Пример #1
    function goHelix() {
        for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            var el = elements[i];
            isParaflowing[el] = false;
            el.setRotation(0, 0, 0, { duration: 300, curve: 'spring' });
            var phi = i * 0.175 + Math.PI;
            var x = 900 * Math.sin(phi);
            var y = - (i * 8) + 450;
            var z = 900 * Math.cos(phi);

            el.setPosition(x, y, z+100, { duration: 300, curve: 'inOutQuad' });
            el.setPosition(x, y, z, { duration: 1500, curve: 'spring' });

        var currRotation = periodicTable.getRotation();
        var currPosition = periodicTable.getPosition();
        periodicTable.setPosition(currPosition[0], currPosition[1], 200, {duration:2000, curve:'inExpo'});
        periodicTable.setPosition(currPosition[0], currPosition[1], currPosition[2], {duration:3000, curve:'outExpo'});

        periodicTable.setRotation(currRotation[0], currRotation[1], Math.PI, {duration:1000, curve:'inExpo'});
        periodicTable.setRotation(currRotation[0], currRotation[1], currRotation[2]+2*Math.PI, {duration:1000, curve:'outExpo'});
Пример #2
 dragUpdate: function(event) {
     var previousRotation = periodicTable.getRotation();
     periodicTable.setRotation(previousRotation[0] + (event.delta[1]/100), previousRotation[1] + (event.delta[0]/100), previousRotation[2]);
Пример #3
define(function(require, exports, module) {
    document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].style.background = '#000';

    // main requires
    var UIContainer         = require('containers/UIContainer');
    var UIElement           = require('core/UIElement');
    var UIApplication       = require('containers/UIApplication');
    var UIButton            = require('controls/UIButton');
    var Prism               = require('./RectangularPrism');
    var UIStretchBox        = require('containers/UIStretchBox');

