Exemplo n.º 1
 function showImageAlert(src, cb) {
     var top = (document.documentElement.clientHeight - tileWidth * 3) / 2; //using tileWidth because we are scaling the bingo image to the screen width and the image is a square
     var alertContainer = d3.select("#alertContainer");
     alertContainer.style("display", "block").style("top", "-" + (tileWidth * 3) + "px").on("click", null);
     var img = d3.select("#alertContainer img").attr("src", src).style("width", (tileWidth * 3) + "px");
     //img.classed("rotate-text", true);
     console.log("top is " + top);
     //default behaviour is that image is removed when user clicks on it.
     alertContainer.on("click", function () {
         alertContainer.transition().duration(500).style("top", "-1300px")
             .each("end", function () {
                 alertContainer.style("display", "none");
                 if (d3.select(".tile").classed("flip")) {
                     var p = addClassToTiles(".tile", "unflip");
                     p.then(function () {
                         d3.selectAll(".tile").classed("flip", false);
     //show the image and invoke the callback after end of transition
     alertContainer.transition().duration(2000).style("top", top + "px").ease("bounce")
         .each("end", function () {
             if (typeof cb === "function") {
Exemplo n.º 2
 function highlightColumn(col) {
     var x = tileWidth * col,
         y = 0,
         w = tileWidth,
         h = height;
     d3.select("#columnHighlighter").style("top", y + "px").style("left", x + "px").style("width", w + "px").style("height", h + "px")
         .style("display", "block");
Exemplo n.º 3
 function highlightRow(row) {
     var y = tileHeight * row,
         x = 0,
         w = width,
         h = tileHeight;
     d3.select("#rowHighlighter").style("top", y + "px").style("left", x + "px").style("width", w + "px").style("height", h + "px")
         .style("display", "block");
Exemplo n.º 4
 .each("end", function () {
     alertContainer.style("display", "none");
     if (d3.select(".tile").classed("flip")) {
         var p = addClassToTiles(".tile", "unflip");
         p.then(function () {
             d3.selectAll(".tile").classed("flip", false);
Exemplo n.º 5
 img.onload = function () {
     // we can reposition the image if needed to properly centralise the captured image
     // using background-position-x or -y
     var xpos = (tileWidth - img.width) / 2,
         ypos = (tileHeight - img.height) / 2;
     var h = img.height * (tileWidth / img.width);
     d3.select("#" + tileId).style("background-image", "url(" + imageData + ")")
         .style("background-size", tileWidth + "px " + h + "px");
Exemplo n.º 6
 d3.selectAll(selector).each(function () {
     var el = d3.select(this);
     if (!p) {
         p = add(el);
     } else {
         p = p.then(function () {
             return add(el);
Exemplo n.º 7
     sets the text in the span provided.
     @param span a jquery selection object  (e.g the result of a $("span.name"))
 function setName(id) {
     var span = d3.select("#" + id + " .name");
     var currentName = span.html();
     var msg = "Enter the name of the person you want to meet: ",
         title = "Name a face";
     _prompt(msg, function (newName) {
         if (newName !== null) {
             span.style("background", "rgba(0,0,0,0.4)").html(newName);
             db.set(id + "name", newName);
     }, title, currentName);
Exemplo n.º 8
 function updateName(tileId, name) {
     d3.select("#" + tileId + " .name").html(name).style("background", "rgba(0,0,0,0.4)");