Пример #1
exports.loginRequired = function(req, res, next) {
    if (req.loggedIn) {
        return next();
    res.redirect(everyauth.password.getLoginPath() +
            "?next=" + encodeURIComponent(req.url));
Пример #2
  schema.static('createWithGoogleOAuth', function (googleUser, accessToken, accessTokenExtra, callback) {
    var expiresDate = new Date;
    expiresDate.setSeconds(expiresDate.getSeconds() + accessTokenExtra.expires_in);
    var params = {
      google: {
          email: googleUser.email
        , name: googleUser.name
        , given_name: googleUser.given_name
        , family_name: googleUser.family_name
        , picture: googleUser.picture
        , gender: googleUser.gender
        , locale: googleUser.locale
        , expires: expiresDate
        , accessToken: accessToken
        , refreshToken: accessTokenExtra.refresh_token

    // TODO Only do this if password module is enabled
    //      Currently, this is not a valid way to check for enabled
    if (everyauth.password)
      params[everyauth.password.loginKey()] = "google:" + googleUser.id; // Hack because of way mongodb treate unique indexes

    this.create(params, callback);
Пример #3
everyauth.password.authenticate( function (login, password) {
	 var errors = [];
	 if (!login) errors.push('Votre email est requis');
	 if (!password) errors.push('Un mot de passe est requis');
	 if (errors.length) return errors;
	 var promise = this.Promise();
   userProvider.findByField(everyauth.password.loginFormFieldName(), login, function(err, user){
     console.log('authenticate: err: '+util.inspect(err)+' - user:'******'mot de passe erroné');
           promise.fulfill(['Mot De Passe Erroné']);
         } else {
           console.log('utilisateur authentifié');
       } else {
         promise.fulfill(['Cet identifiant n\'est pas référencé']);

   return promise;
Пример #4
  schema.static('createWithFoursquare', function (foursquareUserMeta, accessToken, accessTokenExtra, callback) {
    var params = {
      foursquare: {
          accessToken: accessToken
        , id: foursquareUserMeta.id
        , firstName: foursquareUserMeta.firstName
        , lastName: foursquareUserMeta.lastName
        , homeCity: foursquareUserMeta.homeCity
        , photo: foursquareUserMeta.photo
        , gender: foursquareUserMeta.gender
        , relationship: foursquareUserMeta.relationship
        , type: foursquareUserMeta.type
        , contact: foursquareUserMeta.contact
        , pings: foursquareUserMeta.pings
        , badges: foursquareUserMeta.badges
        , checkins: foursquareUserMeta.checkins
        , mayorships: foursquareUserMeta.mayorships
        , tips: foursquareUserMeta.tips
        , todos: foursquareUserMeta.todos
        , photos: foursquareUserMeta.photos
        , friends: foursquareUserMeta.friends
        , followers: foursquareUserMeta.followers
        , requests: foursquareUserMeta.requests
        , pageInfo: foursquareUserMeta.pageInfo

    // TODO Only do this if password module is enabled
    //      Currently, this is not a valid way to check for enabled
    if (everyauth.password)
      params[everyauth.password.loginKey()] = "foursquare:" + foursquareUserMeta.id; // Hack because of way mongodb treate unique indexes

    this.create(params, callback);
Пример #5
  schema.static('createWithWeiboOAuth', function (weiboUser, accessToken, accessTokenExtra, callback) {
    var expiresDate = new Date;
    expiresDate.setSeconds(expiresDate.getSeconds() + accessTokenExtra.expires_in);
    var params = {
      weibo: {
        accessToken:          accessToken
      , expires:              expiresDate
      , refreshToken:         "" 
      , id:                   weiboUser.id
      , screen_name:          weiboUser.screen_name
      , avatar_large:         weiboUser.avatar_large
      , profile_image_url:    weiboUser.profile_image_url
      , gender:               weiboUser.gender
      , location:             weiboUser.location
      , province:             weiboUser.province
      , city:                 weiboUser.city
      , lang:                 weiboUser.lang
      , verified:             weiboUser.verified
      , verified_reason:      weiboUser.verified_reason
      , verified_type:        weiboUser.verified_type
      , url:                  weiboUser.url
      , weihao:               weiboUser.weihao