    // element data
    var data = [
        ['H', 'Hydrogen', '1.00794', 1, 1],
        ['He', 'Helium', '4.002602', 18, 1],
        ['Li', 'Lithium', '6.941', 1, 2],
        ['Be', 'Beryllium', '9.012182', 2, 2],
        ['B', 'Boron', '10.811', 13, 2],
        ['C', 'Carbon', '12.0107', 14, 2],
        ['N', 'Nitrogen', '14.0067', 15, 2],
        ['O', 'Oxygen', '15.9994', 16, 2],
        ['F', 'Fluorine', '18.9984032', 17, 2],
        ['Ne', 'Neon', '20.1797', 18, 2],
        ['Na', 'Sodium', '22.98976...', 1, 3],
        ['Mg', 'Magnesium', '24.305', 2, 3],
        ['Al', 'Aluminium', '26.9815386', 13, 3],
        ['Si', 'Silicon', '28.0855', 14, 3],
        ['P', 'Phosphorus', '30.973762', 15, 3],
        ['S', 'Sulfur', '32.065', 16, 3],
        ['Cl', 'Chlorine', '35.453', 17, 3],
        ['Ar', 'Argon', '39.948', 18, 3],
        ['K', 'Potassium', '39.948', 1, 4],
        ['Ca', 'Calcium', '40.078', 2, 4],
        ['Sc', 'Scandium', '44.955912', 3, 4],
        ['Ti', 'Titanium', '47.867', 4, 4],
        ['V', 'Vanadium', '50.9415', 5, 4],
        ['Cr', 'Chromium', '51.9961', 6, 4],
        ['Mn', 'Manganese', '54.938045', 7, 4],
        ['Fe', 'Iron', '55.845', 8, 4],
        ['Co', 'Cobalt', '58.933195', 9, 4],
        ['Ni', 'Nickel', '58.6934', 10, 4],
        ['Cu', 'Copper', '63.546', 11, 4],
        ['Zn', 'Zinc', '65.38', 12, 4],
        ['Ga', 'Gallium', '69.723', 13, 4],
        ['Ge', 'Germanium', '72.63', 14, 4],
        ['As', 'Arsenic', '74.9216', 15, 4],
        ['Se', 'Selenium', '78.96', 16, 4],
        ['Br', 'Bromine', '79.904', 17, 4],
        ['Kr', 'Krypton', '83.798', 18, 4],
        ['Rb', 'Rubidium', '85.4678', 1, 5],
        ['Sr', 'Strontium', '87.62', 2, 5],
        ['Y', 'Yttrium', '88.90585', 3, 5],
        ['Zr', 'Zirconium', '91.224', 4, 5],
        ['Nb', 'Niobium', '92.90628', 5, 5],
        ['Mo', 'Molybdenum', '95.96', 6, 5],
        ['Tc', 'Technetium', '(98)', 7, 5],
        ['Ru', 'Ruthenium', '101.07', 8, 5],
        ['Rh', 'Rhodium', '102.9055', 9, 5],
        ['Pd', 'Palladium', '106.42', 10, 5],
        ['Ag', 'Silver', '107.8682', 11, 5],
        ['Cd', 'Cadmium', '112.411', 12, 5],
        ['In', 'Indium', '114.818', 13, 5],
        ['Sn', 'Tin', '118.71', 14, 5],
        ['Sb', 'Antimony', '121.76', 15, 5],
        ['Te', 'Tellurium', '127.6', 16, 5],
        ['I', 'Iodine', '126.90447', 17, 5],
        ['Xe', 'Xenon', '131.293', 18, 5],
        ['Cs', 'Caesium', '132.9054', 1, 6],
        ['Ba', 'Barium', '132.9054', 2, 6],
        ['La', 'Lanthanum', '138.90547', 4, 9],
        ['Ce', 'Cerium', '140.116', 5, 9],
        ['Pr', 'Praseodymium', '140.90765', 6, 9],
        ['Nd', 'Neodymium', '144.242', 7, 9],
        ['Pm', 'Promethium', '(145)', 8, 9],
        ['Sm', 'Samarium', '150.36', 9, 9],
        ['Eu', 'Europium', '151.964', 10, 9],
        ['Gd', 'Gadolinium', '157.25', 11, 9],
        ['Tb', 'Terbium', '158.92535', 12, 9],
        ['Dy', 'Dysprosium', '162.5', 13, 9],
        ['Ho', 'Holmium', '164.93032', 14, 9],
        ['Er', 'Erbium', '167.259', 15, 9],
        ['Tm', 'Thulium', '168.93421', 16, 9],
        ['Yb', 'Ytterbium', '173.054', 17, 9],
        ['Lu', 'Lutetium', '174.9668', 18, 9],
        ['Hf', 'Hafnium', '178.49', 4, 6],
        ['Ta', 'Tantalum', '180.94788', 5, 6],
        ['W', 'Tungsten', '183.84', 6, 6],
        ['Re', 'Rhenium', '186.207', 7, 6],
        ['Os', 'Osmium', '190.23', 8, 6],
        ['Ir', 'Iridium', '192.217', 9, 6],
        ['Pt', 'Platinum', '195.084', 10, 6],
        ['Au', 'Gold', '196.966569', 11, 6],
        ['Hg', 'Mercury', '200.59', 12, 6],
        ['Tl', 'Thallium', '204.3833', 13, 6],
        ['Pb', 'Lead', '207.2', 14, 6],
        ['Bi', 'Bismuth', '208.9804', 15, 6],
        ['Po', 'Polonium', '(209)', 16, 6],
        ['At', 'Astatine', '(210)', 17, 6],
        ['Rn', 'Radon', '(222)', 18, 6],
        ['Fr', 'Francium', '(223)', 1, 7],
        ['Ra', 'Radium', '(226)', 2, 7],
        ['Ac', 'Actinium', '(227)', 4, 10],
        ['Th', 'Thorium', '232.03806', 5, 10],
        ['Pa', 'Protactinium', '231.0588', 6, 10],
        ['U', 'Uranium', '238.02891', 7, 10],
        ['Np', 'Neptunium', '(237)', 8, 10],
        ['Pu', 'Plutonium', '(244)', 9, 10],
        ['Am', 'Americium', '(243)', 10, 10],
        ['Cm', 'Curium', '(247)', 11, 10],
        ['Bk', 'Berkelium', '(247)', 12, 10],
        ['Cf', 'Californium', '(251)', 13, 10],
        ['Es', 'Einstenium', '(252)', 14, 10],
        ['Fm', 'Fermium', '(257)', 15, 10],
        ['Md', 'Mendelevium', '(258)', 16, 10],
        ['No', 'Nobelium', '(259)', 17, 10],
        ['Lr', 'Lawrencium', '(262)', 18, 10],
        ['Rf', 'Rutherfordium', '(267)', 4, 7],
        ['Db', 'Dubnium', '(268)', 5, 7],
        ['Sg', 'Seaborgium', '(271)', 6, 7],
        ['Bh', 'Bohrium', '(272)', 7, 7],
        ['Hs', 'Hassium', '(270)', 8, 7],
        ['Mt', 'Meitnerium', '(276)', 9, 7],
        ['Ds', 'Darmstadium', '(281)', 10, 7],
        ['Rg', 'Roentgenium', '(280)', 11, 7],
        ['Cn', 'Copernicium', '(285)', 12, 7],
        ['Uut', 'Unutrium', '(284)', 13, 7],
        ['Fl', 'Flerovium', '(289)', 14, 7],
        ['Uup', 'Ununpentium', '(288)', 15, 7],
        ['Lv', 'Livermorium', '(293)', 16, 7],
        ['Uus', 'Ununseptium', '(294)', 17, 7],
        ['Uuo', 'Ununoctium', '(294)', 18, 7]

