
var keystone = require('keystone'),
    Types = keystone.Field.Types;

var Tokenized = new keystone.List('Tokenized', {
    nocreate: true,
    noedit: true

    user: {type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'User'},
    expire: {type: Types.Datetime},
    token: {type: Types.Text},
    object: {
        type: Types.Select,
        options: [
            {value: 'registration', label: 'registration'},
            {value: 'login', label: 'login'},
            {value: 'verification-1', label: 'verification-1'},
            {value: 'verification-2', label: 'verification-2'}
        default: 'registration'

Tokenized.defaultColumns = 'object, token, expire, user';
Пример #29
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

var ShopList = new keystone.List('ShopList', {
	label: 'ShopList',
	autokey: { from: 'shopName', path: 'slug', unique: true },
	map: { name: 'shopName' },
	searchFields: 'shopName',
	defaultSort: '-createDate',
	sortable: true,
//	drilldown: 'author',
	track: true,
	defaultColumns : 'shopName, state|20%, publishedDate|20%'

	shopName:{default:null,label:'Shop List Name',required:true,type:Types.Text,note:''},
	shopShortDescription:{default:null,label:'Short Description',required:false,type:Types.Text,note:''},
	shopId:{ref:'Shop',default:null, initial:true,label:'Shop',required:false,type:Types.Relationship,note:''},
	shopCategories:{many:true,ref:'ShopCategory',default:null,label:'Shop Categories',required:false,type:Types.Relationship,note:''},
	shopListImage:{ref:'Assets',default:null,label:'Image ',required:false,type:Types.Relationship,note:''},
	ribbonText:{default:null,label:'Ribbon Text',required:false,type:Types.Text,note:''},
	isEndingSoon:{default:null,label:'Is Ending Soon?',required:false,type:Types.Boolean,note:''},
	isFoodCourt:{default:null,label:'Is Food Court?',required:false,type:Types.Boolean,note:''},
	isMostPopular:{default:null,label:'Is Most Popular?',required:false,type:Types.Boolean,note:''},
	isNewDeals:{default:null,label:'Is New Deals?',required:false,type:Types.Boolean,note:''},
	floorPlanIDs:{ref:'FloorPlan',default:null,label:'Floor Plan',required:false,type:Types.Relationship,note:''},
	isActive:{default:null,label:'Is Active?',required:true,type:Types.Boolean,note:''},
	isNeverExpired:{default:null,label:'Is Never Expired?',required:false,type:Types.Boolean,note:'', dependsOn: { isActive: true }},
	expireAfter:{default:Date.now,label:'Expire After',required:false,type:Types.Date,note:'', dependsOn: { isNeverExpired: false }},
Пример #30
var keystone = require('keystone'),
    Types = keystone.Field.Types;

var store = new keystone.List('Store', {
    map: {
        name: 'title'
    autokey: {
        path: 'slug',
        from: 'title',
        unique: true
    singular: '商家',
    plural: '商家'
    title: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
        default: '商家名称',
        label: '商家名称'
    property: {
        type: Types.Relationship,
        ref: 'User',
        index: true,
        label: '物业'
    type: {
        type: Types.Relationship,
        ref: 'StoreType',