    // TODO Only do this if password module is enabled
    //      Currently, this is not a valid way to check for enabled
    if (everyauth.password)
      params[everyauth.password.loginKey()] = "weibo:" + weiboUser.id; // Hack because of way mongodb treate unique indexes

    this.create(params, callback);
Пример #6
  schema.static('createWithFB', function (fbUserMeta, accessToken, expires, callback) {

    var expiresDate = new Date();
    expiresDate.setSeconds(expiresDate.getSeconds() + expires);
    var params =  {
      fb: {
          id: fbUserMeta.id
        , accessToken: accessToken
        , expires: expiresDate
        , name: {
              full: fbUserMeta.name
            , first: fbUserMeta.first_name
            , last: fbUserMeta.last_name
        , alias: fbUserMeta.link.match(/^https?:\/\/www.facebook\.com\/(.+)/)[1]
        , gender: fbUserMeta.gender
        , email: fbUserMeta.email
        , timezone: fbUserMeta.timezone
        , locale: fbUserMeta.locale
        , verified: fbUserMeta.verified
        , updatedTime: fbUserMeta.updated_time

    // TODO Only do this if password module is enabled
    //      Currently, this is not a valid way to check for enabled
    if (everyauth.password)
      params[everyauth.password.loginKey()] = "fb:" + fbUserMeta.id; // Hack because of way mongodb treate unique indexes

    this.create(params, callback);
Пример #7
 userProvider.findByField(everyauth.password.loginFormFieldName(), login, function(err, user){
   console.log('authenticate: err: '+util.inspect(err)+' - user:'******'mot de passe erroné');
         promise.fulfill(['Mot De Passe Erroné']);
       } else {
         console.log('utilisateur authentifié');
     } else {
       promise.fulfill(['Cet identifiant n\'est pas référencé']);
Пример #8
    return function (req, res, next) {
      var sess = req.session
        , auth = sess.auth
        , ea = { loggedIn: !!(auth && auth.loggedIn) };

      // Copy the session.auth properties over
      for (var k in auth) {
        ea[k] = auth[k];

      if (everyauth.enabled.password) {
        // Add in access to loginFormFieldName() + passwordFormFieldName()
        ea.password || (ea.password = {});
        ea.password.loginFormFieldName = everyauth.password.loginFormFieldName();
        ea.password.passwordFormFieldName = everyauth.password.passwordFormFieldName();

      res.locals.everyauth = ea;

Пример #9
exports.authenticate = function (login, password, callback) {
  // TODO This will break if we change everyauth's
  //      configurable loginName
  var query = {};
  query[everyauth.password.loginKey()] = login;
  this.findOne(query, function (err, user) {
    if (err) return callback(err);
    if (!user) return callback('User with login ' + login + ' does not exist');
    user.authenticate(password, function (err, didSucceed) {
      if (err) return callback(err);
      if (didSucceed) return callback(null, user);
      return callback(null, null);
Пример #10
  schema.static('createWithWeiboOAuth', function (weiboUser, appId, appSecret, callback) {
    var expiresDate = new Date;
    expiresDate.setSeconds(expiresDate.getSeconds() + accessTokenExtra.expires_in);
    var params = {
      weibo: {
          email: weiboUser.id
        , appId: appId
        , appSecret: appSecret

    // TODO Only do this if password module is enabled
    //      Currently, this is not a valid way to check for enabled
    if (everyauth.password)
      params[everyauth.password.loginKey()] = "weibo:" + weiboUser.id; // Hack because of way mongodb treate unique indexes

    this.create(params, callback);
Пример #11
  schema.static('createWithTwitter', function (twitUserMeta, accessToken, accessTokenSecret, callback) {
    var params = {
      twit: {
          accessToken: accessToken
        , accessTokenSecret: accessTokenSecret
        , id: twitUserMeta.id
        , name: twitUserMeta.name
        , screenName: twitUserMeta.screen_name
        , location: twitUserMeta.location
        , description: twitUserMeta.description
        , profileImageUrl: twitUserMeta.profile_image_url
        , url: twitUserMeta.url
        , protected: twitUserMeta.protected
        , followersCount: twitUserMeta.followers_count
        , profileBackgroundColor: twitUserMeta.profile_background_color
        , profileTextColor: twitUserMeta.profile_text_color
        , profileLinkColor: twitUserMeta.profile_link_color
        , profileSidebarFillColor: twitUserMeta.profile_sidebar_fill_color
        , profileSiderbarBorderColor: twitUserMeta.profile_sidebar_border_color
        , friendsCount: twitUserMeta.friends_count
        , createdAt: twitUserMeta.created_at
        , favouritesCount: twitUserMeta.favourites_count
        , utcOffset: twitUserMeta.utc_offset
        , timeZone: twitUserMeta.time_zone
        , profileBackgroundImageUrl: twitUserMeta.profile_background_image_url
        , profileBackgroundTile: twitUserMeta.profile_background_tile
        , profileUseBackgroundImage: twitUserMeta.profile_use_background_image
        , geoEnabled: twitUserMeta.geo_enabled
        , verified: twitUserMeta.verified
        , statusesCount: twitUserMeta.statuses_count
        , lang: twitUserMeta.lang
        , contributorsEnabled: twitUserMeta.contributors_enabled

