Exemplo n.º 1
var RESTSerializer = JSONSerializer.extend({
    If you want to do normalizations specific to some part of the payload, you
    can specify those under `normalizeHash`.

    For example, given the following json where the the `IDs` under
    `"comments"` are provided as `_id` instead of `id`.

      "post": {
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Rails is omakase",
        "comments": [ 1, 2 ]
      "comments": [{
        "_id": 1,
        "body": "FIRST"
      }, {
        "_id": 2,
        "body": "Rails is unagi"

    You use `normalizeHash` to normalize just the comments:

    App.PostSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      normalizeHash: {
        comments: function(hash) {
          hash.id = hash._id;
          delete hash._id;
          return hash;

    The key under `normalizeHash` is usually just the original key
    that was in the original payload. However, key names will be
    impacted by any modifications done in the `normalizePayload`
    method. The `DS.RESTSerializer`'s default implementation makes no
    changes to the payload keys.

    @property normalizeHash
    @type {Object}
    @default undefined

    Normalizes a part of the JSON payload returned by
    the server. You should override this method, munge the hash
    and call super if you have generic normalization to do.

    It takes the type of the record that is being normalized
    (as a DS.Model class), the property where the hash was
    originally found, and the hash to normalize.

    For example, if you have a payload that looks like this:

      "post": {
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Rails is omakase",
        "comments": [ 1, 2 ]
      "comments": [{
        "id": 1,
        "body": "FIRST"
      }, {
        "id": 2,
        "body": "Rails is unagi"

    The `normalize` method will be called three times:

    * With `App.Post`, `"posts"` and `{ id: 1, title: "Rails is omakase", ... }`
    * With `App.Comment`, `"comments"` and `{ id: 1, body: "FIRST" }`
    * With `App.Comment`, `"comments"` and `{ id: 2, body: "Rails is unagi" }`

    You can use this method, for example, to normalize underscored keys to camelized
    or other general-purpose normalizations.

    If you want to do normalizations specific to some part of the payload, you
    can specify those under `normalizeHash`.

    For example, if the `IDs` under `"comments"` are provided as `_id` instead of
    `id`, you can specify how to normalize just the comments:

    App.PostSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      normalizeHash: {
        comments: function(hash) {
          hash.id = hash._id;
          delete hash._id;
          return hash;

    The key under `normalizeHash` is just the original key that was in the original

    @method normalize
    @param {subclass of DS.Model} typeClass
    @param {Object} hash
    @param {String} prop
    @return {Object}
  normalize: function(typeClass, hash, prop) {
    this.normalizeAttributes(typeClass, hash);
    this.normalizeRelationships(typeClass, hash);

    this.normalizeUsingDeclaredMapping(typeClass, hash);

    if (this.normalizeHash && this.normalizeHash[prop]) {

    this.applyTransforms(typeClass, hash);
    return hash;

    Called when the server has returned a payload representing
    a single record, such as in response to a `find` or `save`.

    It is your opportunity to clean up the server's response into the normalized
    form expected by Ember Data.

    If you want, you can just restructure the top-level of your payload, and
    do more fine-grained normalization in the `normalize` method.

    For example, if you have a payload like this in response to a request for
    post 1:

      "id": 1,
      "title": "Rails is omakase",

      "_embedded": {
        "comment": [{
          "_id": 1,
          "comment_title": "FIRST"
        }, {
          "_id": 2,
          "comment_title": "Rails is unagi"

    You could implement a serializer that looks like this to get your payload
    into shape:

    App.PostSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      // First, restructure the top-level so it's organized by type
      extractSingle: function(store, typeClass, payload, id) {
        var comments = payload._embedded.comment;
        delete payload._embedded;

        payload = { comments: comments, post: payload };
        return this._super(store, typeClass, payload, id);

      normalizeHash: {
        // Next, normalize individual comments, which (after `extract`)
        // are now located under `comments`
        comments: function(hash) {
          hash.id = hash._id;
          hash.title = hash.comment_title;
          delete hash._id;
          delete hash.comment_title;
          return hash;

    When you call super from your own implementation of `extractSingle`, the
    built-in implementation will find the primary record in your normalized
    payload and push the remaining records into the store.

    The primary record is the single hash found under `post` or the first
    element of the `posts` array.

    The primary record has special meaning when the record is being created
    for the first time or updated (`createRecord` or `updateRecord`). In
    particular, it will update the properties of the record that was saved.