    console.log('%cAn Alexander Gugel production, featuring Nigel Pegg', 'color: #0066cc;');

    function glow(el) {
        el.setOpacity(0.5+0.5*Math.random(), {duration:1000}, function()

    function _genRandomLoc() {
        return (window.innerWidth/2 - Math.random()*window.innerWidth)*10;

    var isParaflowing = {};
    var elementWidth = 120;
    var elementHeight = 160;
    var elementMargin = 15;
    var gridW = elementWidth+elementMargin;
    var gridH = elementHeight+elementMargin;

    var periodicTable = new UIContainer({
        size: [0, 0], // Size needs to be [0, 0] in order to make the rotation work properly

    // create Elements for each element in data
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        var element = new Prism({
            size: [elementWidth, elementHeight],
            margin: elementMargin,
            mainContent: '<div class="number">' + i + '</div>' +
                          '<div class="symbol">' + data[i][0] + '</div>' +
                          '<div class="details">' + data[i][1] + '<br>' + data[i][2] + '</div>',
            backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,127,127,' + ( Math.random() * 0.5 + 0.25 ) + ')',
            classes: ['element'],
            depth: 100
        element.setPosition(window.innerWidth*Math.random(), window.innerHeight*Math.random(), 10000);
        element.setRotation(Math.PI*100, 0, 0);

    var elements = periodicTable.getChildren();


    periodicTable.setPosition(0, 0, -2500, { curve: 'outBack', duration: data.length*25 });
    periodicTable.setRotation(Math.PI, Math.PI, Math.PI).setRotation(0,0,0, {duration:5000, curve:'inOutExpo'});

    function goHome(delay) {
        for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            var element = elements[i];
            isParaflowing[element] = false;
            element.setRotation(0, 0, 0, { duration: 1000, curve: 'spring' });
            element.setPosition(-18*(gridW)*0.5 + (data[i][3] - 1)*(gridW), - 10*(gridH)*0.5 + (data[i][4] - 1)*(gridH), 100, { duration: 1500, curve: 'inOutExpo' });
            element.setPosition(-18*(gridW)*0.5 + (data[i][3] - 1)*(gridW), - 10*(gridH)*0.5 + (data[i][4] - 1)*(gridH), 0, { duration: 1500, curve: 'spring' });