    // TODO Only do this if password module is enabled
    //      Currently, this is not a valid way to check for enabled
    if (everyauth.password)
      params[everyauth.password.loginKey()] = "twit:" + twitUserMeta.id; // Hack because of way mongodb treate unique indexes

    this.create(params, callback);
Пример #12
  schema.static('createWithGithub', function (ghUser, accessToken, callback) {
    var params = {
      github: {
          id: ghUser.id
        , accessToken: accessToken
        , type: ghUser.type
        , login: ghUser.login
        , gravatarId: ghUser.gravatar_id
        , name: ghUser.name
        , email: ghUser.email
        , publicRepoCount: ghUser.public_repo_count
        , publicGistCount: ghUser.public_gist_count
        , followingCount: ghUser.following_count
        , followersCount: ghUser.followers_count
        , company: ghUser.company
        , blog: ghUser.blog
        , location: ghUser.location
        , permission: ghUser.permission
        , createdAt: ghUser.created_at

        // Private data
        , totalPrivateRepoCount: ghUser.total_private_repo_count
        , collaborators: ghUser.collaborators
        , diskUsage: ghUser.disk_usage
        , ownedPrivateRepoCount: ghUser.owned_private_repo_count
        , privateGistCount: ghUser.private_gist_count
        , plan: {
              name: ghUser.plan.name
            , collaborators: ghUser.plan.collaborators
            , space: ghUser.plan.space
            , privateRepos: ghUser.plan.private_repos

    // TODO Only do this if password module is enabled
    //      Currently, this is not a valid way to check for enabled
    if (everyauth.password)
      params[everyauth.password.loginKey()] = "github:" + ghUser.id; // Hack because of way mongodb treate unique indexes

    this.create(params, callback);
Пример #13
everyauth.password.validateRegistration( function (newUserAttrs) {
  var errors = [];
  var promise = this.Promise();
  console.log('new user attr:'+util.inspect(newUserAttrs));
  var fieldName = everyauth.password.loginFormFieldName();
  var fieldValue = newUserAttrs[fieldName];
  userProvider.findByField(fieldName, fieldValue, function(err, user){
    console.log('err: '+util.inspect(err)+' - user:'******'Cet Identifiant a déjà été utilisé']);
      } else {

	return promise;
Пример #14
  schema.static('createWithVK', function (vkUserMeta, accessToken, expires, callback) {
    var expiresDate = new Date;
    expiresDate.setSeconds(expiresDate.getSeconds() + expires);
    var params =  {
      vk: {
          id: vkUserMeta.uid
        , accessToken: accessToken
        , expires: expiresDate
        , name: {
              first: vkUserMeta.first_name
            , last: vkUserMeta.last_name
            , nickname: vkUserMeta.nick_name
            , screen_name: vkUserMeta.screen_name
        , sex: vkUserMeta.sex
        , bdate: parseDate(vkUserMeta.bdate)
        , city: vkUserMeta.city
        , country: vkUserMeta.country
        , timezone: vkUserMeta.timezone
        , photo: vkUserMeta.photo
        , photo_medium: vkUserMeta.photo_medium
        , photo_big: vkUserMeta.photo_big
        , has_mobile: vkUserMeta.has_mobile
        , rate: vkUserMeta.rate
        , university: vkUserMeta.university
        , university_name: vkUserMeta.university_name
        , faculty: vkUserMeta.faculty
        , faculty_name: vkUserMeta.faculty_name
        , graduation: vkUserMeta.graduation

    // TODO Only do this if password module is enabled
    //      Currently, this is not a valid way to check for enabled
    if (everyauth.password)
      params[everyauth.password.loginKey()] = "vk:" + vkUserMeta.uid; // Hack because of way mongodb treate unique indexes

    this.create(params, callback);
Пример #15
  schema.static('createWithInstagram', function (hipster, accessToken, callback) {
    var params = {
      instagram: {
          id: hipster.id
        , name: {
              first: hipster.first_name
            , last: hipster.last_name
        , profilePicture: hipster.profile_picture
        , counts: {
              media: hipster.counts.media
            , follows: hipster.counts.follows
            , followedBy: hipster.counts.followed_by