    @method extractSingle
    @param {DS.Store} store
    @param {subclass of DS.Model} primaryTypeClass
    @param {Object} payload
    @param {String} recordId
    @return {Object} the primary response to the original request
  extractSingle: function(store, primaryTypeClass, rawPayload, recordId) {
    var payload = this.normalizePayload(rawPayload);
    var primaryTypeClassName = primaryTypeClass.typeKey;
    var primaryRecord;

    for (var prop in payload) {
      var typeName  = this.typeForRoot(prop);

      if (!store.modelFactoryFor(typeName)) {
        Ember.warn(this.warnMessageNoModelForKey(prop, typeName), false);
      var type = store.modelFor(typeName);
      var isPrimary = type.typeKey === primaryTypeClassName;
      var value = payload[prop];

      if (value === null) {

      // legacy support for singular resources
      if (isPrimary && Ember.typeOf(value) !== "array" ) {
        primaryRecord = this.normalize(primaryTypeClass, value, prop);

      /*jshint loopfunc:true*/
      forEach.call(value, function(hash) {
        var typeName = this.typeForRoot(prop);
        var type = store.modelFor(typeName);
        var typeSerializer = store.serializerFor(type);

        hash = typeSerializer.normalize(type, hash, prop);

        var isFirstCreatedRecord = isPrimary && !recordId && !primaryRecord;
        var isUpdatedRecord = isPrimary && coerceId(hash.id) === recordId;

        // find the primary record.
        // It's either:
        // * the record with the same ID as the original request
        // * in the case of a newly created record that didn't have an ID, the first
        //   record in the Array
        if (isFirstCreatedRecord || isUpdatedRecord) {
          primaryRecord = hash;
        } else {
          store.push(typeName, hash);
      }, this);

    return primaryRecord;

    Called when the server has returned a payload representing
    multiple records, such as in response to a `findAll` or `findQuery`.

    It is your opportunity to clean up the server's response into the normalized
    form expected by Ember Data.

    If you want, you can just restructure the top-level of your payload, and
    do more fine-grained normalization in the `normalize` method.

    For example, if you have a payload like this in response to a request for
    all posts:

      "_embedded": {
        "post": [{
          "id": 1,
          "title": "Rails is omakase"
        }, {
          "id": 2,
          "title": "The Parley Letter"
        "comment": [{
          "_id": 1,
          "comment_title": "Rails is unagi",
          "post_id": 1
        }, {
          "_id": 2,
          "comment_title": "Don't tread on me",
          "post_id": 2

    You could implement a serializer that looks like this to get your payload
    into shape:

    App.PostSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      // First, restructure the top-level so it's organized by type
      // and the comments are listed under a post's `comments` key.
      extractArray: function(store, type, payload) {
        var posts = payload._embedded.post;
        var comments = [];
        var postCache = {};

        posts.forEach(function(post) {
          post.comments = [];
          postCache[post.id] = post;

        payload._embedded.comment.forEach(function(comment) {
          delete comment.post_id;

        payload = { comments: comments, posts: posts };

        return this._super(store, type, payload);

      normalizeHash: {
        // Next, normalize individual comments, which (after `extract`)
        // are now located under `comments`
        comments: function(hash) {
          hash.id = hash._id;
          hash.title = hash.comment_title;
          delete hash._id;
          delete hash.comment_title;
          return hash;

    When you call super from your own implementation of `extractArray`, the
    built-in implementation will find the primary array in your normalized
    payload and push the remaining records into the store.

    The primary array is the array found under `posts`.

    The primary record has special meaning when responding to `findQuery`
    or `findHasMany`. In particular, the primary array will become the
    list of records in the record array that kicked off the request.

    If your primary array contains secondary (embedded) records of the same type,
    you cannot place these into the primary array `posts`. Instead, place the
    secondary items into an underscore prefixed property `_posts`, which will
    push these items into the store and will not affect the resulting query.

    @method extractArray
    @param {DS.Store} store
    @param {subclass of DS.Model} primaryTypeClass
    @param {Object} payload
    @return {Array} The primary array that was returned in response
      to the original query.
  extractArray: function(store, primaryTypeClass, rawPayload) {
    var payload = this.normalizePayload(rawPayload);
    var primaryTypeClassName = primaryTypeClass.typeKey;
    var primaryArray;

    for (var prop in payload) {
      var typeKey = prop;
      var forcedSecondary = false;

      if (prop.charAt(0) === '_') {
        forcedSecondary = true;
        typeKey = prop.substr(1);

      var typeName = this.typeForRoot(typeKey);
      if (!store.modelFactoryFor(typeName)) {
        Ember.warn(this.warnMessageNoModelForKey(prop, typeName), false);
      var type = store.modelFor(typeName);
      var typeSerializer = store.serializerFor(type);
      var isPrimary = (!forcedSecondary && (type.typeKey === primaryTypeClassName));

      /*jshint loopfunc:true*/
      var normalizedArray = map.call(payload[prop], function(hash) {
        return typeSerializer.normalize(type, hash, prop);
      }, this);

      if (isPrimary) {
        primaryArray = normalizedArray;
      } else {
        store.pushMany(typeName, normalizedArray);

    return primaryArray;

    This method allows you to push a payload containing top-level
    collections of records organized per type.

