Exemplo n.º 1
#! /usr/bin/env node

var fs = require('fs')
var path = require('path')
var os = require('os')
var fse = require('fs.extra')
var Zip = require('node-zip')
var util = require('./util')

var DM_CERTS_DIR = '/.docker/machine/certs/'
var DM_MACHINE_DIR = '/.docker/machine/machines'
var HOME = os.homedir()
var TMP = os.tmpdir()

var args = process.argv.slice(2)
var machineArg = args[0]
if (!machineArg) {
  console.log('machine-import <config-zip>')

var machine = machineArg.substring(0, machineArg.length - 4)
var configDir = path.join(HOME, DM_MACHINE_DIR, machine)
try {
  console.log('that machine already exists')
} catch (e) {}

var tmp = path.join(TMP, machine)
Exemplo n.º 2
 setConfig: function (pConfig) {
   config.merge(pluginConfig, pConfig)
   let rep = p => path.normalize(p.replace(/^~/, os.homedir()))
   pluginConfig.include_path = pluginConfig.include_path.map(rep) || os.homedir()
Exemplo n.º 3
function setupHistory(repl, historyPath, oldHistoryPath, ready) {
  if (!historyPath) {
    try {
      historyPath = path.join(os.homedir(), '.node_repl_history');
    } catch (err) {
      repl._writeToOutput('\nError: Could not get the home directory.\n' +
                          'REPL session history will not be persisted.\n');

      repl._historyPrev = _replHistoryMessage;
      return ready(null, repl);

  var timer = null;
  var writing = false;
  var pending = false;
  fs.open(historyPath, 'a+', oninit);

  function oninit(err, hnd) {
    if (err) {
      // Cannot open history file.
      // Don't crash, just don't persist history.
      repl._writeToOutput('\nError: Could not open history file.\n' +
                          'REPL session history will not be persisted.\n');

      repl._historyPrev = _replHistoryMessage;
      return ready(null, repl);
    fs.close(hnd, onclose);

  function onclose(err) {
    if (err) {
      return ready(err);
    fs.readFile(historyPath, 'utf8', onread);

  function onread(err, data) {
    if (err) {
      return ready(err);

    if (data) {
      repl.history = data.split(/[\n\r]+/, repl.historySize);
    } else if (oldHistoryPath === historyPath) {
      // If pre-v3.0, the user had set NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE to
      // ~/.node_repl_history, warn the user about it and proceed.
          '\nThe old repl history file has the same name and location as ' +
          `the new one i.e., ${historyPath} and is empty.\nUsing it as is.\n`);

    }  else if (oldHistoryPath) {
      // Grab data from the older pre-v3.0 JSON NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE format.
          '\nConverting old JSON repl history to line-separated history.\n' +
          `The new repl history file can be found at ${historyPath}.\n`);

      try {
        // Pre-v3.0, repl history was stored as JSON.
        // Try and convert it to line separated history.
        const oldReplJSONHistory = fs.readFileSync(oldHistoryPath, 'utf8');

        // Only attempt to use the history if there was any.
        if (oldReplJSONHistory) repl.history = JSON.parse(oldReplJSONHistory);

        if (!Array.isArray(repl.history)) {
          throw new Error('Expected array, got ' + typeof repl.history);
        repl.history = repl.history.slice(0, repl.historySize);
      } catch (err) {
        if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
          return ready(
            new Error(`Could not parse history data in ${oldHistoryPath}.`));

    fs.open(historyPath, 'w', onhandle);

  function onhandle(err, hnd) {
    if (err) {
      return ready(err);
    repl._historyHandle = hnd;
    repl.on('line', online);

    // reading the file data out erases it
    repl.once('flushHistory', function() {
      ready(null, repl);

