Пример #1
	constructor(options) {
		this.contextRef = options.contextRef;
		this.failWithoutAssertions = options.failWithoutAssertions;
		this.fn = isGeneratorFn(options.fn) ? co.wrap(options.fn) : options.fn;
		this.getSnapshotState = options.getSnapshotState;
		this.metadata = options.metadata;
		this.onResult = options.onResult;
		this.title = options.title;

		this.assertCount = 0;
		this.assertError = undefined;
		this.calledEnd = false;
		this.duration = null;
		this.endCallbackFinisher = null;
		this.finishDueToAttributedError = null;
		this.finishDueToInactivity = null;
		this.finishing = false;
		this.pendingAssertionCount = 0;
		this.pendingThrowsAssertion = null;
		this.planCount = null;
		this.startedAt = 0;
Пример #2
function Test(title, fn, contextRef, report) {
	if (!(this instanceof Test)) {
		throw new TypeError('Class constructor Test cannot be invoked without \'new\'');

	if (typeof title === 'function') {
		contextRef = fn;
		fn = title;
		title = null;

	assert.is(typeof fn, 'function', 'you must provide a callback');

	this.title = title || fnName(fn) || '[anonymous]';
	this.fn = isGeneratorFn(fn) ? co.wrap(fn) : fn;
	this.assertions = [];
	this.planCount = null;
	this.duration = null;
	this.assertError = undefined;
	this.sync = true;
	this.contextRef = contextRef;
	this.report = report;

	// TODO(jamestalmage): make this an optional constructor arg instead of having Runner set it after the fact.
	// metadata should just always exist, otherwise it requires a bunch of ugly checks all over the place.
	this.metadata = {};

	// store the time point before test execution
	// to calculate the total time spent in test
	this._timeStart = null;

	// workaround for Babel giving anonymous functions a name
	if (this.title === 'callee$0$0') {
		this.title = '[anonymous]';