    function goHelix() {
        for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            var el = elements[i];
            isParaflowing[el] = false;
            el.setRotation(0, 0, 0, { duration: 300, curve: 'spring' });
            var phi = i * 0.175 + Math.PI;
            var x = 900 * Math.sin(phi);
            var y = - (i * 8) + 450;
            var z = 900 * Math.cos(phi);

            el.setPosition(x, y, z+100, { duration: 300, curve: 'inOutQuad' });
            el.setPosition(x, y, z, { duration: 1500, curve: 'spring' });

        var currRotation = periodicTable.getRotation();
        var currPosition = periodicTable.getPosition();
        periodicTable.setPosition(currPosition[0], currPosition[1], 200, {duration:2000, curve:'inExpo'});
        periodicTable.setPosition(currPosition[0], currPosition[1], currPosition[2], {duration:3000, curve:'outExpo'});

        periodicTable.setRotation(currRotation[0], currRotation[1], Math.PI, {duration:1000, curve:'inExpo'});
        periodicTable.setRotation(currRotation[0], currRotation[1], currRotation[2]+2*Math.PI, {duration:1000, curve:'outExpo'});

    function goSphere() {
        for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            var el = elements[i];
            isParaflowing[el] = false;

            el.setRotation(0, 0, 0, { duration: 1000, curve: 'spring' });
            var phi = Math.acos( -1 + ( 2 * i ) / data.length );
            var theta = Math.sqrt( data.length * Math.PI ) * phi;

            var x = 800 * Math.cos( theta ) * Math.sin( phi );
            var y = 800 * Math.sin( theta ) * Math.sin( phi );
            var z = 800 * Math.cos( phi );

            el.setPosition(x, y, z+100, { duration: 300, curve: 'inOutQuad' });
            el.setPosition(x, y, z, { duration: 1500, curve: 'spring' });

    function goGrid() {
        for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            var el = elements[i];

            el.setRotation(0, 0, 0, { duration: 1000, curve: 'spring' });
            var x = ( ( i % 5 ) * 400 ) - 800;
            var y = ( - ( Math.floor( i / 5 ) % 5 ) * 400 ) + 800;
            var z = ( Math.floor( i / 25 ) ) * 1000 - 2000;
            el.setPosition(x, y, z+100, { duration: 500, curve: 'inOutQuad' });
            el.setPosition(x, y, z, { duration: 1500, curve: 'spring' });

    function goParaflow() {
        for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            var el = elements[i];
            isParaflowing[el] = true;
            duration = 10000*Math.random();
            el.setRotation(Math.random()*Math.PI*10, Math.random()*Math.PI*10, Math.random()*Math.PI*10, { duration: duration, curve: 'linear' });
            el.setPosition(_genRandomLoc(), _genRandomLoc(), _genRandomLoc(), { duration: duration, curve: 'linear' });

    // Add everything to our app
    var app = new UIApplication({
            // used as an overlay in order to catch the drag event
            new UIElement({
                style: {
                    cursor: 'move'
                on: {
                    dragUpdate: function(event) {
                        var previousRotation = periodicTable.getRotation();
                        periodicTable.setRotation(previousRotation[0] + (event.delta[1]/100), previousRotation[1] + (event.delta[0]/100), previousRotation[2]);

                    scrollUpdate: function(event) {
                        var previousZ = periodicTable.getPosition()[2];
                        var newZ = previousZ - event.position[1]/10;
                        newZ = newZ <= 0 ? newZ : 0;
                        newZ = newZ >= -10000 ? newZ : -10000;

                        periodicTable.setPosition(0, 0, newZ);


            new UIStretchBox({
                direction: 'y',
                    new UIButton({
                        content: 'Table',
                        background: 'none',
                        on: {
                            click: function() {
                    new UIButton({
                        content: 'Helix',
                        background: 'none',
                        on: {
                            click: function() {
                    new UIButton({
                        content: 'Sphere',
                        background: 'none',
                        on: {
                            click: function() {
                    new UIButton({
                        content: 'Grid',
                        background: 'none',
                        on: {
                            click: function() {
                    new UIButton({
                        content: 'Asplode',
                        background: 'none',
                        on: {
                            click: function() {