Exemplo n.º 1
 * When a third-party is passing a billion arguments back, reporting that information can get insane fairly quickly.
 * This method names each argument, and then tries to reduce any values that has redundant file strings.
 * @param {Arguments} args
 * @param {[string]} argumentNames
 * @returns {object}
function sanitizeArguments(args, argumentNames) {
  return _.mapValues(_.zipObject(argumentNames, args), function (value) {
    if (_.isString(value)) {
      value = stripRedundantPathInformation(value);

    return value;
Exemplo n.º 2
  formatError(err) {
    let match;
    match = err.message.match(/Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint '((.|\s)*)'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object '.*'.(:? The duplicate key value is \((.*)\).)?/);
    match = match || err.message.match(/Cannot insert duplicate key row in object .* with unique index '(.*)'/);
    if (match && match.length > 1) {
      let fields = {};
      const uniqueKey = this.model && this.model.uniqueKeys[match[1]];
      let message = 'Validation error';

      if (uniqueKey && !!uniqueKey.msg) {
        message = uniqueKey.msg;
      if (match[4]) {
        const values = match[4].split(',').map(part => part.trim());
        if (uniqueKey) {
          fields = _.zipObject(uniqueKey.fields, values);
        } else {
          fields[match[1]] = match[4];

      const errors = [];
      _.forOwn(fields, (value, field) => {
        errors.push(new sequelizeErrors.ValidationErrorItem(
          'unique violation', // sequelizeErrors.ValidationErrorItem.Origins.DB,

      return new sequelizeErrors.UniqueConstraintError({ message, errors, parent: err, fields });

    match = err.message.match(/Failed on step '(.*)'.Could not create constraint. See previous errors./) ||
      err.message.match(/The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "(.*)". The conflict occurred in database "(.*)", table "(.*)", column '(.*)'./) ||
      err.message.match(/The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "(.*)". The conflict occurred in database "(.*)", table "(.*)", column '(.*)'./) ||
      err.message.match(/The MERGE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "(.*)". The conflict occurred in database "(.*)", table "(.*)", column '(.*)'./) ||
      err.message.match(/The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "(.*)". The conflict occurred in database "(.*)", table "(.*)", column '(.*)'./);
    if (match && match.length > 0) {
      return new sequelizeErrors.ForeignKeyConstraintError({
        fields: null,
        index: match[1],
        parent: err

    match = err.message.match(/Could not drop constraint. See previous errors./);

    if (match && match.length > 0) {
      return new sequelizeErrors.UnknownConstraintError(match[1]);

    return new sequelizeErrors.DatabaseError(err);
Exemplo n.º 3
  formatError(err) {
    const errCode = err.errno || err.code;

    switch (errCode) {
      case 1062: {
        const match = err.message.match(/Duplicate entry '(.*)' for key '?((.|\s)*?)'?$/);

        let fields = {};
        let message = 'Validation error';
        const values = match ? match[1].split('-') : undefined;
        const fieldKey = match ? match[2] : undefined;
        const fieldVal = match ? match[1] : undefined;
        const uniqueKey = this.model && this.model.uniqueKeys[fieldKey];

        if (uniqueKey) {
          if (uniqueKey.msg) message = uniqueKey.msg;
          fields = _.zipObject(uniqueKey.fields, values);
        } else {
          fields[fieldKey] = fieldVal;

        const errors = [];
        _.forOwn(fields, (value, field) => {
          errors.push(new sequelizeErrors.ValidationErrorItem(
            'unique violation', // sequelizeErrors.ValidationErrorItem.Origins.DB,

        return new sequelizeErrors.UniqueConstraintError({message, errors, parent: err, fields});

      case 1451:
      case 1452: {
        // e.g. CONSTRAINT `example_constraint_name` FOREIGN KEY (`example_id`) REFERENCES `examples` (`id`)
        const match  = err.message.match(/CONSTRAINT ([`"])(.*)\1 FOREIGN KEY \(\1(.*)\1\) REFERENCES \1(.*)\1 \(\1(.*)\1\)/);
        const quoteChar = match ? match[1] : '`';
        const fields = match ? match[3].split(new RegExp(`${quoteChar}, *${quoteChar}`)) : undefined;

        return new sequelizeErrors.ForeignKeyConstraintError({
          reltype: String(errCode) === '1451' ? 'parent' : 'child',
          table: match ? match[4] : undefined,
          value: fields && fields.length && this.instance && this.instance[fields[0]] || undefined,
          index: match ? match[2] : undefined,
          parent: err