  // ------ history listeners ------
  function online() {
    repl._flushing = true;

    if (timer) {

    timer = setTimeout(flushHistory, kDebounceHistoryMS);

  function flushHistory() {
    timer = null;
    if (writing) {
      pending = true;
    writing = true;
    const historyData = repl.history.join(os.EOL);
    fs.write(repl._historyHandle, historyData, 0, 'utf8', onwritten);

  function onwritten(err, data) {
    writing = false;
    if (pending) {
      pending = false;
    } else {
      repl._flushing = Boolean(timer);
      if (!repl._flushing) {
Exemplo n.º 4
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const os = require('os');
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
const rimraf = require('rimraf');
const es = require('event-stream');
const rename = require('gulp-rename');
const vfs = require('vinyl-fs');
const ext = require('./extensions');
const util = require('gulp-util');

const root = path.dirname(path.dirname(__dirname));
// @ts-ignore Microsoft/TypeScript#21262 complains about a require of a JSON file
const builtInExtensions = require('../builtInExtensions.json');
const controlFilePath = path.join(os.homedir(), '.vscode-oss-dev', 'extensions', 'control.json');

function getExtensionPath(extension) {
	return path.join(root, '.build', 'builtInExtensions', extension.name);

function isUpToDate(extension) {
	const packagePath = path.join(getExtensionPath(extension), 'package.json');

	if (!fs.existsSync(packagePath)) {
		return false;

	const packageContents = fs.readFileSync(packagePath, { encoding: 'utf8' });

	try {
Exemplo n.º 5
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var os = require('os')

var cert = '/root/lamassu-server.crt';

var fingerprint = null;

try {
  var path1 = path.resolve(os.homedir(), '.lamassu', 'lamassu.json')
  cert = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path1)).certPath
} catch (_) {
  cert = '/root/lamassu-server.crt'

function generateFingerprint(cert) {
  exec('openssl x509 -fingerprint -sha1 -noout -in ' + cert + ' | sed \'s/SHA1 Fingerprint=//\'', function (err, stdout) {
    if (err) throw err;
    // Should we throw if there's anything in `stderr`? Are there any unusual
    // warnings that would cause this to crash?

    fingerprint = stdout.trim();

// Generate fingerprint from what users already have in `/root/lamassu-server.crt`
fs.exists(cert, function(exists) {
  if(exists) generateFingerprint(cert);
Exemplo n.º 6
User.storagePath = function() {
  if (customStoragePath) return customStoragePath;
  return path.join(os.homedir(), ".homebridge");
Exemplo n.º 7
  async create(
      quiet = false,
      env = {},
      followSymlinks = true,
      forceNew = false,
      forwardNpm = false,

      // From readMetaData
      type = 'npm',
      pkg = {},
      nowConfig = {},
      hasNowJson = false,
      sessionAffinity = 'ip'
  ) {
    this._path = path

    let files
    let engines

    if (this._debug) {
      console.time('> [debug] Getting files')

    const opts = { debug: this._debug, hasNowJson }
    if (type === 'npm') {
      files = await getNpmFiles(path, pkg, nowConfig, opts)

      // A `start` or `now-start` npm script, or a `server.js` file
      // in the root directory of the deployment are required
      if (!hasNpmStart(pkg) && !hasFile(path, files, 'server.js')) {
        const err = new Error(
          'Missing `start` (or `now-start`) script in `package.json`. ' +
            'See: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/start.'
        err.userError = true
        throw err

      engines = nowConfig.engines || pkg.engines
      forwardNpm = forwardNpm || nowConfig.forwardNpm
    } else if (type === 'static') {
      files = await getFiles(path, nowConfig, opts)
    } else if (type === 'docker') {
      files = await getDockerFiles(path, nowConfig, opts)

    if (this._debug) {
      console.timeEnd('> [debug] Getting files')