      "posts": [{
        "id": "1",
        "title": "Rails is omakase",
        "author", "1",
        "comments": [ "1" ]
      "comments": [{
        "id": "1",
        "body": "FIRST"
      "users": [{
        "id": "1",
        "name": "@d2h"

    It will first normalize the payload, so you can use this to push
    in data streaming in from your server structured the same way
    that fetches and saves are structured.

    @method pushPayload
    @param {DS.Store} store
    @param {Object} payload
  pushPayload: function(store, rawPayload) {
    var payload = this.normalizePayload(rawPayload);

    for (var prop in payload) {
      var typeKey = this.typeForRoot(prop);
      if (!store.modelFactoryFor(typeKey, prop)) {
        Ember.warn(this.warnMessageNoModelForKey(prop, typeKey), false);
      var type = store.modelFor(typeKey);
      var typeSerializer = store.serializerFor(type);

      /*jshint loopfunc:true*/
      var normalizedArray = map.call(Ember.makeArray(payload[prop]), function(hash) {
        return typeSerializer.normalize(type, hash, prop);
      }, this);

      store.pushMany(typeKey, normalizedArray);

    This method is used to convert each JSON root key in the payload
    into a typeKey that it can use to look up the appropriate model for
    that part of the payload. By default the typeKey for a model is its
    name in camelCase, so if your JSON root key is 'fast-car' you would
    use typeForRoot to convert it to 'fastCar' so that Ember Data finds
    the `FastCar` model.

    If you diverge from this norm you should also consider changes to
    store._normalizeTypeKey as well.

    For example, your server may return prefixed root keys like so:

      "response-fast-car": {
        "id": "1",
        "name": "corvette"

    In order for Ember Data to know that the model corresponding to
    the 'response-fast-car' hash is `FastCar` (typeKey: 'fastCar'),
    you can override typeForRoot to convert 'response-fast-car' to
    'fastCar' like so:

    App.ApplicationSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      typeForRoot: function(root) {
        // 'response-fast-car' should become 'fast-car'
        var subRoot = root.substring(9);

        // _super normalizes 'fast-car' to 'fastCar'
        return this._super(subRoot);

    @method typeForRoot
    @param {String} key
    @return {String} the model's typeKey
  typeForRoot: function(key) {
    return camelize(singularize(key));


    Called when a record is saved in order to convert the
    record into JSON.

    By default, it creates a JSON object with a key for
    each attribute and belongsTo relationship.

    For example, consider this model:

    App.Comment = DS.Model.extend({
      title: DS.attr(),
      body: DS.attr(),

      author: DS.belongsTo('user')

    The default serialization would create a JSON object like:

      "title": "Rails is unagi",
      "body": "Rails? Omakase? O_O",
      "author": 12

    By default, attributes are passed through as-is, unless
    you specified an attribute type (`DS.attr('date')`). If
    you specify a transform, the JavaScript value will be
    serialized when inserted into the JSON hash.

    By default, belongs-to relationships are converted into
    IDs when inserted into the JSON hash.

    ## IDs

    `serialize` takes an options hash with a single option:
    `includeId`. If this option is `true`, `serialize` will,
    by default include the ID in the JSON object it builds.

    The adapter passes in `includeId: true` when serializing
    a record for `createRecord`, but not for `updateRecord`.

    ## Customization

    Your server may expect a different JSON format than the
    built-in serialization format.

    In that case, you can implement `serialize` yourself and
    return a JSON hash of your choosing.

    App.PostSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      serialize: function(snapshot, options) {
        var json = {
          POST_TTL: snapshot.attr('title'),
          POST_BDY: snapshot.attr('body'),
          POST_CMS: snapshot.hasMany('comments', { ids: true })

        if (options.includeId) {
          json.POST_ID_ = snapshot.id;

        return json;

    ## Customizing an App-Wide Serializer

    If you want to define a serializer for your entire
    application, you'll probably want to use `eachAttribute`
    and `eachRelationship` on the record.