    // TODO Only do this if password module is enabled
    //      Currently, this is not a valid way to check for enabled
    if (everyauth.password)
      params[everyauth.password.loginKey()] = "instagram:" + hipster.id; // Hack because of way mongodb treate unique indexes

    this.create(params, callback);
Пример #16
var everyauth = require("everyauth");
var User = require("./../models/User");
var log = require("./../lib/log")("log.txt");
        console.log("logging in " + login+ " " +  password);
        var promise = this.Promise();
        var query = User.where('username').equals(login);//.where('password').equals(password);
        query.exec(function(err, user){
            if (err) return promise.fulfill([err]);
            if (user && user.length > 0 && user[0].comparePasswords(password)){
                log("logged in "+ user[0].username);
                promise.fulfill([{error:"login failed"}]);
        return promise;
    .respondToLoginSucceed( function (res, user, data) {
        var loggedIn =everyauth._req._getters.loggedIn();
        if (user) {
            everyauth.user = user;
            //response.login = true;
            return res.json({ success: true,user:{
            }}, 200);
Пример #17
	.handleAuthCallbackError(function (req, res) {
	.findOrCreateUser(function (session, accessToken, accessTokenExtra, googleUserMetadata) {
		var promise = this.Promise();
		findOrCreateRemoteUser('google', googleUserMetadata, promise);
		return promise;

	.authenticate(function(login, password) {
		var promise = this.Promise();

		crypto.hash(password, function(err, key) {
			if(err){console.log(err); return promise.fulfill([err]);}
			key = new Buffer(key, 'binary').toString('base64');
			userController.get({username: login, password: key}, function(err, user) {
				if(err){console.log(err); return promise.fulfill([err]);}
				if(!user){return promise.fulfill(['Incorrect credentials for ' + login]);}
				return promise.fulfill(user);
Пример #18
var everyauth = require('everyauth');
//    .loginLocals({
//      title: 'Login'
//    })
//    .loginLocals(function (req, res) {
//      return {
//        title: 'Login'
//      }
//    })
    .loginLocals( function (req, res, done) {
      setTimeout( function () {
        done(null, {
          title: 'Async login'
      }, 200);
    .authenticate( function (login, password) {
      var errors = [];
      if (!login) errors.push('Missing login');
      if (!password) errors.push('Missing password');
      if (errors.length) return errors;
      var user = usersByLogin[login];
      if (!user) return ['Login failed'];
      if (user.password !== password) return ['Login failed'];
      return user;
Пример #19
var everyauth = require('everyauth');
var getData = require('./getData');
var bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
//everyauth.debug = true;

  .getLoginPath('/login') // Uri path to the login page
  .postLoginPath('/login') // Uri path that your login form POSTs to
  .authenticate( function (login, password) {
      var promise
        , errors = [];
      if (!login) errors.push('Missing login.');
      if (!password) errors.push('Missing password.');
      if (errors.length) return errors;

      promise = this.Promise();

      //findUser passes an error or user to a callback after finding the
      //user by login
      getData.findUserByEmail( login, function (err, user) {
        if (err) {
          errors.push(err.message || err);
          return promise.fulfill(errors);
        if (!user) {
          errors.push('User with login ' + login + ' does not exist.');
          return promise.fulfill(errors);
Пример #20
  .findUserById( function (id, callback) {
    // callback(null, usersById[id]);
        callback(null, user);


//Logowanie za pomoca maila
  .authenticate(function(login, password){
    var prom = this.Promise();
    db.User.find({where: {login: login, password: password}}).success(function(user){
        prom.fulfill(['Logowanie nie udane']);
    return prom;
Пример #21
 //  , express.session({ secret: "deepp blue",  svc_id: "nodejs_chat_svc", cookie:{maxAge:sessionMaxAge} })
 //  , everyauth.middleware()

//Get the config params
var httpPort = cfg.get("http:port");
var useSSL = cfg.get("http:useSSL");
var sessionMaxAge = cfg.get("session:maxAge");
var viewsPath = __dirname + '/views';