    // Read `registry.npmjs.org` authToken from .npmrc
    let authToken
    if (type === 'npm' && forwardNpm) {
      authToken =
        (await readAuthToken(path)) || (await readAuthToken(homedir()))

    if (this._debug) {
      console.time('> [debug] Computing hashes')

    const pkgDetails = Object.assign({ name }, pkg)
    const hashes = await hash(files, pkgDetails)

    if (this._debug) {
      console.timeEnd('> [debug] Computing hashes')

    this._files = hashes

    const deployment = await this.retry(async bail => {
      if (this._debug) {
        console.time('> [debug] v2/now/deployments')

      // Flatten the array to contain files to sync where each nested input
      // array has a group of files with the same sha but different path
      const files = await Promise.all(
          await Promise.all(
            Array.from(this._files).map(async ([sha, { data, names }]) => {
              const statFn = followSymlinks ? stat : lstat

              return names.map(async name => {
                const getMode = async () => {
                  const st = await statFn(name)
                  return st.mode

                const mode = await getMode()

                return {
                  size: data.length,
                  file: toRelative(name, this._path),

      const res = await this._fetch('/v2/now/deployments', {
        method: 'POST',
        body: {
          public: wantsPublic || nowConfig.public,
          deploymentType: type,
          registryAuthToken: authToken,
          atlas: hasNowJson && Boolean(nowConfig.atlas)

      if (this._debug) {
        console.timeEnd('> [debug] v2/now/deployments')

      // No retry on 4xx
      let body
      try {
        body = await res.json()
      } catch (err) {
        throw new Error('Unexpected response')

      if (res.status === 429) {
        let msg = `You reached your 20 deployments limit in the OSS plan.\n`
        msg += `${chalk.gray('>')} Please run ${chalk.gray('`')}${chalk.cyan(
          'now upgrade'
        )}${chalk.gray('`')} to proceed`
        const err = new Error(msg)
        err.status = res.status
        err.retryAfter = 'never'
        return bail(err)
      } else if (res.status === 400 && body.error && body.error.code === 'missing_files') {
        return body
      } else if (res.status >= 400 && res.status < 500) {
        const err = new Error(body.error.message)
        err.userError = true
        return bail(err)
      } else if (res.status !== 200) {
        throw new Error(body.error.message)

      return body

    // We report about files whose sizes are too big
    let missingVersion = false
    if (deployment.warnings) {
      let sizeExceeded = 0
      deployment.warnings.forEach(warning => {
        if (warning.reason === 'size_limit_exceeded') {
          const { sha, limit } = warning
          const n = hashes.get(sha).names.pop()
            '> \u001B[31mWarning!\u001B[39m Skipping file %s (size exceeded %s)',
          hashes.get(sha).names.unshift(n) // Move name (hack, if duplicate matches we report them in order)
        } else if (warning.reason === 'node_version_not_found') {
          const { wanted, used } = warning
            '> \u001B[31mWarning!\u001B[39m Requested node version %s is not available',
          missingVersion = true

      if (sizeExceeded) {
          `> \u001B[31mWarning!\u001B[39m ${sizeExceeded} of the files ` +
            'exceeded the limit for your plan.\n' +
            `> Please run ${chalk.gray('`')}${chalk.cyan(
              'now upgrade'
            )}${chalk.gray('`')} to upgrade.`

    if (deployment.error && deployment.error.code === 'missing_files') {
      this._missing = deployment.error.missing || []
      this._fileCount = files.length
      return null;

    if (!quiet && type === 'npm' && deployment.nodeVersion) {
      if (engines && engines.node) {
        if (missingVersion) {
            `> Using Node.js ${chalk.bold(deployment.nodeVersion)} (default)`
        } else {
            `> Using Node.js ${chalk.bold(
            )} (requested: ${chalk.dim(`\`${engines.node}\``)})`
      } else {
          `> Using Node.js ${chalk.bold(deployment.nodeVersion)} (default)`

    this._id = deployment.deploymentId
    this._host = deployment.url
    this._missing = []
    this._fileCount = files.length