    App.ApplicationSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      serialize: function(snapshot, options) {
        var json = {};

        snapshot.eachAttribute(function(name) {
          json[serverAttributeName(name)] = snapshot.attr(name);

        snapshot.eachRelationship(function(name, relationship) {
          if (relationship.kind === 'hasMany') {
            json[serverHasManyName(name)] = snapshot.hasMany(name, { ids: true });

        if (options.includeId) {
          json.ID_ = snapshot.id;

        return json;

    function serverAttributeName(attribute) {
      return attribute.underscore().toUpperCase();

    function serverHasManyName(name) {
      return serverAttributeName(name.singularize()) + "_IDS";

    This serializer will generate JSON that looks like this:

      "TITLE": "Rails is omakase",
      "BODY": "Yep. Omakase.",
      "COMMENT_IDS": [ 1, 2, 3 ]

    ## Tweaking the Default JSON

    If you just want to do some small tweaks on the default JSON,
    you can call super first and make the tweaks on the returned

    App.PostSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      serialize: function(snapshot, options) {
        var json = this._super(snapshot, options);

        json.subject = json.title;
        delete json.title;

        return json;

    @method serialize
    @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
    @param {Object} options
    @return {Object} json
  serialize: function(snapshot, options) {
    return this._super.apply(this, arguments);

    You can use this method to customize the root keys serialized into the JSON.
    By default the REST Serializer sends the typeKey of a model, which is a camelized
    version of the name.

    For example, your server may expect underscored root objects.

    App.ApplicationSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      serializeIntoHash: function(data, type, record, options) {
        var root = Ember.String.decamelize(type.typeKey);
        data[root] = this.serialize(record, options);

    @method serializeIntoHash
    @param {Object} hash
    @param {subclass of DS.Model} typeClass
    @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
    @param {Object} options
  serializeIntoHash: function(hash, typeClass, snapshot, options) {
    hash[typeClass.typeKey] = this.serialize(snapshot, options);

    You can use this method to customize how polymorphic objects are serialized.
    By default the JSON Serializer creates the key by appending `Type` to
    the attribute and value from the model's camelcased model name.

    @method serializePolymorphicType
    @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
    @param {Object} json
    @param {Object} relationship
  serializePolymorphicType: function(snapshot, json, relationship) {
    var key = relationship.key;
    var belongsTo = snapshot.belongsTo(key);
    key = this.keyForAttribute ? this.keyForAttribute(key, "serialize") : key;
    if (Ember.isNone(belongsTo)) {
      json[key + "Type"] = null;
    } else {
      json[key + "Type"] = Ember.String.camelize(belongsTo.typeKey);
Exemplo n.º 2
var RESTSerializer = JSONSerializer.extend({

    If you want to do normalizations specific to some part of the payload, you
    can specify those under `normalizeHash`.

    For example, given the following json where the the `IDs` under
    `"comments"` are provided as `_id` instead of `id`.

      "post": {
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Rails is omakase",
        "comments": [ 1, 2 ]
      "comments": [{
        "_id": 1,
        "body": "FIRST"
      }, {
        "_id": 2,
        "body": "Rails is unagi"

    You use `normalizeHash` to normalize just the comments:

    import DS from 'ember-data';

    export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      normalizeHash: {
        comments: function(hash) {
          hash.id = hash._id;
          delete hash._id;
          return hash;

    The key under `normalizeHash` is usually just the original key
    that was in the original payload. However, key names will be
    impacted by any modifications done in the `normalizePayload`
    method. The `DS.RESTSerializer`'s default implementation makes no
    changes to the payload keys.

    @property normalizeHash
    @type {Object}
    @default undefined

    Normalizes a part of the JSON payload returned by
    the server. You should override this method, munge the hash
    and call super if you have generic normalization to do.

    It takes the type of the record that is being normalized
    (as a DS.Model class), the property where the hash was
    originally found, and the hash to normalize.

    For example, if you have a payload that looks like this:

      "post": {
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Rails is omakase",
        "comments": [ 1, 2 ]
      "comments": [{
        "id": 1,
        "body": "FIRST"
      }, {
        "id": 2,
        "body": "Rails is unagi"

    The `normalize` method will be called three times:

    * With `App.Post`, `"posts"` and `{ id: 1, title: "Rails is omakase", ... }`
    * With `App.Comment`, `"comments"` and `{ id: 1, body: "FIRST" }`
    * With `App.Comment`, `"comments"` and `{ id: 2, body: "Rails is unagi" }`

    You can use this method, for example, to normalize underscored keys to camelized
    or other general-purpose normalizations.

    If you want to do normalizations specific to some part of the payload, you
    can specify those under `normalizeHash`.

    For example, if the `IDs` under `"comments"` are provided as `_id` instead of
    `id`, you can specify how to normalize just the comments:

    import DS from 'ember-data';

    export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      normalizeHash: {
        comments: function(hash) {
          hash.id = hash._id;
          delete hash._id;
          return hash;

    The key under `normalizeHash` is just the original key that was in the original

    @method normalize
    @param {DS.Model} modelClass
    @param {Object} resourceHash
    @param {String} prop
    @return {Object}
  normalize: function(modelClass, resourceHash, prop) {
    if (this.normalizeHash && this.normalizeHash[prop]) {
    return this._super(modelClass, resourceHash, prop);

    Normalizes an array of resource payloads and returns a JSON-API Document
    with primary data and, if any, included data as `{ data, included }`.

