Пример #1
             storesData.stores.UsersWorkspaces.Store.GetQuery( { filters: { userId: self._req.session.userId, workspaceId: headersWorkspaceId } }, function( err, uwDocs){
               if( err ){
                 done( err );
               } else {
                 if( uwDocs.length == 0 ){
                   hotplate.log("No access -- user needs to (re?)login!");
                   done( new self.UnauthorizedError() );
                 } else {
                   hotplate.log("OK, access is cleared, creating the tab for the user...");
                   hotplate.log( self._req.session.userId );
                   stores.Tabs.Post( { userId: self._req.session.userId }, {}, function( err, tab ){
                     if( err ){
                        done( err );
                     } else {
                       hotplate.log("...and ALSO returning the workspace configuration for that userId");
                       hotCoreStoreConfig.getConfigRecords( headersWorkspaceId, self._req.session.userId, function( err, storeRecords ){
                         if( err ){
                           done( err );
                         } else {
                           done( null, { messages: [ { fromUserId: self._req.session.userId, message: { type: 'resetStores', tabId: tab.id, storeRecords: storeRecords } } ] } );
                   }); // Tabs.Post()
             });//UsersWorkspaces.GetQuer ()
Пример #2
      Object.keys( element.result ).forEach( function( k ){

        var Store = element.result[ k ];

        try {
         var store = new Store();
        } catch ( e ){
          hotplate.log("AN ERROR HAPPENED WHILE INSTANCING A STORE: " );
          hotplate.log( e );
          hotplate.log( e.stack );
          hotplate.log( element );
          hotplate.log( Store );

        // If the store was created (no exception thrown...)
        if( store ){

           // Add the module to the store registry
           res.stores[ store.storeName ] = { Store: Store, storeObject: store };

          // Add the module to the collection registry
          if( store.collectionName ){
            res.collections[ store.collectionName ] = res.collections[ store.collectionName ] || [];
            res.collections[ store.collectionName ].push( { Store: Store, storeObject: store }  );


Пример #3
                   stores.Tabs.Post( { userId: self._req.session.userId }, {}, function( err, tab ){
                     if( err ){
                        done( err );
                     } else {
                       hotplate.log("...and ALSO returning the workspace configuration for that userId");
                       hotCoreStoreConfig.getConfigRecords( headersWorkspaceId, self._req.session.userId, function( err, storeRecords ){
                         if( err ){
                           done( err );
                         } else {
                           done( null, { messages: [ { fromUserId: self._req.session.userId, message: { type: 'resetStores', tabId: tab.id, storeRecords: storeRecords } } ] } );
                   }); // Tabs.Post()
Пример #4
      setInterval( function(){
        if( cleaningUp ) return;
        cleaningUp = true;

        hotplate.log("Cleaning up unused tabs...");

        //hotplate.log( "Cleaning up expired tabs and tab messages..." );

        storesData.stores.Tabs.storeObject.dbLayer.delete( { conditions: { and: [ { field: 'lastSync', type: 'lte', value: new Date( new Date() - TABLIFESPAN ) } ] } }, { multi: true }, function( err, howMany ){
          // hotplate.log( 'Tabs: error and howMany: ', err, howMany );
          //TODO: Log error

          storesData.stores.TabMessages.storeObject.dbLayer.delete( { conditions: { and: [ { field: 'added', type: 'lte', value: new Date( new Date() - TABLIFESPAN ) } ] } }, { multi: true }, function( err, howMany ){
            ////  hotplate.log( 'TabMessages: error and howMany: ', err, howMany );
            // TODO: Log error
            cleaningUp = false;
Пример #5
      stores.Tabs.GetQuery( { filters: { id: params.tabId, userId: self._req.session.userId, fromLastSync: new Date() - TABLIFESPAN } }, function( err, tab ){
        if( err ){
          done( err );
        } else {

          hotplate.log( tab );
          if( tab.length == 0 ){

            hotplate.log("Tab was NOT present. Trying to understand if I should create one");

            // At this point, the tab wasn't found. If workspaceId was passed via headers,
            // the person will be returned the configuration for that workspace. We need to check
            // that the user actually has access to that workspaceId.

            hotCoreStoreRegistry.getAllStores( function( err, storesData ){
              if( err ){
                done( err );
              } else {
                hotplate.log("Checking that user has access to the workspaceId she is trying to register for");
                storesData.stores.UsersWorkspaces.Store.GetQuery( { filters: { userId: self._req.session.userId, workspaceId: headersWorkspaceId } }, function( err, uwDocs){
                  if( err ){
                    done( err );
                  } else {
                    if( uwDocs.length == 0 ){
                      hotplate.log("No access -- user needs to (re?)login!");
                      done( new self.UnauthorizedError() );
                    } else {
                      hotplate.log("OK, access is cleared, creating the tab for the user...");
                      hotplate.log( self._req.session.userId );
                      stores.Tabs.Post( { userId: self._req.session.userId }, {}, function( err, tab ){
                        if( err ){
                           done( err );
                        } else {
                          hotplate.log("...and ALSO returning the workspace configuration for that userId");
                          hotCoreStoreConfig.getConfigRecords( headersWorkspaceId, self._req.session.userId, function( err, storeRecords ){
                            if( err ){
                              done( err );
                            } else {
                              done( null, { messages: [ { fromUserId: self._req.session.userId, message: { type: 'resetStores', tabId: tab.id, storeRecords: storeRecords } } ] } );
                      }); // Tabs.Post()
                });//UsersWorkspaces.GetQuer ()