    return this._url
Exemplo n.º 8
process.on('unhandledRejection', function (err) {
    console.error('Unhandled error: ' + (err && err.stack || err));

var ipc = require('electron').ipcMain;
var globalShortcut = require('electron').globalShortcut;
var autoUpdater = require('electron').autoUpdater;
var menubar = require('menubar');
var fs = require('fs');
var AutoLaunch = require('auto-launch');
var os = require('os')
const isDev = require('electron-is-dev');

try {
    global.options = require(os.homedir() + '/.nimble-options.json');
} catch (e) {
    global.options = {
        "mathjs": true,
        "startup": true,
        "center": false,
        "bugreport": true,
        "autoupdate": true,
        theme: {
            "red": false,
            "orange": true,
            "yellow": false,
            "green": false,
            "blue": false,
            "purple": false,
            "pink": false,
Exemplo n.º 9
const Module = require("module"),
    assert = require("chai").assert,
    leche = require("leche"),
    sinon = require("sinon"),
    path = require("path"),
    fs = require("fs"),
    os = require("os"),
    yaml = require("js-yaml"),
    shell = require("shelljs"),
    espree = require("espree"),
    ConfigFile = require("../../../lib/config/config-file"),
    Linter = require("../../../lib/linter"),
    Config = require("../../../lib/config");

const userHome = os.homedir();
const temp = require("temp").track();
const proxyquire = require("proxyquire").noCallThru().noPreserveCache();
let configContext;

// Helpers

 * Project path is the project that is including ESLint as a dependency. In the
 * case of these tests, it will end up the parent of the "eslint" folder. That's
 * fine for the purposes of testing because the tests are just relative to an
 * ancestor location.
const PROJECT_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, "../../../../"),
Exemplo n.º 10
const path = require('path')
const os = require('os')

const platform = {}

platform.win32 = {
  filePath: [
  appPath: [],
  excludePath: [],
  excludeName: [

if (os.platform() === 'win32') {
  if (process.env.USERPROFILE) {
    platform.win32.appPath.push(path.join(process.env.USERPROFILE, 'Desktop'))

  if (process.env.APPDATA) {
    platform.win32.appPath.push(path.join(process.env.APPDATA, 'Microsoft', 'Windows', 'Start Menu', 'Programs'))
  if (process.env.ProgramData) {
    platform.win32.appPath.push(path.join(process.env.ProgramData, 'Microsoft', 'Windows', 'Start Menu', 'Programs'))
Exemplo n.º 11

const hyperPath = path.join(__dirname, 'Hyper.app/Contents')

const replaceCode = (filePath, from, to) => {
    fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8')
      .replace(from, to)

  [`${homedir()}/.test-hyper.js`, 'LOCAL_PACKAGE', process.cwd()],
  [`${hyperPath}/Resources/app/config.js`, '.hyper.js', '.test-hyper.js'],
  [`${hyperPath}/Resources/app/plugins.js`, '.hyper_plugins', '.test-hyper_plugins']
].forEach(args => replaceCode.apply(this, args))

describe('Open devtools', function spec() {

  before(() => {
    this.app = new Application({
      path: `${hyperPath}/MacOS/Hyper`,
      args: [],
    return this.app.start()
Exemplo n.º 12
import NodeAgent from '../src/index';
import chai from 'chai';
import os from 'os';
import PouchDB from 'pouchdb';

var gcdb = new PouchDB(os.homedir()+'/.node-agent/gcdb-test');
var osdb = new PouchDB(os.homedir()+'/.node-agent/osdb-test');

let assert = chai.assert;

describe('NodeAgent', function() {

    it('should be and object', function () {

        let agent = new NodeAgent({
            gc: true,
            cpu: true,
            mem: true,
            env: 'PRODUCTION'
        assert.typeOf(agent, 'object');

        assert.typeOf(agent, 'object');