        return new sequelizeErrors.DatabaseError(err);
Exemplo n.º 4
  'sortKeysBy': function (obj, comparator) {
    var keys = _.sortBy(_.keys(obj), function (key) {
      return comparator ? comparator(obj[key], key) : key;

    return _.zipObject(keys, _.map(keys, function (key) {
      return obj[key];
Exemplo n.º 5
 .end(function(err, res){
   if(err) { return callback(err, null); }
   var $ = cheerio.load(res.text);
   var formFields = $('form[name=login] input[type=hidden]').map(function(i, element){
     var input = $(element);
     return [[input.attr('name'), input.attr('value')]];
   callback(null, _.zipObject(formFields));
				rawCrewMember.each(function (elem, index, array) {
					var rawMemberDetail = $(this).text().replace(/\n/g, "|").replace(/\s/g, "-").split('|');
					var crewMemberObject = _.zipObject(crewMemberKey, rawMemberDetail);
Exemplo n.º 7
 before(async function () {
   // solc takes a while
   const contents = await Promise.all(contracts.map(async (filename) =>
     (await promisify(fs.readFile)('./contracts/' + filename)).toString()
   const sources = _.zipObject(contracts, contents);
   result = solc.compile({ sources }, 1);
Exemplo n.º 8
 .submit(function(err, relatedResults) {
   if (err) { relationshipDeferred.reject(err); }
   else {
     var keys = _.map(relatedResults.results, 'id');
     var related = _.zipObject(keys, relatedResults.results);
     documents.results[index].loadedDocuments = related;
Exemplo n.º 9
		function (results, next) {
			const tidToTopic = _.zipObject(tids, results.topics);
			const uidToUser = _.zipObject(uids, results.users);
			postsData.forEach(function (post) {
				if (results.topics && tidToTopic[post.tid]) {
					post.topic = tidToTopic[post.tid];
					if (post.topic && post.topic.category) {
						post.category = post.topic.category;

				if (uidToUser[post.uid]) {
					post.user = uidToUser[post.uid];

			postsData = postsData.filter(post => post && post.topic && !post.topic.deleted);
			next(null, postsData);
Exemplo n.º 10
function findSimilarFiles(mainManifest, mainUniquePaths, otherManifest, otherUniquePaths) {
    // Create inverse lookup table for the otherManifest that maps stringified data to a list of paths with the same hash and filesize
    // Ignores files that are empty (filesize === 0), because reporting similarities of empty files is not helpful
    var otherListInverseFileLookup = _.chain(otherManifest).pick(otherUniquePaths).omit(isFilesizeZero).mapValues(JSON.stringify).invert(true).value();

    // Create an object that maps a path in the mainManifest to a list of potential duplicates paths from the otherManifest
    return _.chain(_.zipObject(mainUniquePaths, mainUniquePaths)).mapValues(function(path) {
        return otherListInverseFileLookup[JSON.stringify(mainManifest[path])];
Exemplo n.º 11
 Async.map(refTuples, derefDependency.bind(this), function(derefErr, dereffedTuples) {
     if (!derefErr) {
         var dereffedTable = Lodash.zipObject(dereffedTuples);
         cb(null, dereffedTable);
     else {
         // console.warn(Chalk.gray('famous'), Chalk.yellow('warn'), 'Couldn\'t resolve some dependencies');
         cb(derefErr, depRefTable);
Exemplo n.º 12
 res.send(activity.map(function(repo) {
     var filteredCommits = _.values(repo.commits).filter(function (commit) {
         return -1 !== commit.Author.Email.indexOf(author) && new Date(commit.Author.When).getTime() / 1000 > since
     return {
         project: repo.project,
         repository: repo.repository,
         commits: _.zipObject(filteredCommits.map(function(c) { return c.Sha }), filteredCommits)
 }).filter(function(repo) {
function rowToGeoJSON(header, row) {
  let properties = _.zipObject(header, row);
  return {
    type: 'Feature',
    id: properties.CODE_POSTAL,
    label: properties.COMMUNE,
    geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ +properties.LONGITUDE, +properties.LATITUDE ] },
    properties: _.omit(properties, [ 'LONGITUDE', 'LATITUDE' ])
Exemplo n.º 14
		redis.hmget('notifications:' + request.user.id, keys, function (error, values) {
			if (error) {