//Setup the modules
everyauth.debug = true;
    // .loginWith('email')
    .loginLocals( function (req, res, done) {
      setTimeout( function () {
        done(null, {
          title: 'Async login'
      }, 200);
    .authenticate( function (login, password) {
      var errors = [];
      if (!login) errors.push('Missing login');
      if (!password) errors.push('Missing password');
Пример #22
module.exports.configure = function(app){
	everyauth.debug = false;
			return googleID[googleUserMetadata.id] || (googleID[googleUserMetadata.id] = addUser('google',googleUserMetadata));
			return twitterID[twitUser.id] || (twitterID[twitUser.id] = addUser('twitter',twitUser));
		.findOrCreateUser(function(sess,accessToken, accessTokenExtra,ghUser){
			return githubID[ghUser.id] || (githubID[ghUser.id] = addUser('github',ghUser));
			return facebookID[fbUserMetadata.id] || (facebookID[fbUserMetadata.id] = addUser('facebook',fbUserMetadata));
		//    .loginLocals({
		//      title: 'Login'
		//    })
		/*.loginLocals(function (req, res) {
			return {
				title: 'Login'
					title:	'Async login'
			var errors = [];
			if (!login) errors.push('Missing login');
			if (!password) errors.push('Missing password');
			if (errors.length) return errors;
			var user = localUsers[login];
			if (!user) return ['Login failed'];
			if (user.password !== password) return ['Login failed'];
			return user;

		//    .registerLocals({
		//      title: 'Register'
		//    })
		.registerLocals(function (req, res) {
			return {
				title: 'Sync Register'
		/*.registerLocals( function (req, res, done) {
		  setTimeout( function () {
			done(null, {
			  title: 'Async Register'
		  }, 200);
		.validateRegistration( function (newUserAttrs, errors) {
		  var login = newUserAttrs.login;
		  if (localUsers[login]) errors.push('Login already taken');
		  return errors;
		.registerUser( function (newUserAttrs) {
		  var login = newUserAttrs[this.loginKey()];
		  localUsers[login] = addUser('local',newUserAttrs);
		  return localUsers[login];

		var protocol = users[id].protocol,
			username = protocol + '|' + users[id][protocol].id;
		//	If I decide to do so, here would be a good place to handle passing
		//	protocol-specific usernames.  Maybe pass ghUser to addUser(), etc.
	return everyauth.middleware();
Пример #23
 * Init function called in server.js to initialize this module
 * @param {Object} theModules variable to access the other modules.
WebServer.init = function(theModules) {
  Modules = theModules;

  var server = require('http').createServer(app);
  WebServer.server = server;

  server.listen(global.config.port); // start server (port set in config file)

        .getLoginPath('/login')  // Uri path to the login page
        .postLoginPath('/login') // Uri path that your login form POSTs to
        .authenticate(function(login, password) {
            var errors = [];

            if (!login) {
                errors.push('Missing username');
            if (!password) {
                errors.push('Missing password');
Пример #24
var nextUserId = 0

/* code start */
everyauth.everymodule.findUserById(function (id, fn) {
  fn(false, usersById[id])