Exemplo n.º 13
const http = require('http');
const os = require('os');

const express = require('express');
const io = require('socket.io');
const writejson = require('writejson');
const readjson = require('readjson');
const {promisify} = require('util');

process.env.NODE_ENV = 'development';

const cloudcmd = require('../server/cloudcmd');
const {assign} = Object;

const pathConfig = os.homedir() + '/.cloudcmd.json';
const currentConfig = readjson.sync.try(pathConfig);

module.exports = before;

function before(options, fn = options) {
    const {
    } = options;
    const app = express();
    const server = http.createServer(app);
    const after = (cb) => {
        if (currentConfig)
Exemplo n.º 14
'use strict';

const _ = require('lodash'),
  chalk = require('chalk'),
  electron = require('electron'),
  fs = require('fs'),
  path = require('path'),
  yaml = require('js-yaml'),
  log = require('./log').asInternal(__filename),
  util = require('util'),
  availableBrowserWindowOptions = [
    'width', 'height', 'useContentSize', 'resizable', 'moveable', 'center', 'alwaysOnTop', 'show', 'frame'
  windows = {},
  os = require('os'),
  homedir = os.homedir();

 * @this {BrowserWindow}
function onClose() {
  log('info', 'onClose');

  // remove reference from list of windows
  const key = _.findKey(windows, {id: this.id});

  if (key) {
    delete windows[key];
  } else {
    log('warn', 'unable to unreference window');
Exemplo n.º 15
const os = require('os')
const home = os.homedir()

module.exports = {
  title: 'ELaunch',
  width: 600,
  height: 60,
  maxHeight: 500,
  language: null,
  autoLaunch: true,
  position: 'center', // 'center' or {x: 100, y:200}
  // default is your primary display, you can change it by setting display id(integer),
  // get all ids by require('electron').screen.getAllDisplays().map(d=>d.id)
  display: 'primary',
  shortcuts: {
    toggle: { default: 'Super+Space' },
    selectPrevItem: { default: 'Up' },
    selectNextItem: { default: 'Down' },
    selectPrevItemOpt: { default: 'Left' },
    selectNextItemOpt: { default: 'Right' },
  plugins: {
    app: {
      path: `${__dirname}/../plugins/app/index.js`,
      enable: true, // whether the plugin is enable, default is true
      default: true, // default plugin don't need to input key
      config: {
        darwin: {
          appPaths: ['/Applications', `${home}/Applications`],
        linux: {
Exemplo n.º 16
gpii.settingsDir.baseDir.standard = function () {
    return os.homedir();
Exemplo n.º 17
function migrateSSL(ctx, migrateTask) {
    const replace = require('replace-in-file');
    const acme = require('./acme');

    const parsedUrl = url.parse(ctx.instance.config.get('url'));
    const confFile = path.join(ctx.instance.dir, 'system', 'files', `${parsedUrl.hostname}-ssl.conf`);
    const rootPath = path.resolve(ctx.instance.dir, 'system', 'nginx-root');

    // Case to skip 1: SSL config for nginx does not exist
    if (!fs.existsSync(confFile)) {
        return migrateTask.skip('SSL config has not been set up for this domain');

    const originalAcmePath = path.join(os.homedir(), '.acme.sh');
    const originalCertFolder = path.join(originalAcmePath, parsedUrl.hostname);

    // Case to skip 2: SSL cert doesn't exist in the original location for this domain
    if (!fs.existsSync(originalCertFolder)) {
        return migrateTask.skip('SSL cert does not exist for this domain');

    const confFileContents = fs.readFileSync(confFile, {encoding: 'utf8'});
    const certCheck = new RegExp(`ssl_certificate ${originalCertFolder}/fullchain.cer;`);

    // Case to skip 3: SSL conf does not contain a cert config using the old LE cert
    if (!certCheck.test(confFileContents)) {
        return migrateTask.skip('LetsEncrypt SSL cert is not being used for this domain');