				notifications: _.zipObject(keys, values.map(toInteger))
	componentDidMount: function () { // component is now in the DOM

		var self = this
		var DOMNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this)

		this.pc = d3.parcoords({
				//alpha: 0.2,
				color: "#069",
				shadowColor: "#f3f3f3", // does not exist in current PC version
				width: this.props.width,
				height: this.props.height,
				dimensionTitleRotation: this.props.dimensionTitleRotation || -50,
				margin: { top: 33, right: 0, bottom: 12, left: 0 },
				nullValueSeparator: "bottom"
			})( DOMNode )

		var ratio = 100/this.props.data.length;

		var types = _.zipObject(_.map(this.props.dimensions, (d, key)=>{return key}), _.map(this.props.dimensions, (d)=>{return d.type}))

		//var dimensions = _.map(this.props.dimensions, (d, key)=>{return key})
		//var dimensionTitles = _.map(this.props.dimensions, (d)=>{return d.description})
		var dimensions = _.map(this.props.dimensionsVisible, (d, key)=>{return d.value})
		var dimensionTitles = _.map(this.props.dimensionsVisible, (d, key)=>{return d.label})

		this.pc = this.pc
			.alpha( _.min([1,_.max([ratio,0.04])]) )
			.composite("source-over") // globalCompositeOperation "darken" may be broken in chrome, "source-over" is boring
			// TODO: once dimensions-metadata is available in d3 par coords, this will be a single call
			// show/hide dimensions [0,1,2,3,4,5]
			////////////.commonScale(false, "number", [0,1])
			////////////.tickValues([0.00,0.25,0.50,0.75,1.00]) //[0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0]
			.brushMode("1D-axes") // enable brushing
			.on("brushend", function (d) { self.onBrushEnd(d) })
			.on("brush", function (d) { self.onBrush(d) })
			//////////.on("resize", function (d) { console.log('onResize') })
			//////////.on("highlight", function (d) { console.log('onHighlight') })
			//////////.on("render", function (d) { console.log('onRender') })

		if (this.props.initialBrushExtents) {// set initial brushes
Exemplo n.º 16
    function run_(opts) {
        opts = _.defaults(opts || {}, {
            browsers: ['default-browser'],
            files: ['default-file']

        var tests = _.zipObject(opts.browsers, _.fill(Array(opts.browsers.length), opts.files)),
            runner = opts.runner || new Runner(makeConfigStub({browsers: opts.browsers}));

        return runner.run(tests);
Exemplo n.º 17
  getInitialState: function() {
     * Keeps track of sort direction on each column.
    var directionHash = _.zipObject(this.props.columns,
      _.times(this.props.columns.length, function() { return 'ascending'; }));

    return {
      directionHash: directionHash
Exemplo n.º 18
		this.files.forEach(function(file) {
			var locales = file.src.filter(function(filepath) {
				if (!grunt.file.exists(filepath)) {
					grunt.log.warn('Source file "' + filepath + '" not found.');

					return false;
				else {
					return true;
			}).map(function(filepath) {
				return grunt.file.readJSON(filepath);

			locales = _.zipObject(_.pluck(locales, "lang_code"), locales);

			_.mapValues(locales, function(e, i) {
				var lang = e.lang_code.replace("-widgets", "");

				if (e.lang_code.indexOf("-widgets") !== -1 && locales[lang]) {
					delete locales[e.lang_code];
					delete e.lang_code;

					_.assign(locales[lang].widgets, e);

			var outDir = this.options().outDir;

			_.each(locales, function(e, i) {
				var data = {
					lang_code: {
						message: i
					extDescription: {
						message: e.extDescription
					extName: {
						message: e.extName
					themes_upload_image: {
						message: e.themes.upload_image

				grunt.file.write(outDir + "/_locales/" + i.replace("-", "_") + "/messages.json", JSON.stringify(data));

			grunt.file.write(file.dest, "define(" + JSON.stringify(locales) + ");");

			grunt.log.writeln('File "' + file.dest + '" created.');
Exemplo n.º 19
 * Transform a collection of schema entities into model objects, suitable for rendering. The returned
 * object will contain model objects, keyed by their slugified title or id.
function entitiesToModel(entities) {
    entities = util.isArray(entities) ? entities : [entities];
    entities = _.map(entities, entityToModel);
    entities.sort(function(a, b) {
        if (a.name < b.name) return -1;
        if (a.name > b.name) return 1;
        return 0;
    entities = _.zipObject(_.pluck(entities, "slug"), entities);
    return entities;
Exemplo n.º 20
  // sort object keys in alp order
  sortKeysBy( obj, comparator ) {
    let keys = _.sortBy( _.keys(obj), (key) => {
      return comparator ? comparator(obj[key], key) : key;

    return _.zipObject( keys, _.map(keys, (key) => {
      return obj[key];