    @method _normalizeArray
    @param {DS.Store} store
    @param {String} modelName
    @param {Object} arrayHash
    @param {String} prop
    @return {Object}
  _normalizeArray: function(store, modelName, arrayHash, prop) {
    let documentHash = {
      data: [],
      included: []

    let modelClass = store.modelFor(modelName);
    let serializer = store.serializerFor(modelName);

    arrayHash.forEach((hash) => {
      let { data, included } = serializer.normalize(modelClass, hash, prop);
      if (included) {

    return documentHash;

    @method _normalizeResponse
    @param {DS.Store} store
    @param {DS.Model} primaryModelClass
    @param {Object} payload
    @param {String|Number} id
    @param {String} requestType
    @param {Boolean} isSingle
    @return {Object} JSON-API Document
  _normalizeResponse: function(store, primaryModelClass, payload, id, requestType, isSingle) {
    let documentHash = {
      data: null,
      included: []

    let meta = this.extractMeta(store, primaryModelClass, payload);
    if (meta) {
      Ember.assert('The `meta` returned from `extractMeta` has to be an object, not "' + Ember.typeOf(meta) + '".', Ember.typeOf(meta) === 'object');
      documentHash.meta = meta;

    var keys = Object.keys(payload);

    for (let i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
      let prop = keys[i];
      var modelName = prop;
      var forcedSecondary = false;

        If you want to provide sideloaded records of the same type that the
        primary data you can do that by prefixing the key with `_`.


          users: [
            { id: 1, title: 'Tom', manager: 3 },
            { id: 2, title: 'Yehuda', manager: 3 }
          _users: [
            { id: 3, title: 'Tomster' }

        This forces `_users` to be added to `included` instead of `data`.
      if (prop.charAt(0) === '_') {
        forcedSecondary = true;
        modelName = prop.substr(1);

      var typeName = this.modelNameFromPayloadKey(modelName);
      if (!store.modelFactoryFor(typeName)) {
        Ember.warn(this.warnMessageNoModelForKey(modelName, typeName), false);

      var isPrimary = (!forcedSecondary && this.isPrimaryType(store, typeName, primaryModelClass));
      var value = payload[prop];

      if (value === null) {

        Support primary data as an object instead of an array.


          user: { id: 1, title: 'Tom', manager: 3 }
      if (isPrimary && Ember.typeOf(value) !== 'array') {
        let {data, included} = this.normalize(primaryModelClass, value, prop);
        documentHash.data = data;
        if (included) {

      let { data, included } = this._normalizeArray(store, typeName, value, prop);

      if (included) {

      if (isSingle) {
        /*jshint loopfunc:true*/
        data.forEach((resource) => {

            Figures out if this is the primary record or not.

            It's either:

            1. The record with the same ID as the original request
            2. If it's a newly created record without an ID, the first record
               in the array
          var isUpdatedRecord = isPrimary && coerceId(resource.id) === id;
          var isFirstCreatedRecord = isPrimary && !id && !documentHash.data;

          if (isFirstCreatedRecord || isUpdatedRecord) {
            documentHash.data = resource;
          } else {
      } else {
        if (isPrimary) {
          documentHash.data = data;
        } else {
          if (data) {

    return documentHash;

  isPrimaryType: function(store, typeName, primaryTypeClass) {
    var typeClass = store.modelFor(typeName);
    return typeClass.modelName === primaryTypeClass.modelName;

    This method allows you to push a payload containing top-level
    collections of records organized per type.

      "posts": [{
        "id": "1",
        "title": "Rails is omakase",
        "author", "1",
        "comments": [ "1" ]
      "comments": [{
        "id": "1",
        "body": "FIRST"
      "users": [{
        "id": "1",
        "name": "@d2h"

    It will first normalize the payload, so you can use this to push
    in data streaming in from your server structured the same way
    that fetches and saves are structured.

    @method pushPayload
    @param {DS.Store} store
    @param {Object} rawPayload
  pushPayload: function(store, rawPayload) {
    let documentHash = {
      data: [],
      included: []
    let payload = this.normalizePayload(rawPayload);

    for (var prop in payload) {
      var modelName = this.modelNameFromPayloadKey(prop);
      if (!store.modelFactoryFor(modelName)) {
        Ember.warn(this.warnMessageNoModelForKey(prop, modelName), false);
      var type = store.modelFor(modelName);
      var typeSerializer = store.serializerFor(type.modelName);

      /*jshint loopfunc:true*/
      Ember.makeArray(payload[prop]).forEach((hash) => {
        let { data, included } = typeSerializer.normalize(type, hash, prop);
        if (included) {


    This method is used to convert each JSON root key in the payload
    into a modelName that it can use to look up the appropriate model for
    that part of the payload.