    // 1. parse ~/.acme.sh/account.conf to get the email
    const accountConf = fs.readFileSync(path.join(originalAcmePath, 'account.conf'), {encoding: 'utf8'});
    const parsed = accountConf.match(/ACCOUNT_EMAIL='(.*)'\n/);

    if (!parsed) {
        throw new cli.errors.SystemError('Unable to parse letsencrypt account email');

    return this.ui.listr([{
        // 2. install acme.sh in /etc/letsencrypt if that hasn't been done already
        title: 'Installing acme.sh in new location',
        task: (ctx, task) => acme.install(this.ui, task)
    }, {
        // 3. run install cert for new acme.sh instance
        title: 'Regenerating SSL certificate in new location',
        task: () => acme.generate(this.ui, parsedUrl.hostname, rootPath, parsed[1], false)
    }, {
        // 4. Update cert locations in nginx-ssl.conf
        title: 'Updating nginx config',
        task: () => {
            const acmeFolder = path.join('/etc/letsencrypt', parsedUrl.hostname);

            return replace({
                files: confFile,
                from: [
                    // Ensure here that we ONLY replace instances of the LetsEncrypt cert in the file,
                    // that way we don't overwrite the cert config of other certs.
                    new RegExp(`ssl_certificate_key ${originalCertFolder}/${parsedUrl.hostname}.key;`)
                to: [
                    `ssl_certificate ${path.join(acmeFolder, 'fullchain.cer')};`,
                    `ssl_certificate_key ${path.join(acmeFolder, `${parsedUrl.hostname}.key`)};`
    }, {
        title: 'Restarting Nginx',
        task: () => this.restartNginx()
    }, {
        // 5. run acme.sh --remove -d domain in old acme.sh directory to remove the old cert from renewal
        title: 'Disabling renewal for old certificate',
        task: () => acme.remove(parsedUrl.hostname, this.ui, originalAcmePath)
    }], false);
Exemplo n.º 18
function getHomedir() {
	return typeof os.homedir == 'function' ? os.homedir() : 
		process.env[process.platform == 'win32' ? 'USERPROFILE' : 'HOME'];
Exemplo n.º 19
 this.files = [].concat.apply([], [ 'json', 'cson', 'yaml', 'yml', 'js' ].map(ext => [
   path.join(this.cwd, `.atom-build.${ext}`),
   path.join(os.homedir(), `.atom-build.${ext}`)
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: util.js Projeto: yashen/lgit
 function ensoureRootPath() {
     let rootPath = path.join(os.homedir(), '.lgit');
     return rootPath;
Exemplo n.º 21
const os = require('os');
const path = require('path');
const program = require('commander');
const version = appRequire('package').version;
const log = appRequire('init/log');

const log4js = require('log4js');
const logger = log4js.getLogger('system');

const ssmgrPath = path.resolve(os.homedir() + '/.ssmgr/');

  .version('shadowsocks-manager ' + version)
  .option('-c, --config [file]', 'config file, default: ~/.ssmgr/default.yml')
  .option('-d, --db [file]', 'sqlite3 file, sample: ~/.ssmgr/db.sqlite')
  .option('-e, --empty', 'clean database')
  .option('-t, --type [type]', 'type, s for server side, m for manager side')
  .option('-s, --shadowsocks [address]', 'ss-manager address, sample:')
  .option('-m, --manager [address]', 'manager address, sample:')
  .option('-p, --password [password]', 'manager password, both server side and manager side must be equals')
  .option('-r, --run [type]', 'run shadowsocks from child_process, sample: libev / libev:aes-256-cfb / python / python:aes-256-cfb')
  .option('--debug', 'show debug message')

