Exemplo n.º 1
function getPackagerServer(args, config) {
  const transformModulePath = args.transformer
    ? path.resolve(args.transformer)
    : config.getTransformModulePath();

  const providesModuleNodeModules =
    args.providesModuleNodeModules || defaultProvidesModuleNodeModules;

  let LogReporter;
  if (args.customLogReporterPath) {
    try {
      // First we let require resolve it, so we can require packages in node_modules
      // as expected. eg: require('my-package/reporter');
      /* $FlowFixMe: can't type dynamic require */
      LogReporter = require(args.customLogReporterPath);
    } catch (e) {
      // If that doesn't work, then we next try relative to the cwd, eg:
      // require('./reporter');
      /* $FlowFixMe: can't type dynamic require */
      LogReporter = require(path.resolve(args.customLogReporterPath));
  } else {
    LogReporter = require('metro-bundler/src/lib/TerminalReporter');

  /* $FlowFixMe: Flow is wrong, Node.js docs specify that process.stdout is an
   * instance of a net.Socket (a local socket, not network). */
  const terminal = new Terminal(process.stdout);
  return ReactPackager.createServer({
    assetExts: defaultAssetExts.concat(args.assetExts),
    assetRegistryPath: ASSET_REGISTRY_PATH,
    blacklistRE: config.getBlacklistRE(),
    cacheVersion: '3',
    enableBabelRCLookup: config.getEnableBabelRCLookup(),
    extraNodeModules: config.extraNodeModules,
    getPolyfills: config.getPolyfills,
    getTransformOptions: config.getTransformOptions,
    globalTransformCache: null,
    hasteImpl: config.hasteImpl,
    maxWorkers: args.maxWorkers,
    platforms: defaultPlatforms.concat(args.platforms),
    polyfillModuleNames: config.getPolyfillModuleNames(),
    postMinifyProcess: config.postMinifyProcess,
    postProcessBundleSourcemap: config.postProcessBundleSourcemap,
    postProcessModules: config.postProcessModules,
    projectRoots: args.projectRoots,
    providesModuleNodeModules: providesModuleNodeModules,
    reporter: new LogReporter(terminal),
    resetCache: args.resetCache,
    sourceExts: defaultSourceExts.concat(args.sourceExts),
    transformModulePath: transformModulePath,
    transformCache: TransformCaching.useTempDir(),
    verbose: args.verbose,
    watch: !args.nonPersistent,
    workerPath: config.getWorkerPath(),
Exemplo n.º 2
function buildBundle(
  args: OutputOptions & {
    assetsDest: mixed,
    entryFile: string,
    maxWorkers: number,
    resetCache: boolean,
    transformer: string,
  config: ConfigT,
  output = outputBundle,
) {
  // This is used by a bazillion of npm modules we don't control so we don't
  // have other choice than defining it as an env variable here.
  process.env.NODE_ENV = args.dev ? 'development' : 'production';

  let sourceMapUrl = args.sourcemapOutput;
  if (sourceMapUrl && !args.sourcemapUseAbsolutePath) {
    sourceMapUrl = path.basename(sourceMapUrl);

  const requestOpts: RequestOptions = {
    entryFile: args.entryFile,
    dev: args.dev,
    minify: !args.dev,
    platform: args.platform,

  // If a packager instance was not provided, then just create one for this
  // bundle command and close it down afterwards.
  var shouldClosePackager = false;
  if (!packagerInstance) {
    const assetExts = (config.getAssetExts && config.getAssetExts()) || [];
    const sourceExts = (config.getSourceExts && config.getSourceExts()) || [];
    const platforms = (config.getPlatforms && config.getPlatforms()) || [];

    const transformModulePath = args.transformer
      ? path.resolve(args.transformer)
      : config.getTransformModulePath();

    const providesModuleNodeModules =
      typeof config.getProvidesModuleNodeModules === 'function'
        ? config.getProvidesModuleNodeModules()
        : defaultProvidesModuleNodeModules;

    /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.54.0 site=react_native_fb,react_native_oss) This comment
     * suppresses an error found when Flow v0.54 was deployed. To see the error
     * delete this comment and run Flow. */
    const terminal = new Terminal(process.stdout);
    const options = {
      assetExts: defaultAssetExts.concat(assetExts),
      assetRegistryPath: ASSET_REGISTRY_PATH,
      blacklistRE: config.getBlacklistRE(),
      extraNodeModules: config.extraNodeModules,
      getPolyfills: config.getPolyfills,
      getTransformOptions: config.getTransformOptions,
      globalTransformCache: null,
      hasteImpl: config.hasteImpl,
      maxWorkers: args.maxWorkers,
      platforms: defaultPlatforms.concat(platforms),
      postMinifyProcess: config.postMinifyProcess,
      postProcessModules: config.postProcessModules,
      postProcessBundleSourcemap: config.postProcessBundleSourcemap,
      projectRoots: config.getProjectRoots(),
      providesModuleNodeModules: providesModuleNodeModules,
      resetCache: args.resetCache,
      reporter: new TerminalReporter(terminal),
      sourceExts: defaultSourceExts.concat(sourceExts),
      transformCache: TransformCaching.useTempDir(),
      transformModulePath: transformModulePath,
      useDeltaBundler: false,
      watch: false,
      workerPath: config.getWorkerPath && config.getWorkerPath(),

    packagerInstance = new Server(options);
    shouldClosePackager = true;

  const bundlePromise = output.build(packagerInstance, requestOpts)
    .then(bundle => {
      if (shouldClosePackager) {
      return saveBundle(output, bundle, args);

  // Save the assets of the bundle
  const assets = bundlePromise
    .then(bundle => bundle.getAssets())
    .then(outputAssets => saveAssets(

  // When we're done saving bundle output and the assets, we're done.
  return assets;