Пример #1
var Reduce = function (list, cb, initial, initialized) {
	this.list = list;
	this.cb = cb;
	this.initialized = initialized;
	this.length = list.length >>> 0;

	if (isPromise(initial)) {
		if (!initial.resolved) {
			extend(this, deferred());
			initial.end(function (initial) {
				this.value = initial;
			}.bind(this), this.resolve);
			return this.promise;
		this.value = initial.value;
		if (isError(this.value)) {
			return initial;
	} else {
		this.value = initial;

	return this.init();
Пример #2
	bgXterm: d(memoize(function (code) {
		code = isNaN(code) ? 255 : min(max(code, 0), 255);
		return defineProperty(getFn(), '_cliColorData',
			d(extend({}, this._cliColorData, {
				_bg: [xtermMatch ? (xtermMatch[code] + 10) : ('48;5;' + code), 49]
	}, { method: 'bgXterm' }))
Пример #3
module.exports = function (fn/*, options*/) {
	var factory, memoized;
	if (fn.memoized) {
		return fn;
	memoized = memoize(fn, extend(Object(arguments[1]), { refCounter: true }));
	factory = function () {
		var watcher, emitter, pipe, args, def;
		args = arguments;
		watcher = memoized.apply(this, arguments);
		if (isPromise(watcher)) {
			def = deferred();
			emitter = def.promise;
		} else {
			emitter = ee();
		pipe = ee.pipe(watcher, emitter);
		emitter.close = function () {
			emitter.close = noop;
			if (memoized.clearRef.apply(this, args)) {
		return emitter;
	factory.clear = memoized.clear;
	factory.memoized = true;
	return factory;
Пример #4
DMap = function (list, cb, context) {
	this.list = list;
	this.cb = cb;
	this.context = context;
	this.result = new Array(list.length >>> 0);

	extend(this, deferred());
	every.call(list, this.process, this);
	if (!this.waiting) {
		return this.resolve(this.result);
	this.initialized = true;

	return this.promise;
Пример #5
	init: function () {
		while (this.current < this.length) {
			if (this.current in this.list) {
				if (!this.promise) {
					extend(this, deferred());
				this.processCb = this.processCb.bind(this);
				this.processValue = this.processValue.bind(this);
				return this.promise;
		if (!this.initialized) {
			throw new Error("Reduce of empty array with no initial value");
		return this.resolve ? this.resolve(this.value) : deferred(this.value);
Пример #6
memoized = memoize(function (scope, mod) {
	return defineProperty(getFn(), '_cliColorData',
		d(extend({}, scope._cliColorData, mod)));
Пример #7

//                                                                                     //
// node_modules/meteor/logging/node_modules/cli-color/lib/index.js                     //
//                                                                                     //
'use strict';

var d       = require('es5-ext/lib/Object/descriptor')
  , extend  = require('es5-ext/lib/Object/extend')
  , map     = require('es5-ext/lib/Object/map')
  , reduce  = require('es5-ext/lib/Object/reduce')
  , repeat  = require('es5-ext/lib/String/prototype/repeat')
  , memoize = require('memoizee')
  , tty     = require('tty')

  , join = Array.prototype.join, defineProperty = Object.defineProperty
  , defineProperties = Object.defineProperties, abs = Math.abs
  , floor = Math.floor, max = Math.max, min = Math.min

  , mods, proto, getFn, getMove, xtermMatch
  , up, down, right, left, getHeight, memoized;

mods = extend({
	// Style
	bold:      { _bold: [1, 22] },
	italic:    { _italic: [3, 23] },
	underline: { _underline: [4, 24] },
	blink:     { _blink: [5, 25] },
	inverse:   { _inverse: [7, 27] },
	strike:    { _strike: [9, 29] }

	// Color
	['black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white']
		.reduce(function (obj, color, index) {
		// foreground
		obj[color] = { _fg: [30 + index, 39] };
		obj[color + 'Bright'] = { _fg: [90 + index, 39] };