if(program.config) { global.configFile = program.config; }

if(!program.debug) {

const config = appRequire('services/config');
Exemplo n.º 22
"use strict";
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const axios_1 = require("axios");
const fs = require("fs");
const os = require("os");
const path = require("path");
const dotconfig_1 = require("./dotconfig");
const CACHE_FILE = path.join(os.homedir(), '.cache', 'openex.json');
const MAPPINGS = {
    $: 'USD',
    NIS: 'ILS'
const DEFAULTS = ['ILS', 'USD'];
class Rates {
    constructor(data) {
        this.data = data;
    convert(from, toCurrency) {
        const fromCurrency = this.normalize(from.currency);
        if (fromCurrency == null)
        toCurrency = this.normalize(toCurrency) || this.getDefaultTo(fromCurrency);
Exemplo n.º 23
Arquivo: index.js Projeto: lencx/fx
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict'
const os = require('os')
const path = require('path')
const pretty = require('@medv/prettyjson')
const {stdin, stdout, stderr} = process

try {
  require(path.join(os.homedir(), '.fxrc'))
} catch (err) {
  if (err.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
    throw err

const usage = `
    $ fx [code ...]

    $ echo '{"key": "value"}' | fx 'x => x.key'

    $ echo '[1,2,3]' | fx 'this.map(x => x * 2)'
    [2, 4, 6]

    $ echo '{"items": ["one", "two"]}' | fx 'this.items' 'this[1]'

    $ echo '{"count": 0}' | fx '{...this, count: 1}'
    {"count": 1}
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Get the home directory path for the current user. Returns root directory for environments where there is no
  * file system path available.
  * @returns {String} A file system path.
 static homeDirectory() {
     return (os.homedir && os.homedir()) || path.sep;
 this.files = [].concat.apply([], ['json', 'cson', 'yml', 'js'].map(function (ext) {
   return [path.join(_this.cwd, '.atom-build.' + ext), path.join(os.homedir(), '.atom-build.' + ext)];
Exemplo n.º 26
 * Exapnds ~ to homedir in non-Windows platform
function resolveHomeDir(inputPath) {
    if (!inputPath || !inputPath.trim())
        return inputPath;
    return inputPath.startsWith('~') ? path.join(os.homedir(), inputPath.substr(1)) : inputPath;
Exemplo n.º 27
 let rep = p => path.normalize(p.replace(/^~/, os.homedir()))
Exemplo n.º 28
Arquivo: api.js Projeto: matheuss/hpm
'use strict'
const fs = require('fs')
const os = require('os')

const chalk = require('chalk')
const npmName = require('npm-name')
const pify = require('pify')
const recast = require('recast')

const fileName = `${os.homedir()}/.hyper.js`
const oldConf = `${os.homedir()}/.hyperterm.js`

function getPluginName(item) {
  if (item.type === 'TemplateLiteral') {
    return item.quasis[0].value.raw
  return item.value

let fileContents
let parsedFile
let plugins
let localPlugins

try {
  fileContents = fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf8')

  parsedFile = recast.parse(fileContents)

  const expression = parsedFile.program.body[0].expression
  const properties = (expression && expression.right && expression.right.properties) || []
Exemplo n.º 29
/* eslint-env mocha */

const assert = require('assert')
const os = require('os')
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire')

const platforms = [
  ['darwin', `${os.homedir()}/Library/Caches/linusu`],
  ['freebsd', `${os.homedir()}/.cache/linusu`],
  ['linux', `${os.homedir()}/.cache/linusu`],
  ['openbsd', `${os.homedir()}/.cache/linusu`],
  ['win32', `${os.homedir()}/AppData/Local/linusu/Cache`]

platforms.forEach(function (platform) {
  describe(platform[0], () => {
    let cachedir

    before(() => {
      const os = {
        platform () { return platform[0] }

      cachedir = proxyquire('./', { os })

    it('should give the correct path', () => {
      const actual = cachedir('linusu')
      const expected = platform[1]

      assert.equal(actual, expected)
Exemplo n.º 30
 constructor() {
   this.filterSetConfigFile = path.join(
     os.homedir(), '.catalogger', 'filter.json'