Пример #1
var parsePath = function(svgPathEle)
  var d = svgPathEle.getAttribute("d").split(" ");
  var startPstn = d[1].split(",").map(function(s)
                                        return parseFloat(s)
  startPstn = {x:startPstn[0], y:startPstn[1]};

  var controlPstn1 = d[3].split(",").map(function(s)
                                           return parseFloat(s)
  controlPstn1 = {x:controlPstn1[0], y:controlPstn1[1]};
  var controlPstn2 = d[4].split(",").map(function(s)
                                           return parseFloat(s)
  controlPstn2 = {x:controlPstn2[0], y:controlPstn2[1]};
  var endPstn = d[5].split(",").map(function(s)
                                      return parseFloat(s)

  endPstn = {x:endPstn[0], y:endPstn[1]};
   if (d[2] == "C")
      return {start:startPstn, control:[controlPstn1, controlPstn2], end:endPstn};
      return {start:startPstn, control:[geo.ccpAdd(controlPstn1, startPstn), geo.ccpAdd(controlPstn2, startPstn)], end:geo.ccpAdd(startPstn, endPstn)};
Пример #2
    updateView: function () {
        var cam = this.get('currentCamera'),
            camPos = geo.ccpAdd(cam.get('position'), cam.get('offset')),
            camAnchor = cam.get('anchorPointInPixels'),
            newPos = geo.ccpAdd(geo.ccpNeg(camPos), camAnchor);

        this.set('position', newPos);
Пример #3
    reverse: function() {
        var c = this.config,
            bc = new geo.BezierConfig()

        bc.endPosition = geo.ccpNeg(c.endPosition)
        bc.controlPoint1 = geo.ccpAdd(c.controlPoint2, geo.ccpNeg(c.endPosition))
        bc.controlPoint2 = geo.ccpAdd(c.controlPoint1, geo.ccpNeg(c.endPosition))

        return new BezierBy({bezier: bc, duration: this.duration})
Пример #4
 reverse: function() {
     var c = this.get('config'),
         bc = new geo.BezierConfig();
     bc.endPosition = geo.ccpNeg(c.endPosition);
     bc.controlPoint1 = geo.ccpAdd(c.controlPoint2, geo.ccpNeg(c.endPosition));
     bc.controlPoint2 = geo.ccpAdd(c.controlPoint1, geo.ccpNeg(c.endPosition));
     return BezierBy.create({bezier: bc, duration: this.get('duration')});
Пример #5
    update: function(t) {
        var c = this.config
        var xa = 0,
            xb = c.controlPoint1.x,
            xc = c.controlPoint2.x,
            xd = c.endPosition.x,
            ya = 0,
            yb = c.controlPoint1.y,
            yc = c.controlPoint2.y,
            yd = c.endPosition.y

        var x = bezierat(xa, xb, xc, xd, t)
        var y = bezierat(ya, yb, yc, yd, t)

        this.target.position = geo.ccpAdd(this.startPosition, geo.ccp(x, y))
Пример #6
 update: function(t) {
     var c = this.get('config');
     var xa = 0,
         xb = c.controlPoint1.x,
         xc = c.controlPoint2.x,
         xd = c.endPosition.x,
         ya = 0,
         yb = c.controlPoint1.y,
         yc = c.controlPoint2.y,
         yd = c.endPosition.y;
     var x = BezierBy.bezierat(xa, xb, xc, xd, t);
     var y = BezierBy.bezierat(ya, yb, yc, yd, t);
     this.target.set('position', geo.ccpAdd(this.get('startPosition'), geo.ccp(x, y)));
Пример #7
function Movable() {
	this.mass = 0.1;

Movable.inherit(NodeContainer, {
	size: new geo.Size(1,1),
	get front() {if (this.angleChanged) this.resetFront(); return this._f;},
	set front(v) {throw new Error('use resetFront instead of direct setting it');},
	_f: ccp(0, 0),
	resetFront: function() {
		var half = this.size.width / 2;
		this._f.x = half * Math.cos(this.angle);
		this._f.y = half * Math.sin(this.angle);
		this.angleChanged = false;
	get rear() {return geo.ccpNeg(this.front);},
	get frontPoint() { return geo.ccpAdd(this.location, this.front);},
	get rearPoint() { return geo.ccpAdd(this.location, this.rear);},
	get density() {
		return 1;

module.exports = Movable;
Пример #8
 mouseDragged: function (event) {
     var node = this.getChild({tag: kTagTileMap})
     var currentPos = node.position
     node.position = geo.ccpAdd(currentPos, new geo.Point(event.deltaX, event.deltaY))
     return true
Пример #9
    update: function(dt) {

        // Reset acceleration on local player.
        if(this.isLocal) {
            this.acceleration = ccp(0,0);

        // Apply forward force..
        if(this.keys.UP && this.fuel > 0) {
            var rotInRadians = (-this.rotation + 90) * (Math.PI / 180.0);
            var force = ccp( Math.cos(rotInRadians) * this.moveSpeed * dt,
                             Math.sin(rotInRadians) * this.moveSpeed * dt );
            this.acceleration = geo.ccpAdd(this.acceleration, force);
        } else {
            // Regenerate fuel.
            if(this.fuel < this.maxFuel) {
                this.fuel += this.fuelRegen;

        // Turn right or left.
        if(this.keys.RIGHT) {
            this.rotation += this.turnSpeed * dt;
        if(this.keys.LEFT) {
            this.rotation -= this.turnSpeed * dt;

        // Apply gravity.
        //this.velocity.y -= 7.5 * dt;

        // Apply acceleration to velocity.
        this.velocity = geo.ccpAdd(this.velocity, this.acceleration);

        // Simulate air drag.
        this.velocity.x *= this.airDrag;
        this.velocity.y *= this.airDrag;

        // Cap velocity at some maximum.
        var speed = Math.sqrt( this.velocity.x*this.velocity.x + this.velocity.y*this.velocity.y );
        if(speed > this.maxSpeed) {
            this.velocity.x = (this.velocity.x / speed) * this.maxSpeed;
            this.velocity.y = (this.velocity.y / speed) * this.maxSpeed;

        // Apply velocity to position.
        this.position = geo.ccpAdd(this.position, this.velocity);

        // Wrap-around of player position.
        var size = Director.sharedDirector.winSize;
        if(this.position.y > size.height) {
            this.position.y = 0;
        if(this.position.y < 0) {
            this.position.y = size.height;
        if(this.position.x > size.width) {
            this.position.x = 0;
        if(this.position.x < 0) {
            this.position.x = size.width;

        // Animate over time if pressing the UP key.
        if(this.keys.UP) {
            this.lastFrameChange += dt;
            if(this.lastFrameChange > 0.1) {
                if(this.animationFrame > 2) {
                    this.animationFrame = 1;
                this.setFrame( this.animationFrame );
                this.lastFrameChange = 0;
        } else {
            this.lastFrameChange = 0;