          } else {

            // Write the new access time onto the tab's record; 
            tab = tab[ 0 ];
            tab.lastSync = new Date();
            stores.Tabs.Put( tab.id, tab, function( err, tab ){
              if( err ){
                done( err );
              } else {

                // Return all messages for that tab, REMOVING after fetching
                stores.TabMessages.GetQuery( { filters: { tabId: params.tabId, fromAdded: new Date() - TABLIFESPAN }, delete: true }, function( err, tabMessages ){
                  if( err ){
                    done( err );
                  } else {
                    tabMessages.forEach( function( tabMessage ){
                      // delete tabMessage._\id;
                      delete tabMessage.messageId;
                      delete tabMessage.tabId;

                      messages.push( tabMessage);
                    done( null, { messages: messages } );


Пример #6
    execAllDbFetch: function( params, body, options, done ){

      var messages = [];
      var self = this;

      // If it's not a remote call, always return empty result
      if( ! self.remote ) return done( null, { messages: [] } );

      var headersWorkspaceId = self._req.headers[ 'x-hotplate-workspaceid' ];

      // User is not logged in -- goodbye
      if( ! self._req.session.loggedIn || ! self._req.session.userId ){
        hotplate.log("A non-logged in user tried to fetch tabId %s for workspaceId %s, denying...", params.tabId, headersWorkspaceId );
        return done( new self.UnauthorizedError() );

      hotplate.log("Looking for tab %s owned by user %s, x-workspaceId is %s", params.tabId, self._req.session.userId, headersWorkspaceId );

      // Return all messages for that tab, REMOVING after fetching
      stores.Tabs.GetQuery( { filters: { id: params.tabId, userId: self._req.session.userId, fromLastSync: new Date() - TABLIFESPAN } }, function( err, tab ){
        if( err ){
          done( err );
        } else {

          hotplate.log( tab );
          if( tab.length == 0 ){

            hotplate.log("Tab was NOT present. Trying to understand if I should create one");

            // At this point, the tab wasn't found. If workspaceId was passed via headers,
            // the person will be returned the configuration for that workspace. We need to check
            // that the user actually has access to that workspaceId.

            hotCoreStoreRegistry.getAllStores( function( err, storesData ){
              if( err ){
                done( err );
              } else {
                hotplate.log("Checking that user has access to the workspaceId she is trying to register for");
                storesData.stores.UsersWorkspaces.Store.GetQuery( { filters: { userId: self._req.session.userId, workspaceId: headersWorkspaceId } }, function( err, uwDocs){
                  if( err ){
                    done( err );
                  } else {
                    if( uwDocs.length == 0 ){
                      hotplate.log("No access -- user needs to (re?)login!");
                      done( new self.UnauthorizedError() );
                    } else {
                      hotplate.log("OK, access is cleared, creating the tab for the user...");
                      hotplate.log( self._req.session.userId );
                      stores.Tabs.Post( { userId: self._req.session.userId }, {}, function( err, tab ){
                        if( err ){
                           done( err );
                        } else {
                          hotplate.log("...and ALSO returning the workspace configuration for that userId");
                          hotCoreStoreConfig.getConfigRecords( headersWorkspaceId, self._req.session.userId, function( err, storeRecords ){
                            if( err ){
                              done( err );
                            } else {
                              done( null, { messages: [ { fromUserId: self._req.session.userId, message: { type: 'resetStores', tabId: tab.id, storeRecords: storeRecords } } ] } );
                      }); // Tabs.Post()
                });//UsersWorkspaces.GetQuer ()

          } else {

            // Write the new access time onto the tab's record; 
            tab = tab[ 0 ];
            tab.lastSync = new Date();
            stores.Tabs.Put( tab.id, tab, function( err, tab ){
              if( err ){
                done( err );
              } else {

                // Return all messages for that tab, REMOVING after fetching
                stores.TabMessages.GetQuery( { filters: { tabId: params.tabId, fromAdded: new Date() - TABLIFESPAN }, delete: true }, function( err, tabMessages ){
                  if( err ){
                    done( err );
                  } else {
                    tabMessages.forEach( function( tabMessage ){
                      // delete tabMessage._\id;
                      delete tabMessage.messageId;
                      delete tabMessage.tabId;

                      messages.push( tabMessage);
                    done( null, { messages: messages } );