    For example, your server may send a model name that does not correspond with
    the name of the model in your app. Let's take a look at an example model,
    and an example payload:

    import DS from 'ember-data';

    export default DS.Model.extend({

        "blog/post": {
          "id": "1

    Ember Data is going to normalize the payload's root key for the modelName. As a result,
    it will try to look up the "blog/post" model. Since we don't have a model called "blog/post"
    (or a file called app/models/blog/post.js in ember-cli), Ember Data will throw an error
    because it cannot find the "blog/post" model.

    Since we want to remove this namespace, we can define a serializer for the application that will
    remove "blog/" from the payload key whenver it's encountered by Ember Data:

    import DS from 'ember-data';

    export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      modelNameFromPayloadKey: function(payloadKey) {
        if (payloadKey === 'blog/post') {
          return this._super(payloadKey.replace('blog/', ''));
        } else {
         return this._super(payloadKey);

    After refreshing, Ember Data will appropriately look up the "post" model.

    By default the modelName for a model is its
    name in dasherized form. This means that a payload key like "blogPost" would be
    normalized to "blog-post" when Ember Data looks up the model. Usually, Ember Data
    can use the correct inflection to do this for you. Most of the time, you won't
    need to override `modelNameFromPayloadKey` for this purpose.

    @method modelNameFromPayloadKey
    @param {String} key
    @return {String} the model's modelName
  modelNameFromPayloadKey: function(key) {
    return singularize(normalizeModelName(key));


    Called when a record is saved in order to convert the
    record into JSON.

    By default, it creates a JSON object with a key for
    each attribute and belongsTo relationship.

    For example, consider this model:

    import DS from 'ember-data';

    export default DS.Model.extend({
      title: DS.attr(),
      body: DS.attr(),

      author: DS.belongsTo('user')

    The default serialization would create a JSON object like:

      "title": "Rails is unagi",
      "body": "Rails? Omakase? O_O",
      "author": 12

    By default, attributes are passed through as-is, unless
    you specified an attribute type (`DS.attr('date')`). If
    you specify a transform, the JavaScript value will be
    serialized when inserted into the JSON hash.

    By default, belongs-to relationships are converted into
    IDs when inserted into the JSON hash.

    ## IDs

    `serialize` takes an options hash with a single option:
    `includeId`. If this option is `true`, `serialize` will,
    by default include the ID in the JSON object it builds.

    The adapter passes in `includeId: true` when serializing
    a record for `createRecord`, but not for `updateRecord`.

    ## Customization

    Your server may expect a different JSON format than the
    built-in serialization format.

    In that case, you can implement `serialize` yourself and
    return a JSON hash of your choosing.

    import DS from 'ember-data';

    export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      serialize: function(snapshot, options) {
        var json = {
          POST_TTL: snapshot.attr('title'),
          POST_BDY: snapshot.attr('body'),
          POST_CMS: snapshot.hasMany('comments', { ids: true })

        if (options.includeId) {
          json.POST_ID_ = snapshot.id;

        return json;

    ## Customizing an App-Wide Serializer

    If you want to define a serializer for your entire
    application, you'll probably want to use `eachAttribute`
    and `eachRelationship` on the record.

    import DS from 'ember-data';

    export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      serialize: function(snapshot, options) {
        var json = {};

        snapshot.eachAttribute(function(name) {
          json[serverAttributeName(name)] = snapshot.attr(name);

        snapshot.eachRelationship(function(name, relationship) {
          if (relationship.kind === 'hasMany') {
            json[serverHasManyName(name)] = snapshot.hasMany(name, { ids: true });

        if (options.includeId) {
          json.ID_ = snapshot.id;

        return json;

    function serverAttributeName(attribute) {
      return attribute.underscore().toUpperCase();

    function serverHasManyName(name) {
      return serverAttributeName(name.singularize()) + "_IDS";

    This serializer will generate JSON that looks like this:

      "TITLE": "Rails is omakase",
      "BODY": "Yep. Omakase.",
      "COMMENT_IDS": [ 1, 2, 3 ]

    ## Tweaking the Default JSON

    If you just want to do some small tweaks on the default JSON,
    you can call super first and make the tweaks on the returned

    import DS from 'ember-data';

    export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      serialize: function(snapshot, options) {
        var json = this._super(snapshot, options);

        json.subject = json.title;
        delete json.title;

        return json;

    @method serialize
    @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
    @param {Object} options
    @return {Object} json
  serialize: function(snapshot, options) {
    return this._super(...arguments);

    You can use this method to customize the root keys serialized into the JSON.
    By default the REST Serializer sends the modelName of a model, which is a camelized
    version of the name.