 * password auth


  // login partion
  .loginView(__dirname + '/../../views/login.jade')
  .authenticate(function(login, password, app) {
    var promise = this.Promise()
    var user = {
      email: login,
      password: password
    authUtils.uncode(user, function(err, user) {
      if (err) return promise.fulfill([err])
      usersById[user.id = ++nextUserId] = user
Пример #25
  init: function(app){
      .getLoginPath('/login') // Uri path to the login page
      .postLoginPath('/login') // Uri path that your login form POSTs to
      .authenticate( function (email, password) {
        // Either, we return a user or an array of errors if doing sync auth.
        // Or, we return a Promise that can fulfill to promise.fulfill(user) or promise.fulfill(errors)
        // `errors` is an array of error message strings
        // e.g.,
        // Example 1 - Sync Example
        // if (usersByLogin[login] && usersByLogin[login].password === password) {
        //   return usersByLogin[login];
        // } else {
        //   return ['Login failed'];
        // }
        // Example 2 - Async Example
        // var promise = this.Promise()
        // YourUserModel.find({ login: login}, function (err, user) {
        //   if (err) return promise.fulfill([err]);
        //   promise.fulfill(user);
        // }
        // return promise;
        var promise = this.Promise();
        db.Users.by_email(email, function(err, user){
          if (err) return promise.fulfill([err]);
          if (user && verify(user, password)){
          promise.fulfill(['Wrong username or password.']);
        return promise;
      .respondToLoginSucceed(function(res, user, data){
        //careful! this function is called in both cases
        if(user) {
          res.json({'status':'ok', 'user':user});
      .respondToLoginFail(function(req, res, errors, username){
        //careful! this function is called in both cases
        if (!errors || !errors.length) return;
        res.json({'status':'error', 'error':errors});
      .respondToRegistrationSucceed(function(res, user, data){
        //careful! this function is called in both cases
        if(user) {
          res.json({'status':'ok', 'user':user});
      .respondToRegistrationFail(function(req, res, error, username){
        //careful! this function is called in both cases
        if (!errors || !errors.length) return;
        res.json({'status':'error', 'error':errors});
      .getRegisterPath('/register') // Uri path to the registration page
      .postRegisterPath('/register') // The Uri path that your registration form POSTs to
      .validateRegistration( function (newUserAttributes, baseErrors) {
        // Validate the registration input
        // Return undefined, null, or [] if validation succeeds
        // Return an array of error messages (or Promise promising this array)
        // if validation fails
        // e.g., assuming you define validate with the following signature
        // var errors = validate(login, password, extraParams);
        // return errors;
        // The `errors` you return show up as an `errors` local in your jade template
        // First, validate your errors. Here, validateUser is a made up function
        var promise = this.Promise();
        var e = [];
        if(newUserAttributes.password.length < 5){
          e.push("Password too short.");
        if(newUserAttributes.email.length === 0){
          e.push("Enter an email.");
        if (e.length > 0){
        } else {
          db.Users.by_email_exists(newUserAttributes.email, function(err, exists){
            if (err) return promise.fulfill([err]);
            if (exists) {
              e.push("An account with this email already exists.");
        return promise;
      .registerUser( function (newUserAttributes) {
        // This step is only executed if we pass the validateRegistration step without
        // any errors.
        // Returns a user (or a Promise that promises a user) after adding it to
        // some user store.
        // As an edge case, sometimes your database may make you aware of violation
        // of the unique login index, so if this error is sent back in an async
        // callback, then you can just return that error as a single element array
        // containing just that error message, and everyauth will automatically handle
        // that as a failed registration. Again, you will have access to this error via
        // the `errors` local in your register view jade template.
        // e.g.,
        // var promise = this.Promise();
        // User.create(newUserAttributes, function (err, user) {
        //   if (err) return promise.fulfill([err]);
        //   promise.fulfill(user);
        // });
        // return promise;
        // Note: Index and db-driven validations are the only validations that occur
        // here; all other validations occur in the `validateRegistration` step documented above.
        var promise = this.Promise();
        newUserAttributes.password = hash(newUserAttributes.email, newUserAttributes.password);
        newUserAttributes.account_type = 'password';
        var user = new db.User(newUserAttributes);
          if(err) return promise.fulfill([err]);
        return promise;
      .authenticate(function(user, req, res){
        if(!user) return ['Login Failed'];
        var promise = this.Promise();
        db.Users.by_email(user.email, function(err, dbuser){
          if (err) return promise.fulfill([err]);
          if(!dbuser) {
            //create the user
            attributes = {
              email: user.email,
              browser_id_audience: user.audience,
              browser_id_session_expire: user.audience,
              browser_id_issuer: user.issuer,
              account_type: 'browser_id'
            dbuser = new db.User(attributes);
              if(err) return promise.fulfill([err]);
        return promise;

      everyauth.helpExpress(app, {userAlias:'user'});
      everyauth.everymodule.findUserById(function (userId, callback) {
        // todo: don't look up the user in the database for every single request (including static requests)
        db.Users.by_id(userId, callback);
Пример #26
var userProvider = new UserProvider('localhost', 27017);

// EveryAuth helpers definition
everyauth.everymodule.findUserById( function (userId, callback) {
  userProvider.findById(userId, function (err, value){
    if (err) {
    } else {
      callback (null, value);

//EveryAuth login field selection : we do prefer using email as an id for our applciation

// EveryAuth Password Registration
everyauth.password.registerLocals({title : 'Social Demo : Enregistrement'});
everyauth.password.validateRegistration( function (newUserAttrs) {
  var errors = [];
  var promise = this.Promise();
  console.log('new user attr:'+util.inspect(newUserAttrs));
  var fieldName = everyauth.password.loginFormFieldName();
  var fieldValue = newUserAttrs[fieldName];
  userProvider.findByField(fieldName, fieldValue, function(err, user){
    console.log('err: '+util.inspect(err)+' - user:'+util.inspect(user));
    if (err) {