Пример #1
 .on('end', function () {
   // Clear brush
   var rect = d3BrushSelection(this)
   if (rect === null) {
     if (clearingFlag) {
       clearingFlag = false
     } else {
       // Empty selection, deselect all
   } else {
     // Not empty, then clear the box
     clearingFlag = true
     selection.call(brush.move, null)
Пример #2
 .on('brush', function () {
   const shiftKeyOn = event.sourceEvent.shiftKey
   const rect = d3BrushSelection(this)
   // Check for no selection (e.g. after clearing brush)
   if (rect !== null) {
     // When shift is pressed, ignore the currently selected nodes.
     // Otherwise, brush all nodes.
     var selection = shiftKeyOn
         ? selectableSelection.selectAll('.node:not(.selected),.text-label:not(.selected)')
         : selectableSelection.selectAll('.node,.text-label')
     selection.classed('selected', d => {
       const sx = d.x
       const sy = d.y
       return (rect[0][0] <= sx && sx < rect[1][0] &&
               rect[0][1] <= sy && sy < rect[1][1])