Exemplo n.º 21
 modelIns.findOne(id).then(function (record) {
   if (!record) {
   } else {
     var data = _.zipObject([model, 'user'], [record, req.session.user || {}])
     if( req.param('preload') == 'string' ){
       data = JSON.stringify(data)
     res.view(file, {data : data})
 }).fail(function (err) {
converterField.thermocycleDyes = function (input) {
  var filtered = _.filter(input, function (item) {
    return _.result(item, 'wells', []).length;
  //todo -verify a dye was selected, or use defualt. currently view is reponsible for guarantee
  var zipped = _.zipObject(_.pluck(filtered, 'dye'), _.pluck(filtered, 'wells'));
  if (_.keys(zipped).length == 0) {
    return null;
  return zipped;
Exemplo n.º 23
drone.on('server.onRoundOverTeamScores', function(words) {
  let scores = words.splice(1, words[0] * 1);
  let data = _.zipObject([
  ], words);
  data.scores = scores;
  winston.info('server.onRoundOverTeamScores', data);
  state.round.scores = data.scores;
  state.round.targetScore = data.targetScore;
Exemplo n.º 24
            _forEach(columnNames, (value, key) => {

                let columns;

                // Convert column names to an object so it can
                // be passed to Model#format
                if (_isArray(columnNames[key])) {
                    columns = _zipObject(columnNames[key], null);
                else {
                    columns = _zipObject(columnNames, null);

                // Format column names using Model#format
                if (_isArray(columnNames[key])) {
                    columnNames[key] = _keys(this.format(columns));
                else {
                    columnNames = _keys(this.format(columns));
Exemplo n.º 25
drone.on('server.onLevelLoaded', function(words) {
  let data = _.zipObject([
  ], words);
  winston.info('server.onLevelLoaded', data);
  startRound(Date.now(), false);
  state.round.map = data.map;
  state.round.mode = data.mode;
Exemplo n.º 26
// helper to generate human-friendly errors.
// adapted version from less_engine.js
function sassError(ctx /*, options*/) {
  // libsass error string format: path:line: error: message
  var error = _.zipObject(
    [ 'path', 'line', 'level', 'message' ],
    ctx.split(':', 4).map(function(str) { return str.trim(); })
  if (error.line && error.level && error.message) {
    return new Error('Line ' + error.line + ': ' + error.message);

  return new Error(ctx);
Exemplo n.º 27
 connection.query('desc ' + tableName, function(err, data) {
     if (err) {
     schemaDef[tableName] = data;
     pendingCount -= 1;
     obj[tableName] = _.zipObject(_.map(data, 'Field'), _.map(data, 'Type'));
     tableMapped[tableName] = _.camelCase(tableName);
     fields = fields.concat(_.map(data, 'Type'));
Exemplo n.º 28
QueryStringSerializer.prototype.deserialize = function (query) {
    if (!query) return {};
    var parameters = query.split("&"),
        values = _.map(parameters, function (value) {
            var parts = value.split("=");
            return {
                key: parts[0],
                value: parts[1]
    return _.zipObject(_.map(values, 'key'), _.map(values, 'value'));
Exemplo n.º 29
 _.each(['sample', 'anemometer'], function(db) {
     _.zipObject(['create', 'drop'], ['PUT', 'DELETE']), function(method, action) {
       httpConfig[action + '-' + db + '-db'] = {
         options: {
           url: '<%= env.couchdb.basePath %>' + db,
           method: method,
           auth: auth
Exemplo n.º 30
						function (results, next) {
							const cidToCategory = _.zipObject(cids, results.categories);
							topicsData.forEach(function (topic, index) {
								if (topic && results.categories && cidToCategory[topic.cid]) {
									topic.category = cidToCategory[topic.cid];
								if (topic && results.tags && results.tags[index]) {
									topic.tags = results.tags[index];

							next(null, topicsData);