    For example, your server may expect underscored root objects.

    import DS from 'ember-data';

    export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      serializeIntoHash: function(data, type, record, options) {
        var root = Ember.String.decamelize(type.modelName);
        data[root] = this.serialize(record, options);

    @method serializeIntoHash
    @param {Object} hash
    @param {DS.Model} typeClass
    @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
    @param {Object} options
  serializeIntoHash: function(hash, typeClass, snapshot, options) {
    var normalizedRootKey = this.payloadKeyFromModelName(typeClass.modelName);
    hash[normalizedRootKey] = this.serialize(snapshot, options);

    You can use `payloadKeyFromModelName` to override the root key for an outgoing
    request. By default, the RESTSerializer returns a camelized version of the
    model's name.

    For a model called TacoParty, its `modelName` would be the string `taco-party`. The RESTSerializer
    will send it to the server with `tacoParty` as the root key in the JSON payload:

      "tacoParty": {
        "id": "1",
        "location": "Matthew Beale's House"

    For example, your server may expect dasherized root objects:

    import DS from 'ember-data';

    export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
      payloadKeyFromModelName: function(modelName) {
        return Ember.String.dasherize(modelName);

    Given a `TacoParty' model, calling `save` on a tacoModel would produce an outgoing
    request like:

      "taco-party": {
        "id": "1",
        "location": "Matthew Beale's House"

    @method payloadKeyFromModelName
    @param {String} modelName
    @return {String}
  payloadKeyFromModelName: function(modelName) {
    return camelize(modelName);

   Deprecated. Use modelNameFromPayloadKey instead

    @method typeForRoot
    @param {String} modelName
    @return {String}
  typeForRoot: function(modelName) {
    Ember.deprecate("typeForRoot is deprecated. Use modelNameFromPayloadKey instead.");
    return this.modelNameFromPayloadKey(modelName);

    You can use this method to customize how polymorphic objects are serialized.
    By default the JSON Serializer creates the key by appending `Type` to
    the attribute and value from the model's camelcased model name.

    @method serializePolymorphicType
    @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
    @param {Object} json
    @param {Object} relationship
  serializePolymorphicType: function(snapshot, json, relationship) {
    var key = relationship.key;
    var belongsTo = snapshot.belongsTo(key);
    key = this.keyForAttribute ? this.keyForAttribute(key, "serialize") : key;
    if (Ember.isNone(belongsTo)) {
      json[key + "Type"] = null;
    } else {
      json[key + "Type"] = Ember.String.camelize(belongsTo.modelName);
Exemplo n.º 3
export default JSONSerializer.extend({

    @method _normalizeRelationshipDataHelper
    @param {Object} relationshipDataHash
    @return {Object}
  _normalizeRelationshipDataHelper: function(relationshipDataHash) {
    let type = this.modelNameFromPayloadKey(relationshipDataHash.type);
    relationshipDataHash.type = type;
    return relationshipDataHash;

    @method _normalizeResourceHelper
    @param {Object} resourceHash
    @return {Object}
  _normalizeResourceHelper: function(resourceHash) {
    let modelName = this.modelNameFromPayloadKey(resourceHash.type);
    let modelClass = this.store.modelFor(modelName);
    let serializer = this.store.serializerFor(modelName);
    let { data } = serializer.normalize(modelClass, resourceHash);
    return data;

    @method _normalizeResponse
    @param {DS.Store} store
    @param {DS.Model} primaryModelClass
    @param {Object} payload
    @param {String|Number} id
    @param {String} requestType
    @param {Boolean} isSingle
    @return {Object} JSON-API Document
  _normalizeResponse: function(store, primaryModelClass, payload, id, requestType, isSingle) {

    if (Ember.typeOf(payload.data) === 'object') {
      payload.data = this._normalizeResourceHelper(payload.data);
    } else {
      payload.data = map(payload.data, this._normalizeResourceHelper, this);

    if (Ember.typeOf(payload.included) === 'array') {
      payload.included = map(payload.included, this._normalizeResourceHelper, this);

    return payload;

    @method extractAttributes
    @param {DS.Model} modelClass
    @param {Object} resourceHash
    @return {Object}
  extractAttributes: function(modelClass, resourceHash) {
    var attributes = {};

    if (resourceHash.attributes) {
      modelClass.eachAttribute((key) => {
        let attributeKey = this.keyForAttribute(key, 'deserialize');
        if (resourceHash.attributes.hasOwnProperty(attributeKey)) {
          attributes[key] = resourceHash.attributes[attributeKey];

    return attributes;