		// background
		obj['bg' + color[0].toUpperCase() + color.slice(1)] =
			{ _bg: [40 + index, 49] };
		obj['bg' + color[0].toUpperCase() + color.slice(1) + 'Bright'] =
			{ _bg: [100 + index, 49] };

		return obj;
	}, {}));

// Some use cli-color as: console.log(clc.red('Error!'));
// Which is inefficient as on each call it configures new clc object
// with memoization we reuse once created object
memoized = memoize(function (scope, mod) {
	return defineProperty(getFn(), '_cliColorData',
		d(extend({}, scope._cliColorData, mod)));

proto = Object.create(Function.prototype, extend(map(mods, function (mod) {
	return d.gs(function () { return memoized(this, mod); });
}), {
	// xterm (255) color
	xterm: d(memoize(function (code) {
		code = isNaN(code) ? 255 : min(max(code, 0), 255);
		return defineProperty(getFn(), '_cliColorData',
			d(extend({}, this._cliColorData, {
				_fg: [xtermMatch ? xtermMatch[code] : ('38;5;' + code), 39]
	}, { method: 'xterm' })),
	bgXterm: d(memoize(function (code) {
		code = isNaN(code) ? 255 : min(max(code, 0), 255);
		return defineProperty(getFn(), '_cliColorData',
			d(extend({}, this._cliColorData, {
				_bg: [xtermMatch ? (xtermMatch[code] + 10) : ('48;5;' + code), 49]
	}, { method: 'bgXterm' }))

if (process.platform === 'win32') {
	xtermMatch = require('./_xterm-match');

getFn = function () {
	var fn = function (/*…msg*/) {
		var data = fn._cliColorData, close = '';
		return reduce(data, function (str, mod) {
			close = '\x1b[' + mod[1] + 'm' + close;
			return str + '\x1b[' + mod[0] + 'm';
		}, '', true) + join.call(arguments, ' ') + close;
	fn.__proto__ = proto;
	return fn;

getMove = function (control) {
	return function (num) {
		num = isNaN(num) ? 0 : max(floor(num), 0);
		return num ? ('\x1b[' + num + control) : '';

module.exports = defineProperties(getFn(), {
	width: d.gs(process.stdout.getWindowSize ? function () {
		return process.stdout.getWindowSize()[0];
	} : function () {
		return tty.getWindowSize ? tty.getWindowSize()[1] : 0;
	height: d.gs(getHeight = process.stdout.getWindowSize ? function () {
		return process.stdout.getWindowSize()[1];
	} : function () {
		return tty.getWindowSize ? tty.getWindowSize()[0] : 0;
	reset: d.gs(function () {
		return repeat.call('\n', getHeight() - 1) + '\x1bc';
	up: d(up = getMove('A')),
	down: d(down = getMove('B')),
	right: d(right = getMove('C')),
	left: d(left = getMove('D')),
	move: d(function (x, y) {
		x = isNaN(x) ? 0 : floor(x);
		y = isNaN(y) ? 0 : floor(y);
		return ((x > 0) ? right(x) : left(-x)) + ((y > 0) ? down(y) : up(-y));
	moveTo: d(function (x, y) {
		x = isNaN(x) ? 1 : (max(floor(x), 0) + 1);
		y = isNaN(y) ? 1 : (max(floor(y), 0) + 1);
		return '\x1b[' + y + ';' + x + 'H';
	bol: d(function (n/*, erase*/) {
		var dir;
		n = isNaN(n) ? 0 : Number(n);
		dir = (n >= 0) ? 'E' : 'F';
		n = floor(abs(n));
		return arguments[1] ?
				(((!n || (dir === 'F')) ? '\x1b[0E\x1bK' : '') +
					repeat.call('\x1b[1' + dir + '\x1b[K', n)) : '\x1b[' + n + dir;
	beep: d('\x07'),
	xtermSupported: d(!xtermMatch),
	_cliColorData: d({})