    @method extractRelationship
    @param {Object} relationshipHash
    @return {Object}
  extractRelationship: function(relationshipHash) {

    if (Ember.typeOf(relationshipHash.data) === 'object') {
      relationshipHash.data = this._normalizeRelationshipDataHelper(relationshipHash.data);

    if (Ember.typeOf(relationshipHash.data) === 'array') {
      relationshipHash.data = map(relationshipHash.data, this._normalizeRelationshipDataHelper, this);

    return relationshipHash;

    @method extractRelationships
    @param {Object} modelClass
    @param {Object} resourceHash
    @return {Object}
  extractRelationships: function(modelClass, resourceHash) {
    let relationships = {};

    if (resourceHash.relationships) {
      modelClass.eachRelationship((key, relationshipMeta) => {
        let relationshipKey = this.keyForRelationship(key, relationshipMeta.kind, 'deserialize');
        if (resourceHash.relationships.hasOwnProperty(relationshipKey)) {

          let relationshipHash = resourceHash.relationships[relationshipKey];
          relationships[key] = this.extractRelationship(relationshipHash);


    return relationships;

    @method extractType
    @param {DS.Model} modelClass
    @param {Object} resourceHash
    @return {String}
  _extractType: function(modelClass, resourceHash) {
    return this.modelNameFromPayloadKey(resourceHash.type);

    @method modelNameFromPayloadKey
    @param {String} key
    @return {String} the model's modelName
  modelNameFromPayloadKey: function(key) {
    return singularize(normalizeModelName(key));

    @method payloadKeyFromModelName
    @param {String} modelName
    @return {String}
  payloadKeyFromModelName: function(modelName) {
    return pluralize(modelName);

    @method normalize
    @param {DS.Model} modelClass
    @param {Object} resourceHash
    @return {String}
  normalize: function(modelClass, resourceHash) {
    this.normalizeUsingDeclaredMapping(modelClass, resourceHash);

    let data = {
      id:            this.extractId(resourceHash),
      type:          this._extractType(modelClass, resourceHash),
      attributes:    this.extractAttributes(modelClass, resourceHash),
      relationships: this.extractRelationships(modelClass, resourceHash)

    this.applyTransforms(modelClass, data.attributes);

    return { data };

   @method keyForAttribute
   @param {String} key
   @param {String} method
   @return {String} normalized key
  keyForAttribute: function(key, method) {
    return dasherize(key);

   @method keyForRelationship
   @param {String} key
   @param {String} typeClass
   @param {String} method
   @return {String} normalized key
  keyForRelationship: function(key, typeClass, method) {
    return dasherize(key);

    @method serialize
    @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
    @param {Object} options
    @return {Object} json
  serialize: function(snapshot, options) {
    let data = this._super(...arguments);
    data.type = this.payloadKeyFromModelName(snapshot.modelName);
    return { data };

   @method serializeAttribute
   @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
   @param {Object} json
   @param {String} key
   @param {Object} attribute
  serializeAttribute: function(snapshot, json, key, attribute) {
    var type = attribute.type;

    if (this._canSerialize(key)) {
      json.attributes = json.attributes || {};

      var value = snapshot.attr(key);
      if (type) {
        var transform = this.transformFor(type);
        value = transform.serialize(value);

      var payloadKey =  this._getMappedKey(key);
      if (payloadKey === key) {
        payloadKey = this.keyForAttribute(key, 'serialize');

      json.attributes[payloadKey] = value;

   @method serializeBelongsTo
   @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
   @param {Object} json
   @param {Object} relationship
  serializeBelongsTo: function(snapshot, json, relationship) {
    var key = relationship.key;

    if (this._canSerialize(key)) {
      var belongsTo = snapshot.belongsTo(key);
      if (belongsTo !== undefined) {

        json.relationships = json.relationships || {};

        var payloadKey = this._getMappedKey(key);
        if (payloadKey === key) {
          payloadKey = this.keyForRelationship(key, 'belongsTo', 'serialize');

        let data = null;
        if (belongsTo) {
          data = {
            type: this.payloadKeyFromModelName(belongsTo.modelName),
            id: belongsTo.id

        json.relationships[payloadKey] = { data };

   @method serializeHasMany
   @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
   @param {Object} json
   @param {Object} relationship
  serializeHasMany: function(snapshot, json, relationship) {
    var key = relationship.key;

    if (this._shouldSerializeHasMany(snapshot, key, relationship)) {
      var hasMany = snapshot.hasMany(key);
      if (hasMany !== undefined) {

        json.relationships = json.relationships || {};

        var payloadKey = this._getMappedKey(key);
        if (payloadKey === key && this.keyForRelationship) {
          payloadKey = this.keyForRelationship(key, 'hasMany', 'serialize');

        let data = map(hasMany, (item) => {
          return {
            type: item.modelName,
            id: item.id

        json.relationships[payloadKey] = { data };